Fated to be Mine (35 page)

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Authors: Jodie Larson

Tags: #novel

BOOK: Fated to be Mine
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Once our bodies seem almost frozen solid, we head back to the hotel to grab the car, wanting to move this little exploration elsewhere. Plus, the car has heat. It’s much nicer to explore when you’re not a popsicle.

We make several stops around town, some places to eat, some to stretch our legs and walk a bit. We go back up to the Skyline Parkway and climb Enger Tower, allowing us a bird’s eye view of the entire city below. Afterward, we stop at one of the observation sites along the road and just stare at the twinkling lights of the city, dotting along the water.

“It’s beautiful here, Tessa. I’ve honestly never seen anything like it before. Just the vastness of the lake once it gets away from the city and the shoreline is amazing.”

I nod and smile. “When you think of a lake, you think of this small body of water, something you could putter around in a boat and see every side of it. But here, there’s just nothing but water as far as you can see. Except Wisconsin over there,” I say, pointing to the bridges that connect the two states and the hills on the other side of the water. “Looking back on it now, I do feel lucky that I grew up in this area. Of course being the age that I was, I didn’t appreciate it properly but now that I’m an adult, I can sit back and look at what’s around me. Maybe this summer we can come back up here and hike in some of the state parks. There are a couple of them that even have waterfalls we can explore.”

“I’d like that. But for now, I think I need to explore something else,” Andrew says, unhooking my seatbelt and dragging my body over to straddle his lap. In an instant, our jackets are off and our hands are on each other, slipping beneath our clothing as our mouths connect and explore. I love the way he feels as my hands roam underneath his sweater, feeling each and every muscle tense and relax from my feather light touch. Grinding my hips into his, I feel his arousal press into my core, causing me to gasp into his mouth. There’s no light or sound except for our breaths and beating hearts. We devour each other like a couple of lust hungry teenagers who snuck out of the house to make out without being caught.

As if someone was reading my thoughts, bright red and blue lights flash behind us, flooding the car with color. We pull away from each other when a rapping noise is heard from the driver’s side window. Andrew sits up as I scramble off his lap, trying gracefully to get into my seat and failing miserably.

“Good evening you two,” the officer says. He bends down low, showing us his uniform and graying hair, stocky build, and slightly amused smile.

“Oh, good evening officer. Um, is there something we can help you with?” I ask, feeling the flush of embarrassment taking over my face.

“I saw your car parked here and was wondering if you were having any car troubles.”

Andrew shakes his head. “No, no troubles, officer. We were just … observing the scenery.” Andrew barely gets the sentence out with a smirk. I bite my lip to stifle my own laugh while Andrew does a very awkward cough to hide his.

The officer shakes his head and lets out a small chuckle himself. “Might I suggest a different spot to observe the scenery? Perhaps one not quite so public?”

I have to turn my head away so I don’t bust out laughing because this whole entire scenario is too funny. Here I am, a straight-laced girl who has never done anything wrong in her life, never broken a rule or done anything even remotely lewd in public, meets a handsome man and suddenly I’m doing public displays of affection and getting busted by the cops.

“Yes, sir. We will leave right now and take our observations elsewhere,” Andrew says.

I snort because I can’t contain it any longer. I keep my face turned away from the officer, but I can hear him laugh as he walks back to his patrol vehicle and drives away, plunging us back into darkness once more.

Andrew and I look at each other and start laughing uncontrollably.

“I can’t believe we just got busted for making out,” I say once words come back to me.

He frames my face in his hands, pulling me close and kisses my lips again. “Let’s get back to the hotel before we really get ourselves in trouble.”

We back out of the spot and start heading back down the hill toward the hotel.

“And what else could we get in trouble for?” I ask.

Andrew glances at me quickly with a wicked grin. “Indecent exposure.”

We both laugh again and dream of different ways we could have been busted by the officer until we park the car in the hotel lot.

Once in the safety of our room, where we can’t get into trouble, Andrew pulls me into him and takes off my jacket, leaving it in a pile on the floor.

“What would you like to do now, Tess?”

I shrug my shoulders and wrap my arms around him. “I’m not sure. What did you have in mind?”

