Father & Son: Book two of the Jensen Family Series (7 page)

BOOK: Father & Son: Book two of the Jensen Family Series
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Taking another gulp of his drink he knew
without a doubt, if he did that, she would never speak to him again and he’d
lose what little chance he did have with her. Caught up in his thoughts, he
didn’t see the girl that Matt shoved in his direction until she was pressed up
against him. He glanced down at her, his eyebrows raising as he saw what she
was almost wearing. Her pale pink nipples were peeping over her lower than low
cut top, just begging for his attention. God love his brother for noticing his
hands were currently empty. A slow smile spread across his lips as he passed
the remainder of his drink to her, watching as she downed it before taking her
for a spin on the dance floor.

Emily sighed and leaned a little further
away from the sweaty, foul smelling man currently trying to peer down her top.
What had started out as a promising night had quickly taken a downward turn
when the procession of attractive younger men morphed into groping, slurring
idiots as the night wore on and vast amounts of alcohol was consumed. She had
had a few dances, taken a few phone numbers but found her gaze kept wondering
back to the Jensen twins, noting that each and every time she looked at them;
they were positively drowning in a vat of female flesh that pressed against
them as they held court on the dance floor.

With his hand inside the bra of the girl
Matt had thrown at him, Paul tweaked the pretty nipple that had been winking at
him and tightened his grip, pulling the girl against him, her back pressed to
his front as he turned his head and buried his tongue in the mouth of the girl
he had established was her best friend. The surrounding women and several shots
had calmed his anger and fuelled his ardour. One way or another, he was getting
laid tonight and if he had anything to do with it, he would be getting laid
very soon.

Matt looked over the head of the girl he
was dancing with, the girl who had her hand wrapped around his cock and was
using it to steadily steer him from the dance floor, he laughed when he saw his
brother come up for air from the deep tongue lashing he received from the
bubblicious blond friend of the girl he had practically thrown at him.
Confident that Paul wouldn’t be starting trouble any time soon, Matt let the
girl stroking his genitals push him into a dark corner and relaxed against the
wall as she sunk to her knees in front of him.

Noticing that Matt had sidled away with
his current conquest, Paul allowed himself to be pulled off the dance floor and
over to a booth by the two girls with him although he wasn’t sure if he was
molesting them or they were molesting him, they all seemed to be going at it
with equal vigour. Shrugging, not really being bothered by the mechanics of it
all, Paul lent back against the worn upholstery of the booth as one girl kissed
him, her fingers deftly working the buttons of his shirt while the other yanked
his jeans open, eased his erection out and slid a condom over it before
straddling his lap and impaling herself.

“Hey.” Matt smiled as he eased his
shoulders between the patrons at the bar.

Emily turned away from the man on her
other side and looked into the startling blue eyes of Matt Jensen “Hello.”

“Can I get you a drink?” He asked.

“You don’t remember me do you?” She asked
instead of answering his question.

“Er, no. Should I?”

“Cast your mind back Matt, I was one of
the officers investigating the alleged molestation of your brother.”

“Oh shit.” Matt gulped.

“It’s ok, I’m off duty.” She assured “But
I don’t expect to see either of you here again.”

“Er, yeah ok. I guess you don’t want that
drink then?” He smiled then, turning up the charm and cheekiness as he leaned

“It would be better than me buying you one
I suppose.” She smiled back. “Where’s your brother?”

Matt glanced over his shoulder, he knew
exactly where Paul was but he’d be damned if he’d bring her attention to him,
especially as he currently had his trousers around his ankles whilst being
buried waist deep inside some random stranger. “He’s about, I’m sure he’ll show
his ugly mug in a bit.” He answered as he caught the attention of one of the
female bar staff.

“Same again Matt?” she asked.

“Yeah and whatever this lovely lady is drinking.”
He grinned at the girl.

Placing the drinks in front of Matt, she
leant forward and whispered in his ear “You know she’s a pig don’t you?”

Matt nodded “I do, it’s cool.” He slipped
a pile of notes into her hand “Keep em coming.” He told her as she pulled away.

