False Finder (29 page)

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Authors: Mia Hoddell

BOOK: False Finder
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Kirby fell to the floor with a dead thud, his body still, his eyes open and staring at Mayana accusingly. As his body collided it was like someone had resumed the normal speed via a remote.

A roar of rage broke from his lips at the death of his son. Mayana had been right, he had lost his edge but only for his family. He may have not thought Kirby was worthy of the empire or strong enough but that didn’t mean he wanted him dead.

His finger found the trigger, about to pull it but she was quicker. Pulling the trigger a second time, Mayana didn’t hesitate. She didn’t even pause to line up the shot. Instead her gun exploded.

She only fired once, wanting to cause the most pain possible. The bullet lodged itself in Rogan’s gut. He stumbled back clutching at his stomach as his knees buckled beneath him and he collapsed on to the floor, his breathing laboured.

Mayana walked over to him, kicking the gun from his hand and sending it skidding across the floor to collide with the foot of his desk. He had been lining up a shot at Mayana’s head when it was sent flying from his grasp.

“See? I said you’d lost your edge. There was a time when you wouldn’t have hesitated even for a second if I asked you to shoot someone. That Rogan wouldn’t be lying on the floor dying. The fact that you didn’t shoot me as soon as I came through the door was enough to confirm you are not the man you used to be and now you’ve paid the ultimate price for becoming weak,” Mayana said, her tone filled with mocking taunts that she knew would chip away at Rogan’s life. However, it was too late and any response Rogan tried to make came out as a raspy breath that was indecipherable.

“What was that?” Mayana laughed and levelled her gun at Rogan’s head.

Before she had time to question what she was doing Cora raised her arm, gun in hand. The barrel lined up with Mayana’s chest—a killing shot—and she fired. She watched as the bullet hit Mayana straight on target. She saw the look of shock and recognition on Mayana’s face as she glanced at Cora and then down at the bloody wound that had stained even her black shirt, unable to comprehend that she had done it. Dropping her gun, it clattered to the floor as the light in Mayana’s eyes faded and she too fell backwards to the floor. Like windows to her dark heart, the connection was broken and Cora was released from the sight.

Instantly she was at Rogan’s side, crouched over him. His breathing was faint and had slowed dramatically. Applying pressure to the wound she tried to slow the bleeding, needing to find a way to save him—in that moment she knew she couldn’t allow him to die and not just to fulfil her own personal agenda.

They had been hurling insults and trying to outwit each other for years but not once had she seen him treat her like a daughter—that was until today. Taking his hand it felt cold against hers. Rogan tried to squeeze Cora’s weakly, the slight pressure registering but only just. It was enough though. In that one gesture Cora had a father. “Sorry, Cora,” he whispered barely, his voice husky as he fought to get the words out.

Cora squeezed his hand in response. “I’m sorry too. I’ll do it for you, I’ll take over the empire like you wanted me to but you have to live,” Cora promised but she didn’t know if he heard everything as he dropped in and out of consciousness.

Looking up, Cora’s eyes found Jed’s with a wild determination. “Get someone, please!” she begged, her voice coming out in a strangled shout. “Go and find Nick, he’ll know who can help. Please Jed, I can’t lose him yet!”

“I can’t Cora, he has to die.”

“JED! I’ll take over, I’ll be better I promise. Just don’t let me lose the only family I have left. You’ve already cost me a brother and aunt.” A single tear broke free of Cora’s eye, rolling down her face as she begged for Rogan.

Seeing the desperation in her eyes, Jed was torn. He hated seeing her suffer but this was what he had been working for—he had to see it through.

“I can’t…I didn’t know about their relationship but it wouldn’t have changed my opinion—”

“Then get out of here!” she screamed, letting all of her rage come out of her in that final sentence. She couldn’t watch another person die, even if she hated him in that moment.

Running footsteps sounded down the corridor and Jed took off as Nick entered the doorway. He raised his gun at Jed.

“Leave him, I told him to go,” she ordered.

“Cora?” Nick asked.

But Cora wasn’t in the mood for people to question her judgement. “Just get your ass over here and help me. He can’t die.”