He nuzzles my neck and slowly kisses along the delicate skin beneath my ear.

“How about a nice hot bath? I’m sure you’d like the chance to relieve some of your tension from the past few days.”

“You’ve already helped me with that. Whatever stress I had has left my body completely.”

Andrew picks his head back up and brushes the hair away from my face. “Well then, how about you let me pamper you by doing this for me. It would give me great pleasure for you to relax in a warm bath.”

I raise a suspicious brow to him. “What have you got planned?”

He shakes his head and leads me to the bathroom. Sitting me on the closed toilet seat, he begins running some bath water for me and pours in some liquid to mix with the water. The scent of vanilla fills the air, instantly letting my shoulders drop. Andrew begins undressing me, taking each piece of clothing off in a slow, sweet torture and kissing every exposed area of skin as my clothes fall one by one to the floor. When I’m fully naked, he picks me up and holds me against him while kissing me slowly; distracting my mind from any other thoughts except him.

I walk into the water and slowly sink down until only my head is sticking out. Bubbles float around me, tickling my chin as Andrew bends down one last time to brush his lips against mine.

“This is your time to relax. I want you to enjoy this.”

“Where are you going to be? Don’t you want to join me and help me relax further?” I ask, swishing the bubbles around with my hands.

He shakes his head and stands. “I have something else planned. I’ll be right outside if you need me.” He closes the door behind him, leaving me to soak in a vanilla filled heaven. I take his advice and let the soothing heat relax my muscles and clear my mind, enjoying this moment of tranquility.

When the water turns tepid, I pull myself out and grab the robe Andrew left on the counter for me, tying it loosely around my waist. When I enter the bedroom, I stop and blink several times, trying to take in my surroundings. Dozens of lighted candles are scattered around the room, giving off the most romantic glow I’ve ever seen. Several vases filled with colorful flowers are placed on the tables and nightstand, filling the room with their soft fragrance. I walk further into the room and bring a hand to cover my trembling lips, doing my best not to cry. I’m completely overcome with emotions as I slowly turn in circles, getting the full view of what Andrew has done for me.

My eyes search for him, but he’s not here. Perhaps he left to go get something else? Although judging by what we have in the room I’m not sure what else it could be. I walk over to the window and look out at the lake. The moon is high again, casting its silvery glow upon the water, making it shimmer and sparkle as the light dances across the water.

My eyes close as I feel him approach, even though he hasn’t touched me yet. Strong arms wrap around my middle, pulling me into the comfort of his chest. Feather soft kisses trail along my neck and I tilt my head to grant him better access.

“Come to bed, Tessa. I need you.”

A chill runs down my spine at the familiarity of those words. But it’s lost again as he gently bites down on my shoulder, walking us back toward the bed.

“Yes,” I breathe.

Andrew lays me down, placing me in the middle of the giant king sized bed. He trails his fingers down my cheek, along the column of my throat before dipping inside the opening of my robe. His lips follow the same path, nipping and sucking on the supple skin before taking a hardened nipple into his mouth.

My hands smooth over the contours of his back, feeling his muscles undulate with each movement as his body continues to move over mine. He looks up when his lips reach the belt of my robe, slowly threading it through his fingers and pushing the plush material aside.

“You are so beautiful,” he says, locking his eyes with mine. Moving my hands to his hair, I thread the thick locks through my fingers, giving a slight pull when his tongue dips into my belly button. Goose bumps coat my skin and I can feel the wetness build between my legs.

I pull him back up to my mouth, needing to taste him and dive into his warm mouth until everything else fades away. Our tongues meet in a well-rehearsed dance, knowing the exact movement the other will make. He’s the air I breathe as passion overrules everything else. Before long, his pajama pants and boxers join my discarded robe as his hips settle between my thighs.

“Tell me you want me” His mouth drags across my collarbone, making me claw at his back in a mixture of sweet torture and delight. Words are lost to me as his mouth continues to move down my body. The instant his tongue connects with my aching nipple, my hips fly up and I cry out my want for him.

“Tell me you need me,” he grunts, spreading my legs wider with his knees. The hard press of his erection hits me as he rubs himself against my wet center, making me bite down hard on my lip. He replaces his cock with two fingers, slowly opening me, making me climb higher and higher off the ground.

