Family Matters (DiCarlo Brides book 4) (The DiCarlo Brides) (38 page)

Read Family Matters (DiCarlo Brides book 4) (The DiCarlo Brides) Online

Authors: Heather Tullis

Tags: #orphans, #birth mother, #Romance, #Abuse, #Adoption, #clean romance, #suspense, #The DiCarlo Brides

BOOK: Family Matters (DiCarlo Brides book 4) (The DiCarlo Brides)
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Pat, I hope you’ll find a girl sometime soon who’s worthy of you and these beautiful flowers. I’m so flattered that you thought that person was me, but it’s not. Trust me, there’s someone better for you out there. I will always think the world of you.


Leaving the note on the patio, Taycee walked through the empty apartment and out the front door to her white Toyota Camry. She would miss Pat and his quick, boyish smile—but not enough. It was never enough. Not when a vivid image of dark brown eyes still frequented her dreams.

For crying out loud, it’s been ten years! Forget him already! He’s gone and won’t be coming back. He lied to you. Broke his promise. Deal with it and move on.

But at the back of her mind, Taycee worried that he’d ruined her. That no matter how nice, how smart, or how handsome a guy was, he wouldn’t be able to erase the memory of Luke Carney—someone who’d left their small Colorado town nearly a decade ago, took her heart with him, and had never come back. Sometimes Taycee felt like hunting him down just so she could punch him hard in the face. More than once, like one of those scenes in a movie.
That’s for leaving and never coming back. That’s for breaking your promise. And that’s for breaking my heart!

Lately, dating had become an almost frenzied quest to find a guy who could free her from the shackles of Luke’s memory—someone who could make her feel something stronger than respect and like. Someone who could make her
to say “yes.”

But it was no use. Taycee only ended up hurting unsuspecting guys. Guys who didn’t deserve to be hurt. Like Pat.

Well, no more. It had gone too far this time, and Taycee was through. Through with flirting. Through with dating. Through with trying. Maybe if she moved on with the rest of her life, Luke’s memory would move on, too.


* * *


The Bloom Boutique, a refurbished cottage on Main Street, charmed Shelter Springs with its flower lined walkway and yellow siding with white trim. It exuded cozy, and the moment it hit the market three years earlier, Taycee had been first in line to make an offer. Now, it was hers.

The bells on the front door jingled.

“Be right there!” Taycee called from the back.

“No need,” a light, breezy voice announced. Jessa McCray waltzed through to the back room and hopped up on the counter next to Taycee, swinging her strappy sandaled feet and showing off her pedicure. Always dressed to impress, with her short, highlighted blonde hair, she never looked anything less than stunning.

Taycee pushed one last sunflower into the green foam and stepped back to study the arrangement. Perfect.

“It’s gorgeous. Who’s it for?” Jessa asked.

“Mr. Benion.”

“Our old biology teacher?”

“One and the same.”

“Why?” Jessa’s perfectly tweezed arched eyebrows drew together. “Unless . . . wait. Don’t tell me he’s actually dating someone.”       

A laugh escaped Taycee’s mouth. Jessa sounded so shocked, as if no one in their right mind would ever go out with poor Mr. Benion. “You didn’t hear it from me, but when he ordered the arrangement, he asked if I knew what Maris’s favorite flowers are.”

Jessa’s jaw dropped, as well as her voice. “Shut up. Are you serious? Mr. Benion and Maris?”

Taycee shrugged. “Who knows? I just do as my customers ask.”

“You never do as

“I meant my paying customers.”

Jessa let out an exaggerated sigh. “And you call yourself a friend.”

friend, and don’t you forget it,” Taycee said as she pushed in the plastic card holder and slid the white envelope into place.

“Um, yeah . . .” Jessa hedged. “Funny you should mention that.”

“Why?” Taycee said, wary. It had been awhile since Jessa had played the “best friend” card, and it wasn’t a good thing when she did. Her favors were never small.

“I’m actually here to call in a little favor.” Jessa bit down on her lower lip, moving it back and forth between her teeth.

“What’s up?”

Jessa hopped down from the counter and focused her light brown eyes on Taycee. “Remember in high school when you snuck out past curfew to meet David at the movies?”

“Uh . . . yeah.” Oh no, not this. Not the favor of all favors. Taycee had secretly hoped it had joined the archives of forgotten memories. If only she could be that lucky.

Jessa stepped closer. “And remember how your parents called my house, and I lied for you and told them you were studying with me?”


“And remember how you promised me you’d do anything to pay me back?”

“That part’s a little hazy.” Why oh why had she ever made such a promise? Especially knowing full well Jessa would never forget and it would come back to haunt her one day. Today, as it turned out.

Jessa picked up a discarded sunflower and plucked the petals one by one. “Hazy or not, I’m calling in that promise, best friend of mine.”

