Fated (12 page)

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Authors: Courtney Cole

BOOK: Fated
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Before we had even traveled five minutes, a raven with sparkling ruby eyes landed on my shoulder. I should have been startled, but my tolerance for all things strange had been appropriately raised once we had crossed the boundaries of my home. Instead of shirking away, I stared into its scary eyes without flinching.

"Dear Harmonia, your return is greatly anticipated," it croaked with its sharp beak. "It is time to fulfill the prophecy
to restore harmony and peace to Olympus."

I stared at the bird.

"What do you mean ‘the prophecy’?" I asked curiously. "I have not heard of such a thing."

"Of course you have not," it sounded slightly indignant. "The prophecy came to be after you left. But you are the one. The one who will save us all."

I felt my heart flutter a little. I was the one to save them all? Nothing like a little pressure. I grimaced and turned to Jade.

"Did you know of this?"

She shook her head. "No. But I am not surprised. It is in your very nature to bring peace.

Why wouldn’t it be you? Besides, it was your necklace they took in the first place. It is only right that you will right it."

For the first time since recovering my memories as a goddess, I felt apprehensive. I was a minor goddess. How in the world was I going to save all of the Olympic gods? I wasn’t sure I was capable. In fact, with the magnitude of that challenge staring me in the face, I felt pretty insignificant.

The raven fluttered off of my shoulder and flew away with a shriek. I watched it fly into the distance and disappear before I returned my gaze to the horizon.

The air here smelled like a heavily scented night garden. Freesia, moonflowers and primrose hung in the night like a curtain. I inhaled it, drawing in the fragrance and enjoying the taste in my mouth. I could taste the peace around me and I wondered how long that would last.

The night was so dark, so velvety that I felt as if it was tangible, as if I could breathe it in, as well. I felt it clinging to my skin and caressing my body like unseen hands.

The landscape around me was beautiful. Night-blooming flowers were everywhere as the moon hung brightly above us. It was larger than I had ever seen it in the mortal world, huge and yellowy-red. Sailors in the mortal world called it a blood moon. Much like everything else around me, it was beautiful and larger than life.

The horses nickered softly to each other as they walked through the knee-high waving wild-grass. They were nervous. I could feel it suddenly, a palpable force in the air around us.

Something was with us. The horses knew it too. I scanned the darkness, but even with my enhanced vision, I could see nothing. My gaze flew to Aphrodite’s face.

"No," she sighed. "I see nothing."

Goosebumps formed on my arms and the hair on the nape of my neck raised in anticipation. Something was wrong. We were not alone.

Suddenly, a blackness so absolute that it almost blocked the light of the moon, appeared in front of us. Ortrera’s horse reared up on its hind legs and I clung to Ortrera’s back as she soothed her terrified mare. The horse quickly regained composure and stood at attention, the occasional flick of her ear the only sign of her distress. She was well trained.

The darkness became more and more visible, until it formed into the shape of a large black dog, then split into three
then morphed into three women. The witches. Hecate, the goddess of witchcraft, plus Circes and Medea. They lived in a cave on the outskirts of the Spiritlands, a cave which contained a direct connection to the Underworld.

They stood in front of us now, two of them dressed in long sweeping gowns of gray and black and straggly hair. They appeared as old, stooped women, their faces etched with wrinkles, their eyes cloudy and sightless. Yet they still followed our movement with uncanny precision. As always, they unnerved me. Hecate, however, appeared as a beautiful young woman. Her crimson gown was tight in the bodice and her full breasts spilled over the top. Her plump red lips parted, then spoke.

Aphrodite," she murmured. "You did not trouble yourselves to stop as you passed. That was a mistake. We know what you need."

I hesitated.

"What do we need, witch?" I asked.

She tossed a tiny bundle to me, a little bag tied with string. I caught it easily and examined it. It had a putrid odor rising from it and I didn’t even want to think about what it might be.

"What is this?" I questioned. "And why do we need it?"

"You will see," Circes muttered. "You will soon see. Do not forget us when you have finally reached Olympus. You will need us two more times before this battle is finished. And then we will expect reward."

"What kind of reward?" Aphrodite asked suspiciously.

"The kind that we deserve," Medea answered mysteriously. "We can discuss terms later.

Just remember, you will need us again. And you will not win unless you use us."

And they were gone. As quickly as their darkness had surrounded us, it just as quickly lifted. The moon shone brightly again, beautifully lit against the blackness of night. I felt a renewed sense of urgency to reach Gavin. My Cadmus. It built slowly in the base of my stomach and grew until it filled my whole body, my entire heart.

