Family Drama 4 E-Book Bundle (13 page)

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He sauntered off, the café door closing behind him, Pearl left red-faced. His girl! Surely he didn't mean it? No, of course he didn't. Her mind was still grappling with the change in Kevin's character when Dolly came marching out of the kitchen, heading towards her.

‘Your job is to wait on tables, Pearl, and not to flirt with my son.'

‘I … I wasn't flirting with him. Honest,' she protested, hands shaking.

‘I don't want to see you chatting with Kevin again. You're here to work and I suggest you remember that.'

‘Yes, Mrs Dolby.'

The woman threw her a dark look. ‘Finish clearing that table and you can go.'

Pearl vigorously rubbed the surface, relieved when Dolly went back to the kitchen. She rinsed out the cloth, took off her apron and, taking her bag from its usual place under the counter, murmured, ‘I'm off, Bernie. See you tomorrow.'

‘Bye, love, and take no notice of Dolly. Mind you, it might be safer to stay away from Kevin.'

‘Your son's a bit of all right, Bernie,' Alice
chuckled, ‘and you can't blame Pearl for having her eye on him.'

‘I … I haven't got my eye on him,' Pearl protested.

‘Oh, yeah, and pigs might fly,' Alice said. ‘You fancy him, and it's as plain as the nose on your face.'

A blush stained Pearl's cheeks and she lowered her head.

‘Leave the girl alone, Alice,' Bernie admonished.

Pearl threw him a grateful smile, saying a hurried goodbye as she left the café. Why did Alice have to stir it, and what if she said the same things to Dolly? God, she could get the sack. It was bad enough worrying that Alice was pinching her tips, but now she had to worry about losing her job.

Pearl stopped by Derek's stall, watching as he served a customer, amazed that with hands so large and chunky he was able to handle the most delicate china without breaking it.

As the customer walked away he came straight to her side. ‘What did you want to talk to me about?'

‘It doesn't matter now.'

‘Tell me anyway.'

Pearl couldn't confide in him about Kevin, instead saying only, ‘I think Alice is pinching some of my tips.'

‘Are you sure?'

‘I could be wrong, but I doubt it. You see, I
don't get many tips now, even from my regulars. Sometimes Alice clears my tables and I think I saw her pocket a tip. I waited to see if she put in the jar, but she didn't.'

‘The bitch! What did you say to her?'

‘How can I say anything until I'm a hundred per cent sure? And anyway, it's my word against hers and she's sure to deny it.'

‘Yeah, I see what you mean.' He paused for a moment, but then smiled. ‘When I'm in the café, I'll keep an eye out too. If we both catch her out, she won't have a leg to stand on.'

‘Oh, thanks, Derek. I don't know what I'd do without you.'

Kevin passed, lifting his hand to wave at them both, but Pearl lowered her head. She had to prevent Dolly from thinking that she was flirting with Kevin, but how?

‘Is there something else worrying you?' Derek asked. ‘You still look a bit down in the mouth.'

She raised her eyes, saw his concern, and in that moment, made up her mind. If she had a boyfriend, Dolly would know she wasn't after Kevin and her job would be safe. Taking a deep breath, Pearl forced a smile. ‘I'm fine. It … it's just that I was wondering if you'd still like me to be your girlfriend.'

‘Of course I would.'

‘Good, because I'd like that too.'

‘Pearl, are you sure?'

‘I'm sure.'

He grinned with delight. ‘Cor, wait till I tell Gran.'

‘She might not approve, Derek. She'll think I'm too young for you.'

‘You'll be seventeen soon, and I'm twenty-six. That makes only nine years between us. Anyway, Gran likes you and I think she'll be dead chuffed.'

Another customer came to the stall, Derek saying hurriedly, ‘I'll pick you up at seven. We'll go for a nice meal to celebrate.'

