Family Secrets (9 page)

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Authors: Moon Lightwood

Tags: #incest, #taboo, #bdsm, #sexual punishment, #taboo sex, #pseudo incest, #stepfather stepdaughter sex, #anal creampie, #stepbrother stepsister sex, #sexual beating

BOOK: Family Secrets
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"Are you gonna fuck me, Daddy?" Brittney had
asked him, looking at him with half-mooned eyes that were
exhausted, but looked as if they'd still wanted to invite him
inside, which he loved.

She'd been writhing around beneath him,
rubbing her clit with his dick. He'd liked that; he'd liked that a

He'd slid into her again on that night and he
was sure the voices in his head had been saying things, but he
hadn't been listening to them. He'd been too busy ravaging the shit
out of his stepdaughter, a girl that had screamed, "Daddy, don't
stop!" so much that night that she'd made him harder than he'd ever
thought he'd been in his entire life.

An hour later, he hadn't even heard the phone
ringing when Susan had called to let him know she'd be staying over
at one of her friends' houses. Besides, there was no way he would
have heard; Brittney had still been in the middle of another orgasm
that time and he'd been trying to hold his at bay.

And that had only been the beginning.

Over the next year and a half, he and
Brittney haven't ever slowed their tawdry affair down, let alone
thought about stopping it at all.

After being together that first night, Luke
found that he couldn't wait to get home without Susan there. A few
weeks before then he'd been annoyed that Susan had begun to spend
most of her days sleeping over at one of her girlfriend's houses,
but once he'd started sleeping with Brittney, Susan's absences had
definitely come in handy.

During the first six weeks of their affair,
Luke's sleeping with Brittney had felt wrong to him, horrible, and
that's when his inner voice of cajoling had started to slip and
shown its true snake-like ways. He'd felt guilty, but that was some
of the thrill of it. The other voice, his good voice, the voice of
his reason, had told him that he shouldn't be doing what he was
doing, that it was truly bad, but he also hadn't wanted to

To Luke at that time, Brittney was fresh,
young, something he'd been missing, and she'd squirt constantly
while serving him hot pussy all over their house. They fucked on
the living room sofa, on the living room floor, on the ottoman, the
kitchen floor; he'd done her doggystyle as she'd balanced herself
against the dining room table. They'd done it in both bathrooms as
they'd taken showers. Running a routine errand with him one morning
during the summer, he and Brittney had ended up on a deserted road,
fucking in the front seat; another time they'd ended up in the back
seat of his car at night when he'd feigned sickness at work and had
taken a few hours off to be with her because he'd been as horny as
a teenager.

He wasn't exactly sure when Susan had found
out—meaning he couldn't have pinpointed an exact date on the
calendar—but eventually she had. Not that she had confronted him on
the matter, not directly anyway. By that time, Luke figured they'd
all accumulated too many skeletons in their closets to throw any
dirt in one another's faces. They had all gone too far down the
roads of debauchery to turn back and it was obvious to Luke, and it
was apparently obvious to Susan as well.

Once Luke and Brittney started having sex
sometimes four and five times a week—and sometimes multiple times a
day, same as things had been between her and Scott—Luke and Susan
had stopped having sex with one another completely. They were, in
actuality, only occasional bedmates that didn't mind sharing a top
mattress when one of them was too wiped to take one of the couches

What Luke and Brittney had had gone on for
nearly two years, but in the back of Luke's mind, he'd always known
there would be a reckoning, it had only been a matter of when.

When Brittney had started applying to
colleges, he'd thought she'd choose a university far away. But much
to his surprise—and delight—she'd chosen a small college only
twenty minutes from home, and most times, she and Luke got motel
rooms during the week whenever he could, or she'd come back home to

The fact that Brittney hadn't gone away to
another school—a better school—nagged at him sometimes. She'd had
the grades and the SAT scores to go off somewhere decent, not to
mention she'd had enough scholarships and grants to pay for the
bulk of her tuition without having to get a job during her freshman
or sophomore years of school, yet she hadn't. Nor had they talked
about it. Luke admired the fact that regardless of the home life
Brittney had had, she'd still managed to keep her head, and
maintain good grades and study habits. He was amazed really.

