Falling - On the Banks of Lake Saint Clare (Falling - Book One) (18 page)

BOOK: Falling - On the Banks of Lake Saint Clare (Falling - Book One)
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“You are such a dork,” I laughed. “What’s the opposite of a prick tease
” I
, kissing him.

“Good question.”

I covered my breasts with my arm and reached for my top. I was disappointed that we stopped but I knew we were playing with fire, pardon the cliché’. I tied the top string while he helped tie the other in complete silence.

“You could have at least let me see them,” he smiled, breaking the silence
“They are nothing to get excited about.”

“Yeah right,”
e laughed. “You have a drop dead killer body. Better than I imagined the other night.”

“Is that a sick boy masturbating joke?”

He raised his eyebrows and didn’t answer.

I sat down beside him and held his hand, “This is going to be hard not jumping each others bones all the time. You have got to have more self control, my friend.”

e gasped. “I didn’t even want to touch you. You practically raped me.”

I kissed his cheek. “Wanna swim?”

“Sure, if you stay on your side of the pool. Go ahead. I want to watch your fine ass climb out.”

“Just stop it,” I smiled.

I climbed out of the hot tub and saw I had a text. “I thought I heard my phone ring, but I guess I was preoccupied. It’s
asking me to call her.”

“Go ahead,” he said, diving into the pool. “Awe, this is insane! Hurry and get in. It’s perfect.”

“Hey, what’s up?”

Alex,” I heard her whisper, “I need help. I don’t know what to do.”

“What’s going on?’ I asked. I could tell she was upset.

“Can you come pick me up? Please
I don’t know what else to do. I am so scared.”

“Where are you?”

“I don’t know

he sounded like she was going to cry.

“How do you not know where you are?”

“Hang on. I’m going to walk down the road.
hang up on me, please.”

“What is going on?”

“I’ll call you right back.”


“Problems?” Michael asked, propping his arms on the side of the pool.

. She asked if I could come get her. She sounded like she might be crying.”

“Where is she?”

“She doesn’t know.” I shrugged.

“That might make it more difficult.”

“She is going to call back. I don’t know what’s going on.”
I watched Michael pull himself up from the side of the pool in one motion. I couldn’t believe his strength. His body was so captivating.

He handed me a towel seeing me shaking. I wasn’t sure if I was cold or scared.

I dried off and sat at the picnic table watching Michael dry his body. It was a good thing he had better control over our hot tub ordeal because I’m not sure I would have stopped.

The phone rang again and I answered immediately, “Hi?”

“Ok,” I heard
sigh, “I am so mad, Alex. I am scared, mad, and don’t know what to do.”

“We can come and get you,” I looked up at Michael with pleading eyes, hoping he would agree, seeing him nod.

“You know that road that follows along the river?” She didn’t wait for me to answer, “I know we went down that road and pretty sure we turned left. Alex, I don’t know where we went from there but I don’t think it was too far.”

“Who is we?”

“Erica and this guy and his friend. Can you come get me?”

“We are on our way. I’m going to hang up so I can get dry clothes on. I’ll call you back in a minute.

We started driving to the only place
was sure she was. I tried calling her back, but she never answered. I was starting to get scared when she finally called me back.

“Why didn’t you answer your phone
” I practically screamed at her

“The battery is almost dead. I just looked in this mailbox and got an address. It’s 560 DD.”

I watched Michael type it into his
. It felt like we had already been driving forever, but I knew it wasn’t that far. “Ok,” I said, seeing the directions come on the screen. We are 2 miles from there. We should be there in
a few

“Ok. Thanks. I’m just sitting on the road.”

“I’m sorry,” I said to Michael.

“What for?” he asked.

or having to rescue my friend.”

He placed his hand on my knee, “It’s all part of the perks you get for being with me. Why is she way out here?” He asked, turning down the third dirt road.

“I have no idea. There she is,” I pointed, seeing
sitting in the middle of the deserted dirt road. “
can sometimes be a bit dramatic. What she thinks is a travesty is normal to everyone else in the world.”

She jumped up and acted startled until she realized it was us.

“Thank you so much!” She said, getting into the car and leaning up to hug me. “I thought I was going to have to walk to town
but I have no idea where I am. Or worse, be attacked in the jungle by lions and
who knows what else
Hi, Michael. I like your shirt

I looked at Michael and saw he had a very confused look on his face.

I turned around, “What in the world were you doing all the way out here?”
“Well,” she took a deep breath, acting like she had just run a marathon, not just sitting in the middle of a dirt road for 20 minutes, “Erica and I were at
The Lane
. These two guys come in and sat down by us. Erica had just met them earlier today. I went to get a drink and when I got back she said they wanted us to see their car. It was a nice car,” she added.

“So we went out and Erica asked if he would take us cruising for a few minutes. I really didn’t want to, but I didn’t want her to be alone with these guys that she barely knew. So we cruised for a few minutes. I was in front with Lloyd.”

“Lloyd?” I interrupted.