Nick hurried over to her, his hands replacing her bloody ones with more pressure than she’d have ever been able to apply.

“Reach into my back pocket, there’s a comms unit.”

Cora paused, unable to loosen her hold.

“Cora, do it. I’ve got the bleeding under control.”

With shaking hands Cora reached into his pocket, leaving smears of blood behind as she pulled out the unit. Holding it up to Nick’s mouth she pressed the button so he could speak. “Andy, Jasper, get to Rogan’s office now. Rogan needs medical attention urgently.”

The radio crackled with their responses instantly and placing it on the floor, Cora looked at Nick not knowing what to do.

“Go to Rogan’s desk, in the top drawer there was something he wanted you to have. Cora, go,” Nick urged more forcefully when she didn’t move.

Dragging herself up off the floor, Cora was shaking as she made her way over to the desk. Rogan looked even smaller as he lay on the floor unconscious and her heart clenched with worry.

Fumbling through the drawers, she found a sealed envelope with her name written on it. As she picked it up, her bloody fingers marred the envelope but she couldn’t open it.

“He said to give it to you if anything happened to him tonight. He said to tell you to read it and then make your mind up,” Nick said gently, still leaning over Rogan as two men burst into the room, taking in the scene before them for only a second before hurrying to Nick’s side. “What is it?” Cora asked, not taking her eyes from it.

“I don’t know Cora but go. We’ve got this and I promise we won’t let anything happen to him.”

Cora nodded and headed out the door in a dream-like state. She didn’t know what to make of anything and her mind refused to process the events. So, for once in her life Cora didn’t question someone’s orders and went up to her room.











Three months later


Sitting behind the big mahogany desk in Rogan’s office, Cora stared at the letter resting on the wood. Her fingers were tracing over the carvings that she had inscribed there to spite Rogan as a smile formed on her face at the memory. Cora had been shocked to find that he had kept them as she sat there waiting.

She didn’t need to read the letter to know what it said anymore. The words were inscribed into her memory, forever ingrained in her mind. She had read the letter countless times in the months since Mayana’s foiled attempt to seize everything. She pulled it out every time she sat in the hospital wing and needed support.

As her eyes glanced over the words, Cora felt her heart ache with the emotion Rogan had put into the letter. It had helped her through everything and she thought reading it once more would solidify her decision. It was judgement day, Rogan had told her to take all the time she needed to make her choice and finally she had.

Letting herself become immersed in Rogan’s words once more, Cora read the letter for what she said would be the final time.



If you are reading this now then you know that I’m dead. I don’t know if you know what happened or how—I hope you don’t—but if you do or saw anything I’m so sorry for putting you in that position. I would never have wished such a thing on you.

I may not have always shown it, been there or done right by you but I never stopped loving you. Please believe me when I say that nothing I did was ever meant to hurt you, it was all for you…to help you. Like I told you before I always wanted a daughter and I couldn’t have been happier when you were born. I wish I had been able to watch you grow up and turn into the woman I am so proud of today. I missed so much and it is one of the biggest regrets of my life that will never leave me. I can’t tell you how sorry I am that I can’t make that up to you. I’m also sorry I’m not there to answer any more questions you may have had. There are probably a million things I should have told you sooner but I’ll stick with the few most prominent.

You already know I wanted you to inherit the business. You were the strongest even as a toddler. You had this defiant and determined way about you but you were also endearing and wrapped everyone around your little finger. You were special and I don’t mean just because of your gift. Don’t get me wrong that would help you immensely should you choose to take over but that’s not what I meant. You’re special Cora, you’ve been through so much and you’re still fighting—at least I hope you are. Don’t ever let someone take away that spirit from you, all right?

However, saying that, no matter how much I want you to run my business and continue it, please know you don’t have to. I may have been stubborn in life but it’s only because I thought it was best. If you choose to hand it to someone else (Nick will help), dismantle it and keep the money…whatever you want then that choice is yours. The business is my last gift to you and it’s yours to do with what you wish. I promise I won’t hold a grudge.

