Father & Son: Book two of the Jensen Family Series (28 page)

BOOK: Father & Son: Book two of the Jensen Family Series
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Pressing his forehead to hers, panting,
still deep inside her, he groaned, “We shouldn’t have done that.” He felt her
nod against his head.

“I know. I’m sorry. I couldn’t help
myself. I still have feelings for you and I’m not getting much.”

“I’m not getting any.” He stated.

She pulled back, “What? She’s gorgeous,
how come?”

“She’s a little shy and I’m trying to give
monogamy a go.”

Suzanne covered her mouth but the laugh
had already escaped. “How’s that going for you?”

He joined her laughter with his own.
“Apparently, not too well.”

They both stiffened at the sound of her
name being called, Cameron. “Shit.” She pushed him away, “I can’t go out there
leaking, you!”

He straightened his clothes, gave her one
last kiss, “You sort yourself out, I’ll distract him.”

“Paul.” She called as he reached for the

“Don’t.” He couldn’t turn to face her, if
she told him she missed him, he’d crack. When she remained silent, he cracked
the door open slightly and did a quick recce of the corridor. Cameron was
peering down a hallway giving Paul the chance to slip from the room. “Lost
someone?” He asked as he sauntered towards his nemesis.

Cameron turned towards him, distaste
written clearly on his face as he looked Paul up and down. “Have you seen my
fiancé?” He asked.

“Nope but looking at this place, you may
need to send out a search party. She’s a big girl Cam, I’m sure she’ll manage
to find her way back to the table.”

“My name is Cameron and I’m well aware of
Suzanne’s capabilities thank you.” He snipped. “God, how did someone like you
ever manage to pull a girl of Eve Fitzpatrick’s calibre?”

“Someone like me? Oh come on, look at me.
I’m everything you aspire to be and I’m younger.” Paul grinned. “I’m glad you
chose to date Suzanne and not Tessa. I’d have to knock you on your arse if you
were fucking my sister.”

Bristling at Paul’s unveiled threat,
Cameron stepped forward, “I’d like to see you try.”

Stepping between them and hoping this
wasn’t going to become a habit, Suzanne placed a hand on Paul’s chest, pushing
him back before doing the same to Cameron, “It’s like a rabbit warren out here,
are you boys lost too?” She asked.

Paul shrugged and covered her hand with
his “Seems I’ve been found.” He kept his eyes on Cameron as he spoke to her, he
didn’t put it past the little weasel not to sucker punch him when he wasn’t
looking. “I’d better get back to my girlfriend.” He gave her hand a quick
squeeze before leaving.

He arrived back at the table just in time
for Tessa to cut her cake and be given her gift from her parents. A white gold
Rolex. The women surrounding the table gushed over the diamond encrusted time
piece. Paul and Matt looked at each other, both knowing what they would be
receiving for their twenty first birthday.

Eve noticed the change in his mood on his
return to the table. He’d been happy and joking previously but was now sullen
even though he was making an effort to be cheerful. It was almost a relief when
the evening drew to an end. She had exchanged telephone numbers with his sister
with the promise of setting up a lunch date sometime in the near future and she
waved goodbye as Paul clutched her hand and pulled her towards his car.

He didn’t speak at all as he drove her
home and she wasn’t going to pry. It was still reasonably early as they drew to
a stop at the gates and she wasn’t ready to say goodnight to him yet. “Would
you like to come in?” She asked.

He nodded and put the car into gear “Yes.
I’m not ready to go home yet. Or maybe I would be if you came with me.”

“I...I’m not ready to make that kind of
move yet.” She stammered over her answer. “Sorry.”

“Hey, it’s ok. I wasn’t asking if you
wanted to get naked.” He said as he climbed from the car and joined her on the
other side, “I just wanted to know if you’d fancy coming to my place for a

“Not tonight but soon. Don’t your parents
mind you taking girls back to your house?” She smiled at the butler and led
Paul through to the opulent sitting room.

“I don’t live at home. I share a flat with
my Uncle, you met him tonight and no, he doesn’t mind if I bring girls home.”
He sat on the uncomfortable looking sofa and got a pleasant surprise when it
hugged his bum and supported his back. He patted the seat next to him. “Come

Hesitantly, she sat beside him. She
stiffened when his arm came around her and pulled her closer but he didn’t make
any further move.

“What where you sitting all the way over
there for?” He grinned at her. “Loosen up Eve. I’m not going to jump on you; I
need to feel you against me.” He snuggled closer. “Can I ask you something?”

“You can ask me anything.” Eve rested her
head on his shoulder and placed her hand on his leg.

“Who was it that did a number on you that
makes you so stand offish?”

