Falling for the Wingman (The Kelly Brothers, Book 3) (15 page)

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Authors: Crista McHugh

Tags: #contemporary romance

BOOK: Falling for the Wingman (The Kelly Brothers, Book 3)
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“I want this.” She guided the card into the slot. “I’ve wanted you since the moment I met you.”

“Good, because when I’m with you, I feel like I’m home.”

He never imagined such a simple confession would make her glow like it did. The brightness of her smile chased away the lingering shadows in his heart and bathed him in its light. It had the same effect on him the emails had—bolstering his spirits and injecting him with a love that was more precious than anything money could buy.

He held the door open for her. “I have just one request.”

“What’s that?” She turned to him and threaded her fingers through his hair.

“Leave the shoes on.”

She pulled him closer, her grin widening. “Fine, but I get to be on top.”

“I can live with that.” He covered her mouth with his own and blindly searched for her zipper as her tongue danced with his.

Her dress was the first article of clothing that was shed, quickly followed by his jacket and shirt. By the time they’d crossed the room to the bed, she was in the process of shimmying her panties off while he unfastened her bra. He’d just freed the final hook when she pushed him back on the mattress, giving him his first glance at her in all her naked glory. He’d never seen a more beautiful woman, and he couldn’t believe she was here with him.

She crawled on top of him, her skin flushed with desire, her brown eyes as hungry as her kisses. “What did you do with that condom?”

“It’s next to my lucky charm.”

She retrieved it from his pants and wasted no time removing his shorts and rolling it on. “I need you now.”

“Then let’s not waste any more time.”

She straddled his lap, still wearing those silver high heels, and positioned her opening over the tip of his cock. Inch by inch, she took him in until he was fully sheathed inside her tight walls.

He inhaled through his teeth. “My God, you feel so good.”

“I’m only getting started.” She rolled her hips, creating a subtle friction that sent jolts along the length of his shaft. “That’s better.”

“Please, Alex, if you don’t start moving soon, I’m going to lose my mind.”

“Patience, flyboy.”

But she lifted her hips, rising until just his tip was inside her, before sliding back down. She repeated her actions, each time faster until they found the perfect rhythm. He watched her with awe. She was like a goddess riding him. She threw her head back, the arch of her neck practically begging his lips to touch her there. A purr of contentment rose from her throat when he placed a kiss there.

Caleb pressed his palm into the small of her back, changing the angle of penetration. Her breath caught, and she dug her fingers into his shoulders. “Yes, there. Right there.”

The rocking of her pelvis quickened and grew erratic. He tried to calm her movements, to guide her hips with his hands, but she would have none of it. She fought him, lost in her own ecstasy, and captured his lips once more. He tasted the desperation, her need, in her kiss. She was close, so very close.

But so was he. It had been wildly erotic watching her ride him with her silver heels on, never mind how wonderful it felt to be inside her. But when he looked into her eyes, he saw more than just sexual lust. He saw peace, acceptance, wonder, and warmth. His chest tightened when he realized whatever was developing between them went beyond the physical. Alex was in love with him. And somewhere along the way, he’d fallen just as hard for her.

Her inner walls clenched his cock, and his name fell from her lips. A shudder signaling her release wracked her body and flowed into him, triggering his own. Pure bliss rushed through him like a 6 g nosedive and blurred his vision. He came, crying her name and wrapping his arms around her like she was the only thing that could save him from a complete G-LOC.

But when his vision cleared, she was still there, her forehead pressed against his. A choked laugh alternated with a sound that bordered on a sob in every rapid breath she exhaled.

He brushed her hair back to find a hesitant smile twitching on her full lips. “You okay?”

She nodded. “You?”

“Yeah.” He eased back on the mattress, taking her with him and holding her close. “I’d say I’m feeling pretty damn good right now.”

“Me, too.” She chewed her bottom lip a moment before adding, “Do you think we can do that again?”

He opened the nightstand drawer and pulled out the box of condoms he’d bought earlier.

Alex raised a brow. “That certain you were going to get laid tonight, huh?”

“Aren’t you glad I was prepared for the best-case scenario?”

She gave him a soft, sexy laugh that revived the blood flow to his cock. “Just let me know when you’re ready to go.”

“Most definitely.” He pulled her closer, feeling the steady drum of her heart through her chest, and grinned. No matter what happened after tonight, he knew life would never be dull with Alex.

Chapter Ten


Alex opened her eyes and zeroed in on the thin rim of sunlight that poured through a crack in the drapes and sliced across the bed. It was morning. The pleasant ache between her thighs reminded her of the previous night’s activities. She’d lost count how many times she’d come with Caleb inside her, discovering how wonderful he felt as they tried out position after position, all with her still wearing those ridiculous heels. But when they’d both reached the point of sheer exhaustion, he’d removed her shoes and cradled her in his arms until she’d fallen asleep.

She’d known sex would be great with Caleb, but she’d never imagined how well they fit together. Hours had passed, but neither one of them had moved. His warm body encircled hers like he’d been made for her. Their hands remained entwined, and their chests rose and fell with each breath in sync like a perfectly balanced engine.

Watch it, girl—you’re all ready to give him your heart, and you don’t even know for sure if he’s over your sister

But she wasn’t going to ruin the moment by waking him up and asking about his conversation with Kourtney. If his behavior was any indication, that conversation yesterday afternoon had been the final nail in the coffin of his dead relationship.

Her cell phone’s ring tone for the shop shattered the silence and sent her heart into overdrive. She tried to rise, but Caleb pinned her to the mattress. “It can wait,” he said in a sleepy voice.