Just so you know I did love your mother but it wouldn’t have worked out. I had Kirby already and I couldn’t leave them. You also don’t have to worry about my wife. I spoke with her tonight and she will be staying in one of my other properties and has been adequately provided for. She won’t bother you.

I’m sorry for not being able to keep you and for choosing. I hope you’ll be able to find it in your heart to forgive me someday at least, even if it’s years down the line.

You’ve always been in my heart Cora and always will be. I know you’ll do the right thing for yourself so don’t let anyone influence you.

Stay strong, know that I love you and am so proud. Don’t take any nonsense from anyone and be exactly who you are.

All my love, forever,


P.S The picture is of your first birthday. Hope it shows I did care.


Pulling out the picture Cora looked at the familiar image it held. Rogan’s eyes were lit up in delight as he held Cora in his arms. Her mother was there also, a caterpillar cake held out in front with a candle shaped like a one on top of it.

At first the image and letter had made Cora cry but now looking over it, it filled her with happiness. However, the bubble she had shrouded herself in while reading his words once more was broken by a series of bangs outside in the hallway.

She looked up as the door flew open with more force than was necessary.

Cora smiled as Rogan struggled to get through the door. He still wasn’t used to the wheelchair and the home hadn’t been fully adapted to cater for him. But, stubborn as always, he refused the help. He shouted at anyone who tried to aid him, and even if he was paralysed from the waist down, people still feared him. The bullet had hit his spine, rendering his legs useless. The doctors had said he would never recover his movement back but Cora was just pleased that he was alive.

“You wanted to see me?” Rogan asked, as he pushed himself into the room. He tried to mask the pain the movements caused but Cora could see it in his eyes.

However, she had learnt the hard way to let him get on with it so instead she continued. “I’ve made my decision. I wanted you to be the first to know.”

In the months Rogan had lain in the hospital, Cora had been by his side constantly, watching over him and answering his every beck and call. They laid the foundations for their relationship to grow but one memory stood out to her. It had been just after the doctors had admitted to Rogan he would never walk again and it was the most poignant memory that helped make her decision.


* * *


He looked so feeble and weak lying in the bed, the loose white sheet pulled up to his shoulders. His skin was paler than Cora had ever seen, his lips only a faint pink as he slept. She had to keep reminding herself that although the news was not what they hoped for at least he was still with her.

There was so much she wanted to say to him but he tired easily and the emotional exhaustion had affected him badly when the doctors made their announcement.

“You can stop staring at me you know, I’m not going to vanish,” Rogan muttered through his dry lips and Cora was there instantly with his cup.

“Sorry, there isn’t much else to do.”

Rogan pressed a button on the bed’s control panel, raising himself up so he could see her and take a drink. When he had swallowed enough water to quench his thirst and Cora had replaced the cup he said, “You don’t have to stay here, Cora.”

“Shut up, I want to.” They had been through the routine time and time again, Rogan not able to understand why she wanted anything to do with him. The truth was that Cora didn’t realise how much she would miss him until she was faced with the reality of his death. It tugged some emotions she had buried deep and she was tired of fighting for everything by herself and she hoped that Rogan would want her, if his letter was to be believed.

They remained in silence for a few minutes, it used to be awkward but Cora found it comfortable now. They both were lost to their thoughts but Rogan broke it sooner than usual. “I can’t do this anymore, Cora.”

“What do you mean? Of course you can.”

“I’m not talking about living, I mean running my business. I’m not the man I used to be. The fact that I’m in this situation proves that. I’m not going to be able to run anything in this state, people won’t take me seriously.”

“Of course they will, you’re Rogan Carvelli. Just your name is enough to strike fear into any man.”

“It won’t when they find out what happened. People will think I’m an easy target.”

“Rogan…” Cora sighed, she had never seen him like this and it worried her. She could be strong enough for the both of them but he couldn’t give up.

“Just hear me out. I’m not asking you to take over. I meant what I said in that letter, Cora. If your heart is still set against it, I’ll respect that. Whatever you want to do with the business, it’s yours, do it. All I’m asking is you think about it, give it some time because I’m not going anywhere right away. The territories must remain, Cora. They were set up with a purpose and without them, there’ll be anarchy once more. There must be leaders to look up to.”

