Fast Track (16 page)

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Authors: Cheryl Douglas

Tags: #Nashville Nights Next Generation#5

BOOK: Fast Track
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Justin couldn’t
suppress his laughter, though he knew Lauren wouldn’t appreciate
it. “I like Anna. She’s a sweet girl.”

“Not good
enough,” Lauren said, propping a hand on her hip. “I want to know
how you really feel about her. A guy doesn’t come all this way and
crash a family party unless he’s looking for something more than a
casual fling.”

Justin couldn’t
help but notice she’d remained standing while she insisted he sit.
He assumed it was an intimidation tactic. Unfortunately for her, he
wasn’t easily intimidated. “For starters, I didn’t crash the party.
Nick invited me.”

“But Anna
didn’t. Why is that?”

He suspected
she knew the answer, but she was testing him to see if he would
react. “We haven’t spoken since she left Jacksonville.”

she said, taking a sip of her wine.

“Why don’t we
just cut to the chase, Lauren? You already know where things stand.
I’m pretty sure your cousin has filled you in on our status, so
what do you hope to gain from talking to me about it?”

“I want your
perspective.” She propped her hip against the iron railing, which
provided a backdrop for the trees and shrubs lining the massive
patio and various walkways. “Anna is coming from a place of fear. I
assume you don’t have the same problem.”

He laughed.
“No, I’m not afraid of this thing with Anna. In fact, I’d love to
see where it goes. If she’s willing.”

Lauren leaned
over to set her glass on a small table between two chairs and
treated him to an impressive show of cleavage. “It’s not going to
be easy to convince her.”

“In my
experience, nothing worth having is ever easy.”

Lauren smiled,
nodding her head in agreement. “I know what you mean. I feel the
same way. Unfortunately, Anna doesn’t share our opinion. She
believes that a relationship should be easy. In her opinion, two
people who share the same goals and opinions about everything are
perfect for each other.” Lauren concealed a yawn behind her hand.
“But we both know how boring that can be, don’t we?”

“In other
words, you’d rather see your cousin with me than Tom?” Having
Lauren on his side could prove beneficial. The women were obviously
close, and Justin could use all the help he could get.

“Her time with
Tom was a waste. I’m just glad she had the good sense to cut him
loose before it was too late.”

Justin was
finally getting the answer to the question that had haunted him
since he met Anna. “You think she’s over him?”

“I don’t think
she was ever that into him to begin with, if you wanna know the
truth.” Lauren sat down across from Justin. “She’s always had this
list of her ideal man. Tom fit the bill. She went through the list,
found that he had most of the qualities she was looking for in a
husband, and decided to stop looking.”

“You can’t be
serious. Who the hell chooses their life partner based on a list?”
The notion bothered Justin because he feared he may come up short.
Was that the reason she was reluctant to give their relationship a
chance? Perhaps he’d already failed her test.

“Anna does.”
Lauren smiled. “She’s not like the girls you’re used to dating.
She’s sweet, wholesome, and sometimes too smart for her own good.
She lets her head lead her, not her heart.”

“How do you
know what kind of women I’m used to dating?” Lauren was right. Anna
was unlike anyone else, but he took offense that Lauren assumed he
didn’t date
nice girls

“I’ve seen the
pics, Justin. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out the

He admired her
honesty, but acknowledging the truth was difficult, especially to a
stranger. “Are you saying those girls were just with me because of
my status?”

Lauren crossed
her legs and sat back, balancing her wine glass on the armrest.
“Can you tell me I’m wrong? When was the last time a woman liked
you for you? Isn’t that the real reason you don’t want to let Anna
go, because she’s not impressed by Justin Hunt, the rich and famous
race car driver?”

“You think you
know me so well-”

Lauren raised
her hand. “I don’t have to know you personally. I’ve grown up
around famous people. My mother is Nikki Spencer McCall, for crying
out loud. I’ve watched her struggle, trying to figure out who wants
to be her friend for the right reasons and who wants to get close
to her just because of who she is.”

Justin lowered
his head. “It’s not easy, that’s for sure.”

