Falling, Freestyle (5 page)

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Authors: Vivian Arend

BOOK: Falling, Freestyle
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He crawled on top of Dara and nuzzled her neck. His lips touched the lobe of her ear and he licked it before whispering softly, “I want you. Will you take me?”

Jack released her wrists and she grabbed on tight to Kane, wrapping her legs around his body and urging his groin closer to hers. The thick ridge of his cock pressed against her sex and she rocked into him.

“Is that a yes?”

“Hell, yeah.” She watched in anticipation as he lifted up to strip off the last bit of fabric remaining on his body. He ripped open a wrapper and covered himself, then she couldn’t see anymore because Jack turned her face toward his.

“I’m going to watch.”

Oh God.
Totally new sensations dragged through her brain. This was not just her having sex with Kane. It was she and Kane having sex with Jack there. Watching.

The tip of Kane’s cock pressed against her, easing through the moisture built up by her orgasm. He was hot and hard, and he stretched her as he worked his way fully into her passage.

“Fuck, you’re tight. So bloody tight.” Kane pumped again and again, and Dara opened her knees as far as she could to help.

“You’re a little bigger…
…than my toys and it’s been a while. Oh, that’s fabulous. So good…” It was hard to concentrate, hard to think with the wonderful sensations pouring through her. Dara stared into Jack’s face, his gaze fixed on where Kane was now buried in her body.

“That’s the hottest thing I’ve ever seen.” Jack shook his head before turning back to her. “Gorgeous woman.”

Kane thrust harder. He filled her to bursting, every nerve taut and stretched and ready to shatter again in no time flat. He adjusted his angle and his groin rubbed against her clit, and it was all she could do to not scream. Every pass drove her need higher, made her call out for more. Dara turned her gaze back to Kane. Seeing the expression in his eyes made her entire body shake with an adrenaline rush. That was her friend making the flaming-hot pleasure rise. A twist of a smile on the corner of his mouth, his eyes rolling back in his head before he grimaced.


Dara thrashed her head wildly. The last thing she wanted right now was for him to falter. “No, please…”

She lifted her legs again and dug her heels into his butt cheeks to try and force him to resume his pace.

“Christ, Dara. I’m not going to last. Give me a break.” A drop of sweat trickled down his temple and she groaned in frustration. This was probably one of those man things, but right now she didn’t care if he blew quickly. She was so close. So close the fidgety sensation in her clit was ready to overtake her whole body. Bliss slammed through her with each penetration.

“Don’t stop. It’s not a freaking contest. Just a little more. Little more, oh, please.” One last push to drive her over the edge, that’s all she needed. She arched hard into Kane, striving to find the spark.

Jack snuck his hands between them, clasped her nipples and pinched. An explosion ripped through her—the detonation hard and full-body impacting. Tight contractions squeezed Kane where she held him in her depths, and his pace faltered, body wavering over her.

“Fuck, what did you do?
…” Kane lost it, slamming into her one last time, his cock jerking as he spilled into the condom. His arms gave out and he covered her with his body. Dara sucked for air, the aftershocks continuing to race through her system. She tangled her fingers in his hair and lifted his head off her shoulder, thrilled to see the way his blue eyes glowed at her.

She purred with contentment. The wild rush of being intimate with Kane for the first time eased as she slipped into a pleasure-filled haze. “Okay, that was more incredible than I ever imagined. I mean…wow.”

Kane kissed her briefly before rolling off and groaning out his agreement. “It’s not even six p.m. and I feel like I put in a full day boarding.”

The bed shifted and the distinctive sound of a condom being opened hit Dara’s ears. Her heartbeat increased as she sat up to watch Jack finish rolling on the latex before lifting his heated gaze to her.

“Turn over and get on your knees.”

Kane disappeared as she obeyed Jack’s command. That’s clearly what it was, and her fading tingle of desire returned in a shot. She rolled slowly to her belly, his hands on her bare hips to lift her. Dara glanced over her shoulder, mesmerized to watch his cock move closer as he settled in place. The front of his thighs brushed her, the coarse hairs scraping erotically over sensitive skin. Jack rocked between her legs a couple of times, coating himself in her juices. She whimpered as the movement nudged her clit.

“You ready?” Before she could answer, he lined himself up and slid home with one push. Her breath vanished and she collapsed to her elbows, ass high in the air.