Whilst plying her with drinks, Matt kept
the banter between them light, regaling her with tales of his many
misdemeanours, making her laugh, relaxing her to the point that she readily
agreed to a spin on the dance floor when he suggested it. He caught sight of
his rather dishevelled brother making his way to the bar as he smooched Emily
to Marvin Gaye’s Sexual Healing.

Who’d have thought Matt Jensen was every
bit as charming as his brother? Not her that’s for sure. The first and only
time she had previously met him was when she’d interviewed him, then he had
been uncooperative and extremely tight lipped about Paul’s affair with the
teacher, those startling blue eyes had almost flung ice chips of loathing at
her during the interview and she had written him off as an over protective
brother and a spoilt little rich kid. She was almost unexplainably pleased that
she was wrong.

Strong arms wrapped around her as the
tempo of the music slowed again. Emily closed her eyes and rested her head on
his firm chest as they swayed together, the last of her inhibitions leaving her
as the alcohol she had consumed warmed her from the inside and addled her

“It’s crazy warm in here.” He spoke
against her ear, she nodded in response, “Come on, let’s find somewhere cooler
and quieter.” He slipped his hand into hers as he pulled her towards the back
of the club and a concealed door.

Emily happily stumbled along behind him,
for once not taking any notice of her surroundings or the fact that in this
dimly lit corridor, the music from the club was barely audible.

Matt loved the opulent decadent sleaze of
this part of the club. The corridor was subtly lit, the walls decked out in
dark red quilted leather as were each and every one of the doors behind which
hid a number of themed VIP rooms, all sumptuously decked out with the highest
quality furniture and equipment, belying the shabby appearance of the club’s 
main floor. These rooms were reserved for those who could afford the pleasure.
It was well known that for an exorbitant fee, the management would provide any
and all entertainment required by the lucky few who knew of their existence.

Sadly, he wasn’t one of the fortunate few
and his destination wasn’t one of those rooms. No, he and the delectable police
officer were heading for the manager’s office, off of which was a well
acquainted seating area which would give them privacy and serve his purpose
very nicely.

Surrounded by bouncing breasts and
bountiful behinds, Paul could feel several pairs of hands stroking his body
whilst he attempted to dance on the packed dance floor. The DJ had ramped up
the music; the beat was as frantic as the bodies gyrating against him.

He could easily take one, two or perhaps
even seven or eight of these girls into a dark corner or even the yard at the
back of the club and have his wicked way with them but what they had in exposed
body parts they lacked in the ability of providing him with a challenge. He’d
had easy, meaningless sex a few times already tonight, now he wanted someone who
would offer up some resistance and make him work for it.

His height gave him the advantage of being
taller than the lovelies surrounding him but try as he might, he couldn’t see
his brother. Where the hell was Matt? The last time he’d caught sight of him, he
had been swaying with the WPC, and then it hit him.

“The sneaky little shit!” He thought as he
fought his way from the dance floor towards the bar and the club’s manager
“Seen Matt?” He yelled over the music and the heads of his fellow patrons.

Jez nodded and pointed to the concealed
door. Paul nodded in acknowledgement as he finally made it to the bar and asked
one of the bar staff to load up a tray with shots. He knew exactly where his
brother was now and what he intended on doing and he’d be damned if he was
missing out on this action.

Ignoring the leather walls and the
scantily clad females roaming from room to room, Paul made his way to Jez’s
office, slipping silently into the room and locking the door behind him before
taking a slow stroll to the seating area to observe his brother making his
moves on the surprisingly compliant police woman.

Matt’s tongue drifted into Emily’s mouth
and they began a slow tango. At the same time one of his hands tracked the
length of her leg, over her hip and up her side to cup her breast, testing the
waters so to speak. Breaking the kiss and softly peppering her exposed throat
with tiny butterfly soft kisses, he unbuttoned the front of her top and lowered
his mouth to the skin above the plain black bra. He eased his hand inside her
top and subsequently eased her breast from the constricting material, smiling
against her soft, fragrant skin when he felt her hands in his hair holding him
to her tighter as she pushed her breast closer to his mouth.

