Fantasyland 04 Broken Dove (36 page)

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Authors: Kristen Ashley

BOOK: Fantasyland 04 Broken Dove
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She stiffened completely except to look at his face then drop her gaze to his throat.

“What did I say about clearing?” he asked softly.

Her teeth appeared to worry her lip a brief moment before they disappeared and she mumbled, “Sorry.”

He kept his voice soft when he queried, “Is there something amiss?”

“Amiss?” she queried back, but she asked his ear.

He gave her a gentle shake. “Maddie. Look at me.”

Her eyes, with difficulty and two damned much time, finally found his.

There was fear in them.

Bloody hell, did he frighten her last night with his lovemaking?

On this thought, he gentled his tone further and slid his hand up her spine to her neck, pulling her down to him as his other arm rounded her waist and he remarked, “You’re behaving strangely tonight.”

“Um…” she mumbled but said no more.

“Maddie,” he prompted.

Her eyes started to drift away but his hand tightened on her neck and they shot back.

But she said not a word.

“Madeleine,” he growled, his gentle tone slipping as did his patience.

“I’m not crazy,” she whispered.

He blinked at this bizarre declaration. “Pardon?”

She shook her head sharply then announced, “You’re being very cool.”

Another bizarre declaration.

When she did not explain, cautiously he asked, “How am I being very…cool?”

“Not bringing it up or flipping out about it. I mean, sure, right after, you slit his throat but you’re a dude in a parallel universe. You cut off Pol’s hand. Gutted that other dude. Then there was the neck slice you delivered to that other
dude. I’m getting that here, things are a little bit more vio—”

She was rambling, and making little sense doing it, so he gave her another gentle shake and interrupted her with, “Maddie, I don’t know what the bloody hell you’re on about.”

“I stabbed a man,” she whispered, her voice horrified. “And I would guess, I think…well, I don’t know about this world, but in my world, we’re not hot on that. So I’m thinking that’s not all that, um…
and that you might think me going half-cocked like that is actually, well…

He felt the tension release in his shoulders.

She was worried what he thought of her behavior the night before.

“You were overwrought,” he reminded her quietly.

“You can say that again,” she mumbled.

He dropped his voice low. “And you will remember how I reacted to your behavior when I joined you in bed last night.”

She closed her mouth and pink again tinged her cheeks.

She remembered.

“After that, Maddie, how can you misconstrue my response to your actions?”

“He was tied to a chair.” She was still whispering, her voice troubled. “Defenseless.”

“That man was not defenseless,” Apollo declared.

Surprising him at her swift change in tone, she cried, “He was, Apollo! He was tied to a chair!”

“Poppy, he came to my home with the intent to murder my children. He might have been defenseless in that moment, but do not mistake, my dove, even for a moment, that if he was not tied to that chair and given opportunity and a weapon, he would not have brought you low. Me low. Any of my men low. Or Christophe and Élan low.”

She was wide-eyed and it was no less adorable but it had less of an effect on him due to why.

She was also breathing heavily.

And through her breathing, she stated, “Maybe I need to understand what the fuck is going on.”

“You’re aware that I was worried we were in danger, Maddie, and the past few days proved we are.”

“But…children?” she asked quietly.

“Unfortunately, this thoroughly defines the wickedness of our foes. Although unfortunate they are this wicked, it is a twisted boon for we now know what to expect.”

Suddenly, she turned toward him and lifted a hand to curl it around his neck, dipping her face closer to his.

“Right. Here goes. I’m laying it out there,” she began, then announced, “I’m scared, Apollo. Freaking
This shit is whacked. Totally
. I’ve had a day to think on all this crap and it
freaks me out!
I stabbed a man. You killed
. Right in front of me. Your kids in danger. And your guys are drinking ale, playing tuble like nothing’s the matter when
it is!
Last night you tortured information from an assassin! Tonight, you’re sitting around the dinner table talking about witches and missives and scouting parties and inventorying the armory like you’re discussing the scores of the Lakers vs. Celtics game. That shit is not right!”

“My dove—” he began but she shook her head vehemently and dug her fingers into his neck.

“Unh-unh, you can’t give me one of your sweet, sexy, tender, kickass ‘my doves’ and calm this storm, baby. I’m…

He fought back his humor at her words and remarked, “I can assume that means frightened.”

“Fuck yes!” she cried.

He started to stroke her back and whispered, “Calm.”

Her eyes got huge again, it was still adorable, and this time the effect was what it usually was even when she went on.

calm!” she returned. “I stabbed a man!”


Abruptly, her forehead dropped to his and she whispered, “I stabbed a man. And honestly? If you gave me those hedge clippers? In that moment, I don’t know what I would have done. I was totally out of control. And you didn’t even blink before you cut his throat.”

He was belatedly seeing his mistake. One he would from then on rectify.

“I should have sheltered you from that. Alas, I was not thinking clearly at the time,” he told her and she lifted her head.

“I think it’s safe to say neither of us was.”

“That happens when you love your children,” he told her and she pulled in an audible breath.

He wrapped his arms around her and gathered her closer.

