Falling Into Place (6 page)

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Authors: Brandy L Rivers

Tags: #vampire, #urban fantasy, #paranormal romance, #threesome, #werewolf, #menage, #Fae, #mage

BOOK: Falling Into Place
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James was about to say something when
Elizandra walked into the room. The only open seat was next to
James and she quietly took it.

“Congratulations on your advancement,”
Wilhelm said.

“Thank you, sir,” Elizandra answered.

“I’ve already told you there is no need for
formality. You can call me Wilhelm, even Wil.”

She nodded. “Sorry, Wilhelm.”

“Were you formally trained?” their mother

Elizandra looked to Kathryn. “No, ma’am, I
was not.”

“Elizandra,” Wilhelm started.

Kathryn interrupted, “No, it’s all right,
Wil. She was taught proper manners, let her use them.”

“How can she feel welcome if she can’t even
call us by our names?”

“Don’t worry, Wilhelm. It’s okay,” Liz said
softly as she stared at her plate.

James didn’t understand why Liz was so soft
spoken, but refused to let him near her. She wasn’t nearly as meek
as she portrayed herself. He had to wonder what secrets she

Looking to his father, James asked, “Can we
eat? Emily and I have yet to finish our studies.”

Robert added, “Elizandra, please join me in
the garden to continue our assignment after dinner?”

“Of course,” she replied, never looking up,
even as dinner was served.


* * * *


Liz ate what was on her plate, and before
dessert could be served she looked to Wilhelm. “May I please be

“Are you not feeling well?” He asked,
clearly concerned.

“It’s not that. I’m just full.”

Wilhelm frowned as he took her in, but he
nodded. “Very well.”

She ducked her head as she slid out of her
chair and hurried past Mrs. Murdock who came in to clear her plate.
She slipped out the backdoor, and started for the river. Running
was tempting, but she had a feeling Robert would catch up sooner or
later, even though she secretly hoped he would forget.

Liz knew he was trying to protect her, to
help her, but he wasn’t. His constant interference put further
barriers between her and Emily.

James wasn’t helping there either. He would
open his mouth and Emily would go along with him. Liz didn’t let it
bother her. She didn’t belong there anyway.

There was a pop and Robert was right in
front of her with a sad smile. “Don’t listen to them. They don’t
understand you.”

She looked away. “Neither do you.”

“Not yet, but I want to.” He lightly touched
her chin, bringing her gaze back to his. “I don’t care where you
came from. You are here now.” His dusky blue eyes searched

Frozen in place, she tried to figure out
what it was she felt. There was a fluttering in her tummy, an urge
to twine her fingers with his, and the need to let him wrap his
arms around her. She felt fragile as her heart thumped in her chest
but she tore her gaze away. No words would come. Whatever this was
couldn’t be good.

His smile faltered, and he murmured, “One
day, you’ll figure out that I’m telling you the truth, Liz.”

Liz already knew he believed the words. She
didn’t want to trust it, but his sincerity was tangible. He had
done everything in his power to make her feel welcome and it was
starting to sink in.

“Would you rather be alone?” he asked.
Sadness and disappointment filled his eyes, and his fallen smile
dragged her from her silent stare.

“No. I wouldn’t. I guess I don’t understand
why you are so different from them.”

She watched as his hands came up to smooth
down his lapels. “I suppose I take after my father, as opposed to
my mother. She doesn’t hate you, but she is frustrated because you
aren’t more interested in presenting yourself in what she considers
a ladylike manner.”

A smirk twisted her lips. “I don’t mean to
be difficult, but she wants me to be something I don’t think I can
be. I wear the clothes, and she can do my hair, but it doesn’t
change the person I am.” One shoulder lifted in a shrug. “And to be
perfectly honest, I don’t care what they think of me. I shouldn’t
have to. I’m me, not anyone else.”

He grinned then. “Well, I like you for you.
I don’t want you to change.”

A rare smile took hold on her face. “Thank
you.” She needed to hear that, just once.

“Preston told you the same this

She laughed then. “He doesn’t have the same
high expectations most of the other mages have.”

