Fated Healing [Kindred of Arcadia 5] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove) (4 page)

BOOK: Fated Healing [Kindred of Arcadia 5] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove)
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“Don’t try and process this right now. Let’s finish packing up the tent then head to your place. I’ll

microwave us some food and do my best to distract you.” Felix moved his hand so that it massaged his

mate’s firm ass. He had been right. The slacks hid what had to be the most perfect male ass in the world.

Claybourne dropped his head back and sighed.

“It’s been so damn long,” he whispered. Felix could see the muscles in his neck straining. Yup, his mate

definitely needed some relaxing and he was just the man to do it.

“Come on, let’s blow this Popsicle stand. We can stop at the store on the way to your house, because I

have a feeling you do not have microwaveable food at your house,” Felix said, unable to tear his hand away

as it repeatedly smoothed over the mouthwatering contours.

“You’re right, I don’t. But when we get to my house you have to explain this concept of male pregnancy

to me. I need as much information as I can get to help Sebastian. Even the shifter physicians I trained with

don’t know about this,” he said, looking down at Felix who shrugged.

“We’re raised not to say anything. Being here in Arkadia is a bit different. Everyone would see Sebastian

nearly every day, there’s no hiding a pregnancy in a small town. Out amongst humans it’s easier to drop out

of sight for a while. Not many male hybrids choose to get pregnant,” Felix said reluctantly, moving his hand


“I can imagine why.” Claybourne looked around the nearly empty tent. “Let’s grab these last two boxes,

drop them off at the clinic and then you can try to kill me with junk food.” Claybourne sounded more like


“Great! Let’s go.” They grabbed the remaining boxes and walked to Claybourne’s truck. Felix couldn’t

wait to unwrap the present that Fate had given him.

Chapter 2

When they drove up to a large, rustic-looking cabin, Felix had to admit he was surprised. He was

expecting glass and chrome or something more modern. The cabin was on pride lands on the Arkadion

border, so that it was almost right smack-dab in the middle of both group houses.

The landscaping was simple but neat. Everything about the house looked extremely well maintained.

Felix was about to follow Claybourne into the house when he caught the scent of something familiar. He set

the grocery bags down on the wraparound porch and followed his nose around the side of the house to the

backyard. When he rounded the corner he could only stare. Claybourne had created one of the most

beautiful gardens he had ever seen. He was dying to shift into a smaller animal and frolic. His body was

practically vibrating. He took a step forward as the scent of herb after herb washed over him.

“I see you found my dirty little secret,” Claybourne said, walking up behind him. Felix turned to him.

“This is the most amazing thing I have ever seen. This shouldn’t be a secret,” Felix said as a low purr

bubbled up from his chest. Claybourne looked at him, surprised.

“You’re reacting to the catnip. I grow all my own medicinal herbs here, as well as vegetables and fruit.

We are shifters after all, I’m not always that busy at the clinic.” Felix watched as Claybourne reached out,

hesitating. Felix closed the gap between the two of them. He turned so his back was to his mate, and pulled

the man’s arms around his waist. Felix could feel the happy purr vibrating through him.

“Everything is so perfect, it’s almost like you don’t have room for me,” Felix admitted, looking at the

small piece of paradise in front of him. He felt Claybourne squeeze him.

“I’m not going to lie, Felix, I am a hard man to live with. I haven’t lived with anyone since I turned

sixteen and left home to go to college. I like things in a certain order and done in a certain way. If I say or

do something that hurts your feelings, tell me immediately. I won’t get better at this relationship thing

without your help,” Claybourne said, resting his chin on the top of Felix’s head. Felix decided he now had a

thing for older men. He felt his heart turn over at his mate’s sincere words. He could only imagine what it

cost to warn him.

“I’m pretty sure we won’t kill each other. Anything else we can work on?” Felix shrugged. Claybourne

laughed behind him.

“So long as we’re not trying to kill each other, you’re good?” he asked.