Taycee grabbed the sunflower from Jessa, saving the remaining petals. “Sorry, but I think there’s a clause somewhere that states all promises are null and void after seven years.”

“Not a chance.” Jessa smirked. “Those kinds of promises never expire. Besides, it’s too late anyway.”

Oh no. What did Jessa do now? “Too late for what?”

“To say no.” Jessa shrugged as if it were no big deal. “You’re already committed.”

“Committed to what? Jessa! You can’t commit me to anything without asking first. Even you should know that.” Not that it really came as a shock. Jessa always did whatever she wanted, because if Jessa thought something was a good idea, then of course it was.        

With a sweep of her hand, Jessa brushed her layered bangs to the side. “So how did your date go with Pat last night?”

“Not so fast. I want to know what this favor is first.”

“And I want to know about your date with Pat.”

Taycee’s fingers itched to strangle her friend, but Jessa was nothing if not resilient. Going up against her took Taycee back to her sixth grade spelling bee, when she’d made it to the final round where she’d faced off against Daphne—the school know-it-all. Taycee had been determined to win, but after going back and forth and back and forth for over four hours—yes, four—Taycee finally misspelled a word on purpose just to put an end to it. Pure torture. That’s what it had been.

Just like trying to win an argument with Jessa.

“So . . . how did it go?” Jessa repeated.

Taycee sighed. “It didn’t. We broke up.” She left it at that. If Jessa ever found out that Pat had actually proposed—especially how he’d done it—the poor guy would become the subject of one too many jokes. He was too nice for that.

Jessa examined her nails. “And another one bites the dust.”

“A little harsh, don’t you think?” Pat hadn’t tried to call or stop by, and probably never would again. Which was fine. But Taycee didn’t like the way things had ended—so unfinished. As if she’d broken something, and then left without repairing it.

“Harsh, but true,” Jessa said. “How many guys have you been through this year? Three so far, right? And it’s not even May yet.”

Taycee frowned as she fiddled with the sunflowers in the finished bouquet. Jessa was right, but that part of her life was over now. She’d always wanted to get more into the wedding business with her flower shop, and it was time to focus on that instead.

“Hey, you heard Luke Carney’s back in town, right?”

A sunflower stem broke between Taycee’s fingers, and the flower landed with a small thud on the countertop at the same time her heart thudded to the floor. She stared at the fallen flower, feeling a creepy-crawly sensation move over her body. Like a million tiny somethings had landed on her and were now picking away at her skin. She wanted to shake the feeling off. Start jumping up and down and bat it all away.

Luke? Back? Impossible.

“You know, Caleb’s old friend?” Jessa said. “The guy you used to be secretly in love with?”

Taycee turned to Jessa as if she’d said the most outrageous thing. Something that couldn’t possibly be true even though it was. “I was never in love with him.”

“Please,” Jessa said. “If I had a nickel for every story you told me about him, I’d be rich enough to save Shelter. I feel like I know the guy, and I’ve never even met him.”

Taycee swallowed, fighting back that creepy-crawly feeling again. Ten years and the mere mention of his name brought on a panic attack. Pathetic. Deep breath in. Deep breath out. In. Out.

“Is he here to visit?” Taycee managed. Please let it only be a temporary thing.

“Nope. For good,” Jessa said. “Or so the rumor mill says. According to the mayor, Luke bought the old McCann place and is planning to set up a veterinary practice here.”

It were as if the room suddenly drained of oxygen. Taycee couldn’t breathe. For good? Why? Why Shelter? Why now? His parents had moved away years ago, so why come back here? Why not find some other small town to post his sign and open for business?

No. He couldn’t come back. He’d already done enough damage, and besides, Shelter Springs was already taken.

By her.

“Earth to Taycee,” Jessa cooed.

Taycee’s hand shook as she reached for another sunflower to replace the broken one. “Sorry, what did you say?”

“Nothing important.” Jessa pushed away from the counter and stole an Andes mint from the candy jar. “But about that favor . . . you’re good for it?”

“Yeah, sure, whatever.” Who cared about some stupid favor? Taycee had bigger things to worry about.

“Ta ta.” Seconds later, the bells rang again, and the door fell closed behind Jessa.

Taycee slumped against the counter, needing the support it offered. A reoccurring nightmare had just become reality. Luke was back. In town. For good.

Heaven help her.

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Rosemary’s story has been so much fun for me to write. She’s quirky and brash and covers her pain with a tough exterior, but she’s been through tough times and come out stronger for it. It’s been so much fun writing her story!

I have to thank the many fans who’ve anxiously awaited this book—your enthusiasm and support mean more than you can possibly know. And many thanks to Maria Hoagland and Rebecca Blevins who proofed the book for me and helped me make it better. And lots of hugs and kisses (and no-bake cookies) in thanks for my husband, Bill, who loves me, supports me, and is excited to see me succeed at anything. Love you, honey!



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