“He doesn’t, and neither do I. He’s the best
friend a guy could have.”

“So are you,” she admitted, finally really
believing it. “Let’s get that work done.”


* * * *


A tear slipped down Emily’s cheek. Robert
was actually angry at her because she couldn’t get through to
Elizandra. Fine, she hadn’t really tried, but the girl didn’t want
to talk to her. She never smiled, never bothered to say a word to
anyone unless spoken to, and then only rarely.

Then there were Elizandra’s nightmares that
filled the whole room with fear and humiliation. They always gave
way to a flood of such hate and anger. When she woke up, her guilt
flooded every pore on Emily’s body, until she started to believe
Elizandra must have committed some heinous act before Tremaine
found her.

“Having second thoughts about your bratty
roommate,” James’ voice slithered as he crept up on Emily.

Emily nearly jumped out of her skin before
whirling around to glare daggers at him. “Robert is right. I
haven’t even tried.”

He walked up to her until he was only an
inch away. James stared into her as if he could see into her

His voice seemed to glide over her, making
her skin crawl. “Why should you? She waltzes into
takes over
room, takes away
love, and
is over the moon in love with her.”

“That’s not true though,” Emily replied, her
heart sinking. She had never seen where Elizandra had actually done
those things, but she felt it deep down.

Robert cared for Elizandra far more than he
had ever cared for her. Daddy was so pleased with Elizandra’s
ability, though he never said an unkind word to Emily.

“And do you know that she already has
Preston wrapped around her little finger?”

Emily’s heart stopped in her chest. She had
a crush on Preston, but he wouldn’t give her a second glance. Her
heart squeezed tight, and she whispered, “Really?”

“Yes. I saw them at his Mommy’s little
diner, and he couldn’t pull his eyes from Elizandra, who was
smiling and laughing with him.”

Emily turned back to the window. For the
first time, Emily saw a smile on Elizandra’s face as she followed
Robert into the gardens. The awkward girl had transformed into a
radiant beauty in front of Robert.

James’ hand curled around her waist as he
leaned in. His breath was hot against her face as his lips grazed
her ear, making her stomach twist into painful knots.

He whispered, “See, she’s trying to take
everyone away from you.” His fingers slid lower, reaching where he

Startled, she pushed his hand away. He gave
her a cruel smirk before turning to leave her alone with her

Emily sank onto her bed with tears streaming
down her face. She felt filthy, dirty, and worst of all, completely

Chapter 6



Sixty-eight years ago.


There wasn’t much time until Liz was
supposed to leave for graduation from Mystra Academy. From there
she was going on her first assignment for the Silver Council
Enforcer’s program.

She’d be spending the summer with Robert,
Preston, and Tremaine in Nova Scotia, hunting down some twisted
vampire who was turning minors into vampires. There were good
reasons to forbid minors from being turned into the undead, but she
couldn’t help wondering if the ancient vampire had a good reason.
Surely he knew the Council would come after him.

Tremaine was to act as their mentor and
guide for this dangerous assignment. She knew he could handle the
case on his own. It didn’t make sense to her why they were being
sent, but she was glad to be getting away from home.

The rest of her class was being sent on easy
assignments compared to theirs. Tremaine told her it was a test,
one to prove herself. She had a feeling Tremaine had insisted on
their mission, but she couldn’t figure out why.

She shut the door behind her and dropped to
her knees before the trunk that sat at the end of her bed. Robert
had promised her a surprise, and as much as she wanted to pretend
she wasn’t affected by him, she was.

Holding her breath, she opened the trunk
that was filled with all of the beautiful things Kathryn had
insisted she wear. Liz didn’t understand the need for all the
gowns, fancy jewelry or shoes.

Hidden in the side wall of the trunk was a
magical compartment that she had built to hide things she didn’t
want Emily finding. It had become a place for Robert and Liz to
communicate without everyone knowing. Not that they didn’t know.
They spent most of their time together under the excuse of school
work. That was only half true. Their assignments were time
consuming, but they preferred each other’s company.