"We must hurry," I murmured. "Time is short. I can feel it."

Ortrera urged her house faster and we took off like lightening into the sky.

Within an hour, I could see a small limestone house below us. Light flooded from the windows, falling onto the waving grass outside and somehow, I innately knew that I would find Eris inside. This was her home. The horses descended from the sky, the roar of their moving wings softening as we lowered to the ground.

I slid to the ground and waited for everyone else to dismount. I could feel an invisible pull tying me to the house. Gavin was inside as well. I knew it with every cell in my body. I needed to reach him. Now.

I scrambled to the wide marble porch and peeked into the windows of the door. Eris was inside, lounging on a long plush couch. She had shed the orange tan and fake boobs that she had employed as Tara and was instead languishing in her true form. Black hair was coiled on top of her head and her pale blue eyes scanned the room and found my gaze as she sensed my presence. She smiled a satisfied, arrogant smile.

"Cadmus," she called

Gavin appeared from the doorway of another room, bare-chested and beautiful. My breath froze in my throat and I rattled the door to enter. It was locked. I stared in horror as Gavin crossed the room and bent to lock Eris in a passionate embrace. I couldn’t breathe as he kissed her softly then deepened the kiss as her hands splayed across his bare back. This couldn’t be happening. He was mine. I saw the muscles ripple in his back as he pulled her even closer and my heart broke. It was most certainly happening. I was watching it.

Over the shoulder of my soul mate, Eris gazed at me with a vicious, satisfied hate. I returned her stare proudly, but my heart was broken. How had she managed to take my very reason for life
.the one thing that I had loved throughout the millennia?





Chapter Eleven


Aphrodite laid a calming hand on my shoulder.

"Harmonia, Eris has done something to him. He would not abandon you for her willingly."

And I knew that, but I couldn’t help but wonder how he had allowed it to happen at all?

We were soul mates. Bound through time with a love stronger than steel. He was mine. And I was his. Unquestionably. Forever. Yet here we were. He was half-dressed and embracing my sworn enemy.

I heard footsteps falling on the stone inside the door and I steeled myself. The door was opened and I was suddenly facing him. Cadmus stared at me, no more than a foot in front of me. I desperately wanted to launch myself into his strong arms, to inhale the scent of his skin, but the look on his face stopped me in my tracks.

He didn’t know me.

"Can I help you?" he asked politely, with the vague nicety of a stranger. I tried not to hyperventilate and recognized with sick humor that controlling emotions didn’t get easier when you were a goddess. As I stood frozen, Jade came to my rescue, stepping up to my side.

"Hello," Jade answered, sticking out her slender arm. The gold bracelets on her wrist glinted in the light and caught my eye. I focused on them. Anything to avoid seeing the blankness on Cadmus’ face. She continued in a soothing, sweet voice.

"I’m Aphrodite. I don’t know if we’ve met."

Cadmus took her hand and raised it to his lips, briefly kissing her hand in a polite Olympic way. He shook his head.

"No, we haven’t had the pleasure. I’m Cadmus. And I am very happy to meet you."

"We’ve come to speak with Eris," Jade continued. "Might we come in?"

He nodded and pushed the door open wider. As we walked past him, I caught a whiff of his distinctive scent and my eyes filled with tears. I wanted him back. Right now. He was mine and this wasn’t fair.

My inner turmoil was in such a rage that the torch that I had just walked past exploded into flame. I jumped away from it, breathing hard. I had forgotten that could happen. It was imperative to control my emotions or accidents might result. I focused hard on controlling my breathing, on slowing it down to a normal pace as we drew to a stop in front of Eris.

She lounged on her couch, smiling a wide Cheshire cat smile. I wanted to throw up. Or attack her. Instead, I squared my shoulders and stared at her coolly.

"What have you done, Eris?" I asked.

"I have no idea what you mean, Harmonia," she replied.

She looked past me to Cadmus.

"Cadmus, darling. Please come sit with me. I have the need to feel you near."

She patted the seat next to her and I shuddered as he obligingly walked to her and sat. He would never, ever do that if she hadn’t enchanted him somehow. He wasn’t an obedient pet, yet she was treating him like a lap dog. And he was allowing it.

"What have you done?" I asked again through clenched teeth.

