Fate (5 page)

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Authors: Elizabeth Reyes

BOOK: Fate
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That’s when he realized
as different as they were, just how the same he and Rose really were. For her to live in a building where there was drug dealing going on, her neighborhood was probably just as run down as his.
The o
nly difference was unlike him, Rose obviously wasn’t using the whole “victim of environment” bullshit he so often blamed for his issues.

“So you’re a good girl in a bad neighborhood?”

She smiled
and every time she did that smile got even sweeter. As usual, Vince tried his best to hide his feelings. It was just admirable that’s all. Yeah, that’s what he was feeling for her—admiration.
And why not?
He kept saying most of the girls in his neighborhood had gone bad so early because their surroundings made them that way. Here he had Rose
the startling
but faultless contradiction to that argument.

was now his first impression of her
and something in his gut and in those sweet eyes of hers told him
that wouldn’t be changing.








Rose’s sister Grace knocked before cracking the bedroom door open and sticking her face in. “Is Ben gonna make it Saturday?”

Rose winced before she turned to face the door. She’d been dreading this question. Instead of answering she countered with her own question. “Can you tell me again why you guys are doing this after I specifically asked you not to? It’s my AA for crying out loud. A party for that is almost embarrassing.”

“There is nothing embarrassing about you earning a degree.”

“Yes, I know. But you guys could’ve waited at least until I got my bachelors.”

“The amount of time that it took you to get this deserves a celebration, Rosie. Sal said it’s almost unheard of
and he’s absolutely proud of you. Besides
it’s a not a party
it’s just a small gathering.”

Rose’s jaw dropped and Grace laughed. Even Grace couldn’t say that with a straight face. Her brother-in-law

s family didn’t
small gatherings.

The door pushed open
and in stumbled her little nephew giggling loudly. “Chava
no honey. Not in here.
Rose is studying.”

Rose grabbed him and he squealed.
Her nephew's name was Salvador, but for some reason, as
odd as it sounded
the Spanish nickname for Salvador was Chava
avoid confusion since he’d been named after his dad
he was now Chava or Chavita depending on who was talking to him. Rose squeezed him
kissing him all over his face as he squirmed trying to get away
all the while laughing loudly.


Grace said closing the door behind her.

Grandma’s taking a nap. You’re gonna wake her.”

e yelled out laughing.

Grace gave him that look that quickly shut him up
but he couldn’t help
continue to laugh especially since Rose squeezed him even harder when he yelled out. Rose let go and let him down. “Be good,” she whispered in his ear before kissing him again on the temple.

He nodded but was immediately distracted by the teddy bears on her bed. Among them
the pink one she usually hid under the others but had forgotten to earlier when she’d held it
. Grace watched him climb
Rose’s bed and warned him again to play quietly then turned back to Rose. “I didn’t know you still had that teddy bear.”

Rose shrugged. “I hold on to all my teddy bears. You know that.”

Grace crossed her arms and then came that look Rose knew was coming. “Maybe you think this whole Ben story is fooling everyone
but it’s not fooling me. Are you two even seeing each other?”

“Yes.” Rose looked away.

She hated being such a horrible liar. This was why every event they’d had for the past few months when she’d supposedly started seeing Ben
he hadn’t been able to make it to the parties. She was afraid she’d never pull it off if she ever did bring him. She’d only told Grace she was seeing him because Grace was worried
and she was tired of being so damn pathetic that even after all this time she still couldn’t get over Vincent
That was the
reason why she’d gotten her AA so quickly. She’d plunged so deep
into her schoolwork and soccer—deep enough to consume her every moment. This included weekends and online classes to keep her mind busy continually and not thinking about him
he’d managed to earn the degree in just a little over a year.

She knew the family was beginning to wonder about her mysterious never-able-to-make-it boyfriend. At least Grace and Sal had met him. They knew he existed. So she’d stretched the truth a little about their actual relationship
but that was only after Grace had started talking to Rose about considering therapy for her depression.