‘All right, 'bye,' Pearl said, wondering as she walked to her bedsit if she'd made the right decision. She was going to be Derek Lewis's girlfriend, protected and safe, but what if one day he proposed? Could she face becoming his wife? She pictured his cosy terraced house, his lovely gran, and smiled. Yes, surely she could. They would be a family, and if a baby came along? At that thought Pearl's steps faltered. When she worked in the laundry the women had often talked and joked about sex. Innocent though she was, she had soon found out from their ribald remarks how a baby was made, but could she bear to do
with Derek?

When Derek told Pearl that his gran wanted to see her, she went round to the house straight from work the next day, shaking with nerves.

At first Connie Lewis was a bit frosty, and deeply suspicious of Pearl's motives. ‘I thought we agreed that you're far too young for Derek,' she said as they sat in her cosy kitchen.

‘I know, but I've grown very fond of him.'

‘Huh, you can be fond of a cat,' she said, her eyes flicking to Marmalade. The huge ginger cat opened one eye, but seeing there was no food being offered, he closed it again. ‘Just what do you see in Derek? It ain't his looks, that's for sure.'

‘I know he isn't handsome, but that doesn't matter. There's more to a man than looks. Derek is so kind, so caring, and I feel safe with him.'

‘Safe! What's that supposed to mean? It sounds like you only want him for protection, but protection from what? Are you in trouble?'

‘No,' Pearl said hurriedly. ‘Oh dear, I seem to be saying all the wrong things. Please, Connie, I'm just trying to explain that I don't care what Derek looks like, it's his ways that count. I just want to be with him, to become part of this family, and … and maybe one day there'll be children.'

At last the ice began to melt, and a small smile played around the corners of Connie's mouth. ‘Kids – that'd be nice, but you're far too young to think about marriage yet.'

‘Yes, I know I'm jumping the gun, but I just wanted you to know how serious I am about Derek.'

Connie sat quietly for a moment, but then her eyes locked with Pearl's. ‘All right, I'll say no more. At the end of the day I just want Derek to be happy. I know I shouldn't cross-examine you, but he's never had a girlfriend before, his looks saw to that. You're a pretty girl, and could probably do better, so you can't blame me for being suspicious.'

‘I could never do better than Derek. He's wonderful.'

At last it seemed that Pearl had said the right thing. Connie suddenly relaxed, a wide grin now on her face. ‘You're right there. My Derek's a diamond. He'll be home soon so you might as well stay for dinner.'

‘Thanks, I'd love to,' Pearl said, heaving a sigh of relief.

Chapter Thirteen

When art classes started in September, Pearl and Derek settled into a routine. She went for lessons one night a week, and Derek went to the gym on Tuesdays and Thursdays. On the other evenings, she visited his house, sharing the family meal, growing closer to Connie and feeling part of the family. For Pearl, it was wonderful, Connie becoming like the mother she'd never had.

Pearl stood at her easel on Thursday evening, critically gazing at her effort before mixing more watercolours. Like Miss Rosen, this teacher was pleased with her work, and one day Pearl hoped to progress to oils. She had done a wash for the sky, satisfied with the stormy effect, and now raising her brush she attempted a tree. As this was an autumnal scene, in her mind's eye she imagined a high wind blowing, so she bent the tree, making it skeletal with few leaves clinging to the branches.
As she stepped back a pace, the woman at the next easel spoke.

‘I wish I could get the hang of doing that. Mine never seems to turn out right.'

Pearl wandered across, seeing that the woman had fashioned her tree with a huge trunk and a mushroom of bright green growth sprouting from the top. All right, it wasn't very good, but what did it matter? She had seen that the elderly lady loved the classes.

‘It looks nice,' Pearl smiled.

‘Leave it out, love, it's rubbish.'

The teacher came to their side, her head cocked as she surveyed the old lady's attempt. ‘Not bad, Mrs Fox, and you're coming along nicely.'

‘Do you think so? Well, thanks very much, but I wish I could paint like this young lady.'

‘Keep up the good work and you will.'

