FanGirl Squeal (RockStars of Romance Book 1) (28 page)

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Authors: Jackie Chanel,Madison Taylor

BOOK: FanGirl Squeal (RockStars of Romance Book 1)
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“All due respect, doctors,” Cash replied, “but when it comes
to Savannah, I’m all in. I’m ready to deal with whatever comes our way. I’m not
naïve and I don’t believe she is either. There might be some issues and people
may be bold enough to let their ignorance show, but I don’t want that to stop
us from being together.”

Dr. Ford folded his arms across his chest. His dark brown
eyes stared straight into Cash’s light blue ones. His gaze was so intense that
Cash wanted to look away. He knew better than to do it.

“Do you love her?”

“Yes,” Cash answered without any hesitation. His answer
surprised everyone in the room.

Without blinking, Dr. Ford asked, “Are you sure?”

“Yes, sir. I love Savannah.”

As the words left his mouth, Cash swelled with pride and
satisfaction. Hearing those words out loud confirmed what he’d been feeling
since Boston.

“You’re really in love?” Mrs. Ford asked. The doubt in her
voice was obvious. “In such a short time?”

“When you know, you know,” Cash replied.

Dr. Ford sighed. “I know my child. I know that if she feels
like she’s in love with you too and I say I forbid you to date her; she’ll be
marrying you before the sun sets. I want the best for my baby girl. I want her
to be successful, fulfilled, and happy. I’ve never wanted my girls to struggle
the way their grandparents did or the way their mother and I have. In
hindsight, we may have sheltered them a bit. Savannah doesn’t realize how hard
this is going to be, and it’s clear that you don’t either. I know you’ve come
here seeking our approval, Cash, but in all honesty, we cannot give you that.”

“He’s correct,” Deborah said. “You two are quite naïve. The
fact that you don’t think you are proves that you have no idea what you’re
getting into. However, we cannot inject our personal feelings into our child’s
relationship without the risk of alienation. We will not tell you and Savannah
not to date, but you both need to tread very lightly.”

It wasn’t exactly what Cash had hoped for, but at this
point, he’d take whatever he could. At least the Fords didn’t think he was a
horrible person who saw their daughter as a fetish. At least they knew he loved
her. Savannah didn’t even know that yet.

“I thank you for that,” Cash sighed in relief. “Savannah is
the best thing that has ever happened to me. I’m willing to spend a lifetime
trying to be the best thing that’s ever happened to her.”

“Humph,” Dr. Ford chuckled. “We’ll see.”

Cash rose from his chair and shook both doctors’ hands. As
he left the office, he did not feel any better than he did when he had arrived.
Savannah would be in New York in a week with forty-eight of his biggest fans.
He had to tell her about Victoria. If she got on a plane and left, the entire
conversation he’d just had would have been for naught.


Chapter 24: I Love You, You Love Me

“Savannah, girl, rumor has it that you got a new man and you
ain’t tellin’ nobody who he is,” Shy shouted from across the salon.

I shook my head. I knew that there was no way that Troy
would keep his mouth shut. Everyone who works in his salon knows me and treats
me like I’m a part of their salon family. I’m just glad that he has enough
sense not to reveal that I’m dating Cash Myers. That continues to be my little

Shy, however is my least favorite stylist in Troy’s salon. I’m
sure the feeling is mutual. She’s a great hairstylist but she’s a horrible
person. She’s what my mother calls a soapbox orator. She’s always trying to get
people riled up about nothing. Personally, I think she’s a nosy bitch who likes
to talk shit about people, places, and things. She so desperately wants to have
a celebrity clientele but those are people who need to trust their glam squad
not to tell their business. Shy hates that I refuse to refer her to my friends
and associates. I’ve worked hard to build my contact list. I don’t need these
people hating me for introducing them to Shy.

“You got a new man, Savanna? Girl, why are you keeping him a
secret? Look at your face! You got that “
getting good dick on the regular

glow! Spill the tea, honey!” Bria laughed.

I shook my head. I’m not saying anything to these gossiping
folks. Instead, I looked up at Troy who was massaging a leave in conditioner
into my hair.

“He hasn’t called,” I said quietly.

Troy leaned down and said into my ear, “He will.”