“I can assure
you, Anna’s not like that.”

“I know.”

They shared a
look before Lauren asked, “Then you admit that’s the main reason
you’re so interested in her?”

“No!” He forced
himself to take a deep breath. “I like Anna for a lot of different
reasons, some I can’t even explain. How the hell can you
rationalize that feeling you get in your gut when you see someone?”
He shook his head. “The second I laid eyes on her, I knew she was
different. She made me feel something that went so far beyond
physical attraction. I haven’t been able to get her out of my head.
I want to be with her… all the time.”

Lauren smiled.
“That’s what I was hoping you would say.”

Justin frowned.
He hadn’t expected to confide in Lauren about his feelings for
Anna, but now that he had, he felt the burden diminish. Maybe she
could help him convince Anna that they could be great together.
“Does that mean you’ll help me out with your cousin?”

“That depends.”
She leaned forward, propping her chin in her hand. “Anna tells me
your mother owns a publishing company. Have you told her about
Anna’s books?”

“No, I wasn’t
sure Anna was ready to take that step. Besides, I get the feeling
she doesn’t like the idea of calling in favors to get ahead.”

“You’re right
about that,” Lauren said, leaning back in her chair. “Sometimes
that girl can be her own worst enemy. Tell me, how do you feel
about her desire to be a published author?”

shrugged. “I think it’s great, if that’s what she wants.”

“Then you would
support her, no matter what she chose to do? I mean…” Lauren
gestured. “If you guys did end up together, you’d be down for the
whole marriage and kids thing?”

Justin smiled.
“I think it’s a little too soon to start thinking about that. I can
barely get the woman to agree to go out on a date with me.”

“Just answer
the question.”

“Do I want to
get married someday? Yes. Do I want to have kids eventually? Of
course, I do.”

“Good.” Lauren
slid her hands over her arm rests. “Next question. Do you want to
marry the dutiful little wife whose only goal is to support you in
your career, or would you support a woman who has her own

Justin laughed.
“You have to meet my sisters and mother, Lauren. Believe me when I
tell you they’re strong women who’ve never let a man or
relationship define them. My mother supported my father’s goal to
own a racing team because she loves the sport as well. If she had
reservations about it, she would have spoken her mind.”

“They sound
like my kind of people,” Lauren said, smiling. “Do they like
country music?”

shrugged. “They like all kinds of music. Why?”

“If they’re
available next Thursday night, why don’t you invite them out here?
My mom and Uncle Ty are performing at Jimmy’s with a few of their
friends to support a charity that means a lot to all of us. Anna
would get a chance to meet your family, and vice versa. That is, if
you’re ready to take that step?”

Justin knew she
was testing him again. “I’d love to have Anna meet my family.” He
knew it would raise questions, but he would tell his own family the
same thing he’d told Anna’s family. He cared about her and wanted
to pursue this relationship… if she would have him.

Lauren said, clapping her hands. “Give me your phone.”

Justin smiled
as he reached into his shirt pocket for his cell phone. Handing it
to her, he asked, “Why do you need it?”

“I’m going to
give you my contact information. If you still want to come, call or
text me on Wednesday, and I’ll fill you in on the details.” Once
she had entered her information, she stood and handed his phone
back to him.

He stood as
well, surprised when she reached out to hug him.

“I’m glad we
had a chance to talk,” she whispered. “I think you’re exactly what
my cousin needs right now, and whatever I can do to help, I

“Thanks,” he
said, kissing her on the cheek. “I really appreciate that.”

“I didn’t mean
to interrupt,” Anna said, standing at the door observing their

“You didn’t,”
Justin and Lauren said at the same time. They shared a smile before
Lauren backed away and reached for her wine glass. “I was just
going to head inside for a refill. You kids stay out here, enjoy
the beautiful night.”

Anna frowned at
her cousin as she slipped past her. “What was that about?” Anna
asked, turning her attention to Justin.

“Your cousin
was questioning me about my intentions where you’re concerned.”

Anna tipped her
head back, fixing her attention on the stars overhead. “Please tell
me she didn’t.”