“I need you. Please, Andrew, I need you so much,” I pant out, unable to hide the desperation in my voice.

Andrew must feel it too because he quickly positions himself at my entrance and slowly slides into me with skilled control, making me feel each and every hard inch of him as our bodies join as one. My eyes flutter closed as sensation after sensation wraps around me. When Andrew fully rests on top of me, I’m aware of our joined heartbeats, pulsing as one. I’m wrapped around him like a second skin and he lets out a guttural moan, bringing me closer to the edge with that sound.

I open my eyes as he begins to move slowly inside me. He brings himself up on his forearms, hovering over me as we move together in perfect harmony. Every move my body makes is because he’s guiding it, knowing it better than I do. He knows how to bring it the most pleasure, how to satisfy each and every craving without ever needing to feel hunger for it. I wrap my legs around his waist and pull him closer, urging him deeper inside me. The first spasm has my inner walls clenching and the orgasm hovering just on the edge of explosion.

“Tell me you love me,” he whispers against my mouth. The sight of him rocking back and forth, hitting the deepest parts of me causes me to cry out, wanting to release each emotion that he invokes so naturally. Loving him was never an issue. Trying to keep my emotions at bay was the hardest thing I have ever done and I realize now what a waste of time it was.

Andrew grabs my hips and rolls onto his back, forcing me to be on top. I brace my hands against his chest as I begin to move again, chasing after the orgasm that was there moments ago. Only this time I’m in control. I’m the one regulating the speed, playing his body while bringing him extreme pleasure and getting my own from watching him. He reaches up and cups each of my breasts, squeezing lightly and making my head roll back with a loud moan.

“Tell me, Tessa,” he growls. He bucks his hips up hard to hit my clit in just the right spot, making me see stars. The rolling waves outside pale in comparison to the waves crashing upon the shore inside me. Nothing can be heard over the roar of blood in my ears. Then, all the tension in my body releases at once, sending me soaring high into the clear night sky.

“Andrew … I love you,” I cry out, unable to hold it back any longer. My body is still shaking as he grabs my hips, guiding me faster until I feel him pulsing inside me, crying out my name with sheer reverence. My limp body falls on top of his, taking in shallow breaths as the waves calm inside me. Andrew’s fingers slowly trail over my back in the same way I trail them over his after an intense love making session. It really does relax your body and it feels oh so nice.

“I love you, too,” he whispers, kissing my sweat-slicked skin.

He rolls us to the side and brushes the damp hair away from my face. Shadows from the candlelight dance across his face, highlighting his gorgeous blue eyes and light scruff across his jaw. My fingers trace the curve of his lips, his cheekbones, and his jaw. A realization dawns on me as I quickly survey the room, transporting myself into a scene that I’ve played out in my head on an almost daily basis. This room, the candles, the lake, his eyes. It’s him, the man from my dreams, only he’s been right here the entire time. It’s always been Andrew.

A tear rolls down my cheek but is quickly brushed away. “What’s wrong?”

I shake my head and kiss him softly. “Nothing’s wrong. Everything is perfect.” I swallow hard, trying to find my voice. “You know that dream I always have?” He nods, brushing back some hair from my face. “The scene never changes. It’s always me standing in a candlelit room, looking at the water and the same man is always there, but he’s always nestled in the shadows so I can’t fully see him. All I could see was his eyes, these beautiful sapphire blue eyes. Not knowing that I’ve actually been staring at them for the past few months, losing myself in them over and over again. My body recognized you instantly from the very first moment we met. I’m just sorry it’s taken my brain this long to catch up. But it’s you, Andrew. It’s always been you. You are the love that I’ve been waiting my whole life for.”

He traces my jaw with his fingertips, eyes bright and shiny with emotion. “Believe it or not, I saw you in my dreams too, just before I met you. That’s what made me stop and look at you in New York. Your hair, your eyes, your nose, and that sweet smile. It was like my world stopped and started anew. It’s why I couldn’t stop looking at you or stop touching you. I had to make sure that you were real and not a figment of my imagination.” His lips brush across mine with the sweetest smile I’ve ever seen. “It was always you.”

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