I’m not feeling too sure of that. Last weekend was Cash’s
special fan appreciation event. He spent the entire weekend in Cape Cod with
all the people who had contributed to the book. They had a big clambake on the
beach followed by a private concert. Tracy and I spent weeks perfecting every
little detail of the weekend, down to personalized gift bags from Cash. It was
a beautiful; a once in a lifetime event. At least, that’s what Amy told me. I
wasn’t there.

At the very last minute, I was asked to cover the red carpet
for the
Dangerously in Love
movie premier. E! is one of my highest
paying clients and I have a mortgage. Hanging out with Cash comes second to
paying my bills. He’s already a millionaire and established artist. There is
only one Cash Myers. There are a million and one entertainment journalists
vying for the same jobs. I can’t afford to turn down work. I thought he
understood that but I could be wrong since I haven’t heard from him in a week.

“Didn’t he say he wanted to take you to Lollapalooza this
weekend?” Troy reminded me.

“Not this weekend. And he said he’s taking us. You and
Brittany are coming with us.”

“I don’t know if I’m going,” Troy shrugged. “Seems like
there might be trouble in paradise. You and your man need some alone time.”

I shrugged. I love spending time with my man. Every time we’re
together, I learn something new about him and I fall even harder under his love
spell. However, the long lingering gazes, the intense heat, and connection
between us can be overwhelming at times. We’ve been together for three months
and we’re already finishing each other’s sentences.

I like having Troy around because he’s able to lighten
things up. Plus, Troy’s noticed the same vibe I’ve been picking up on. I don’t
know if preparing for his European tour has his mind preoccupied or if it’s
something else. He’s been distracted. Whatever it is, he’s not talking about
it. Maybe Cash is one of those alpha male types who prefer not to talk about
everything that bothers him.

Jacoby was the type of man who told me everything. If the
Starbucks girl put two vanilla pumps instead of one, I got a text about it. If
his parents pissed him off, I got an hour-long phone call. Cash isn’t like
that. A relief is what that is.

After Troy finished with the conditioner, he started to dry
my hair with a diffuser. Since we couldn’t talk over the blow dryer, I kept
looking at my phone to see if Cash would reply to my latest text. If something
is bothering him, I want to know. I want to be there as his woman. He needs to
know that I’m there for him. The fact that he won’t tell me what’s going on
hurts a little.

Instead of a text from Cash, I got one from Brittany. She
wanted the address to the salon again.

I like Cash’s little sister. She’s part of his family and
she adores her big brother. I know she’s not looking forward to returning to
New York at the end of the summer. I’m thinking about asking Cash if she can
stay with me during the school year. I just feel so bad. I can’t imagine having
to start my senior year of high school in a new school.

Twenty minutes after she texted me, Brittany walked into the
back of the salon. All conversation and laughter came to a grinding halt as Cash
followed closely behind his little sister.

Whew! I shuddered a little in Troy’s styling chair. He
looked amazing. He had on a pair of baggy black shorts and a black ribbed tank
that outlined his six-pack. He was sporting a fresh New England tan. Cash had
been out in the sun so much that his hair was at least two shades lighter.

“What’s up Troy?” Cash greeted my best friend. “Can you give
me a quick cut and shave? Got an event tonight and I just got off a plane.”

Troy laughed. “Sure, Mr. Myers. I’ll hook you up as soon as
I finish this one.”

Cash grinned. Our eyes met in the mirror. He leaned over and
kissed my cheek. “What’s up, Savannah?”

I didn’t know how to respond. There were at least ten people
in the salon and all of them recognized the most recognizable face in Los
Angeles. I wanted to throw my arms around him and kiss him like I haven’t seen
him in almost a month because that’s how it’s been, but not in front of this
gossiping group of drama queens.

“Hey Cash. Hey Brittany,” I replied with a smile.

“Hold up!” Sky shouted. “How do you know Miss Thang?
Savannah, you’re always holdin’ out on us!”

“Everything ain’t your business,” Troy answered for me. “Leave
my client alone and do your client’s hair.”

“Hey,” Cash said in my ear. “Can I talk to you outside for a

I nodded and followed Cash outside. His G-Class was parked
curbside so we got in. I was surprised that there weren’t any paparazzi

“You look gorgeous,” Cash complimented me as soon as he got
in the car.