She sat up then, looking him straight in
the eye. “No one has done a number on me as you say. I’m just not as
comfortable with my body and sexuality as you clearly are.”

“So none of the guys you dated treated you

“No. The one that I was comfortable enough
to sleep with was very kind actually, very patient.

“Hmm, ok. Next question. Have you ever had
an orgasm?”

She shuffled away from him. “Why are you
asking me these things?”

“I just want to see what I’m up against
here. I’ve never been given the cold shoulder by anyone and it’s getting to me
a bit. I mean, is it me?”

“Oh no. No, no, it isn’t you. I suppose
I’m just not as forward as you are used to.”

“That’s an understatement.” He chuckled.
“Explain to me then why you threw yourself at me when we first met at the club?

“That would be the alcohol. If you’d made
a move on me, I probably would have run away screaming.” She blushed but
giggled when he laughed.

“I would have chased you.” He growled.
“Just give me a little bit of hope here huh? Tell me I’m not going to have blue
balls for eternity.”

“I’d love to tell you that but right now I
don’t know.”

“Do you need me to romance you Eve? Take
you out, show you a good time and be the perfect gentleman at all times?”

“A little romance won’t hurt.” She sighed.
“Paul. I know all about you, the women you’ve been with, the teacher, your son,
everything. You scare me.”

Resting his head back on the sofa, he
looked at her through lowered lids. “I sincerely doubt you know everything. For
example, the only women at the table tonight I haven’t had sex with were you
and the ones related to me.” He nodded when she gasped. “See? You didn’t know
everything, you still don’t. Yes, I had an affair with my teacher, old news as
is the fact that I have a son. What people fail to realise about me is there is
so much more than what you see on the outside. I want it all Eve. I want a
place like this” He gestured around the room. “I want to be self sufficient,
not to owe anyone anything and I want a beautiful, strong woman by my side to
ease my doubts and love me body and soul.”

“Oh.” She was taken aback. “Oh.” She
leaned in to stroke his face. “Yes so much more than what anyone sees. I’d like
to be that woman.”

“I’m beginning to think you could be her
but Eve, sex is a very big part of a relationship for me. I crave that physical
connection more than I crave the mental one. I’m prepared to wait but there’s a
limit to my patience. If you give me a little then pull back, that’s absolutely
fine, it’ll keep me on my toes, keep me guessing but I won’t be happy,” h e sat
up and cupped her face, his lips brushing hers, “until I’m balls deep inside
you and you are screaming my name.” He didn’t need to hear her answer, the
hitch in her breath and her heated cheeks were enough to prove her interest. He
applied his lips to hers, kissing her like he had the first night he’d
convinced her to try this and she melted in his arms.


Chapter Twenty Two


Within three months, he was fully
integrated into her group of friends. The men wanted to be him, the women
wanted to be with him. He had become somewhat of a leading man amongst her
social circle and it had given him the opportunity to quote for several
prestigious jobs for the parents of the people he was socialising with.

His face had made it into numerous
magazines as the paparazzi followed the gifted lifestyle of these people. One
article in particular had made him laugh as he had been described as the most
useful person amongst a gaggle of freeloaders.

By this time, he had persuaded Eve to spend
the occasional night in his bed albeit with him wearing his boxers and a
t-shirt. He was making slow progress with her. Her apprehension was as
changeable as the wind. One day she would push him away and the next she was
more than willing to learn new things.

He was delighted by the fact that he could
make her come just by playing with and sucking her nipples. He’d never met a
woman capable of doing that but her breasts were incredibly sensitive and it
took little stimulation on his part but even this had to be done under the
cover of darkness with his hand inside the top she was wearing. She always
began to freak out as she felt her orgasm building, thinking she was going to
urinate, it was a mindset he was working hard to get her out of.

Already approaching the five month mark of
their relationship, Paul regularly congratulated himself on his fidelity. Sure
he’d kissed a few women at the club and had succumbed to a few hand jobs but
that wasn’t cheating was it? No, absolutely not.

With the warmer weather approaching and
party invites pouring in, his nights at the club began to become a bone of
contention between them. She kept repeating that she saw little point in having
a boyfriend when she had to attend most of the parties alone. It created either
a prolonged silence or an argument when he pointed out that she didn’t have to
attend the parties at all let alone solo.

In the interests of maintaining a
harmonious relationship and hopefully, eventually getting laid, he picked what
seemed to be the most promising parties and took an entire weekend off from the
club. He had to admit, the prospect of a pool party which would carry on into
an evening of cocktails and first class food over a hot, sweaty evening at the
club did appeal quite a bit to him.

