Fated to be Mine (24 page)

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Authors: Jodie Larson

Tags: #novel

BOOK: Fated to be Mine
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I stare at the bouquet, amazed that Andrew has managed to figure it out. We just had lunch not more than two hours ago and he never once let on that I should be expecting a delivery today. But then again he wouldn’t have wanted to ruin the surprise. I pick up my phone and begin typing out a text to him.

Andrew, thank you for the flowers. They’re absolutely beautiful. How did you know they were my favorites? ~T~

Charlene comes in, looking like she’s been restraining herself for as long as possible. “Wow, those are beautiful Tessa. I saw the delivery guy when I was making copies and just had to find out who they were going to. Are they from your boyfriend?”

Boyfriend? Well, there’s a complicated statement. I ponder quickly on how to respond to the question.

“Yes, they’re from the guy I’m seeing.”

“I love Gerberas. They’re so beautiful,” she says, bringing her nose closer.

“They’re my favorite,” I reply.

Charlene smiles. “He must really like you then if he knows your favorite flower. Most guys are generic and just send red roses. I mean, they’re beautiful and all, but I don’t know many women who actually choose them as their favorite. My favorite flower is a lily. Brian, my ex-boyfriend, used to decorate our old apartment with them constantly.”

She sighs at the memory. Another hopeless romantic like myself. I can definitely see us getting along, even becoming friends. We share way too much in common already. “I must say I agree on the whole red rose thing. I am a sucker for brightly colored Gerberas and peach colored roses. They’re kind of hard to find, which is why I like them.”

“Well, he certainly nailed it on the head with this arrangement.” Charlene takes another moment to admire the flowers before turning her gaze back to me. “Is there anything you need before we head out for the meeting?”

Shaking my head, I start shuffling around the files in front of me. “Nope. Just be ready to leave in about forty minutes.” She smiles, nodding her head, and turns to leave.

My phone alerts me to a text message and I eagerly open it.

I knew they were your favorite because I know you, Tessa. And I’m looking forward to showering you with all of your favorite things for many years to come. ~A~

Andrew’s words roll through my head. How is it that he’s managed to make his way into my life in such a short amount of time and know me, like really know me? He knows things about me that most people haven’t a clue about. Is it because he pays attention to every little thing I say and do? Or is it just because we’re fated to be together as he keeps reminding me? I mean, how can two people be so drawn to the other, know things instinctively without needing clues or urging? Andrew seems to take the crown in that category. And this little display is just one more thing to prove it may not all be in my head as I think it is.

Charlene and I return from our meeting, our heads held high and giggling like two schoolgirls while we make our way down the hall. Of course, it was a sure thing getting everything worked out with the contracts. Mr. McDannold was so impressed that he almost guaranteed the signatures by early Monday morning. For my first account, I couldn’t be happier with the outcome, even if it is only a small one.

After telling Charlene to take the last half hour off, I turn the corner into my office and am surprised to see Andrew standing off to the side of my desk. My heart flutters in my chest as I admire him dressed in his suit, looking as yummy as ever.

“Andrew? This is a surprise,” I say, closing my door and walking the few steps toward him. He smiles and adjusts to rest his body against the edge of my desk.

“I was just finishing up a meeting with Chris and thought I’d stop by to see how you were doing. Also, I really wanted to see that beautiful smile of yours.”

His hand reaches up to tuck a strand of hair behind my ear, allowing the pads of his fingers to trail lovingly down my cheek. I bite the inside of my cheek to fight the growing feelings inside of me from leaking out.

My eyes glance downward quickly, wanting to break away from his intense gaze. “Thank you again for the flowers. They’re perfect. I still don’t know how you managed to figure them out, especially the color for the roses.”

Andrew closes the distance even more, leaning closer to me with our noses mere inches from each other. “I told you, love. I know you. Our souls are matched together therefore I know you better than myself.”

My breathing spikes at his words and his closeness. The scent that drives me wild has my blood pumping, forcing the flush across my cheeks and warmth to spread across my body. The ever-present thrum of desire swirls in the air and it’s becoming harder and harder to fight against it.

Unable to withstand it any longer I sag against his chest, my legs giving out slightly underneath me. Andrew’s hands instinctively grab my hips, pulling me into the safety of his body. He lightly kisses my ear before nuzzling into the crook of my neck. I sigh, allowing myself to relax into his hold. My hands find their favorite place in the silky strands of his thick dark hair. Why am I fighting this? Why is there even a question in my mind regarding us when the universe keeps placing us together?

Andrew’s nose runs down the length of my neck. The act brings a round of goose bumps to the surface of my skin, making me shutter slightly in his arms. The warmth I feel flowing through my body is now gathering low in my abdomen as I tighten my grip on his hair.

My mind is telling me we need to stop, but my heart is telling me to not let go. It doesn’t help my internal war any when his arms tighten around my middle and his lips trail hot kisses along the slope of my shoulder.

I release my grip on his hair and place my hands upon his shoulders. “Andrew,” I say in a breathless rush, feebly attempting to push him away. Andrew’s lips leave my skin as his head pulls back to look at me. Stormy eyes meet mine and I know he’s fighting a war inside himself as well, although I’m sure it’s different than my own.

“Tessa, I’m trying to be noble and respect your wishes but I just …”

He dips his head lower to claim my mouth in a soft kiss. A kiss that feels feather-light but also has the weight of his heart in it. My eyes roll to the back of my head as the first swipe of his tongue brushes across my lower lip, asking for entrance. And I’m fooling myself if I say that I don’t want him, don’t want to taste him, get my fix of him. The kiss changes from gentle to possessive as his tongue sweeps inside my mouth, moving with deep fevered strokes. A new wave of passion flows between us and I can’t help the moan of sheer pleasure that escapes from me. Andrew is staking his claim, reminding me of what he has and what we are together.