I could hardly stand to watch as she ran her fingers lightly over Cadmus’ toned arms, trailing lightly down his chest and resting familiarly on the top of his thigh. Instead of ripping her hand off, I steeled myself again and met her gaze.

"And again, I have no idea what you mean," she answered pleasantly. "Is it so far-fetched to imagine that Cadmus just acquired better taste and prefers me to you?"

I gritted my teeth. "He doesn’t even know who I am. You’ve done something, you wretched snake."

At the venom in my voice, Cadmus raised his gaze to mine, startled.

"Is there a problem?" he asked hesitantly.

"Yes," I answered, unable to help myself. "You are mine. We’ve been together for thousands of years. You don’t belong here."

He laughed his rich, husky laugh and I realized that he thought I was joking.

"I think I would remember that, would I not?" he asked, with his chocolate eyes twinkling.

A part of me died as I stared at him, seeing no familiarity whatsoever in his gaze. I shook my head weakly.

"You would think," I muttered.

He spoke again.

"Sweet Eris, we should invite your friends in for the night. The Chimeras will be out soon.

You wouldn’t want them to get waylaid by one."

Eris shook her head slowly, a small smile curling the corner of her lip. "No, that would indeed be tragic, dear Cadmus."

I couldn’t help but think of the Chimera, a wretched species of beast. Part lion, part goat and part snake. It had two heads
one lion, one goat. Its tail was a snake and both ends could breathe fire. It flew in the blackness of night with the wings of a dragon and it wailed a horrific shrieking wail that could literally curl your toes. Thank god they were rare. But still. They were out there somewhere in the night, which meant that we shouldn’t be if we could help it. I hated to take shelter here, but at the same time, it would give me more time with Cadmus.

I nodded. "Thank you, dear friend," I emphasized the last word. "We would be ever so grateful for your shelter." I almost choked on the words but somehow managed to spit them out.

Cadmus grinned. "Wonderful. Any friend of Eris’ is a friend of mine. I will see to your rooms."

He pushed off of the couch and strode from the room with his familiar loping walk. I watched his broad shoulders disappear through the doorway before I turned to Eris once more.

"What did you do?" I hissed.

"As if I would tell you," she purred. Her satisfaction was blatantly obvious and I worked to temper my own reactions. There was no need to make her rejoice even more in my despair. I felt Ortrera step forward from behind me.

"My warriors will be outside guarding our horses," she murmured to me. "I shall stay inside with you."

I nodded mutely while Cadmus reentered. His face was so beautiful, his dark hair curling slightly around the nape of his neck. I needed to feel him under my fingers, kiss his soft lips.

But I couldn’t. Yet. I swallowed hard.

"Your rooms are ready," he announced. "If you would come with me, I’ll show you the way."

"Don’t be gone long, Cadmus dear," Eris sang. "I shall need you again shortly."

He nodded, smiling in her direction while I cringed. Need him for what? I tried not to think about it as I followed my soul mate down the long hall to the bedchambers.

He opened one heavy door. "This will be yours," he said to Ortrera. "Aphrodite, you will be across the hall. And Harmonia, you will be here."

He opened the door to my room and I walked swiftly past him into the room. He trailed behind me. "I think you will find everything you need," he said quietly. "If you need something else, just let one of us know." He turned to walk out.

"Cadmus," I began. And he turned.

"Yes?" His dimples appeared as he smiled and my heart took off like thunder. I focused on calming down for a moment before answering.

"Um. I would like to bathe before bed. Could you point me into the direction of a bath?" I shot a weak smile in his direction, unable to do or say anything else. It wasn’t the time. I could feel it.

"Of course. I ‘m sure you are tired," he smiled sympathetically. "The bath is the door to your right. Make yourself at home."

He turned to leave and this time I let him. I sank into the silken bedclothes adorning the bed and sobbed with my face pressed into a pillow to muffle the noise. I had been so worried about his safety—so scared that Eris would harm him. I had never, in a thousand years, imagined that she would take him from me. She had taken Derek to toy with me. And that had been child’s play for her. Derek had been so easy for her to win over. But this
to steal a soul mate. She had to have had help. Very powerful help. But what?

I felt a cool hand on my back and I opened a puffy eye, watching Jade slide onto the bed next to me. Her expression was empathetic as she curled up behind me, pulling me up next to her as she stroked the hair from my brow.

"Shh," she soothed. "I know it is hard now, sweetling. But this isn’t forever. We will get to the bottom of this and Cadmus will once again be yours."