“I don’t agree with your methods though, Rogan,” Cora interrupted.

“There are worse people out there than me, Cora. My territory is one of the best cared for. I may have been cruel during my rule but it was necessary. The people needed a strong leader, they needed someone to make decisions and get the area back on track, give the people some semblance of normality. The only way that was possible was through the methods I used. I’m not condoning what I did and I know that’s not the future, but don’t hate me for bringing stability, that was what was needed then.” He stared into her clear green eyes hoping she understood.

“I don’t hate you. I used to hate you, but I don’t anymore.”

“At least I’ve done something right then.”

Cora smiled.

“This is your time Cora…only you can build the peace. Will you at least think about it?” Rogan’s face had a weak smile on his face but his eyes were already closing again.

“Okay, I’ll think about it,” Cora murmured, not wanting to disturb him but she swore she saw his smile grow even more.


* * *


“Cora?” Rogan was snapping his fingers in front of her, when she reappeared from her memories.


“Your decision?”

Only silence filled the room for a while as Cora tried to sort her thoughts out. “I’ll be back in a minute,” she said finally, already hurrying through the door and leaving him in the room. She knew exactly where she was going and as she burst into the room three doors down, she breathed a sigh of relief that Nick was there.

“Cora, is everything okay?” Worry creased his forehead as he stood but Cora waved him back into his seat.

“Will you be there for me in all this?”

“Will I what?”

“If I agree to inherit all this from Rogan, will you be my second too?”

“Are you sure you want to do this? I’m happy to take over fully if you don’t want to, you know that right?”

“Thank you, Nick,” she said, her palm resting on his arm as she gave him one of her best smiles. She hadn’t smiled in so long. “I have to do this though. It’s my choice but I want you there too. I need my friend by my side…that is unless you want to leave now that I can end your contract...” A small amount of vulnerability crept into Cora’s voice as she trailed off with uncertainty that Nick would not want to be around her.

“Are you serious?”

“Of course. I’m not going to stop you leaving, it was wrong to have signed you up in the first place. I can’t ever make that up to you, but I can give you your life back.” Cora shrugged slightly embarrassed and worried he would accept her offer.

“No you idiot, serious about me being your second. Of course I’ll be there for you. And just so you know Rogan never treated me badly. In fact I had a better life than I was used to so really, I should thank you. I only hated you because you took away my options but Rogan never made me do anything I didn’t want to and made me his second. I think it was because I was your friend.”

Cora stared at him, shocked by his admission as she punched his arm.

“You asshole! You made me think you had it so bad and here you are saying it was great. How can I ever trust you again?” she teased a smile still plastered on her face so he would know she was joking.

“People can’t lie to you, Cora,” he pointed out with an easy smile that Cora hadn’t seen in years.

“No, but they can omit stuff. Anyway, I had better get back to telling Rogan.” She hurried to the door but paused. “Oh, your first job. I want you to bring Jed in, unharmed. We need to keep him close as, although he helped me, I’m not sure where his loyalties lie. He could pose a threat left to his own devices.” Nick nodded but Cora was already leaving the room and rushing back down the corridor to Rogan’s office.

As he heard the door open, he spun his chair to look at her, an eyebrow arched in question.

“I was just clearing up some last minute details with Nick,” Cora said by way of explaining.

“So I take it, you want him to succeed me?” A look of disappointment crossed Rogan’s face but he quickly masked it. He had hoped Cora had had a change of heart over their time together; she was at least acting like it, but maybe he had read her wrong.

“No, I will take over on one condition.” Cora didn’t think it possible for his eyebrows to travel any higher up his forehead but they did.

“Cora, I’ve told you before, you can do what you want.”

She only shrugged. “I just want you to know.”

“Okay, what is it?”

“I will run things my way and I don’t care what anyone else thinks. I’m not going to become you.” The words came out with a surprising amount of force as she spoke about the past.

“There will be people fighting you every step of the way, you do realise that, right? There are people who are loyal to the system,” Rogan warned but he had a glint of admiration in his eye as he looked at her.

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