Fateful 2-Fractured (13 page)

Read Fateful 2-Fractured Online

Authors: Cheri Schmidt

Tags: #young adult, #paranormal romance, #vampire, #paranormal, #romance, #fantasy, #fairy

BOOK: Fateful 2-Fractured
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“It’s your homework,” he said, standing next
to her now as he considered her crappy artwork.

Fighting an urge to cover it, and
wanting to say,
don’t look at that
, she instead said, “I’m sorry ...

He leaned down placing his lips to her ear.
“You’re testing out.”

“Excuse me?”

He took her arm, tugged her to the desk,
forced her to sit, then dropped to one knee in front of her. Again,
he spoke softly into her ear, “We need to get married sooner. It’s
the easiest way to protect you … us … and they’ll have to leave us
alone. No more interruptions.”

“But—but— How do you expect me to get
through all of this? I already have way too much homework as it
is!” Her eyes narrowed on the stack of textbooks and then shifted
to the previously existing pile next to it. The pains inside
twisted and she wondered if she might actually vomit.

“Forget that. If you test out, you won’t
have to do it.”

“But—what about my artwork?” Danielle tossed
a despairing look at the mess of a painting called a still-life.
“That’s part of it.”

“They can judge by your past works, and I
have the tests from Beon. I know what you need to know. So…” Ethan
stood, grabbed the chair next to her fireplace, slid it up next to
her, and settled into it. “Let’s get started.” He then snatched the
first book and flipped it open.

Danielle stared at him. “So this is your

“Yes, it’s the best I could come up with.”
Ethan leaned closer so Brianna couldn’t hear him. “Unless you’d
rather elope, which I don’t think would go over very well, though
it certainly is an option.”

“Elopement sounds much more appealing.”

“I was jesting before, that’s not really an
option. You can do this. I’ll help.”

“I’m not convinced I can do it, Ethan. What
if I fail?”

“Will you please just try?”

Brianna was watching this from the bed, and
apparently her curiosity got the better of her because she asked,
“What in the world is going on?”

“Uh … well, Ethan’s too impatient. Wanting
to get married sooner, he thinks if I can test out, then we can tie
the knot now rather than later.”

Danielle didn’t even want to look at Ethan
to see the look on his face after that comment. So she kept her
gaze fixed on her cousin, which turned out to almost be worse.

Because Brianna pulled a face and said,

“It can be done,” Ethan said between
clenched teeth. “Danielle, listen to me,” he ordered in a soft but
stern tone.

Biting her lip, she let her eyes trail back
to him, and found that he did look a bit angry and frustrated with
her. “But, I don’t see how I can do this?” Her gaze returned to the
pile of books he’d dumped on her desk. “Ethan, how do you expect me
to get through eight thick volumes?”

“Oh, ye of little faith,” Ethan

“But,” Danielle began.

Ethan ignored her to look at Brianna. “I’m
guessing you’re going to be Danielle’s maid of honor?”

“Yes,” Brianna replied slowly.

“Good, I suggest you start with the wedding
plans. I’ll have the wedding planner call you. Her name is

Brianna’s eyes popped, then she and
Danielle’s jaws dropped simultaneously.

“You hired a wedding planner?” Danielle

“Of course. You and Brianna can’t do
everything. Especially you, my dear, you have a lot of studying to
do.” His fingers gave her knee a squeeze.

“What? Do you even have a date picked out
already too?”

“No, I knew I needed to discuss that with
you. But I was thinking sometime soon after your tests would be

“What if I flunk?”

“You’ll do fine.” Ethan patted her knee as
he spoke. “You don’t have any plans the end of the month do you?
You’re going to Paris to be fitted for your dress.”


Brianna gasped.

“Yes, the same designer who made your ball

“Doesn’t he already know my size?” she
asked, remembering how the dress fit perfectly without ever having
been fitted for it.

“Yes, but this is your wedding gown,
Danielle. It needs to be perfect, and I thought you’d like to have
a say in the design. Your mother will be here too. I’ve arranged
for you to have a wonderful day with the ladies in Paris while you
all select gowns for the ceremony.”