Eve for her part made sure to tell him how
much she appreciated him taking time off from work to join her. She went on a
shopping trip and returned with several bags of designer clothes for him, not
that he needed them, including a very fetching pair of swimming shorts which he
had to admit, where totally his style. She had estimated his sizes perfectly
and although he thought he looked like some toff model in the glossy rags she
read, her pleasure at his appearance made him bite his tongue.

The host of the pool party “Clark” greeted
them warmly and whisked Paul away to the men’s changing area at the far end of
the pool. The area wasn’t so much as to preserve their dignity, it was more of
a gathering area for the men to undress and chat out of earshot of the women.

Having worn her all in one swim suit,
complete with skirt to cover the top of her thighs under her clothes, Eve
stashed her bag and turned her back on the pool as she peeled off her

“Eve, you’ve been holding out on us. He is
divine.” Her friend Mercedes breathed.

Turning and looking towards the end of the
pool, she watched Paul, dressed only in the swimming shorts she had bought him,
laughing with a large group of men. She did her best to hide her stunned gaze.
She hadn’t seen him undressed. The most she’d seen was his legs. She had missed
out on a whole lot.

“He is very easy on the eye.” She agreed.

“That’s somewhat of an understatement.”
Mercedes breathed. “Does he know how to use that body to its full advantage?”

“He doesn’t lack in any department.” Eve
gloated. Now she had to get to Paul before any further questions were asked.
Stepping out from under the pergola, she donned her sunglasses and kept one eye
on him as she crossed the garden. He was searching for her, his eyes flicking
over groups of people. When his gaze landed on her, his lips parted slightly at
her appearance then he smiled and made the “Do you want a drink?” gesture.
Nodding, she made her way towards him as he made every effort to meet her half

Walking with him, Clarke clocked the
direction of Paul’s gaze, “Eve has always been a little unconventional with the
way she dresses but I have to say, that swimsuit flatters her exceptionally

Paul swallowed, his mouth watering at the
sight of her. “Yes it does.”

“It can’t be easy finding clothes when you
are plus sized.” Clarke continued.

Paul turned to the other man, “Plus sized?
Is that what curves are called now? Give me a curvy woman over a skinny bag of
bones any day. Honestly dude, being cushioned by those thighs as you slide
inside, nothing quite like it.”

Clarke grinned at his description. “I
might have to give that a try.”

“Trust me; you don’t know what you are
missing.” He’d reached her side and wrapped an arm around her waist, bending to
press a kiss to her cheek. “Wow Eve. Just wow.” He whispered.

She smiled and held back a girlish giggle.
Taking a glass of wine from him, she lowered her sunglasses and looked up at
him. “I could say the same.” She greeted their host before stepping over to a
quieter corner of the vast garden. “Everyone here seems to be under the
impression that you and I are......having sex at every available opportunity.”

“That might be my fault. I wasn’t sure
what you’d told them about us so just went with the presumptions they already
had. I can set it straight if you would prefer.”

Shaking her head, Eve smiled, “No, its
fine. I sort of gave them that impression too. I just wanted to make sure we
were both saying the same thing.”

“Eve, I’m not stupid. I know this lot will
rip us apart if they see a crack in our story.” He shook his head. “Give me
more credit; I know how to play people for my own advantage.”

She laughed then, “You most certainly do.”

“Do you fancy a dip in the pool?”

“Oh no, I’m not getting this wet.”

“Do you mind if I do?” He took a step
back, towards the edge of the pool.

Eve moved further away from the pool side,
the look on his face, the mischievous grin had her thinking that he would find
some way to soak her. “Be my guest. I won’t be far away when you’ve finished
playing.” Her attempt to keep her costume dry was short lived when Paul made a
point of hugging her as he stepped out of the pool. He silenced her protest
with a deep kiss that had her knees shaking and her friends applauding.

There was a slight nip in the air by the
time they’d eaten lunch and retired to the cabana that had been designated as
theirs. Eve had changed into loose fitting trousers and top and settled happily
on the bed, drawing the comforter over her as Paul closed the sheer filmy
curtains around the bed. He settled in beside her, not usually willing to sleep
through the day, the combination of food, alcohol and exercise had slowed him
down a little and he figured forty winks wouldn’t hurt.

Resting his head on his bent arm, his
other hand found its way beneath her top, stroking the soft skin of her
stomach, slowly edging upwards. Her hand covered his, stopping his progress.
“What was that?” She asked.

Raising his head and listening, Paul
smiled when he heard the unmistakable sounds of the occupants of nearby cabana’s
getting it on. “That my dear, is the sound of your friends fucking.” He leaned
in, sliding down the bed to press kisses to her stomach, his tongue dipping
into her belly button.

“Don’t they care that everyone can hear?”
She whispered.

