Fear the Darkness (Guardians of Eternity) (35 page)

BOOK: Fear the Darkness (Guardians of Eternity)
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Salvatore breathed a low curse. “You’re not helping, leech.”

“Actually, it would be easier if you both would leave,” Cassie pointed out dryly.

“No way in hell,” Salvatore snapped, the prickles of his power causing Caine to growl in agitation.

Cassie heaved a resigned sigh, glancing over her shoulder. “Well, that answers a question that has been bothering me.”

Salvatore scowled. “What question?”

“Whether Caine’s irrational stubbornness was a personality trait or if it was a character flaw shared by all men.” Her glance encompassed both kings before returning to Caine. “Now I know.”

“I think we were just insulted,” Styx drawled.

Salvatore snorted. “It wouldn’t be the first time.”

“Speak for yourself.”

“Just ignore Shaggy and Scooby-Doo and concentrate on me,” Cassie told her mate, leaning forward to kiss the tip of his nose. “You’ve done your job. You protected me. Now it’s time to rest.” She settled on the floor as the dangerous blue gaze took a last, cautious survey of the two males standing near the door before slowly sinking down on his haunches. “That’s right, my love,” she crooned softly, urging his massive head into her lap as she stroked his fur. “Just rest.”

She felt the massive body shudder beneath her hand, and continuing her gentle strokes, she waited patiently until the ancient magic filled the air. There was the sound of popping bones and the snapping of muscles as Caine shifted back to human, his head still in her lap as he sank into a deep, healing sleep.

Her heart swelled with an emotion so big it couldn’t possibly be contained in such a small space, exploding through her as her trembling fingers stroked through the pale blond hair that fell over his forehead and down the narrow line of his nose.

Her mate . . .

The other half of her soul.

She forgot the darkness that still waited to consume the world. And her duty as the prophet to try and halt the approaching doomsday.

She forgot everything but this man who had sacrificed all to protect her.

Eventually there was the sound of approaching footsteps and Salvatore squatted beside her.

“Let me take him upstairs,” he coaxed, wise enough not to reach for Caine until she gave a hesitant nod.

“Be gentle.”

The golden gaze slammed deep into her worried gaze, offering her a silent promise of safety. “He’s a member of my pack. As you are, Cassandra.” His lips twitched. “Even if you did call me Scooby-Doo. You have nothing to fear from me.”

She believed him. She could feel his presence flowing through her and into Caine, offering his strength without hesitation.

With another nod she rose to her feet, turning her head as a chill wrapped around her. Not surprising, she discovered that Styx had silently moved to stand beside her, his gaze on Salvatore.

“I’m going to take a shower and then share breakfast with my mate,” the vampire said. “Unless a rift opens in the front room I don’t want to be disturbed.”

Salvatore scooped Caine into his arms and with one fluid motion straightened to regard the Anasso with a mocking smile. “Your wish is my command, oh mighty majesty.”

The King of Vampires rolled his eyes, his stunningly beautiful face softening as he turned to offer her a small bow of his head. “Cassandra, welcome to my lair. I hope you will consider it your home.”

“Thank you,” she murmured, still wary of the large predator who looked like he might eat small children for breakfast.

“I also hope you’ll make time for Darcy,” he continued, his words more a command than a request. “She’s anxious to meet you.”

“I will try once Caine is healed.”

The vampire nodded, his expression warning he would come fetch her if she didn’t make the required appearance to meet her sister. Then, with a last glance toward Salvatore, he was turning to move out the door with a fluid grace that was unnerving for such a large man.

Salvatore was swiftly following in Styx’s path, cradling the naked man in his arms with an ease only a Were could achieve. “There are rooms upstairs,” he said. “You’ll be more comfortable there.”

She hurried to catch up to his swift pace, a faint frown marring her brow as she unexpectedly recalled Styx’s parting words. “What did he mean by rifts?”

“The Dark Lord has managed to rip open a doorway between dimensions,” Salvatore said.

She sucked in a shocked breath. “She’s here?”

“Not yet, but her minions are eager to cross over.”

Cassie never faltered as she followed Salvatore out of the tunnels and up the stairs, but her mind was . . . empty.

