Fated Dreams (Book One In The Affinity series) (8 page)

BOOK: Fated Dreams (Book One In The Affinity series)
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“I don’t get
sick often, I think I’m safe.” I shut my locker door and leaned against it.

Derrick spoke,
his head bobbing from Lucas to me. “Well, I guess I’ll go to class. I’ll see
you there,” he said, nodding at me with a wide grin.

After he walked
away, Lucas turned to me. “If it’s just you and Derrick today, maybe Andy,
Kyle, and I will sit with you at lunch again?”

My face heated
slightly. “Sure.”

He smiled at me
as the bell rang. “I guess I’ll see you later.” He leaned in, his face just
inches from mine. “You look amazing.” he whispered, then walked away.

I felt a little
queasy as I ran to English class.

I slid into my
seat while Derrick grinned at me. “Now I know why you’re all dressed up.”

“Shut up,” I
said dryly, without turning around. I heard him chuckle behind me.

In music class,
I was daydreaming about Lucas when Miss Fitzgerald called us to order.

“Okay, class, I
know you have been working really hard on my original piece for the upcoming
recital, but I have thought of a way to make the night even more exciting. I
want each of you to compose a short original piece of your own.”

There were a
lot of moans among my classmates. Being the music nerd that I was, I thought it
was a great idea and couldn’t wait to get started.

“Don’t worry,
if you need help just let me know. I want the pieces to be about your emotions.
When I hear each one, I want to know what you were feeling when you wrote it.”
She was leaning on her desk with her back to it. She pushed off and began to
pace back and forth in front of the class. “We can show emotion through music.
I want you to show me yours. It could be a happy song, angry, or sad, even
about fear, anything. But have fun with it. Go to your instruments and start.
If you need any help, let me know.”

I sat down on
the piano bench and tried to think of my emotions. I closed my eyes and saw
Lucas’ face, and all I could think was happy. A tune came to my mind and I
started tapping my fingers on the cold keys, trying a fast melody with a turn
at the end. It actually sounded pretty good.





Lucas didn’t show up at lunch; he didn’t
even come into the cafeteria. Even though Derrick’s friends Pete and Cory sat
with us, the table felt empty.

Lucas did make
it to history, but he arrived late and I couldn’t ask why he didn’t show for
lunch, and when class was dismissed, he rushed out.

 I didn’t see
him for the rest of the day. I looked for his black sports car after school; it
was nowhere to be seen. I climbed in my car and sat quietly, willing myself to
turn the key in the ignition, but I couldn’t. There was a tightness in my chest
and my eyes burned with the threat of tears. Maybe he wasn’t interested after
all. Had I been imagining his attention? He really seemed like he wanted to
spend time with me. What kind of game was he playing?

Eventually, I
started the car and drove off, angry at him as much as myself.

At work, I felt
sick. I was on ticket sales with Zack. At first I felt a little leery of him,
after my talk with Marcy. But soon it became easy to have a conversation; he
was actually fun to work with.

I had an hour
left of my shift when my stomach started to churn. “Oh God,” I groaned,
clutching my stomach.

“Are you okay?”
Zack asked.

“No, I think
I’m gonna throw up.” I stumbled out of the booth and ran for the bathroom,
making it just in time. The day had started out promising, took a turn when
Lucas stood me up, and now it was going to end with my head in a toilet,
heaving my guts out. I just wanted to go home to bed before something else went

I left the bathroom
and told the manager I had to leave. He said it was fine; it was a slow night

I spent the
rest of the night between my bed and the bathroom.


The next morning, I lay under my blankets,
feeling like death warmed over, when I heard a knock at the door. “Come in,” I

 “Still feel
sick? Should I stay home?” my mom asked as she stepped up to the bed.

“No, I’ll be
fine, it’s not like there’s anything you can do. If it’s what all of my friends
had, I’ll be fine by tomorrow.”

“I brought you
some ginger soda, and I’ll call you when I can to see how you’re doing.” She
set my drink on the nightstand.

After she left,
I fell back to sleep. I must have been delusional because I dreamed of Lucas
again—well, not a dream, just a series of flashes. I saw Lucas at different
stages and another face, someone I’d never met before. He was around my age
with thick sandy-colored hair and intense blue eyes that seemed to bore into
me. His high cheekbones and cleft chin gave his face character. He would have
been good-looking if his image wasn’t distorted in rage. The rage seemed to be
focused on Lucas. It was all flashes of darkness, blood, wilted roses, and
knives. Nightmares must be part of my sickness.