Justin stepped
forward and pulled her into his arms. “I think it’s kind of nice.
She’s looking out for you.”

“I’m perfectly
capable of taking care of myself.”

“Is that so?”
Justin asked, tucking a strand of silky dark hair behind her ear.
“I have to admit, I’m kind of an old-fashioned guy in a lot of

He could tell
she was trying to contain her laughter when she said, “You? An
old-fashioned guy?”

“Yeah,” he
said, pretending to be affronted. “I still like to hold doors, pick
up the check, and,” he brushed Anna’s hair aside, exposing her
neck, “I don’t like to share my women.”

“I thought you
said we should both date other people while we’re getting to know
each other better.”

“I just said
that ‘cause I thought that’s what you wanted to hear.”

Anna smiled as
she tilted her head back to give him better access to her neck.
“Shame on you.”

“I know,” he
said, grabbing her backside. He fitted her curves against his body.
“I’m jealous, possessive, and a little barbaric, especially when it
comes to you.”

She drew back
to look him in the eye. “Why me?”

“Isn’t it
obvious? I don’t want anyone else to have you.” Justin wasn’t used
to expressing his feelings, but he knew holding back from Anna
would result in a missed opportunity he would regret for the rest
of his life.

“If you’re
talking about Steven…”

Justin groaned
before taking her mouth in a fierce kiss. By the time he let her
come up for air, her lips were swollen and her beautiful brown eyes
were glazed, as though she was having trouble focusing. “I’m
talking about Steven, Tom, the dozens of guys I’m sure would love
to date you. I can’t focus on racing if I have to worry about what
you’re doing here.”

“You don’t have
to worry,” she said, licking her lips. “I can’t imagine wanting
anyone else as much as I want you.”

Justin allowed
himself to revel in those words for a minute. He’d waited a long
time for her to acknowledge her feelings for him. “You mean

She tore her
eyes away from his and tried to push out of his arms, but he held

“Just tell me
what you’re thinking,” Justin whispered. “There’s nothing to be
afraid of, Anna. I can promise you I’m feeling it too.”

“I’ve never
felt this way before, and that scares me.”


“No, not even
with Tom.” Her eyes finally returned to his as she raked a hand
over his hair. “This may sound silly, but I get this funny feeling
in my stomach when I see you. I thought that was just a myth, but
now I know you really can have that kind of chemistry with

Justin prayed
that when the time came, he would be able to live up to her
expectations. “I feel the same way about you.” He brushed her hair
off her forehead. “When I’m not with you, I want to be. I think
about you all the damn time.”

Anna smiled. “I
don’t know that I’ve ever been the cause of a man’s distraction
before.” She bit her lip. “I have to admit, I kind of like it.”

Justin said, “In my line of work, you can’t afford to get
distracted. Not even for a second.”

Her eyes
darkened, and she pushed against his shoulders. “Don’t remind

“Hey,” he said,
tightening his arms around her. “Being with you motivates me to
want to stay safe. I won’t take any stupid risks out there, I

“I’m so
afraid,” she admitted, running a hand down his chest.

“Of what,

She closed her
eyes and took a deep breath. “Of falling in love with you.”

Justin smiled
before kissing her gently. “I’m right there with you.”


When Anna learned her
cousin had suggested Justin bring his family to the fundraiser for
the Rainbow Fund, she was mortified. But after taking some time to
adjust to the idea, she realized if she had to meet them, being on
familiar territory, surrounded by her family and friends, was

As she walked
into Jimmy’s the evening of the event, Lauren greeted her with a

“Wow, would you
look at you!” Lauren held both of Anna’s hands and looked her up
and down. “Damn, girl, you could’ve told me to step it up a notch.
All the boys are gonna be hitting on you tonight.” Lauren pouted,
making Anna laugh.

Lena had
convinced Anna to buy the outfit: black skinny pants, a black
satin, short-sleeved, fitted, button down shirt, and high heeled
strappy sandals. She and Lena also treated themselves to a day at
the salon, complete with hair, makeup, manis and pedis.

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