Frighteningly empty.

The question was, why?

If the Dark Lord had truly managed to rip open doorways to the world, then surely that meant they were hurtling toward a turning point in time.

She should be inundated with visions. The gods knew that previous moments of upheaval had nearly drowned her in a confused avalanche of prophecies.

So why wasn’t she seeing them now?

Had the Dark Lord done something to steal them from her?

Or had her mating to Caine altered her on some fundamental level?


She wasn’t aware that she’d spoken aloud until Salvatore snapped his head in her direction, his expression concerned.

“Is something wrong? Did you have a vision?”

“No.” She wrapped her arms around her waist as a trickle of alarm inched down her spine. “It’s dark.”

“What is dark?”

“The future.”

Chapter 22

Caine woke in an unfamiliar room, stretched naked on a bed the size of Utah.

Usually the sign of a great night of partying, he wryly acknowledged, having spent more than a few nights indulging in the sort of decadent sins that would shock the most dedicated hedonist.

But not on this occasion.

At the moment, his only hope was that this was the end of a nightmare. A shudder wracked his body, wrenching a groan from his throat. Most of his memories were hazy, thank the gods, although not hazy enough to allow him to forget how close he’d come to doing the unthinkable.

Regret seared through him as he jerked upright, his gaze skimming over the opulent ivory and gold furnishings. Not that he gave a crap about the antique dressing tables, or armoires, or matching wing chairs. Or even the overhead chandelier that caught the sunlight that spilled through the bay window.

He had one thing, and one thing only, on his mind.

“Cassie,” he growled, pushing toward the edge of the acre-wide mattress.

“No, don’t move,” Cassie commanded, appearing in the doorway of the connected bathroom wearing nothing more than a short silk robe. “I’m here.”

A melting tenderness flowed through him as he took in her tousled blond hair and the pillow marks on her cheek that revealed she’d just woken. With her wide emerald eyes and perfectly formed body she was as beautiful as an angel.


The mating bond pulsed through him, as potent and intoxicating as any drug he’d created in his former life.

“Why aren’t you here?” he questioned, patting the mattress in invitation.

She blinked, as always taking his words quite literally. “I was going to take a shower while you slept.”

“Can it wait?”

She smiled, and Caine felt as if the sun had settled in his heart. Then, with a natural grace, she was moving across the polished floor to perch on the mattress next to him.

He lowered his head to brush his lips over her cheek, his muscles tensing as he caught an unmistakable scent clinging to her skin. A low growl trickled from his throat. “Why do you smell of another man?”

She pulled back with a startled laugh. “After everything we’ve been through your first thought is that you can smell another man?”

He nipped the tip of her ear. “You’re mine.”

“Yeah, I was there when it happened,” she said, her voice husky.

His annoyance was abruptly replaced by a jagged burst of guilt. What should have been the most beautiful moment in Cassie’s life had instead been a stark necessity performed in the cramped cell of a vampire’s lair. And, oh yeah, he’d been crazed out of his freaking mind.

He brushed an unsteady finger over her cheek in a soft caress. “Cassie, I—”

“No,” she snapped.

He arched a brow at her uncharacteristic outburst. “No?”

She stabbed her finger to the center of his chest. “You’re about to make a big production out of your lack of control despite the fact you were under the influence of magic.”

Lack of control? He’d become a monster. And if Cassie hadn’t managed to stop him, he would have killed her.

“It wasn’t a spell that made me attack you,” he said gruffly, his voice thick with self-disgust.

“You’re right.” Her expression was grim. “It was entirely my fault. I led you directly into a trap.”

He shook his head. “Cassie.”

“You can’t use your guilt to alter the truth.” She gave him another poke. “I have put you into danger over and over and even when I knew you were going to be hurt I allowed you to remain with me. I put my dependence on you above your own life.”

He grasped her finger and lifted it to his lips, nibbling at the tip. “I don’t remember giving you a choice.”

Her eyes darkened with an aching remorse. “The choice has always been mine, but I was so selfish I was willing to risk your life just so I could have you with me.” Caine felt her violent shudder. “Gods, I came so close to losing you.”