I woke up
sometime during the day to the phone ringing. I grabbed it from beside my bed.
“Hello,” I whispered roughly.

“Did I wake
you? I’m sorry, I called to see how you were feeling,” Emma said on the other
end of the line.

“I haven’t
barfed in a few hours, so that’s a start.”

“You’ll feel
better by tonight. Can I ask you a question, or do you want to go back to


“What’s up with
you and Lucas? Derrick said you were all hot and heavy yesterday, and I know
you had lunch the other day. And just a few minutes ago he asked how you were,
and he wanted me to tell you that he hoped you felt better soon, so spill.”

“Ugh…I am
really not in the mood for gossip Emma, but nothing. Yes, there were some
sparks yesterday morning, but it cooled when he blew me off the rest of the
day. We made plans for lunch, and then he never showed.”


“I have no
idea, but I’m not going to stress about it. If something happens it happens.
But if it doesn’t, oh well.”

“He doesn’t
deserve you,” she said to cheer me up.

I groaned. “I
know. Now I’m hanging up, or I’m going to throw up.”

I tossed the
phone onto my nightstand and climbed out of bed, walking slowly downstairs, my
limbs aching with every movement. I poured myself some more soda then headed
back to my room. I sunk into bed, pulling the blankets up to my shoulders. I
was surprised that just getting myself a drink had weakened me. I fell asleep,
and stayed that way the rest of the day.

My mom came in
with juice after she came home from work. “How are you feeling, honey?”

“I think the
worst is over. I haven’t gotten sick since this afternoon.” I sat up to drink
the juice. “I think I’ll come down and watch TV. I’m a little bored.”

She smiled at
me, brushing a lock of hair from my forehead. “Sure, come on down and I’ll make
you some toast and tea.”


The warm liquid and buttery sustenance
settled my stomach, and it was nice to sit with my family. I had been cooped up
in my room for a day and a half and I needed a change of scenery.

When evening
came, I felt better, even more so after I had a shower and brushed my teeth,
washing away the remnants of the flu. Feeling refreshed, I lay down for a
restful, dreamless sleep.


I woke early, feeling normal again. I chose
my short dark blue dress, and added black tights since it was getting colder
out. I loved this dress. It was one of the outfits I bought on my shopping trip
with my mom. Emma had returned it the day after she borrowed it.

I curled my
hair for a different look and applied my makeup. And for the finishing touch, I
sprayed some of my new perfume. When I posed in front of the mirror, I had to
admit I looked good. If Lucas wanted to stare at me like he did the other day,
he could. If he wanted to ignore me again, no way, this time I would be the one
to blow him off.

I parked in the
lot at school and climbed out of my car. I was leaning in the backseat getting
my bag when I heard a deep voice behind me. “Feeling better?”

I spun around
to see Lucas leaning against the white pickup that was parked beside me. “Yep,”
I said coldly, slamming my door and pushing past him, walking as fast as I

“You’re mad
about the other day aren’t you?” He was behind me, keeping up with my pace.

“No, why would
I be mad?” I kept my gaze straight ahead, afraid that if I saw his handsome
face, I’d let go of my anger, and I couldn’t do that, yet. He hadn’t suffered

“You seem
angry.” He was walking beside me now, his arm brushing my elbow.

I glanced at
him, hoping I seemed indifferent. “Nope.”

He wasn’t
convinced. “Well, about the other day, not showing up for lunch. I lost track
of time playing basketball with the guys. I’m sorry.”

There was
something not right about his explanation. He didn’t even mention not speaking
to me the rest of the day. “Oh, right, we were supposed to meet for lunch,
weren’t we?” I stopped walking and stared at him, and with a slight smile I
added, “No biggie, it must have slipped my mind.” We were in the school now.
“If that’s all you wanted, I’ll see you later.” I walked away without giving
him a chance to make up another excuse.

I glanced behind
me to see if he had followed. He was still standing in the front of the large
front bay windows where I left him, staring in my direction with a stunned
expression on his face.

It was so hard
to walk away, especially since he looked so good today. Without his glasses,
you could see the tiny flecks of gold in his hazel eyes. His hair appeared to
be a little shorter, coming just below his ears. He was wearing a brown sweater
and jeans, and his black motorcycle boots gave him a bad-boy edge you wouldn’t
expect from Lucas Tate. It was necessary to keep my distance from him to
protect myself. I didn’t want to feel like I did yesterday when I sat alone in
the parking lot looking for his car, feeling rejected and confused.