“Listen to me,” he said gently. “A great deal has happened in the last two days and unfortunately, some of it you weren’t shielded from due to necessity. And, I will remind you of the fact that in the beginning, when we were set upon in Vasterhague, I told you to run and you did not run so I
shield you from seeing me do what had to be done.”

Her eyes grew sharp and he nearly smiled.

He didn’t. He carried on.

“And the men spoke freely tonight around you. You’ll be shielded from that in the future as well.”

“I prefer to know what’s going on.”

“And I prefer you don’t if it frightens you.”

She drew in a very deep breath and sat back, pulling at his arms. He didn’t gather her closer again because, for some strange reason, she drew a cross over her heart and lifted up two fingers.

Then she declared, “I’ll put my big girl panties on and suck it up from now on, cross my heart, scouts honor, swear.” She dropped her hand. “But, I’d really rather not stab anyone in the future, especially not if they’re tied to a chair.”

“I’ll see what I can do,” he murmured.

Her head tipped to the side and her eyes narrowed right before she asked. “Do you think this is funny?”

“The situation? No. Your reaction to it? Absolutely.”

She glared at him.

He’d allowed her distance and now he was done allowing it.

So he again gathered her closer.

And his tone was very gentle when he explained, “Maddie, for many,
months we have lived under the threat of knowing very powerful conspirators with evil motives may unleash mayhem across the land. Today, you breathe, my children breathe, I breathe. So I feel relief and now we can take this as an opportunity to read their first strike, glean what we can from it and prepare. All this is foreign to you, thus frightening. But in the end, it’s good.”

“I’m uncertain I can see the good, Apollo,” she admitted.

“Then I’ll share that they didn’t use magic. This could mean Minerva is weakened more than we knew, the witches she’s aligned with not as powerful as we’ve assumed, or they fear the combined magic of Lavinia and Valentine, not to mention Frey, who commands both dragons and elves.”

“None of that seems definite,” she noted.

“It’s not, but I’ve never known a battle where a warning shot was fired with a dart.”

She blinked and asked, “What?”

“If you have a cannon or a flaming arrow, you would use that.”

“Oh,” she whispered and he felt his lips curl up.

He wrapped the tail of her hair around his hand and brought her face closer.

“It has begun. We don’t live under the threat of it, it’s happening. This may not seem an advantage, my dove, but it is. It is much better to be
something than awaiting the unknown. Now, I fortify the men at my home to keep my children and you safe for I
you are not, rather than guessing it or how I might protect you from it. Now, Queen Aurora can gather her troops. Now, Lavinia and Valentine may be able to focus their attention, for we may have knowledge of where the conspirators hide. But to end, poppy, now we can do

“I’m seeing the benefits of this for an action man,” she noted.

He grinned.

“But for a chick from another world, this shit is still whacked,” she concluded.

“Then let’s agree that I shield my
from another world from all of this so she enjoys her days making snowmen, playing tuble with her friends, her evenings with the company in her bed, all of this as she raises the courage to meet my children and tries to figure out what she intends to do with her life in her new world, shall we?”

“I really don’t like things kept from me, Apollo,” she whispered.

“I have received that message clearly, Madeleine,” he whispered back. “So part of our bargain will be that you trust me to share with you what you need to know and the rest of it, I will keep to myself so you can be free to find your footing in your new life? Are we agreed?”

She held his eyes and she did this for some time.

He fought against holding his breath.

Finally, she nodded.

Thank the gods.

“Excellent,” he muttered, rising and lifting her with him. “Let’s go to bed.”

As he moved from the room, he heard her mumble, “Oh boy.”

And again, he smiled.

* * * * *

” she breathed.

Apollo slowly slid out but he didn’t slide back in.

He gave her just the tip of his cock and whispered against the skin of her neck, “Again.”

To which, instantly, she whispered back, “Baby.”

He slowly slid inside, then glided out, and repeat, and again, his hands moving on her skin, his lips skating across her neck, down her jaw and up. His eyes open, holding hers captive, he took her mouth, sliding his tongue in and coaxing hers to dance with his.

Gratifyingly, with but a moment’s coaxing, she gave him what he wanted.

When he broke the kiss but not the connection of his lips, she whispered, “You need to go faster, sweetheart.”

Instantly, he gave her what she wanted.

He felt her tighten her legs that were curved around his thighs and she slid her cheek along his, lifting her head to bury her face in his neck.

So bloody sweet.

“Maddie,” he groaned into hers.

“Harder, baby,” she begged, and his hand at her side drifted down to her waist, in over the small of her back and down to cup her arse.

He lifted her and gave her harder.

And deeper.

He heard her breath hitch and she ran the edge of her teeth along his shoulder.

When she did, a shudder tore through him. He shifted all his power to his hips and his thrusts turned to pounds.

” she breathed and he felt her sex clutching him tight.



“You grow close,” he grunted. “Look at me, poppy. I wish to see your face as it takes you.”

She dropped her head to the pillows and at the sight of him, her eyes heated, she gasped, he thrust and it took her.

She pushed her head into the pillows as her hand shot up and fisted in his hair.

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