Felix nodded. “When I was locked up in that cage, all I could think about was that I would never find

my mate. I was sad because I would never know him, but what almost broke me was the thought that

because of that asshole Alpha, my mate would go his entire life unfulfilled. That’s what kept me fighting.

So, yeah, as long as we’re not literally at each other’s throats, I’m happy.” Felix leaned against Claybourne.

“You’re amazing. I heard of Sebastian’s story, I never thought my own mate would also be as

courageous,” Claybourne whispered. Felix turned his head so he could look up at his mate.

“I know. Now, let’s introduce you to the many tantalizing joys of frozen pizza.” Felix grabbed

Claybourne’s hand to walk back to the porch. Claybourne picked up the forgotten bags as they walked into

the house.

* * * *

“I swear it’s like
Sleeping with the Enemy
in there.” Felix shuddered as he remembered how organized

the pantry had been. Everything was turned so that the labels were facing outward.

“I’m not going to have to fake my death am I?” Felix asked as they ate their pizza on the sofa in front of

the TV.

Claybourne gave him a wry expression. “You keep it up and you won’t have to fake it,” he grumbled

and Felix laughed. Claybourne went to stand and Felix pulled him back down. “I’m going to clean up the

kitchen,” Claybourne said, looking confused.

Felix shook his head. “I’m going to get you to relax. Leave the mess. The world won’t end, I promise

you.” Felix took their plates and put them on the coffee table. Claybourne stared at them. His right eye

began to twitch slightly. He turned to Felix.

“The kitchen is dirty.” He rubbed his hands on his pant legs. Felix boldly reached over to cup his mate’s


“Dirty is good. Want to make me dirty?” Felix asked, dropping his voice down to a whisper. He almost

did a cartwheel when he saw his mate’s eyes fade to a light blue. His tiger’s eyes were coming out.

Claybourne pushed Felix back and crawled over him. Felix had barely a moment to take a breath before

Claybourne’s mouth was on his and taking away his sanity. Their tongues dueled and twined around each

other. Felix had to pull back, and he reached down and adjusted his jeans, which had become painfully


“Let’s go to the bedroom, I don’t want you damaged,” Claybourne said, grinning. Felix nodded and they

both scrambled off the couch. Felix raced after Claybourne, grabbing his ass the entire way down the hall.

When they cleared the door they both began stripping their clothes. Felix knew that Claybourne must be out

of his mind with lust since he was tossing his clothes around the room. Claybourne, naked, turned to him,

his prick jutting out from his body, already leaking copious amounts of pre-cum down the hard length. In

the two years that he was trapped in his captor’s cage, Felix had plenty of time to fantasize about his future

mate. He had imagined everything from large bulky bears to lean lions, but nothing prepared him for the

perfection of his tiger. The man stood nearly a foot over his own five-foot-five height, and every inch of

his body was covered in lean, tone muscles. His chest was dusted with dark hair that trailed downward and

divided his six-pack beautifully. Felix’s mouth began to water. The man had the body of a god. Claybourne

walked around the bed to the nightstand, and pulled out a small bottle of lube. Claybourne threw the bottle

to him. He caught it easily and waited until his mate was standing in front of him again.

“Can I taste you?” he asked. Claybourne whimpered and nodded.

“You never, ever have to ask that question. Forever and ever amen, the answer is yes.” Claybourne

grabbed the base of his shaft. Felix gave a sultry smile and began to sway his hips as he stalked forward

before dropping to his knees before his mate.

“Good, because I love to suck cock,” Felix admitted before swallowing his mate’s impressive length

down. Above his head Felix heard an unintelligible chant of promises and curses. While holding the base of

his mate’s cock in one hand, he flicked open the bottle of lube with the other and began to work his fingers

into his own hole, stretching himself. He groaned at the sensation of having his mate’s cock in his mouth as

he played with his own ass. Felix reveled in the taste of his mate. He ran his tongue up and down the soft

skin of the long shaft. He loved every line, tracing the thick heavy vein. He swirled his tongue around the

spongy head before dipping his tongue into the slit. He hummed his satisfaction. His mate tasted like nectar.