I cried even harder as she murmured the sweet words. I knew they were true, but the knowledge that he was with Eris at this very moment doing god only knows what
it was too difficult to bear. I cried silently for a while longer while Jade stroked my back.

My eyes were burning and red by the time I was finished. I sat up and wiped at them impatiently.

"I’m sorry, Aphrodite," I muttered. "I know you are right. I just feel so alone without him."

"You aren’t alone," she assured me. "I am here. Ortrera and her warriors are here. And we will fix this atrocity. All of it."

I turned to her and stared into her silver eyes. And nodded. She was right. We would fix it. No matter what it took. Cadmus was most certainly mine.

"I think I will take a bath," I sighed. "I wonder if it is safe?"

Aphrodite nodded slowly. "I doubt she will attempt anything in front of Cadmus. But just in case, Ortrera and I will be on guard. Go and relax in the bath. I will take one after you."

I nodded and slipped from the room, determined to soak my troubles away.

I ran a steaming bubble bath and willed it to be scented with honeysuckle. Instantly, of course, it was. The soothing scent rose from the hot bath and filled the bath chamber. I inhaled it as I closed my eyes and breathed deep, long breaths. Through the walls of the house, I could hear Eris and Cadmus laughing together; familiar and affectionate. It made me want to scratch her eyes out. I gritted my teeth and tried to tune it out.

Twisting my hair into a pile on my head, I let my white sheath fall to the floor around my ankles and I stepped into the sunken tub, wearing only my bloodstone. There was no way I was taking it off. Not in this house. Slipping under the water until the bubbles rose to my chin, I closed my eyes, relishing the way the hot water soothed away my tension and aches. Too bad it couldn’t reach my heart. Even still, I rested quietly until the slightest of noises caused my eyes to flutter open quite some time later.

I stared into Cadmus’ startled face. In the light of the candles lining the wall, his face was bronzed and oh-so-handsome. His bare chest glistened in the light and I could see the shallow breaths that he was taking as his ribs rose and fell. He was so close I could reach out and touch him. I could barely stand it.

"I’m so sorry," he uttered quickly, backing toward the door. "I didn’t know you were still in here."

"Don’t go," I cried, lunging up out of the water.

Water sloshed out of the tub and I stood completely naked in the middle of it with water streaking down my body in rivulets. I was satisfied to see that his gaze quickly slid down my body before he tore his beautiful dark eyes back up to my face.

"I’m sorry," he murmured again. "My apologies, truly."

"You have nothing to be sorry for," I answered quietly. "This is your home, is it not?"

He nodded silently, clearly unsure what I was wanting from him. I wanted
, damn it.

Only him. Right now. I was tired of Eris’ games.

"Could you hand me that towel, Cadmus?" I asked quietly, still very aware of my naked status. My breasts were feeling the effects of the cold air and they tilted upward as the skin around my nipples tightened. Goosebumps formed on my legs and I wished them away. I wanted to look perfect in the light of the candles
for him. For my soul mate. I needed him to know who I was.

He visibly swallowed and leaned to grab the towel lying near me, quickly handing it to me.

I noticed that his fingers were shaking and he tried very hard to keep his eyes averted. Bless him, the sweet soul. He was even a gentleman when he couldn’t remember who he was. But that wouldn’t do. Not tonight.

I propped my leg on the side of the bath and leaned over to rub it dry, hoping against hope that I looked sexy as I did it. I had never been what you could call a Siren. That was more up Aphrodite’s alley. But I knew that I was beautiful. It had never mattered before but I was counting on that fact right now. And I knew that Cadmus found me beautiful. He had told me a million times before. Surely he could feel our connection. Surely.

My long hair had fallen around my shoulders and I chanced a glance through the dark strands at his face. He was staring at me, standing ever-so-still a few paces away. He looked poised for flight.

"I shouldn’t be here," he murmured nervously.

"But you are," I answered. "Do you wonder why?"

I stepped from the tub, allowing the towel to fall to the floor. I approached him, wearing only my bloodstone and a smile. Nervously, I stopped in front of him.

"I have to tell you something," I murmured as I stepped one step closer. I was now two inches in front of him. I could practically feel his breath on my face and I inhaled it, mesmerized by even that familiar smell. I knew every bit of him, from the feel of his hair to the touch of his fingers.

"What is it?" he asked. "I was supposed to return immediately to Eris. She will wonder where I am."

"Yet you are still here with me," I pointed out. "Do you wonder why that is?"

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