“Holy shit.” The different angle, even so soon after the orgasm with Kane, set off a line of small quakes deep inside. Jack retreated, dragging his cock through her tender passage. His girth stretched her, consumed her. He pressed on her upper back, forcing her shoulders to the mattress. He locked her in position before plunging in again, this time deeper than before.

“Oh my God, it’s too much…” Dara whispered as Jack held her hips steady and thrust repetitively, his groin snapping tight to her butt.

“Not too much. You—damn it, you feel so good around me.” Jack surged in hard, but his words were soft. His voice trickled along her spine like the brush of an erotic feather. “Seeing you in front of me like this, so willing, so giving. Welcoming me in, surrounding me. You’re gorgeous.”

“Jack is right, you are gorgeous.” Kane had returned and lay beside her. He smoothed a strand of hair from her face. “Your cheeks are flushed, your eyes sparkling.”

She licked her dry lips and Kane met her, kissing her steadily as Jack powered into her body. Jack rubbed his thumbs against her, pressing into the muscles of her ass, his fingers hard on her skin. “Shit, I’m not going to last either. Watching you two before, and now seeing…”

Jack groaned, long and loud. It was such a primitive sound, so unlike her orderly and pristine friend, she shook as her desire ratcheted up a notch. Dara was beyond caring how much longer Jack could last. Another climax beckoned and she raced to meet it. Kane’s mouth controlled her, his tongue thrusting into her mouth in time with Jack’s possession swirled up a maelstrom, and she was lost.

As her core attempted to lock Jack in place with a series of rhythmic compressions, her breasts, her clit—all of her including her mind—flickered between pleasure and pain. It was too much, and at the same time not nearly enough. She squeezed her eyes tight and let the sensations ride her, just as Jack rode her, forcing her hips back to impale her on his cock.

The reverberations of Jack’s shout as he came echoed off the walls. All she had the energy for was a long happy sigh before relaxing completely into a puddle on the mattress.

Chapter Four

Alpine Responsibility Code

Rule #4—Know your own limits…

Kane was going mad.

They left Dara snoozing while they unpacked and organized the cabin. Jack did his usual bit of magic getting supper going before burying his nose in her camouflaged book. Other than the occasional grunt and snort of laughter from him, the room grew quiet. Too quiet. The fire crackled, the soft and peaceful sound nowhere near enough to drown out the taunting voices rising in Kane’s brain. He busied himself, hauling his portable speakers in from the truck. Even the steady pulse of his favourite songs failed to lighten his increasingly dark mood.

All mention of what they’d done with Dara seemed strictly off limits until he couldn’t stand it any longer. Supper was nearly ready, and they’d have to wake her soon. Kane gave the spaghetti sauce one final stir before plopping down on the couch opposite Jack.

“I thought we were going to wait. We were going to let Dara know both of us were interested in her after this trip was over.” Jack raised his brows but kept reading the fake classic. Bloody bastard. “You caved damn fast.”

Jack put the book aside and leaned back in his chair. “Considering the ménage was Dara’s idea, I don’t think I caved. I went along with her offer, like any gentleman would.”

. “Like you weren’t instantly all over her when she offered.”

“Yeah, well, I claim temporary insanity. I’d have to be a saint to not act when offered what I’ve been craving for years. What I didn’t expect, or want, is you in the picture. Still, I stand by what I said. If she’s looking for kink, it’s going to be with us and not some asses off the street. Doesn’t that make sense?”

“Yes, but this totally changes everything.”

Jack sighed. “I’m trying not to think too hard about that. It’s true, when this holiday is over, we’ll have to figure out what the hell is the next step.” Jack rose and peeked down the hall. “We need to wake her in a minute. Funny how she can sleep through anything.”

Kane grumbled with frustration. “We’re really going to give her a ménage?”

His friend pivoted on the spot and examined him closely. “What’s the matter? What aren’t you saying? I thought what happened earlier proved you were good with this. In spite of claiming I caved fast, I didn’t see you turning down the sex.”

The gaping pit in Kane’s belly grew to monstrous proportions. He struggled to articulate the discomfort that had started in the back bedroom.

Ah, fuck it, this was his best friend. If he couldn’t be straight-up honest with Jack, he was in deeper shit than he thought.