She then wandered on to the next easel, the old lady winking at Pearl. ‘Yeah, and pigs might fly too.'

Pearl grinned as she went back to her own work. She loved the mixed ability classes, finding everyone so friendly. Picking up her paintbrush again, she buried herself in the countryside scene.

The time flew past and to Pearl her painting wasn't quite finished. She was still daubing, still endeavouring to get it just right when the teacher came to her side.

‘Well done, my dear,' the woman said softly, ‘but know when to stop. You'll spoil the effect if you overwork it, and anyway, it's time to go home.'

‘Is it?' Pearl said, becoming aware of the noise in the room as people prepared to leave. She hurriedly packed up too, and as she left the class, there was a smile on her face. She was following her dream at last, a dream that one day her painting would be good enough to exhibit.

Pearl stepped outside to find Derek waiting for her. ‘Watcha, love,' he said, leaning down to plant a kiss on her cheek before taking her things to carry. ‘I finished early at the gym so thought I'd come to walk you home.'

She clutched Derek's arm as they walked along, pleased to see him, and glad that she had learned to relax when held in his arms. She still didn't enjoy his kisses, finding it hard to respond, and so far, fearing being alone with him, she hadn't invited him up to her room.

There was only one person who marred her contentment, and that was Kevin Dolby. For some reason he had taken to chatting to her, often asking her how things were going with Derek, but she couldn't understand why. He'd teased her once, asking if she wanted to be his girl, but she knew he was just making fun of her. He was so good-looking and there was no way he'd be interested in her, but still her stomach filled with fluttering
butterflies every time she saw him. Oh, she didn't want to think about Kevin; it only made her unsettled.

‘How did your class go?' Derek asked.

‘It was fine, and I'm learning so much.'

They continued to chat, Pearl enthusing about her art teacher, and when they arrived at Battersea High Street, Pearl unlocked her street door. She took her things from Derek, smiling up at him. ‘Thanks for walking me home, but there's really no need.'

‘I don't mind,' he said, eyes soft as he leaned down to kiss her, lips soft and moist as they settled on hers. ‘'Night, Pearl. I'll see you tomorrow.'

‘Yes. 'Night, Derek.' Pearl said, relieved that he didn't expect more.

She watched him walk away, his arm lifting in a small wave, before she went inside and climbed the stairs to her bedsit. The house was quiet as Pearl flopped onto the side of the bed, eyes looking up to the ceiling. Mr Bardington had stopped his pacing and she rarely saw the man. In fact, he had become so quiet that she often forgot he was in the building. Like her, he was an outsider. Still, now that she was courting Derek, the locals were coming round and warming to her.

Pearl kicked off her shoes and went to make herself a drink, but soon after drinking it, she heard noises from the street, people shouting. Puzzled,
she went over to the window to see a crowd of about twenty people. In the dim light from a street-lamp she spotted Derek amongst them and threw up the window.

‘Derek. What's going on?'

He looked up. ‘Come down, Pearl.'

She threw on her shoes and dashed downstairs, Derek coming straight to her side. ‘I was on my way home when I met up with this lot. Eric's missing. Have you seen him?'

‘No. Oh, Derek, it's after ten o'clock. Where can he be?'

‘I dunno. He didn't come home from school and, as you can see, a lot of people have rallied round to search for him. They've looked everywhere but are running out of options.'

‘Have they tried Battersea Park?'

‘I dunno, but we couldn't cover an area of that size. What makes you think he'd go there?'

‘There's a lot to attract kids, but it was just a suggestion. Anyway, if the police have been told, they'll probably cover it.'

‘Yeah, they've been told, but not until after eight o'clock. Frank was hoping he'd turn up before then.'

Pearl saw Frank Hanwell, his face drawn with worry. ‘Eric! Eric!' he shouted, his eyes frantically searching the dim High Street. ‘Where are you, you little bugger?'

‘Frank looks awful. Is there anything I can do to help?'

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