Slipping her hand inside, she reached around
until she found the note Robert had left. At least she hoped it was
Robert. Emily had left her nasty messages over the years.

Biting her lip, she pulled the envelope from
the trunk. Her name was scrolled in blue ink in Robert’s
handwriting. Her heart sped up, and she took a deep breath before
breaking the seal.



Dearest Elizandra,

I find myself needing to confess a truth I have
known all along. My thoughts are consumed by my feelings for you.
You own my heart, you always have.

Maybe my confession is selfish, and if you are not
ready, I do not expect an answer. I want you to know that I will
wait forever for you.

Please, accept this gift and keep it with you. It is
my promise to you that you will always be my one and only, even if
you never feel the same.

You have all of my love, and I am yours truly,


Her heart swelled as she read the words. She
didn’t know how to respond. She looked into the envelope and found
a sapphire ring, set in white gold.

The door creaked open. “Gah,” Emily whined,
“I thought you would have left by now. You’re usually early.”

Liz quickly folded the letter and slid it
back into the envelope that she placed in her inner jacket

It was actually Tremaine’s old jacket. The
same one he had left her when he brought her to this house almost
four years before. Old Lady Murdock had taken the material and
reworked it into a jacket that fit her.

Whatever spells she put into it, helped the
fabric to grow with her, and even mend itself. No one but Elizandra
and Mrs. Murdock knew it was the same jacket. Strangely enough, it
still gave her comfort when she felt all alone. And it still held
the smooth turquoise stone he had given her.

Liz shut the trunk and climbed to her feet.
She looked back at Emily with a pleasant smile. “Don’t worry. I’m
leaving shortly. You will have your room to yourself for the whole
summer. I really am sorry I take up your space. Let me remind you
that this arrangement was not my idea.”

“Doesn’t make it any better.” Emily flopped
down on her bed. Her gaze locking onto Liz.

“I hate that you can hide
room,” Emily sniped.

Yeah, well I don’t like sharing a room
any better.
Liz kept that to herself though. She had a sneaking
suspicion that Emily might like her better if they had separate

At least with the Enforcer Training program,
she would only be expected to stay with the McCallister’s during
the holidays. Tremaine had already promised to get her out of the
house for the summers.

Kathryn entered the room without knocking.
“Oh, good Elizandra, you are still here. I took the liberty to
adding another chest to those that you are taking. I noticed you
hadn’t packed a single gown, or much in the way of pretty

Liz barely managed a smile. “Thank you. That
was kind of you. I must have been so preoccupied with what I might
need for the mission, I didn’t think about proper clothing.”

Kathryn smiled wider, mistaking her lack of
argument for agreement. She was convinced that Kathryn was trying
to marry her off as quickly as possible. The woman constantly
introduced her to every young mage she could. That of course gave
Emily the impression that Kathryn was more interested in finding
Liz a mate than her own daughter.

She wanted to wave her hand in Kathryn’s
face and yell, “I’m sixteen. I’m not marrying any fool just to get
me out of here.” She did voice that opinion once and was met with a
sputtering and backpedaling.

“The car is waiting for you. Have a safe
trip,” Kathryn offered awkwardly. She didn’t reach out for a hug,
which she would have for any of her children. That still stung, but
Liz was pretty sure it was her own fault for not being warmer to
Kathryn. Mrs. McCallister had never been cruel or hateful, but she
had never fully accepted Liz.

“Have a good summer, Kathryn.” Liz gave her
a smile and grabbed the last of her bags before leaving.

Wilhelm met Liz at the bottom of the stairs
with a bright smile on his face. “I still don’t see why Magister
Draecyn insists on sending you on this excursion. It’s dangerous
for a girl.”

Liz grinned. “If the Magister and Tremaine
have confidence in my ability, then I’m sure I will be fine.”

Pulling her into a hug, Wilhelm chuckled.
“You stay safe, Liz. And keep my boy safe. I know you’ll do
amazingly well.”

Elizandra leaned back and squeezed Wilhelm’s
shoulders. “Thank you for everything.”

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