“No, it can’t.” She wrestled free from him, wondering what had happened to cause Jermaine to call her from her office line. The constant ringing guided her to where she’d stowed her phone in the shopping bag that held the clothes she’d worn yesterday. She grabbed it and hit the answer button. “What’s wrong?”

“Where the hell are you?” Kourtney replied, her voice dripping with anger.

Her blood ran cold. “What are you doing at the garage?”

“I’m standing here in this filthy, God-awful place because you were supposed to meet me out front half an hour ago. And when you didn’t answer the door or my calls, I was forced to use this phone.”

Alex pressed her palm to her pounding temple and sank into a nearby chair. She’d set her phone to the do-not-disturb settings last night. The only calls that would get through would be ones from the shop. “Remind me what was on the agenda today.”

“We’re supposed to be at the dress shop in Buckhead in less than two hours for our final fittings.” A few muttered cuss words followed. “I knew you would find a way to ruin my wedding. You always ruin everything.”

“Relax, Kourtney. I’m already in Atlanta.”

A pause filled the line as though her sister was filling in the missing pieces. “What are you doing in Atlanta?”

“Caleb and I had dinner with his brother and ended up staying the night.”
And having wild sex until the wee hours of the morning

Upon hearing his name, Caleb lifted his head and propped himself up on his elbow, giving her a come-hither stare that tempted her to end the call right then and hop back into bed.

“I would’ve appreciated that information, you know, instead of wasting half an hour here.” The sound of high heels clicking along the cement punctuated each syllable of her sister’s words. “I’m on my way right now, and don’t you dare show up late to the dress shop.”

A click ended the call, and Alex threw her phone back into the bag. Leave it to her sister to ruin a perfect morning.

“What was that about?” Caleb asked, still lying naked in the bed.

“I forgot I was supposed to meet her for our final dress fittings today.” She ran her fingers through her hair, hitting each tangled snarl along the way. Last night had been fun, but the guilt of her sister’s words weighed upon her.
You always ruin everything
. That pretty much summed up her relationship with her mom and sister. No matter what she did, she’d never be more than a disappointment to them. “I need to start getting ready so I won’t be late.”

She stepped into the shower and turned the hot water on, letting the steam numb her mind. A blast of cold jerked her back to reality, and she turned to find Caleb had joined her.

“You forgot the shampoo,” he said, holding up the mini-bottle provided by the hotel.

“Don’t forget the conditioner.” It was the only hope she had of untangling her crazy hair.

He held up the other mini-bottle in the other hand. “I didn’t.” She tried to take it from him, but he held it out of reach. “Let me.”

At first, she wanted to tell him she was perfectly capable of washing her own hair, but the minute his fingers started massaging her scalp, she surrendered. “This is nice.”

“I thought you could use a little special treatment after that phone call.”

“It’s just Kourtney. She’s always finding some fault with me.”

“Don’t let her get to you, Alex.” He guided her back under the spray of water and rinsed the shampoo out. “I’ve come to the conclusion that she thinks no one is perfect except for her.”

“What else have you come to the conclusion of regarding her?”

He finished working the conditioner through her hair before replying. “That it was over between us long before I deployed, and I was too stupid to see it.” He tilted her chin around to him. “In fact, I’ve been too stupid to see a lot of things lately, but I’m learning.”

Her stomach tightened, and she licked her lips. Is this where he called her out over the emails? “And what else have you seen?”

“You.” He stared into her eyes for several breaths before sweeping his gaze over her body. “I’m sorry I was too blind to see you before, Alex, but now that I have…”

Her chest ached, but she couldn’t tell if it was fear or hope. “And?”

“And now I never want to let you go.” He pulled her to him and kissed her in a way that made her toes curl and drew the very air from her lungs. “Let me show you,” he murmured after he ended the kiss.

He grabbed the soap and ran it along the flat of her stomach. His fingers followed, gliding up to her breasts and cupping them in his hands under the water. “You’re so beautiful.”

He bent down and captured one nipple between his teeth. A shock of pleasure shot straight down to the pit of her stomach.

“You never cease to amaze me,” he continued when he was finished with her breasts. His hands continued lower to the already sensitive junction of her thighs, the hard ridge of his erection pressed against her hip. “And I look forward to being even more amazed by you.”

His thumb grazed her clit. A whimper rose from her throat, and she melted into his arms as his fingers swirled around the aching nub of flesh. Faster, harder, tighter until the tension mounting inside her exploded, and she forgot about everything but him.

In her post-orgasmic haze, she was vaguely aware of him rinsing the last of the citrus-scented conditioner from her hair and turning off the water. A fluffy towel wrapped around her just before he lifted her into his arms and carried her back to bed. The metallic crackle of a condom wrapper told her he hadn’t finished making her come. A few seconds later, he hovered over her, cradling her face between his hands.

She looked up in his blue eyes and found the one thing she’d always dreamed she would see shining from them.


“I think you’re perfect just the way you are, Alex.”

He slid into her, and she finally understood what he’d said last night about feeling like he was home. She was home in his arms, lying under him as he moved inside her with tender slowness. Last night had been wild, passionate sex, but it paled in comparison to now. This time, he was making love to her and silently begging her to give more than just her body to him. He wanted all of her, found perfection in her flaws, and made her feel whole. How could she
fall in love with him?

She stared into his eyes as he brought her to her climax and sent her over the edge. The only word spoken between them was her name just before he came. And in the minutes that followed, she finally whispered, “I think you’re perfect, too.”


Alex blew out a breath of frustration as Caleb pulled into the parking lot of the bridal boutique. Kourtney’s BMW was already there, which meant Alex had a shit storm waiting for her inside. But she would gladly suffer through hours of her sister’s rants in exchange for the moments she’d spent in Caleb’s arms this morning.

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