With one motion, Caine tugged his mate into his lap and wrapped his arms around her trembling body. “Shh.” He buried his face in the fragrant silk of her hair. “I’m not so easy to get rid of.”

She snuggled into his chest, but she wasn’t done with her self-flagellation. “And then I forced a mating on you when you were in no condition to make such a decision.”

“Forced?” Had she lost her mind? With a frown he wrapped his hand around her throat, then pressed his thumb to the underside of her chin, tilting back her head to study her pale face. “Why would you even suggest something so idiotic? A mating can’t be forced.”

She met his outraged glare without flinching. “You were in no state of mind to decide whether or not you wanted to complete the bond, but I didn’t know any other way to give Salvatore the connection to reach you.” She gave a small squeak as he abruptly tossed her to the center of the mattress, using his larger body to pin her in place. “Caine.”

He ruthlessly arranged her slender body beneath him, settling between her legs and propping himself on his elbows to gaze down at her startled expression. “Let’s get two things straight,” he growled.

She remained silent a long minute, no doubt trying to decide whether she wanted to hear what he had to say or punch him in the nose for behaving like a caveman.

At last, curiosity won out. “What?”

“I was born to become your mate.” He placed a hand over her mouth when she would have protested. “Just listen.”

She rolled her eyes, waiting for him to remove his hand before muttering her opinion of males and their deficient DNA. But thankfully she made no effort to escape. “Fine, I’m listening,” she at last conceded.

“My destiny has always been to protect you. Always.” He caught and held her gaze, laying bare his heart without hesitation. “And if you ever try to take that away it will destroy me.” He heard her breath catch at his blunt honesty, a startled tenderness flowing through their mating bond.

But, lifting a hand to brush his hair from his forehead, she managed a faux chiding expression. “Okay, but if I’m not allowed to feel guilty, then neither are you.”

“Touché,” he muttered dryly, well aware that he’d been outmaneuvered.

He’d intended to spend hours, if not days, wallowing in his self-reproach. Instead, his mate had cleverly snatched the rug from beneath his feet.

Clever, dangerous wolf.

He leaned down to nuzzle the curve of her neck, a smile touching his lips as she shivered in ready response.

“You said there were two things,” she said in a breathy voice.

He didn’t need her reminder as he trailed his lips to give the lobe of her ear a punishing nip. “You’re now my mate.”

Her hands lifted to stroke through his hair. “And?”

He lifted his head to stab her with a gaze that was only partially teasing. “And I don’t want you to mention another man’s name when you stink of him.”

Sensing his wolf was genuinely ruffled, she furrowed her brow in puzzlement. “You mean Salvatore?”

“I warned you.” Angling his head, he sank his teeth into the flesh of her throat, his musk filling the air to brand the woman beneath him. It was the most primitive sort of marking, but the mating bond was still raw and in need of proclaiming her as off-limits to other males.

Cassie moaned, the spice of her arousal teasing at Caine’s nose as her fingers tangled in the short strands of his hair.

“He carried you to this room and I walked beside him,” she said to comfort his beast. “Nothing else.”

“I know.” He nuzzled a path along the line of her jaw. “But I’m finding it hard to be civilized right now.”

“Caine.” Her fingers tightened in his hair as he covered her lips with slow, drugging kisses.


“You need to rest.”

His sucked her bottom lip, pressing his fully erect cock against her inner thigh. They groaned in unison, the mating bond only intensifying the potent desire that flowed between them.

“What I need is my mate,” he assured her, stealing another deep kiss before seeking the scented pulse at the base of her throat.

“Mate.” She shivered as his tongue stroked her skin, his fingers tugging at the belt of her robe. “It feels . . .”


She heaved a satisfied sigh. “Astonishing.”

Caine was in full agreement.

It was astonishing.

Astonishing and magical and entrancing.

Leaning back, he peeled open her robe, savoring the sight of her small breasts tipped with rosy nipples already hard with need.

She was exquisite.

A masterpiece of ivory and gold that perfectly matched the decor.

With a low growl, he swooped down to circle one of the tempting peaks with the tip of his tongue, chuckling at her soft gasp of pleasure. “And how does this feel?”

BOOK: Fear the Darkness (Guardians of Eternity)
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