Fatal Glamour (58 page)

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Authors: Paul Delany

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and Fabian Society

and Phyllis Gardner

holidays in Switzerland

in Jamaica

as a New Woman

relationship with RB

view of RB's love for Noel

Olivier, Noel

at Beaulieu River camp

at Bedales

and Ferenc Békássy

at Bethesda

Bloomsbury friends of

at Chateau de Vienne (Prunoy)

at Clifford Bridge camp

at dinner for Sir Sydney Olivier

evasiveness and self-control

at Everleigh

holidays in Switzerland

Jacques Raverat's description of

and Margery's view of RB

in Marlowe's

and Mary Newbery

medical studies

and Milton's

at Penshurst camp

and RB after his breakdown

RB's break with

RB's love for

RB's meeting with at Bank

RB's poems about

refusal of

secret engagement to RB

and James Strachey

Olivier, Sir Sydney: and Fabian Society

in Jamaica

and RB's “Grantchester”

Shaw's description of

Young Fabians dinner for

Orchard, The (Grantchester)

Orwell, George: on poetry

on popular art

on prep schools

Osmaston, Dorothy

Overcote picnics

Owen, Wilfred




Pease, Edward, and Pease family

Penshurst camp (Kent)

Picasso, Pablo


Planitz, Annemarie von der (later Annemarie Ward)


The Republic

Poe, Edgar Allan

Pontigny intellectual assemblies

Poor Law Commission

Popham, H.A. (Hugh): at British Museum

and Bryn Olivier

in Germany

marriage to Bryn Olivier

at Neo-pagan gatherings

Pound, Ezra

preparatory schools



public schools

Apostles educated in

and code of manliness

hierarchy in

homoeroticism and homosexualty in

military training in

RB as victim of

RB's loyalty to

sports in

violence and bullying in

and volunteerism.
See also specific schools

Puccini, Giacomo:

Pye, David

Pye, Ethel

Pye, Sybil

Quiller-Couch, Sir Arthur

Quilter, Colonel

Radford, Evelyn

Radford, Maitland

Radical Liberal Party

Raverat, Georges

Raverat, Gwen (née Darwin): and

and Ka Cox

friendship and support for RB

in London

marriage to Jacques Raverat

and Neo-pagans

at Newnham Grange

at Overcote picnics

at Slade School

on James Strachey

and triangle with Jacques and Ka

unpublished novel by

on youth and aging

Raverat, Jacques: at Andermatt

anti-Semitic views

artistic studies and career

and Basel pact

at Bedales

at Cambridge

description of Noel

description of RB reading aloud

in Florence

on homosexuality

in Marlowe's

marriage to Gwen Darwin

on Eddie Marsh

and Neo-pagans

political views and activities

poor health and breakdown

RB cared for by

on RB's affair with Ka Cox

relationship with Bryn Olivier

in triangle with Gwen and Ka

visit to Grantchester

Read, Mike

Reddie, Cecil

Reeves, Amber

Reeves, Maud

Reeves, William Pember

Reventlow, Fanny zu

Robertson, Donald

rock-climbing expeditions

Rogers, Dr

Rothenstein, Albert (later Arthur Rutherston)

Rouault, Georges

Royal Army Service Corps

Royal Flying Corps

Royal Marines

Royal Military Academy

Royal Naval Division (

in Antwerp expedition

Churchill's creation of

in Gallipoli campaign

Royde-Smith, Naomi

Rugby School: Arnold's influence on

J.H. Badley at

Bedales compared to

W.P. Brooke as housemaster at

Brooke family at School Field House

Cambridge compared to

and Fettes

gay men at

and Hillbrow

Latin Club members from

memorial to RB in

military training in

Millthorpe compared to

RB as a product of

RB as School Field House master

RB's close friendships at

RB's poem about

RB's pride of

RB's student years at

Charles Sayle at

Russell, Alys

Russell, Bertrand: affair with Ottoline Morrell

dislike of RB

on the First World War

on Jacques

marriage to Alys

on Charles Sayle

B. Webb's description of

Russell-Smith, Denham: death

with RB at Becky Falls

with RB at Rugby

RB's seduction of

Russell-Smith, Hugh

Russell-Smith family

Russia: conscription and military strength

Ka Cox in St Petersburg

and Gallipoli campaign

political exiles from

Russian Ballet

Rysselberghe, Elisabeth van: affair with RB

care for RB in Paris

and André Gide

in Munich

Rysselberghe, Maria van

Rysselberghe, Theo van

Sackville-West, Vita

Sadler (Sadleir), Michael

St Cyprian's School

St Felix's School (Southwold)

St John's College, Cambridge

St Mark's school

St Paul's Cathedral

St Paul's School (London)

St Petersburg

Salvation Army



Samuel, Herbert

San Francisco

Sanger, C.P.

Sargent-Florence, Alix (later Alix Strachey)

Sassoon, Siegfried

Sayle, Charles

Schell, Sherrill

Schloss, Arthur

Scholefield, A.F.

