Fate Forsaken

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Authors: Chauntelle Baughman

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Paranormal, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Urban, #Psychics, #Vampires, #Werewolves & Shifters, #Paranormal & Urban

BOOK: Fate Forsaken
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Table of Contents

The tables have turned for Rho Vasile, executioner for the undead. Now she’s the one marked for death. Despite her soul being stained by deadly magick, she still has a job to do for the DarqRealm United Council—work with her lover and the rest of her team to retrieve five Kamens, the ancient relics that hold the magick of their world.

With only one Kamen found and zero leads on the remaining four, the team heads to Paris, the last known location of the magick mover’s Kamen. And when an evening of research turns into a fight for their lives, the team is confronted with a deadly truth. The leadership of the DarqRealm has been compromised.

As friends go missing, dark magick is put into play and a grave betrayal is revealed. Now with her energy waning, it’s up to Rho to use the gifts of her birthright to save her friends and her lover, or risk losing more than just her life.










Chauntelle Baughman

Fate Forsaken

Copyright © 2013 by
Chauntelle Baughman
. All rights reserved.


[email protected]

First Kindle Edition: 2013


Edits by
Rhonda Helm

Cover Design by
Phatpuppy Creations
Bookish Brunette Designs

Streetlight Graphics


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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to locales, events, business establishments, or actual persons—living or dead—is entirely coincidental.



To my husband, Mark. Thanks for believing in me, even when I didn’t believe in myself.

Chapter One

ho sat in the passenger seat of Frederick’s Audi, trying to pretend the silence between them wasn’t so awkward.

God, she had to say something.

“I’m sorry about—”

“Have they been treating—”

They both spoke at once then snapped their mouths shut. Frederick stared out the windshield, focusing intently on the road ahead of him. Rho sighed as she did the same.

They’d been sitting in silence for thirty minutes now.

Weeks had passed since the last time she’d seen the vampire who’d created her, a man who happened to be her best friend and wanted to be her lover. He’d come to the safe house she shared with her teammates to warn her about Rhyannon, the queen of the fae. The queen had accused her of stealing the fae’s Kamen.

Ridiculous, especially considering the DarqRealm United Council had assigned her and three others to a team for the express purpose of retrieving those relics. Only five existed, each one harnessing an equal portion of the magick in their world. If one person managed to collect them all and unleash their power, they could control the entire DarqRealm. The fact that they’d been disappearing had the Council on edge.

Until the night she’d fought against Rhyannon, she’d had no idea she could even manipulate magick.

Rho studied Frederick’s profile, his classically handsome features now tight. No surprise really. He hadn’t even so much as called since that day.

Her heart twisted in her chest. His knuckles turned white against the leather-wrapped steering wheel, his jaw flexing. His bleached-blond hair was neatly trimmed, just as it always had been, but something in his clear gray eyes had changed.

When he’d confessed his affections for her, she’d been honest about her feelings and they both knew where they stood. Still, she couldn’t leave things like they were.

She opened her mouth, but Frederick cut her off.

“What were you saying?” He shot her a sideways glance and forced a smile.

“Uh—” There was absolutely no good way to apologize for what she’d done. The last time she’d seen him had been only minutes after she’d been intimate with Eldon, her now boyfriend. He was a magick mover, and one of her teammates. And Frederick had smelled his scent all over her. She was embarrassed just thinking about it, yet she knew she had to get the words out. “I’m…sorry. For the way I left things. I just wanted to say…I’m really, really—”

“Don’t worry about it.”

Her brows knitted. “Frederick, I—”

“Seriously, it’s fine.”


“Drop it.”

Well, okay then. More awkward silence, coming right up.

Rho settled her elbow on the windowsill of the car and rested her chin on her hand. The trees flew by the window in a blur, barely visible in the darkness.

Several moments passed before he cleared his throat. “Have they been treating you well?”

“My teammates?”


She lifted a shoulder. “They treat me fine.”

“Has it been difficult?”

“Has what been difficult?”

“Being with…them. The others.”

She fixed her stare on her boss. “The others? As in, the other races?”

He nodded.

“We get along pretty well,” she said.


“They aren’t as bad as you think.” She shifted her sights back out the window. “Where are we going, by the way?” With the awkwardness hanging between them, she’d been trapped in the car entirely too long.

“Didn’t your boyfriend tell you?” His tone was dry but the question pointed.

Which only pissed her off. “He’s not my boyfriend.” The title seemed trivial and unimportant, and Eldon was neither of those things. Although in all fairness, she really didn’t know what else to call him.

“Ah. I see.”