“You’re unbelievable…”

“Are you complaining?”

“No, of course not. I just … you’re just …
unbelievable.” She fell silent then, because she honestly didn’t
know what else to say.

“All right then, artists of the
Renaissance,” Ethan turned pages until he got to the beginning of
the first chapter. “Take notes, Danielle, there will be a test

Why did he have to say
? Danielle groaned as she
reached for a pen and paper—what else could she do?


Ethan was diligent in his quest to help her
cram for the tests that were scheduled to take place after a couple
short weeks. Danielle was overwhelmed with the task and seemed to
have an almost constant headache.

“Danielle, are you all right?” Brianna asked
after she’d studied for several grueling hours straight one

No doubt the inquiry came because her brows
were pinched together, her lips formed a thin line and she had two
fingers pressed on each temple. “Hmm?” she mumbled in reply. This
pose just wasn’t helping to soothe the pain throbbing in her

“I was wondering if you had a minute. I’ve
been talking to Veronica, that wedding planner…”

Her cousin inched her way into Danielle’s
bedroom, almost cautiously. It appeared that she thought Danielle
was liable to implode at any second. “Um.” She took another step,
holding up a binder. “She’s come up with some really nice color
combinations. She wants you to go over them.”

Danielle held her hand out to take the
binder, sighing. “It’s okay, Bri, I’m fine. I just have a headache.
Too much studying…you know…”

“Well, while you look at these, I’ll go get
you some pain medication and water.” She left in a rush, as if
Danielle might not survive if she didn’t hurry.

“Thanks,” Danielle muttered after her.

Almost mindlessly, she began flipping
through pages in the binder, thinking any distraction was extremely
welcome at this point. Professional layouts of fabric swatches,
floor plans, and detailed menu descriptions filled the book. There
were even pictures of wedding cakes, flower arrangements and
backdrops. Every detail had been considered. This Vivian or
Vanessa, or whatever it was, was quite thorough about her work.

Gratitude filled her over-studied brain. As
well as that romance-novel honeymoon, she would have the dream
wedding most girls only fantasize about, but could never afford.
Her parents did pretty well for themselves, but this was clearly
beyond their budget. She knew they were helping with the finances,
but also knew Ethan was covering the majority of wedding

Ethan, who said he’d never considered
getting married for over one hundred and fifty years, wanted to go
all out with everything. And Danielle wasn’t going to stop him.

All of the designs the wedding planner had
come up with were wonderful, and perfect in every way, but one
conception caught her eye—the theme of white: varying shades of
white swatches, white roses with only a hint of the palest pink,
even the cake was white with white fondant roses, rosebuds, and
Lilly of the valley blooms. It was exquisite, it was her, and she
knew Ethan would love it too.

Her already tender emotions were seized with
the reality of it all, and tears streaked down her cheeks. She
could hardly believe it. Ethan was a dream come true. The custom
designer dress was a dream come true. And this … this fantasy
wedding in white, was yet another dream brought to reality. She
didn’t care to pick the menu. She’d let Brianna choose that, or
maybe Ethan, since his newfound interest in food was obviously
important to him.

This gave Danielle new motivation to work
harder studying for these tests. Now she wanted it more than
eloping, she wanted the dream wedding and the sooner the better.
Before, this had seemed somewhat distant, something just out of
reach, something she was striving for, but wasn’t able to reach
just yet. Now it felt more tangible, more real.

Brianna returned with drugs and water to
wash them down. She looked upset when she realized Danielle was
crying. “Is it that horrible? I thought some of her ideas were
pretty nice.”

Danielle began tapping her finger on the
page with the white designs. “This one—this is the one.” She

Brianna laughed. “Oh, those are happy tears.
Sheesh, Cousin, stop scaring me like that.”

Turning back to the books, she
swallowed and thought,
Great, now I can’t
concentrate. Or see….


Chapter 8

Party in Paris


It was a sunny day in Paris….