“Please stop, much more and I’ll come,” Claybourne begged, trying to catch his breath.

Felix stood. “It’s a good thing I’m all stretched and ready for you. I don’t think I can wait another

second to have this gorgeous cock in my ass.” Felix climbed onto the bed, and made sure he wiggled his ass

every chance he got. Claybourne let out a loud rumble and pounced on him.

“Turn over, my mate, I need to see you when I take you,” Claybourne said, his voice deep. Felix

shivered when he saw that his mate’s canines were out. Felix rolled over onto his back and pulled his knees

to his chest before spreading his legs wide. Claybourne stared down at him.

“You are the most beautiful thing I have ever seen,” he whispered.

“Please don’t make me wait, my mate, please pound that cock into me,” Felix practically begged.

Claybourne gave only a short nod then did exactly what Felix wanted. Felix couldn’t seem to breathe as his

mate pushed inside of him only to withdraw again. He felt his mate’s cock fill him, grazing every hot spot

inside his body.

“It’s never been like this,” Claybourne said. Felix looked up and saw an almost pained expression in his


“Good?” he asked, unsure. Claybourne looked down before giving him a feral grin.

“You are my own ecstasy. I am going to get addicted to you.”

“Wait until you feel my cock pounding into you, then you really will be hooked. Gingers are sex gods.”

Felix grinned up at his mate.

Claybourne moaned. “Yes, next time fuck me,” he said, snapping his hips.

“You like the idea of that don’t you, baby? The idea of me fucking you hard,” Felix said, testing to see if

his mate liked dirty talk. He wasn’t surprised when he had to reach out and grab the headboard to keep

from getting plowed into the thing. His man was a damn machine.

“I’m there.” His mate gasped and suddenly Felix was too. Claybourne leaned in and buried his teeth

deep into the tissue between his neck and shoulder. Felix’s own tiger roared to the surface. Felix felt his

canines punch through his gums and he turned his head and bit down into his mate’s muscled tendons.

Felix felt his soul lift up and swirl with his mate’s. When they combined he felt another climax explode

through him. He heard Claybourne shout and felt jets of hot seed fill him. As wave after wave of euphoria

washed through them, their combined soul split and faded back into their bodies. He could feel his mate

now. His mate’s unadulterated joy was the last thing that registered before his world went dark.

Chapter 3

When Felix woke the next morning, he stretched lazily and smiled. He was mated. Just twenty-four

hours ago he was still trying to figure out what he was going to do. Now he had a mate, a home, and more

than likely, a job. He pushed up and looked around the room. He bit back a laugh. Claybourne’s clothes had

been picked up and put away, and his were neatly folded and waiting for him on the dresser. He jumped out

of bed and swung his arms around, getting his blood moving. Once he was feeling more awake he walked

over and put on his clothes.

He left the room and headed toward the den. Shaking his head, he saw that the plates were gone, the

crumbs swept up and the pillows were fluffed and placed in the exact spot he had seen them in last night

when he walked in the house.

He found his mate in the kitchen, dressed again in slacks and a button-down, sipping a cup of coffee.

“Good morning, my mate,” Felix said, ducking the coffee mug to rub noses with Claybourne. He

bounced over to the refrigerator.

“Oh my god, you’re a morning person.” Claybourne shuddered.

“I love mornings. Fresh start to each day,” Felix said before returning his attention to the opened


“Don’t you have any food?” Felix whined. Claybourne’s brows knitted.

“What do you mean?” he asked.

“What I mean is you have no food in here. How do you live?” Felix waved his hand at the shelves.

Claybourne raised an eyebrow and set his coffee mug down. Felix took a step back. Maybe making his

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