Famous (Famous #1) (38 page)

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Authors: Kahlen Aymes

BOOK: Famous (Famous #1)
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“Brooklyn, baby, I’m dying. I’ve missed you so bloody much,” he groaned into my neck and then took my face in his hands to look in my eyes. “How much time do we have?” he asked, his dimples showing as he grinned at me.

“Ugh!” I groaned, “Not long enough, never enough. Only five minutes,” I whispered against his mouth and sucked his lower lip into my mouth. He drew back his lips clinging to mine and then looked in my eyes.

His thumbs brushed my cheekbones as he placed a soft, teasing kiss on my lips, and then ran his finger across my lower lip, his other hand still holding the side of my face. I felt devilish as I reached out and flicked his finger with my tongue and then drew it into my mouth, gently sucking, my eyes boring into his, as I slid my mouth down the length of it and then back up.

“I want to kiss you, and hold you, but I want to look at you.”

“Mmmm,” I moaned. I sucked his finger like I would have another part of his anatomy, and knew he was imagining that I was. “Cade, I want to…” I let the words drop off as my eyes remained locked with his, staring deeply into their blue depths. They were glazed over in passion, I could see how much he wanted me, and I loved him so much I thought my heart would explode.

He was so handsome; I never wanted to stop looking at him.

He drew in his breath and I knew the reaction his body was having.

“Oh, God. You’re so
mean to me
! So blissfully mean.” His voice was low and husky as he leaned his forehead on mine. “I’ll make you pay later, I promise.” He warned, but he smiled as he kissed the palm of my hand with his open mouth, his eyes still locked on mine.
“My baby,” he groaned and placed one last kiss on my mouth, his thumb gently tracing my chin. “They’ll be coming back in so we’d better behave for now.”

He took a deep breath, and motioned for me to return to the seat. After placing his hands on my shoulders and running them down the length of my arms, and kissing the top of my head, he took his own chair again, and just in time.

He was barely seated when the door opened. Mary came back to resume work on Cade’s hair.

“What the
? What happened to your hair?” She was clearly upset. “Look at this!” She motioned to the back that was all messy.

Oh shit

My hands had messed up his newly coiffed hair as I got lost in our kisses. He glanced at me in the mirror and I felt my cheeks burn with color and I concentrated on not laughing. Just breathe, I told myself.

Cade’s mouth moved to speak but then shut again. He smiled a huge shit-eating grin.

“Uh, yeah.” Cade flushed. “Sorry, I have a bad habit of running my hand through it.” His eyes met mine in the mirror, and I bit my lip and bent my head to hide a smile. He shrugged.

It appeared some of the fan girl enthusiasm was now taking a back seat to her annoyance. “Sorry?” Mary asked.

“Yes. Bloody, sorry.” His mouth twitched, as she started messing with the ruined parts, shaking her head.

I struggled not to burst out laughing.

“Yeah, they gave me pictures, and I had it fucking perfect,” she huffed. “Shit,” she said as she went back to work to repair the damage.

Jeanne was shaking her head, and trying to hide a smile, as Jason went to work on me.




Chapter 19



The photo shoot went well, and as a group, we planned on having dinner at CUT, Wolfgang Puck’s steakhouse in Beverly Hills. Naturally, I sat next to Cade during dinner and though we made sure to keep it very platonic, his hand would rest on my knee or he would grab my hand under the table once in a while. He was constantly touching me in some way and my heart was thrumming. I glanced up at him as he chatted with Ethan and Gavin, never missing a beat as he spoke of the details of his new film.

It made my pulse race when his fingers would lace with mine and he’d hold on tight. All the while the dinner continued, everyone ate, talked and laughed, around us.

I spoke to Jeanne again as I changed back into my street clothes, and was told that due to a very early flight tomorrow, Cade wouldn’t be able to come to my house, and of course, because of the paparazzi, I wouldn’t be able to go to his hotel. I tried not to be disappointed, though it wasn’t easy. There had to be times when he was in town that we did what was necessary to firmly establish the illusion; this meant he be seen going back to his hotel alone and checking out before his flight, the following morning.

My heart squeezed a little at the thought, but I knew we’d have the next three days together, the longest time we’d ever had to be alone. Three, bliss-filled days, in the arms of the man I adored. I could live through one more night without him -

He went to the bathroom and sent me a text before we all got ready to leave.


Tonight will feel like eternity without you in my arms.


My knees went weak at his words. He was so damn romantic. He knew exactly how to turn my insides to mush. It was surprising. He was only twenty-three, and most guys at that age just wanted to get laid and didn’t give a crap about the girl’s pleasure. It amazed me how attentive and invested Cade was.