Rose insisted she wasn’t depressed. Sure she had been when it first happened—more than depressed—she’d been a wreck. Admittedly there’d been a
long period when the heartache was unbearable. Grace had been able to relate because of what she’d gone through with her now husband just before they married
they’d had an abrupt break up as well, so she was more than sympathetic about Rose needing time to heal.
The pain had faded over time
turning into that numbness she’d felt for so long now.
But after nearly a year of feeling utterly numb and refusing to date anyone else, Grace had started the therapy talk.
knew Grace meant it
so she forced herself to appear more chipper around the family
and she’d told one very small lie about her friend Ben.

white lie now threatened to unravel all because this family couldn’t stop having gatherings and parties!
time she’d had to make up excuse after excuse why Ben couldn’t make it
. “He’ll be there this time
” Rose said
trying to sound as convincing as possible
“The party is for me after all
,” she added.

Of course he’ll be there.”

Grace looked at her still a little suspicious then her attention was averted
Chava who began jumping on Rose’s bed.

no you don’t,
ister.” She rushed over and plucked him up.

Knowing exactly how to make nice with mommy
Chava planted a big wet one on Grace

s cheek and wrapped his arms around her neck. Rose laughed when Grace started snuggling him. “God, he has you wrapped.”

Grace started toward the door. “Let’s get out of
hair. She has a lot of studying to do.” She turned back to
as she opened the door. “I’m glad he’s gonna be there, Rose. And you know
as proud as I am about you taking your studying so seriously
I really wish you’d give yourself a little break and go out and have some fun. I don’t see how you even have time for poor Ben with all the time you spend studying.” She sighed. “I know I should be saying the opposite
concentrate on school and soccer and not so much socializing
but you really work too hard, hon. You need to cut yourself some slack.” She raised an eyebrow. “And don’t think I don’t get why you’re doing this.”

been doing stuff that doesn’t involve school.” Rose crossed her fingers under her thigh.

She’d actually taken to studying at the library more now just so Grace and Sal
think she was out
. Grace didn’t seem completely convinced
but with Chava squirming in her arms now
she cut it short and left Rose’s room.

Picking up her phone from her desk
thought of what she’d say to Ben as she hit speed dial.

Always in a good mood
he answered
cheery as usual

“Will you be my boyfriend?” She squeezed her eyes shut waiting for his response.

“I knew you’d come around eventually!” She could almost picture the smile

s face. “So when do we consummate this? I can pick you up in five.”

“Ha, ha,” she said plopping down on her bed. “I just need you for one night

He was quiet for a moment. “
. I never made you out to be the one-night type of girl
but I guess dreams really do come true. Saturday night it’s on.”

Rose rolled her eyes and picked up the teddy bear that still held so many painful memories. Even back in high school
Ben had been a total player
but now as an adult he was the biggest player she knew
and always there for her
but a player nonetheless.

“Stop. You know that’s not what I mean. My family is throwing this ridiculous party to celebrate
and they’re sort of under the impression that you’re my boyfriend.” She bit the corner of her lip crinkling her nose, embarrassed that she had to admit this.

“First of all, you deserve it. Shit, it took me two years to get mine
I’m almost embarrassed now.”

“Embarrassed? Please! You’re gonna be a doctor, Ben
surgeon no less. I’m sure the classes needed for your AA were hardly comparable to ones needed for my liberal arts degree.”

“Doesn’t matter
you’re the only person I know who’s ever earned it this quickly. I don’t know how you did it
but I’m sure it wasn’t easy. So tell me
why is your family under the impression that I’m the lucky one tapping that hot little thing?”

Grace frowned
keeping to herself the reasons why she got her AA so fast. Ben knew she already had plenty of college credits when she graduated high school. She’d leave it at that.

As uncomfortable as it made her
she got to the part of her family thinking he was
Smoothing the teddy bear

s fur, she crinkled her nose again. “Because I sort of told them that we’re seeing each other.”

Now he laughed. “Why?”

She stood up walking toward her walk-in closet
the furthest point from the bedroom door
and lowered her voice. “Okay look, long story short. My sister has been on me for months about me still being down about Vincent
hich isn’t true by the way.” She knew even Ben wouldn’t buy that
but she felt so pathetic she had to throw that in. “Anyway
since they know me and you go to the movies and stuff and you’ve actually come around a few times, I just thought she’d get off my back if I said
we started seeing each other. No big deal
right? But she started telling people about it. The last few parties this family’s had
I’ve had to make up excuses why you couldn’t be there.”

“So why
me? I would’ve gone.”

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