At lunch, Emma was rambling on about her
date with Derrick that evening. I sat beside her, half listening, half eating
my sandwich. She leaned over to me. “Lucas is staring at you,” she whispered in
my ear.

I glanced at
her, avoiding the direction she was looking. “So?” I said, taking another bite
of my sandwich.

“Did something
happen this morning? He looks sad.”

“He apologized
for not meeting me for lunch because he was playing basketball with the guys.”
I took a sip out of my water bottle.

Her eyes
narrowed. “That was his excuse? What a douche.”

“Yep, so I
acted like I had forgotten that we were supposed to meet.”

“Good for you.”

I didn’t feel
like sitting in the crowded lunchroom anymore, listening to the loud voices and
laughter. “I’m going to my locker, I’ll see you later.” I put the rest of my
lunch in my bag and stood up, waving to my friends as I walked away. I glanced
at Lucas’ table, but he wasn’t there anymore. Kyle and Andy were tossing a
rolled-up paper bag back and forth across their table.

I walked
through the hallway, weaving around students who were heading to the cafeteria,
and was almost to my locker when I heard a familiar voice. “Hey, babe, you’re
looking good lately.”

I looked up and
saw Logan standing in the middle of the hall right in front of me. Babe? Was he
serious? “Thanks,” I said, trying to get around him. He moved, blocking my
path. I was cornered between him and a locker. “What do you want, Logan?” I tried to make my voice hard, and was irritated that it shook slightly. The once
busy hallway was suddenly empty. There were a few students at the far end,
leaning against lockers, but none close enough to hear our conversation.

“You. I just
wanted to ask you out for Saturday night.”

“No thanks.” I
moved to the side to get around him, but again, he blocked me.

“Come on, I can
show you a real good time,” he whispered in my ear. His cologne was strong,
almost choking me. He was so close I could feel the warmth of his body. I had
the urge to lift my knee up sharply.

 “I said no!
Now back off.” My voice held a slightly hysterical edge to it.

He scowled,
angry now. His hazel eyes leered down at me. “You can’t turn me down. No one
turns me down.”

I glared at
him. “I just did.”

He backed up
like I had slapped him. I took my chance and tried to slip away again, but he grabbed
my arm, his fingers digging into my exposed skin. “Come on, I’m trying to be
nice here. I just wanted to take you out, now you’re being rude.”

“I said I’m not
interested,” I growled, yanking my arm out of his grip.

“No one turns
me down,” he repeated, his voice low and harsh. He lifted his hand as if to hit
me. I braced myself.

pounded the tiled floor behind me. Someone shoved Logan into the locker before
he could strike. “Were you seriously going to hit her?” Lucas’ face was twisted
with anger.

“Get off of me,
Luke, and mind your own business,” Logan snarled at his brother.

Lucas slammed
him harder against the locker, and Logan’s head knocked against the metal door.
I forced myself not to laugh. “Is this the way you get girls to go out with
you? I always wondered how you did it, since you’re such a dick.” Logan pushed Lucas off him. “This is a new low for you, bullying girls into dating you.
I’m sure Mom and Dad would be so proud.”

“I don’t have
to bully girls, they come after me. When is the last time you had a date,
Luke?” Logan said to Lucas then turned to me. “I don’t know what I was
thinking. You want her, Luke? Take her, she’s all yours. She’s below my
standards anyway.”

Unfazed by Logan’s hurtful words, I looked over at Lucas, who was shaking with anger but still not
finished talking. “Logan, if you ever go near Sarah again. I’ll take you down,
and you know I can.” He chuckled darkly. “You never could beat me in a fight.”
With that, he grabbed my arm and dragged me through the line of kids that had
gathered. In a high school, you could always count on an audience when a fight
was brewing, although where was everyone just minutes before, when I needed

He kept
walking, silently pulling me along. I noticed we were headed to the parking
lot. “Where are you taking me?” I asked, a little frightened.

He didn’t slow
down or look at me. “We’re ditching the rest of the day,” he said, still angry.
I started to protest until he turned his head. The look on his face silenced

We were
standing beside his car. “I can’t,” I said quietly.

His expression
softened, and he whispered, “Please.”

Unable to
reject him, I breathed, “Fine,” and climbed into the passenger seat after he
opened the door.

He shut it
behind me, slid in the driver’s side, and started the car.




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