“Right back at cha. What are you doing here?” I was curious
to know. I hadn’t heard anything about an event that he’d be attending. It’s my
job to know these things.

“I heard you were here getting glammed up so I came to scope
out my competition.”

“You don’t have any competition,” I smiled. “I’m just going
to this fundraiser because my parents can’t make it.”

For a brief second, the smiled vanished from Cash’s face. I
already knew why. My father had called me the minute Cash left his office. I’m
still waiting on Cash to tell me that he had a conversation with my parents
though. I’m really not happy about him keeping secrets.

“What’s the fundraiser for?” he asked.

“My family is opening a home for teen girls with babies.”

“Is this fundraiser a black tie affair?”

“It’s black tie optional. Twenty-five hundred a plate. You
want to come?”

“Doesn’t sound like my type of crowd, but I’ll make a
donation. Just email me the information.”

He grew quiet. The strange uncomfortable silence between us
threatened to swallow every ounce of my sanity. I don’t want to be the
unnecessarily dramatic girlfriend, but I don’t like this tension between us.

“Cash, is there something you want to say to me? Or better
yet, can you give me some sort of explanation as to why you haven’t answered
any of my calls or texts in over a week?”

I didn’t get an immediate answer. I kept staring at the side
of my boyfriend’s face while he looked out of the window. About two minutes
passed before I got fed up.

“You know what,” I said as I gripped the door handle. “This
is too much. If you’re mad, say you’re mad. But don’t pull me away from my
friends to have me sitting in your car listening to you breathe!”

I opened the door and was about to step out when Cash said,

“I’m in love with you.”

I pulled my feet back into the car and shut the door. “What
did you just say?”

“There are a million things going on right now. I’m about to
leave the country for a month and falling in love with you was the last thing I
planned. But it happened. I love you, Savannah. I love you so much and I’m not
going to keep hiding it. I’m not mad about you not coming to Cape Cod. I’m
worried that you didn’t come because there was no way we would have been able
to hide that we’re together. I can’t do this secret relationship thing anymore.
I won’t. Do you realize that I haven’t taken you out on a proper date yet? That
doesn’t sit right with me, babe.”

The entire time he was speaking, I was trying to come to
grips with the first thing he said. I barely heard anything past ‘I’m in love
with you.’ I opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out. I cleared my throat
and tried again. Still nothing. My heart was beating so fast I could feel it in
my throat.

I’m no stranger to falling head over heels in love in a
short time. I was ready to spend the rest of my life with Jacoby after six
months which is why my feelings towards Cash don’t scare me anymore. However, I
held back because I feared his response if he knew how I felt.

“Cash,” I finally managed to say. I stared straight ahead
thinking of a way to tell him that I fell in love with him on the rooftop of
his apartment building.

Cash reached over and gently turned my face to him. His
sweet touch and the softness in his voice when he said, “look at me,” brought
tears to my eyes.

“I didn’t come by to make you cry,” he said. “I just wanted
to ask you out on a real date.”

I brought my hands to his face and touched his two-day-old
stubble. His eyes were sparkling and hypnotizing me as usual.

“Cash Myers, you are one of the last great hopeless romantics.”

“And you love that about me.”

I leaned forward and wrapped my arms around him. “I do love
you,” I replied before sealing our proclamation of love with a kiss.

“I love you,” Cash repeated when we released each other. “How
do you feel about other people knowing about us? Are you ready for that?”

, I wanted to shout but I’ve kind of come to terms
with who Cash is. If he’s ready to be seen in public with his new girlfriend,
then I’m ready to be seen with him.

“Well,” I answered slowly, “I’m not prepared for what people
are going to say, but I’d rather you go to Europe with people knowing that you’re
off the market, that’s for damn sure.”

“You think I’d cheat on you?” His tone was dubious but I’m
not worried about bruising Cash’s ego. I’m worried about European groupies.

“Don’t look at me like that,” I told him. “I didn’t accuse
you of cheating or anything of the sort. Just don’t forget that I interact with
your fans every single day. There isn’t one who wouldn’t jump at any
opportunity to throw some coochie your way. I can’t stop hoes from being hoes
and groupies from doing the things groupies do, but I feel better with them
knowing that you’re not single.”

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