The debate about whether or not to
announce his presence was short lived and Paul turned from the room to place
the tray he held on the desk in the office, downing a couple of shots before
returning to watch his as his brother did all the hard work.

He thought she would have put up a bit of
a struggle but Emily was writhing under his touch, obviously the alcohol had
worked wonders and only a short time had lapsed between him kissing her to
having her almost naked in his arms.

Easing her shirt open and sliding her
breasts from her bra had been the easy part, the battle with her jeans had
almost been epic and he felt certain he would have found scissors and cut them
off if her giggles hadn’t amused him quite so much. She had thrashed her legs
as his fingers gripped the bottom of her jeans, touching her feet by accident
sent her off into another fit of giggles causing the leg thrashing with the end
result being? Her jeans in a heap on the floor. Awesome!

He clambered up beside her, assisting her
fumbling fingers as she attacked his shirt. It seemed strange that she didn’t
appear to have any problems at all opening his jeans and thrusting her hand
inside. Her hand felt cool around the heat of his erection. As she lowered her
head to his groin, he raised his hips, bumping the tip of his erection against
her lips while easing his jeans and boxers down over his muscled thighs.

“Hmm” she hummed around him and sucked him
deep before releasing him and allowing her nails to trace the clearly defined
abs and pecs. “You’re a natural blond I see.” She grinned before taking him
into her mouth again.

Matt let his head fall back, closed his
eyes as she sucked him. He idly stroked her back, his hand gliding over her
soft skin and over her flanks to the curve of her breast, finding her nipples
erect, he flicked and toyed with them noticing that she deepened and lessened
her suction on him with each tweak of her sensitive flesh.

Emily slipped from the couch to her knees
as Matt canted his hips, easing the angle of her neck as she had landed off to
one side of him instead of between his legs. He hissed when her hand squeezed
his balls with a little too much enthusiasm, his eyes opening to watch her
mouth swallow him and that’s when he noticed Paul.

“Are you just going to stand there and
watch or do you plan on joining in any time soon?” He asked.

Paul grinned and started forward,
stretching out to stroke his hand across Emily’s behind as he circled her,
placed the retrieved tray of drinks on the table at her back before sitting on
the other side of her and pushing his fingers into her hair, guiding her
movements on his brothers’ cock.

Matt thrust up as Paul pushed her head
down forcing Matt’s cock deep into her throat, both brothers’ eased off when
she began to gag and lifted her up from his groin.

“A bit of warning next time boys.” She
chastised “I’m beginning to sober up, I need a drink.” She muttered. Paul leant
around her and grabbed three shot glasses in one of his large hands, his
intention, to have a shot each but Emily downed one after the other, handing
each empty glass back to him. “That’s better.” She smiled then looked at Paul
“If you expect me to do you as well as Matt, you’d better get naked.” She told
him shortly before turning her attention back to Matt.

Matt chuckled as he watched Paul divest himself
of his clothing in record time. If getting naked was an Olympic sport, his
brother would break world records. The couch dipped as Paul dropped into it,
his hand stroking his already healthy erection.

Once again sliding his hand into her hair,
Paul lifted Emily’s mouth from Matt’s groin and positioned it over his own. “My
turn.” He told her, oozing confidence but he wasn’t prepared for the immediate
suction of her mouth, the grasp of her hand and his hips shot up off of the
couch making her pull back.

Sitting back on her haunches between two
pairs of the most beautiful male thighs she had ever seen, an erect cock in
each hand, she regarded the brothers; before her, so different in many ways but
also startlingly familiar in appearance. It was almost like Paul was Matt’s
negative, the darkness to his light. Their features were the same, their eyes
exact replica’s in shape, differing only in colour. They had the same noses,
full lips and chins. Paul’s cheekbone’s were more defined than Matt’s but she
put that down to the fact that Paul was on the slender side of Matt’s
healthier, more rounded bulk.

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