“You undo me every time. I just can’t get enough of you,” Andrew whispers against my lips. His fingers flex against my hips and I want to submit to the temptation to just give in. His tongue sweeps the inside of my mouth again and all rational thought leaves my head. Any questions, any doubts, any ideas of not wanting him are gone. The one thing that I know is that I need him. I want him. I love him.

Then why am I putting us through this senseless drama?

Andrew’s hands move from my hips and begin roaming about my body. He cups my breasts, squeezing them gently. My hands fist at the lapels of his coat, pulling him closer to me. His thumbs flick over my hardened nipples, making my head tilt up at the jolt of pleasure it brings. Andrew takes advantage of my exposed neck, licking his way down to the swell of my breasts, now peaking through the buttons he somehow managed to open.

Somehow I become aware of our surroundings, remembering that I didn’t secure the door after I had shut it. Releasing his coat I attempt to push away from him but he increases his hold on me, not willing to let me go.

“Andrew, the door,” I say, pointing feebly at it. Andrew spins me around, letting me slump against my desk as he takes care of the problematic door. But he doesn’t move toward me right away once the lock is turned. Andrew’s intense stare has me gripping the edge of my desk, my chest rising and falling with each gasping breath. Fire lights his eyes, igniting them with lust burning solely for me. He stalks me like a predator seeking its prey. My eyes roam over his body, noticing the effect that I have on him. Reaching out, he finishes unbuttoning my blouse, letting it fall open to reveal the lace bra underneath.

“Like I said Tessa, I know you. Know exactly what you want, what you need, and how to give it to you.” His fingertips brush down the center of my body, between my breasts, past my stomach, then moves around to the small of my back, pulling my body to his. His leg moves between my thighs, the feel of his erection at my hip sends desire and heat rushing between my legs.

Andrew picks me up, setting me on the edge of my desk. Papers flutter off the side, along with a few other things, creating a loud thumping noise. I cup his face, pulling his mouth back to mine. This moment is the only thing occupying my thoughts. I should care about what’s going on outside this office, but I don’t. I should be mindful that I’m doing inappropriate things in my office. And yet I can’t stop this reaction I have to Andrew. I ease my body down, offering myself to him giving it what it craves the most.

Andrew moves over me, about to unbutton my slacks when the jostling of my doorknob has both our heads swinging in that direction.

“Tess? Are you in there?”

My eyes dart from the door to Andrew and back again as Kara continues to wiggle the handle. I can feel the flush crawl up my body as I realize what I almost let happen on my desk, again.
For fuck’s sake, I’m still at work.
What is it about this man that makes me completely forget everything? Andrew laughs, placing a kiss upon my shoulder before pulling me up and helps put me back together.

“She has impeccable timing,” Andrew mutters beneath his breath. Once the last button is done on my shirt, he cups my cheeks and presses his lips against mine. Kara’s incessant knocking is growing louder and I pray that no one is around to wonder why she’s beating on my door.

“Be right there,” I cry out, waiting until we both look presentable. With a final smoothing of my hair, I unlock the door and greet my troublesome friend.

The knowing grin she’s throwing at the both of us says she knows we’ve been caught doing inappropriate things in my office. She walks in, lifting a suspicious brow to the piles of papers and various other items on the floor.

“Did I interrupt something?”

My face reddens further, feeling the heat all the way up to my ears. “No, not at all,” I reply a little too quickly. Kara knows me well enough to know when I’m lying through my teeth. The smirk on her face lets me know that she’s on to me.

Kara rolls her eyes at me before turning to Andrew. “Nice to see you, Andrew.”

“A pleasure as always Kara,” he says, giving her that megawatt smile of his.

She occupies one of the chairs in front of my desk, patiently waiting for something, although I’m not quite sure what. Probably for me to just admit the truth.
Fat chance of that happening.

Needing to put some distance between us, I move around my desk to sit in my own chair while Andrew takes the remaining empty seat next to Kara.

“Such dirty creatures you are. Honestly, can you not keep it together for more than five minutes? I mean really. This is a place of business you know.”

Her statement causes me to laugh out loud. “Okay, pot calling the kettle black. Do I need to remind someone of the events from last week, or perhaps the last five years in the boardroom? Maybe your late night business meetings?” I say, using quotation fingers for added emphasis. Andrew and Kara both join in my laughter.

“I won’t deny it. It just pleases me that I’m not the only nymphomaniac in the office. You two could definitely give Chris and me a run for our money.” Kara turns her attention to Andrew and lightly smacks his arm. “And you are such a bad influence on my poor sweet and innocent Tessa.”

“Bad influence, yes. Innocent Tessa? I don’t think so. She has a fire in her I don’t think anyone has seen and I do enjoy bringing it out, regardless of where it may be.”

The heated stare he throws my way has me squirming in my chair. Damn him. He enjoys bringing out the fire in me? Well, two can play that game. Feeling brazen, and waiting until Kara’s not looking, I run my tongue along the front of my teeth, using the tip to lightly graze my top lip in the process. Andrew follows the movement with his eyes and it’s his turn to squirm.

There. Now we’re even.

“Okay, enough about me. Was there something you needed Kara?”

She grins and moves to stand. “Nope. Just saw your door closed, along with the blinds and figured I’d come see what you were up to. And now I know. Have fun you two.” She gives us a wave over her shoulder as she walks out the door. She is trouble with a capital T, but God knows I love her for it.

Andrew stands and rounds my desk, placing his hands on the armrests of my chair, leaning in close to me. “Like I said, I just wanted to come here to see your smile.”

I duck my head, fighting off the feeling of embarrassment and lust. Andrew pulls my chin up, placing a kiss upon my lips before pulling back and gifting me with that beautiful smile of his.

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