Noah was standing next to me, so I wasn’t able to return the message right away.
 “Brooklyn, it was good to see you.” His voice was warm and he had a smile on his face, his arm coming around me to pull me into his side.

Cade walked back into the room at that moment and I saw him stiffen slightly. He didn’t think I was flirting with Noah, did he?

“Um, yeah, you, too.” I nodded. “Are you still hitting the gym every day? Your character wasn’t written so beefy, was he?” I tried to make small talk as Cade rejoined the group.

“Yeah, four hours every day.” He flexed his biceps in front of me. “This is who I am. They knew I worked out when I was cast.”

“Wow.” I said. Considering this was his first film, his comment convinced me he that his main thing was fitness modeling, and it would likely remain his focus. “Well, you look great.”

“Thanks!” His eyes were excited. “No option.”

I smiled at him weakly, a little bereft of what I should say. He was confident, I’d give him that but it came off a little conceited and then there was the issue of the other, taller man walking toward us. “I see.”

“If you want, I can work you out. Like a personal trainer.” His face broke out in a huge smile as he nudged me with his shoulder.

“Oh? All of us? Cade looks like he works out, too.” I wanted to include him in the conversation so he had a clear picture of what was going on.

“Uh, yeah, right.” Cade’s mouth twitched sardonically.

Jeanne came up and told me it was time to leave.

“I’ll just say goodbye to everyone and meet you in the front?” I asked.

“Okay, Honey,” she said. “Cade, it’s good to see you again.” She hugged him goodbye.

“It’s always a pleasure, Jeanne.” He flashed a drop-dead smile at her. She grinned and patted his arm as she left.

I said goodbye to Gavin and Sarah, then Noah gathered me up in a big bear hug. He took me by surprise when he lifted me off of the ground and twirled me around. “See ya, Jules,” he said fondly, using a nickname for my character in the film.

“Yeah, see ya.” I smiled tightly as he finally put me down. I glanced at Cade who was watching intently from where he was standing about twenty feet away. He was speaking to Ethan, but excused himself and came over to me.

“So Cade, I guess I’ll see you in a few days for the extra scenes?” I went through the motions because Noah was still near us. I reached out to touch his stomach in a casual way, like a little punch.

“Yes, I think the first one is on Tuesday.” His eyes bore into mine. I wondered if he was upset that Noah hugged me?

“It’s really good to see you.” My eyes were soft and full of love. Though I hope he could read them, I was nervous someone else would, too.

He pulled me into a hug and it was all I could do not to throw my arms around him and pull his face down for a kiss.

“You, too. I’d like to spend more time with you guys, but I have an early flight.” His mouth sported a small smile as he released me, which silently told me he wasn’t upset by Noah’s hug. “Noah, you’re not in any of the new scenes, are you? Anyway, it was good to see you.” Cade put out a hand in offering to Noah, who took it and shook it firmly.

“Good to see you, too, Cade,” Noah replied.

“It’s okay that you have to call it an early night,” I said so Noah and the others could hear. “I’m not feeling very well anyway. I think I may be coming down with something.” Cade’s hand went to my forehead and then he brought the back of his hand to my cheek.

“Yeah, you’re warm.” He played along. “You should get home and go to bed. I’ll call you tomorrow to see how you’re doing.”

“Have a safe flight to Vancouver and tell Daniel I said ‘
,” I said, as I turned to go.

Jeanne was smirking at me when we climbed back into her SUV for the trip back to my parent’s house. “You guys are good.”

“It was a lot easier because I know we’ll be together tomorrow.” I sighed. “Is it real, Jeanne? I feel a little out of control of myself.” I shook my head. “But, I really couldn’t give a damn,” I said incredulously.

Jeanne was on the interstate back toward my parents’ neighborhood. “He loves you, that’s for sure.”

“It was weird because other than the minute or two in the make-up room, we didn’t have any time alone to talk, but it’s enough just to be in the same room with him.” I shook my head at myself because I realized how true that statement was.
“Even when we have to leave each other, even though it hurts so damn bad, I wouldn’t change a second of it, Jeanne. Does that make any sense? It’s just… the love is so indescribable, that I want to feel
with him.”

“I understand, Brook. You’re very lucky. Both of you.”

We sat in silence for a second, then I remembered the text he sent me earlier and I needed to reply. “He sent a text and I wasn’t able to reply earlier, can you give me a minute?” I pulled out my phone as she nodded as I started to type.