Schönberg, Arnold

Schoolcraft, John


Scott, Duncan Campbell

Sedgwick, Eve Kosofsky

sentimental friendships

sex and sexuality: chastity and love

chastity and male double standards

chastity and monogamous domesticy

chastity and nakedness

chastity and sexual frustration

contraception methods

with cult of nudity

“dirty” lust and copulation vs “pure, clean” Platonic love

eternality of Platonic love

female desire

linked with mental breakdowns

Neo-pagans sexual mores and standards

nude bathing

with older experienced women

premarital vs marital sex

RB's difficulties with

RB's fear of marriage

and RB's physical beauty

RB's secrecy and separate lives

sexual “dirt” cleansed by war

sexual freedom in Europe

sexual freedom in Tahiti

sexual freedom with chastity

violence with.
See also

Shakespeare, William

Antony and Cleopatra

The Winter's Tale

Shaw, Charlotte (née Payne-Townshend)

Shaw, George Bernard: and Violet Churchill

description of Sydney Olivier

and Fabian Society

Norfolk jacket worn by

Shaw/Belloc debate

The Shewing-up of Blanco Posnet

Shaw-Stewart, Patrick

Shelley, Percy Bysshe:
Prometheus Unbound

Sheppard, J.T. (John)

Shove, Gerald: in Apostles

and Ferenc Békássy

at Clifford Bridge camp

at Everleigh

and Fabian Summer School

at Lulworth Cove

Simple Life movement: of Carpenter's Millthorpe

of Ka Cox's cottage

of Augustus John


of Neo-pagans

RB's posing at


Slade School of Fine Art: Gwen Darwin (Raverat) at

Phyllis Gardner at

Jacques Raverat at

Slade Arts Ball


Solomon, Simeon

Speyer, Sir Edward

Spielman, Eva (later Eva Hubback)

Stalin, Joseph


Stephen, Adrian

Stephen, Thoby

Stephen, Vanessa.
Bell, Vanessa

Stepniak family

Stevenson, Robert Louis

Stevensons (Orchard landlords)

Stoney Indian Reserve

Strachey, Alix (née Sargent-Florence)

Strachey, James: in Apostles

attraction to and love for RB

and Bloomsbury/Neo-pagan links

contraception advice for RB

and Fabian Summer School

friendship with Olivier sisters

at Hillbrow

at Lulworth Cove

marriage to Alix

RB's break with

RB's letter to about Denham Russell-Smith

relationship with Noel Olivier

support for RB following breakdown

Strachey, Lytton: at Abbotsholme School

in Apostles

and Clifford Bridge camp

descriptions of RB

on the First World War

and Arthur Hobhouse

and Henry Lamb

Landmarks in French Literature

at Lulworth Cove

and Neo-pagans


RB's hatred of

review of

on the Russian Ballet

and the upper class

Strachey, Marjorie

Strindberg, August

Swinburne, Algernon Charles

Switzerland: Andermatt



Sydney-Turner, Saxon

Sylphides, Les

Taatamata (Tumatataata Tapotofarerani)


Taylor, Cecil

Tennyson, Alfred Lord:

In Memoriam

Tetuanui (Ariioehau Moeroa)

theatrical projects: at Bedales


Doctor Faustus


Importance of Being Earnest, The

Thomas, Edward

Thomas, Helen

Thornycroft, Rosalind (later Baynes, then Popham)



Toynbee, Arnold

Toy's Hill

travel writing (by RB)

Trevelyan, R.V. (Bob)

Trojan War

Tschudi, Hugo von


United States of America: American Civil War




New York

RB's tirade on American women

RB's travels in


Van Dongen, Kees

Vaughan, Madge


Verhaeren, Emile

Vesey, Mary (later Mary Herbert)


Vlaminck, Maurice de

Volkenburg, Ellen van

von Essen, Siri


Waley, Arthur (birth name Schloss)

Walmer Castle

Ward, Annemarie (née von der Planitz)

Ward, Dudley: in Berlin

caravan tour with RB

and Fabian Society

marriage to Annemarie von der Planitz

at Neo-pagan gatherings

at The Orchard

and RB's literary legacy

and RB's meeting with Noel in Bank

RB supported by


Watson, Grant Peter

Waugh, Evelyn

Brideshead Revisited

Webb, Beatrice

Webb, Sidney

Webster, John

Wellesley, Eileen

Wellesley, Richard

Wells, Chauncy

Wells, H.G.

A Modern Utopia

New Worlds for Old

Westminster Gazette
: RB's poetry in

RB's travel writing for

Whitelaw, Bob

Whitman, Walt

Wilde, Oscar

The Importance of Being Earnest

Wilkes, Cicely


Wittgenstein, Ludwig

women: addresssed as “child”

in aristocratic circles

on camping parties

in co-educational schools


in mixed groups of young people

New Women

parental control of

professional careers for

and RB's anti-feminist views on

suffrage and equality for

in Tahiti

in theatrical productions.
See also
sex and sexuality

Woolf, Leonard: at Brunswick Square

in Ceylon

at Clifford Bridge camp

marriage to Virginia

and RB

Woolf, Virginia (née Stephen): in Bloomsbury


friendship with Ka Cox

friendship with RB

house at Firle

and Jacques–Ka–Gwen triangle

marriage to Leonard

on masculinity

and Neo-pagans

and Noel Olivier

on Jacques Raverat

on RB's as prime minister

and the upper class

Jacob's Room

Mrs Dalloway

Old Bloomsbury

To the Lighthouse

The Voyage Out

Wyndham, George

Yeats, W.B.

Young, Hilton

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