“Ooo, I like that one, Danielle,” cooed
Nadia, pointing to one of Jean Claude’s sketches of dresses for
Danielle. The designer who’d made Danielle’s ball gown had drawn up
several wedding gowns for them to choose from.

Moving one design back to the top of the
pile, Brianna disagreed, “I don’t think so. This one says ‘Dannie’
to me. It’s practically calling out her name.”

“I still favor the first one,” said Sophia,
sifting for the one that was now on the bottom.

“I’m just not sure,” mumbled Danielle’s
mother, who’d flown in just for this. Her words made Jean Claude’s
face turn a deep shade of pink.

“Ladies, I know what would look best
on our darling Miss Darcey. Please be reasonable,” said Jean
Claude, and then turned to her. “Danielle, what do

Finally someone was asking for

Rubbing the tension from her neck, Danielle
tried not to let it show on her face. Having her mother, Sophia,
Nadia and Brianna all trying to help her choose a wedding dress
from the many sketches was getting frustrating, and a bit daunting.
“Jean, would it be too much trouble for you to do something with
this bodice and”—she lifted a second design up—“a skirt like this

“Lovely idea, mon chér! Yes, I can do that.”
He then snatched Danielle by the shoulders and stuffed her into a
dressing room. “I have a few dresses with a similar cut that you
may try on to make certain you like it on you.” He left and
returned with three gowns for her to change into.

As she donned the sample dresses and modeled
them for her quartet, both Sophia and her mom started crying.
Danielle messed up her face right along with them. Even though
these dresses weren’t exactly like hers, they were close enough to
get the idea. She felt beautiful, like a real princess getting to
marry her prince. It made it all feel that much more real.

“Merci, ladies!” Jean Claude called as they

In a chorus they returned the sentiment, and
then as they cleared the front door Brianna said, “Guess what.”

Danielle’s lips curled up at the corners
from the sight of her cousin bouncing happily along next to her,
completely oblivious to the many vampire guards following. They
attempted to blend in, of course, but while Brianna hadn’t noticed,
Danielle had.

She observed the ones dressed like locals,
the ones dressed as tourist, and the ones disguised as business
men. The only things common amongst all of them were their warrior
stealth and the little wires in their ears for their undercover
listening and communication.

Cedric winked when her gaze slid in his
direction and she quickly snatched it away, then caught the inside
of her cheek between her teeth to prevent the smirk attempting to
show itself.

“What?” she replied to Brianna.

“We’re having your bridal shower right now.
And guess what else.”

“What, Bri?”

“Your friends from Colorado are here.”

This caught her attention. “Mandy and


“But they both said they couldn’t afford the
ticket, and they wouldn’t let my parents pay for it. So, then

“Who else?”

“Ethan.” Of course. “Oh, the man needs to be
kissed, a lot.”

Nadia and Brianna giggled at that, Sophia
smirked, her mom smiled, and Danielle fantasized about it. He’d
graciously made certain that any of her friends or family could be
there, just as he’d done with her parents when they got

“Where’s this shower?” Danielle asked,
thinking about seeing her friends again. The last time had been in
March, before she’d left for London. Just over a year ago.

“Restaurant Le Meurice,” Nadia replied.
“Mandy and Lindsey should already be there waiting for us, and then
we’re staying in the hotel for the bachelorette party. We all get
spa treatments at the spa.”


“And pedicures.”

“And facials, if you want.”

“Did Ethan plan this too?” Danielle wondered

“No way! Nadia and I did,” huffed

Falling silent with a smile, Danielle took
in the pretty surroundings as they walked. Shimmering sunshine
blanketed the Paris cityscape. It was warm, but a nice breeze
cooled her as they went. Scents from bistros and bakeries drifted
to her nose as they passed by each one. The lilt of French
conversation, mingled with English, littered the sounds around them
as well.

This place is
, she thought upon walking through the front
doors of the hotel and was greeted with rich décor and French
elegance. The walls were embellished with white and gold moldings,
the polished floor made her think she might slip and slide across
it out of control, and the artwork, and furnishings, and fresh
flowers finished the look of this five star hotel. It felt as
though she’d entered a real Persian palace.

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