“Don’t say it like that.” She could feel his eyes on her, but she didn’t dare look at him. Whatever she and Eldon were was none of his business.

“Say it like what?” he asked, his tone innocent.

“Never mind.” She glanced down and wrung her hands in her lap. Were they there yet? “I know we’re going to see the Council. Where are we meeting them?”

“The home of the Collective leader.”

“Why?” Rho gulped. “Why not…anywhere else?”

The Council had called an emergency meeting and mandated Rho’s attendance—alone. Frederick had finagled his way into the meeting by citing his right to attend as the Lamia Prince, and after some doing, the Council had agreed to allow him to accompany her.

Even with the prince of the vampires at her side, she didn’t have much confidence in whatever they were planning. They hadn’t told her why they were meeting, and she loathed the idea of flying in blind. No one called a meeting without a motive, especially the Council. They were busy, high-ranking officials who ruled the DarqRealm with iron fists. They didn’t dally in bullshit.

“The Collective leader called the meeting,” Frederick said. “Her call, her place.”

“What are we supposed to discuss?”

“I have no idea.”

“The Collective leader didn’t tell you?” Rho asked.

He shook his head. “She wouldn’t. Told me it was important Council business and you needed to be there. That’s it.”

A sick feeling churned in the pit of her stomach. The leader of the Collective had already marked her with magick once, tying her to her teammates while knocking her to the ground like a bag of sand by using blue ley line fire. Only the magick movers and the fae could manipulate the fire, the lines of energy running just beneath the surface of the earth. Rho’s desire to pay the lady another visit was nil.

They sat quietly for several minutes before the car slowed to a stop. Lost in her thoughts, Rho finally noticed the massive wrought iron gate in front of them. Frederick rolled down his window and punched the button centered on a tiny black box. She’d been so absorbed in her own worries, she hadn’t even noticed the damn thing.

A camera on the gate buzzed as it moved, and after a moment the gates swung open. Frederick rolled forward, revealing a picturesque, massive home. The exterior was covered with limestone brick, the front door massive and bulky, almost medieval in appearance. He slowed to a stop and put it into park before glancing over at Rho.

She drew a deep breath and turned her stare back to the house. “Here goes nothing.”

Frederick was at her door a moment later, his light blond hair unmoving under the layers of product he used to hold it in place. He jarred the door open and extended a hand, always the gentleman. Men from centuries past really did have superior manners.

She clutched his hand and rose out of the vehicle, staring up at the enormous stone structure and marveling at its size. It would take a small army to care for a house this large.

They ventured toward the front door and Frederick extended a finger to press the doorbell. The front door swung open before he had a chance, a petite woman standing in the doorway expectantly.

Frederick bowed slightly. “We’re here to see Cadence.”

“Indeed.” The woman tipped her head slightly. “Miss Cadence is expecting you.” She opened the door and motioned for them to come inside. They did as she asked, stepping into the exquisite travertine entryway. Rho tried not to gawk at the extravagance surrounding her. Eldon’s home had some fancy décor in it and all, but this…this was over the top. A gross display of wealth if she’d ever seen one.

The woman shut the door and waddled past them. “Right this way, please.”

They followed her silently down the corridor until they reached a flight of steps. Rho paused, and Frederick stopped behind her.

It’s fine,
he spoke into her mind.
I’ve been here before.

Rho fought the sinking feeling in her chest as she trailed the woman heading down the stairs. There were a million places she’d rather be than here. Maybe a pit of fire. Perhaps in the middle of a den of spiders. Hell, even a Justin Bieber concert would be better.

They reached the landing at the bottom of the stairs and the woman rapped her knuckles against a huge door. Based on the pencil-like scent combined with a touch of sandalwood, the thing was constructed of pure cedar.

It opened a crack, then a little more.

A familiar woman stood in the doorway, a tired smile on her lovely face. Her brilliant red hair was perfectly arranged and curled gently beneath her chin, her bright green eyes warm and friendly. Supermodels only dreamed of having a complexion like hers. But Rho knew better than to judge that book by its cover. The leader of the Collective might appear kind and gentle on the outside, but she could deliver a roundhouse kick of pure magickal power if she wanted to.

“I’m glad you could join us.” Cadence pulled the door open completely and stepped aside. “Do come in.”

  Rho did as instructed, stepping into the room. A massive table took up most of the room, only two unoccupied seats remaining.

She froze.

Sitting at the table were six people, three of whom she’d never seen. The other three she knew very well. Cadence, the leader of the Collective. Costel, the king of the vampires.

And Rhyannon.

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