She's amazing
, his voice of reason had
piped in more than once over the duration of his and Brittney's
She's still a good girl and a good person regardless of
some of the things she's done. She still has a chance at a normal
life—if you let her go. Do it, Luke. Let the girl go so she can
have a decent life

But Luke had only shaken his head sadly
against the inner monologue only he could hear. He couldn't let
her. He wouldn't. He had his own reasons, a multitude of reasons
why he didn't want to let her out of his life. And one of the
things that he didn't want to admit even to himself was that if she
left him for good, it would break his heart in some irreparable
way, and he didn't think he'd ever recover.

You're a selfish bastard, and that's all
, the snake-like voice had crooned, pushing his inner
voice of logic to the side. The snake voice had gotten intensely
stronger, much to Luke's chagrin. He also thought that if Brittney
went away, that snake voice would probably overtake his own true
voice—and then where would he be? Where would he end up when it was
all said and done?
It's not just great sex you keep the girl
around for, Luke-y. You fell in love with her. But…you were meant
to stay in love with her
. Oh wait, but you never
loved Susan in the first place, did you? Yeah, that's right. It was
a marriage of convenience. You had a kid, she had a kid, she seemed
like a good mother, and she'd been a mother to Scott without
qualms. Not only that, but little Susie could cook and clean, and
that's what else you needed aside from someone to help you out with
a few bills—you'd needed a maid! Sure, Suze wasn't a looker, but
she was domestic, and you could live with domestic. Love didn't
have anything to do with that union and we both know it.

Then you found out that your Susie was a
closet bisexual! Wasn't that fun when you started hearing the
rumors? Wasn't that icing on the cake? The kids were still little
then, and Scott was having a few problems and even though the money
situation was looking all right, you found out your wife was
munching carpet on the side! You know the guys laughed behind your
back right? Maybe a few of their wives wanted to fuck you, but they
laughed a great deal to find out that your own wife was cheating on
you with other women. That's when you understood that your dick
couldn't satisfy the one woman who it mattered to you that you
satisfied at the time. That's when you found out what it meant when
she'd look at your hard-on with a repulsed look on her face at
times. You finally found out, even though you wished you hadn't.
Oh, she tolerated the sex stuff with you enough to give you a
mediocre sex life most of the time, but not so deep down you knew
she didn't want you, not really.

You weren't in love with her, but ha, joke's
on you again, because she wasn't in love with you either!

And then look at her mothering skills! Look
at what those turned out to be! She was good with the kids when
they were smaller—that you know of—but look at the way she knew
what Scott was doing with her daughter and she turned a blind eye!
Then look at the way she knew what YOU were doing to her daughter,
but instead of confronting either you or Scott and putting an end
to it, she pretends she doesn't know about it! Great wife! Great
mother, that Susan! But you're tied to her in a lot more ways than
you'd like to think about it, eh, Luke-o-boy? And how does it feel
to bang her daughter and get all that frustration out? Do you still
feel guilty? You should. But you probably don't. Why, because
you're a selfish fucking bastard, that's why.

Sometimes Luke would think about his life in
terms of incidents rather than years and he would feel much older
than he actually was. He was still a relatively young man. Even at
forty, he was still unbelievably handsome and well-built. If he
chose to leave Susan, he would have no problem finding another
woman. He could start all over again with marriage and kids. He
could find a woman who didn't care or didn't know anything about
him, and he could make it work.

But he knew he wouldn't.

He wanted what he wanted, and he knew that
even if he didn't want to hear it, that snake-voice, the one from
the pit of his dirty heart, spoke the truth. He was a selfish

And as he looked down at his stepdaughter's
nude body that was only partially covered by a thin top sheet, his
head was reeling and his blood was boiling.

Britt was his, and if she'd forgotten, he'd
make her remember again. And he'd make her remember in a way that
she'd never forget for the rest of her life.