“Sex with Dara is not the problem, but have you ever been involved in a real ménage before? Because an hour ago, that was me having sex with her, then you having sex with her. Kind of like glorified porn where it’s live action and we know the performers.”

A sharp laugh burst from Jack. “I doubt Dara would appreciate being considered a porn star, but what’s your point?”

Damn it.
Having to spell it out made his worries seem more and more stupid. “Forget it. I shouldn’t have said anything.”

“Don’t be an asshole, Kane. We’ve got three days ahead to handle being insanely intimate, having sex with our best friend who we both want for much more than a fling. Things are going to be fucked up enough without you having some deep, dark secret hanging over our heads. Now spill.”

“That’s the issue. The insanely intimate part. I’m not into guys.”

Jack choked. “What the hell are you taking about?”

“You don’t turn me on. I’m not into the slash shit I hear about, okay? I mean, there’s nothing wrong with it, but it’s not my thing.” As soon as Kane let the words burst out, Jack relaxed, a bit of a smirk crossing his face.

, is that all? We’ve been friends since grade school. I’ve seen you naked more often than anyone I know and I’ve never once hit on you. Relax. I’m completely heterosexual, and so are you.”

“Just wanted to make sure, because—I have read a few of those books…” The confession stuck in his throat. Jack held back his laughter and Kane didn’t know if he should thank him for it, or punch him.

“You’ve read erotic romance?”

Kane sighed. “On my phone. There was a reading program included with my latest upgrade and I started downloading freebies off the web. One was this really hot book and…”

“And it was one of Dara’s naughty type. Oh the hidden depths of your soul. Shit, I wonder what other revelations I’m going to discover this weekend? Dara’s reading smut behind a fake cover, you’re not sending a million text messages but getting into kink. All of a sudden my reading habits seem so pedestrian.”

“Don’t be an ass.”

“Don’t be an idiot.” Jack stepped around him to drain the noodles. “You know I’m not into guys. Dara’s the only one I want, and since what
wants right now is a ménage, I can handle your ham and eggs on the bed. She can enjoy them, because I’m not going to.”

Kane sat heavily in his chair, relief spreading slowly through his limbs. His fears didn’t disappear completely, but at least Jack knew his discomfort. That should make it easier, shouldn’t it? “Okay.”

A hearty guffaw bounced back. “You’re so damn amusing.”

He gave Jack the finger. “Screw off. I wasn’t the one staring at your dick earlier.”

Jack paused in opening the kitchen cabinets. “No, but maybe you should try it.”

“Shut the fuck up.” Kane whirled a throw cushion at Jack, who deflected it easily and fixed Kane in place with a penetrating stare.

“I’m serious. Usually when I’m watching that kind of action, and it’s my cock in the woman, my mind has already gone numb. It was a serious turn-on being able to appreciate sex without my balls dictating what my brain registered.”

Kane dropped his head into his hands and groaned loudly. “I don’t need this. You’re making my brain crazy.”

The room quieted for a moment before Jack spoke, all trace of teasing gone from his voice. “Kane. This is uncharted territory for all of us. If we’re going to make sure Dara’s comfortable with everything we do over the next couple days, you’re going to have to buy in one hundred percent. Don’t go borrowing trouble. You might discover you enjoy watching Dara and me have sex. Pleasure is pleasure, no matter what the twist. I promise I won’t touch you if that’s going to make it better—”

“It will—”

“Shut. Up.” Jack leaned back on the kitchen counter, his arms folded in front of him. “You need to open your mind. Sex isn’t all about missionary position and blowjobs.”

“I’ve never had any complaints in the bedroom.”

“I’m sure you haven’t. Neither have I, but I doubt what we’re doing is carbon copy.”

Oh man, there was a huge understatement. “Damn right. I put on my headphones as soon as I know you’ve got a woman in your room. I’ve never been into voyeurism.”

Jack flashed his deadly smile. “Looks like you and Dara are both in for an education, aren’t you?”

What the hell have I gotten myself into?
Kane dragged a hand through his hair and let out a deep breath. “Fine. So for the rest of it, how are we going to do this?”

“Keep it fun, keep it light. Everything we do is intended to make Dara’s fantasy a reality. We’ve got a ton of skiing to do every day with the evenings wide open for play. I don’t think we need an agenda beyond that.”

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