“Apparently not!” He settled his elbows
either side of her torso, his hands resting on her belly, fingers laced. “Does
it bother you?”

Shaking her head, Eve reached down and
stroked his face. He really was completely gorgeous. “No.” She started. “Would
you like to do that?” She asked.

“Like you wouldn’t believe!” He answered.

Breathing deeply, she continued to look at
him, his eyes had taking on an animalistic longing that she’d seen many times
before. “Ok.” She answered.

Paul’s breath caught. “Ok?” He asked.

“Everyone else seems to be doing it.”

He did something she didn’t expect then.
She expected crushing kisses and hands all over her body but he sat up, his hip
pressed into hers as he lent over her. “That’s not a good enough reason Eve. I
want you to want me and not just because the sound of them getting it on is
getting you a little heated.”

She propped herself up on her elbows,
bringing her face closer to his. “But I thought it was what you wanted?”

He growled and lowered his body over hers,
making her lie back. Taking her hand, he guided it down his body to the place
where his erection was making a nice tent out of his shorts. “Of course it’s
what I want but not here. Right now, I just want to make you feel good. We can
work on the other stuff later, you know, when we have four walls surrounding us
and not just curtains.”

“Oh.” She breathed. Her fingers
instinctively curled around his hardness and she suddenly had an overwhelming
urge to feel him inside her. “I do want you Paul. I want this,” She stroked him
over his shorts “Buried deep inside me.”

He lowered his forehead to hers whispering
“Fuck” as she continued to stroke him.

“Won’t lack of action dent your Casanova

He barked out a laugh. “We’re going to
have some action; I’m going to make you feel so damn good. I’m just not going
to fuck you for the first time where everyone can see us.” He slipped from
beneath the sheet but leaned close to her “Undo your bra.” He whispered as he
picked up the small brass bell beside the bed and gave it a shake. He asked the
waiter for water and tissues before turning back to Eve. Sliding his hands
beneath her top, he freed her breasts from her bra and bent to tease her
nipples briefly before the waiter returned.

As the waiter left, he moved to the end of
the bed and quickly divested himself of his shorts before diving under the
sheet and hooking his fingers into the waistband of her trousers. Her hands
clamped over his and she made to protest but he kissed her stomach and his warm
breath lingered as he whispered “Trust me.” Before removing her trousers and

She lay still as he kissed and caressed
his way from her toes to the neatly trimmed junction at the top of her thighs.
She opened her legs wider at the slight pressure from his hands and gripped the
sheet as he bent his head. She expected him to devour her. His reputation as a
voracious lover was clearly misleading. He made her nervous that was for sure.
It wasn’t even the knowledge of his vast experience in this particular field;
it was the ever present confidence. His self assured “I’m going to make you
feel so damn good” How would he know what she liked when she didn’t know it

He kissed and nipped her inner thighs
until they were shaking, delaying the inevitable first taste and her reaction
to it. She wasn’t stopping him but she wasn’t exactly relaxed either. He slid
his forearms under her thighs as he eased them further apart with his
shoulders, his hands coming over the top of them, fingers gently opening her as
his tongue began to slowly lap at her, going deeper with each stroke. He’d
usually use his fingers to open her as she began to relax but as he had no
intention of being inside her for the moment, he denied himself that pleasure
this time around.

Eve wasn’t wholly on board with oral sex
but she had to admit the things he did with his tongue were magical but she
already knew that from kissing him. He’d got her addicted quickly to his
kisses. She needed to feel his mouth on hers, repeatedly whenever they were
together. She knew that sooner or later she would have to succumb to him. She
couldn’t afford to lose him and his funding of her father’s company. It wasn’t
Paul that was pushing her to take this next step although he had made it
perfectly clear that’s what he wanted; it was her Daddy who was offering
encouragement to keep the wealthy young man interested in her.

Paul was doing what he did best. His
favourite thing in the world was his face buried deep in a woman’s pussy. A
responsive woman, one who would fist his hair and ride his face was better but
Eve wasn’t doing too badly, or at least her lady parts weren’t. He felt her
thighs strain against his hands and shoulders as her back arched. He groaned
into her as her body’s natural responses overtook her reserve and she came
hard, shaking, trembling and crying out. Her hand finally found its way into
his hair as he continued to lick her gently, bringing her down.

She tugged his hair, pulling him from her
and couldn’t help it as the giggle escaped her at the look of triumph on his
face. He wiped his face with his hand, cleaning off her juices, knowing she
wasn’t the type of woman to grab his face and clean herself from it. She turned
her face away when he went to kiss her but he rolled with it and kissed down
her neck and shoulder instead. She might find kissing him after he’d eaten her
distasteful, but she couldn’t hide her flushed cheeks or her body’s reaction to

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