Eternity is ours. Only one more night until the mad, mad love begins. Xo


I hit send, my heart thundering in my chest.
“I feel so, I don’t know, giddy, I guess. Just being with him, Jeanne, I have a high. I know it’s pathetic, isn’t it?” I laughed.

“If only I could be so pathetic,” she teased. “Brook, I have one more thing to tell you,” she said hesitantly.

“Yeah?” I waited. “What?”

“There’s another surprise for you, when you get to the bungalow tomorrow, okay?” She smiled at me as my eyes widened.

“What is it?” I demanded as excitement coursed through me.

Jeanne shook her head. “Oh, no! I can’t say. Cade would kill me! He’s really very romantic, isn’t he? Jesus, I’m jealous!”

My eyes widened at her words. “Yes, he’s amazing, and sexy and brilliant and talented! I can’t
he loves me, or that he’s even real.”

“Brook, come on. If you heard him talk about you when I took him to the airport…” her words fell off for a moment as she shook her head.
“Just listening, not only to his words about the way you met, the connection, left me breathless, but the reverent way in which he said them…” She trailed off and shrugged. “Well, it was like a fucking romance novel.” She let out a small laugh and I burst out laughing. Happiness was like a drug that I couldn’t get enough of.

“Really?” My heart swelled and I knew my face was lit up like a Christmas tree. “I’ve never felt anything like this!”

Jeanne nodded in understanding, a smile spreading across her face. “Well, you’re young, Brook, and I’d be remiss if I didn’t watch out for you, but Cade is genuine. It’s obvious how he feels about you.”

“I feel like my heart will just explode with it, you know? He’s like oxygen, I can’t breathe without him. I know I sound ridiculous.” I laughed softly. “Jeanne, can I tell you something? I’m just dying to talk about it!”

“Oh, sweetheart. I’m so happy for you. Of course you can tell me anything. I’ll take it to the grave.” She laughed.

I hesitated and bit my lip, then turned toward her in the front seat of her car and looked down as I felt myself blush.

“When we make love, it’s so incredible. Just beautiful, you know?” Jeanne smirked at me.
“He knows just how to touch me, and he makes love to me with his
as well. He cares about how it is for me. It’s so amazing… it’s brought us both to tears before.” I sighed, emotion welling up in my chest and making my eyes burn and my throat tight. “I sometimes think he’s a dream, and it feels so good, it hurts. Now I sound like a romance novel!” I tried to laugh, but only managed to blink and swallow.

“Brook, on the way to LAX, Cade made a similar statement. He told me that you’re his whole world, that he can’t believe you love him in return, and that you do, is a miracle that
must be a dream
.” She beamed at me.

I looked at my hands as tears filled my eyes.
“He asked me to marry him,” I said softly. “And, I just have to.” I shrugged and wrung my hands. “There is no other choice but to be with him forever.” I smiled through my tears. “I just love him so much I can’t even put it into words.”

“Save me a seat in the front of the church, okay?” Her eyes were glistening with tears, too.

I let out a small laugh as I wiped the happy tears from my face, and nodded. “Yeah, I promise,” I replied.

When I got home, I began packing my bags, and even though I knew I needed to sleep, I was aching to talk to Cade. As if he read my mind, my phone started playing his song. I couldn’t get to my phone fast enough.

“Hey!” I breathed into the phone.

“What are you doing?” he murmured his voice low.

“Um, I’m packing,” I laughed.

“Don’t pack too many clothes, love.” I could hear the lazy smile in his voice even though I couldn’t see his face.

“Well, okay, I won’t. Mmmm, I miss you,” I said softly as I snuggled into my bed.

“Me, too. It was hell not being able to touch you and kiss you tonight. I wanted to all day. It’s been worse than being in New York.”

“You managed under the table a little, which felt amazing. Just to be in the same room with you calms me down… and makes me very excited.” I laughed shortly.

“Oh, love. God, I bloody hate being this close and not being able to hold you. More, when you say that type of thing,” he groaned.

“Caden Michael Carlisle,” I teased him. “I’m going to make you come so hard tomorrow night; you won’t ever want to leave me.” I heard his sharp intake of breath and I smiled gently.

“Brook.” He sighed deeply. “I love you so much,” he said so softly I could barely hear him, but there were tremors in his voice. “I dream of making love to you, of holding you, and just talking to you. I love your voice, the velvet suppleness of your skin beneath my hands and lips, the scent of your arousal. Mmmm. Then, to feel your body move in response to mine… Christ,” he groaned “And when you make those little sounds in your throat when I’m making love to you, when you moan my name, you drive me insane.”

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