Luke shut his eyes again, and concentrated on
controlling his breathing. He'd learned certain tricks over the
years to taper down his anger without having to attend any classes,
and his methods worked just fine. He'd gone from raging inside to
calming himself to a state of anger, and finally, he'd gotten
himself down to a mild simmer, which he thought would be as good as
things could get under the circumstances.

The one thing he'd never done, and he'd vowed
that he would never ever do, was hit any of his kids or a woman
when he was angry and not thinking clearly. When a man did that, he
was apt to lose control of himself and regret what he'd done later
if he had a conscience, and Luke definitely had one.

As a child, he'd seen his uncles knock their
wives around every now and again and they'd tell him it was okay,
and even though he'd laughed with them so he wouldn't get knocked
around himself or called a wimp or a sissy, he'd always felt uneasy
about such a thing even as a young boy. It hadn't seemed or felt
right to him, but he hadn't had a father to turn to for advice or
anything of the sort because his own dad had abandoned his family
when Luke had only been a child. He'd heard that it had something
to do with his father's drinking, but he'd never known the truth,
and he doubted he ever would. The bottom line was all he'd had were
the bad examples when he'd been younger, but he'd had enough common
sense and his own mind to know that he didn't have to be a certain
type of man just because he'd been raised around certain

But after he grew up, he realized that
adulthood was a slippery slope. Some things he'd done right—or
than his own father at the very least—but he'd done
plenty of wrong as well, and standing over Brittney's bed, just as
she began to stir, was evidence of one of his poorer lapses in
judgment. But there was also no turning back time.

Seeing her stir in that unassuming way
ignited the anger in him again. It wasn't the needling rage he'd
felt before when he'd first come into her room and had seen her
naked under the bed sheet, but the anger was back again and he
wouldn't deny it its due this time around.

He pulled the bed sheet the rest of the way
off the lower half of Brittney's body and took a few seconds to
pause and appreciate the round, firmness of her ass. She hadn't
exactly been flat-as-a-board before, but her ass had definitely
rounded out between the time Scott had started fucking her when
they'd been younger and when Luke got his hands on her. With his
anger paused, he took at her supple little body that could do so
many tricks on his hard dick that sometimes she still managed to
shock him.

Then he snapped out of it. There were other
matters to attend to; he could admire her later. This wasn't a time
for admiration, it was a time for her to take her medicine whether
she wanted it or not.

The second he made up his mind was the very
second that he noticed the wet spot in the bed right underneath
where her crotch was positioned as she lay there on her front. He
looked a little bit closer, but he needed a better view.

He grabbed her hips with the same swiftness
he usually managed in most endeavors, and hoisted her up so that he
could process that damage. As soon as he'd done that, she'd
stirred, her body protesting as her eyelids fluttered and peeled
back, revealing sleep-addled eyes.

"Lie still," Luke commanded her with a
fierceness in his voice that he hadn't used with her for a while.
"Don’t you fuckin' move one inch until I tell you to move."

Immediately, Brittney's body stilled and she
stopped the subtle moaning that had been rising from somewhere in
her chest as her disorientation evaporated and her brain acquainted
her with the situation she was dealing with.

After she and Scott had finished with their
double sex session, she'd been too exhausted to make her way to the
shower to clean up and douche.
, she'd told herself,
Luke'll probably be too tired from work to step foot in here by
the time he gets off. And on top of that, I'll probably wake up at
round five feeling yucky, and I'll end up jumping in the shower
before he gets home anyway since he won't be here till six or

She hadn't known about Luke's change in
schedule since she was no longer living at home, only dropping in
every now and again when she knew Susan wasn't at home so they
could spend some time together. No way had she thought he'd be back
in the house hours earlier than he used to be.

She'd told herself that Luke wouldn't find
out about what she and Scott had done—it wasn't as if the two of
them had ever announced what they'd been doing in the past,
anyway—and everything would be okay. She hadn't anticipated him
coming home and finding her naked in bed, the fitted sheet still
damp from her and Scott's time together.

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