“I know,” she said, knowing I stereotyped names as well and a guy named Lloyd would be a loser. “You’re right. He was pathetic.”

Michael looked at me with a confused look on his face
, making me smile.

“We cruised for a tad and I wanted to go back to
The Lane
. Erica had this brilliant idea to go for a drive by the river. I said no way because we don’t even know these guys. She said a quick ride to the river just to see if anyone is swimming at the hole. I still said no way. I swear, Alex, I said no way.”

There is no doubt in my mind you did,

I could see Michael smile out of the corner of my eye.

“So I wasn’t very nice,” she continued. “Erica was in the back and I heard giggling and whispering. Lloyd had this huge bottle of wine, I think I will call it a jug, cause that’s just what I thought when I saw it.”

Michael’s smile got bigger.

“So anyway,” she sighed, catching her breath, “We drove by the hole and there were a few people there but no one we really knew, so
yells, ‘Turn here!’. I said no freaking way. I want to go back to
The Lane
. I didn’t want to go down any dirt road with them. But the jerk turned anyway.
kept saying he knew a cool place he wanted to show Erica. I said that I am totally against cool places. Totally.”

I felt Michael squeeze my leg, signaling me that he thought it was funny.

and Erica got out of the car and I looked at Lloyd and told him to take me back to
The Lane
. He took the jug of wine that was between his legs and took this huge swig. It spilt down the side of his mouth. I waited for him the wipe it off, but he didn’t. He just sat there with this wine on his mouth and chin. It was simply the nastiest thing I have ever seen in my entire life.”
I looked at Michael and saw his body shaking and could tell he was laughing
but being nice and holding it in. I pinched his hand. “Sorry,” he mouthed.

“He then, get this, hands me the jug, hands it to me knowing I am only 17 and can’t legally drink and I said, ‘Nope
He looked at me and said, this is the killer, ‘you have nice titties.’ He actually said that. What moron tells a girl she has nice titties? And Erica said they are college guys? Do college guys really say titties?” She looked at Michael.

“Beats me,” he smiled.

“And he actually thought I was actually going to put my mouth on something that his nasty wine drippy lips had touched. Was he a complete idiot or what? Then the nightmare started. He looked at me still the wine on his chin and said, ‘we might as well make out. They aren’t going to be back for a while’.”

“Make out? Make out with nasty ass wine dribbler? I think not!”
“ Priceless,” Michael whispered, making me laugh. I pinched his hand again.

“Go on,” I said, knowing
still had more drama to tell.

“He took another big drink from the jug and with the other hand reached over and poked my boob. Just like this,” she reached up and poked me in the side of the boob. “Just like that. Would that turn you on or make you think wow this guy is something else for him to do this,” she poked me again.

“I get it,
,” I said.

“Like this?” Michael poked me in the boob. “That turn you on,” he laughed.

“I don’t know
, I think there is something nice about it,” I joked.

“It’s not funny, Alex. I am absolutely traumatized
over this entire incident.”

Sorry. It’s all just so ridiculous. You have to admit.”

“Oh! It gets better.”

“He took the jug and set it on my lap and said in this drunky ass slu
r, ‘I gotta take a mother piss.’
How much more charming can this guy get? A mother piss? What is a mother piss? Does he mean he has to sit?”

Michael started laughing again. “He meant a Muther as in MF piss.” He looked in the mirror and saw she was confused. He shook his head, “A muther fucking piss. Like really bad or really long.”

! That makes more sense. Why didn’t he just say that?”

“So it would have been better for him to say I have to take a really long piss?”

“I guess you’re right. But ew
, either way. There was nowhere out there for him to wash his hands and I am sure he didn’t have sanitizer in that car. A barbarian is what he was. Then he got out of the car and walked to the front of it and stands there right in front of the car, headlights shining right on his ‘thing’ and starts peeing right in front of me. I honked at him and told him to turn around. I didn’t want to watch. Well, Mr. Hot Shot forgot to put the car in park so it starts rolling and knocks him down in his own pee.”
I started laughing, “I am so sorry,
, but this is just too funny.”

“I guess
now that I’m safe
it is, but it wasn’t at the time. It was a nightmare! I slammed the car in gear and he starts screaming at me from under the car, ‘You’re stripping the gears, stop stripping the gears.’ I jumped out to see if he was ok. He was wedged under the car lying in his pee and yelling at me to stop stripping the gears. He said ‘push the car off me and help me up’. There was no way I was going to touch him after he lay in his pee. So I asked if he was alright. He said he was so I started walking.”

“You left him there under the car?” Michael laughed.

“The car was just parked over him. I think if he just shimmied he could get out, but pretty sure he was too drunk to figure that out.”

“Priceless,” Michael laughed.

“Where are they from here?” I asked, wondering if Erica was okay. “Do you think we need to find Erica?”

“No, I texted her telling her I was going to walk home.”

She texted back a few minutes before you picked me up that they were almost back to the car. Then I got another text that said
WTF did you do to Lloyd
! I never texted her back.”

“Oh boy,” I sighed, “that was quite the adventure, my friend.”

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