Read Feel the Heat Online

Authors: Desiree Holt

Tags: #Erotica

Feel the Heat (20 page)

BOOK: Feel the Heat
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“What’s happening? What’s going on?” He looked around the room. “Who are these people?”

“They helped you. You’ve been so sick. I was so worried. So scared. Nothing the doctors did seemed to help you.”

Troy poured a cup of water and handed it to Gayle. He was afraid she was going to pass out, and she really needed to get her act together. Lauren was sitting quietly in the chair, pale as the sheets on the bed, and he knew he had to get her out of here.

“He’ll be fine now, Mrs. Hauser.” Her voice was weak and faint. “And I need to be going.”

“No, wait. Don’t leave.” Gayle Hauser was torn between holding her husband’s hand and reaching for Lauren.

Troy helped Lauren rise from the chair and held her against his body, his arm securely around her.

“I need to get her home,” he said in a definitive voice. “As soon as we leave, call for the nurse. She can check your husband’s vitals. And remember, as far as anyone is concerned, he woke up by himself. Made a miraculous recovery.”


“Wait ten minutes, until we’re out of the hospital.”

Cradling Lauren against his body, he opened the door and eased her down the corridor to the elevator. Although some of the people they passed looked at them a little strangely, they made it down to the lobby and out to the parking lot without anyone asking questions.

“Are you sure you’re okay, sugar?” His voice was deep with concern. “Can I get you something?”

“One of those bottles of water in the canvas cooler in the back.” He knew the smile she dug up from someplace was for him.

“Done.” He reached over the seat, unzipped the container and twisted the cap off a bottle before handing it to her. “Drink slowly.”

“I will.” When she had nearly finished it, she handed it back to him. “Thanks. For everything.”

“Hey.” He leaned over and gave her a soft kiss. “I live to serve. Remember? But I think it’s time to get out of here.”

He couldn’t explain why but he had an itch at the back of his neck, the one that always told him trouble was dancing in the area. Nothing looked out of the ordinary as he pulled out of the parking lot. Still, he was on full alert as they merged into the flow of traffic.

By the time he pulled into Lauren’s driveway and hit the button for the garage door, she was asleep in the seat, all her energy drained away. He lifted her gently and carried her upstairs. Easing her out of her clothes, he managed to pull one of her long t-shirts over her head without waking her. Then he turned back the covers on her bed and placed her gently on the mattress. Later, when she awoke, he’d feed her good, nourishing food and then treat her to a luxurious bubble bath.

Downstairs, he helped himself to a beer from the fridge, and drank part of it leaning against the kitchen counter. He still had that bothersome itch at the back of his neck, the kind he used to get when an op was about to go sour. He wished he knew why, but nothing came to mind. Her stalker was under wraps, and nothing else had surfaced.

He worried that Lauren was in some kind of danger, and he couldn’t figure it out. Unlike with other women he’d been with, he had a driving urge to care for this woman and make everything in her life good.

He was definitely hooked.

* * * * *


Reid McFadden watched Troy pull out of the parking lot. He and Bonner had scoped out the house and knew both the Cahill woman and Arsenault by sight as well as both cars. So the deed was done. Now he waited to find out if she was what Olberman thought she was.

While Troy and Lauren were in the hospital, he’d also taken the opportunity to plant a GPS tracker beneath Arsenault’s car.

“If he’s as sharp as you tell me, won’t he check for something like that?” Bonner wanted to know.

“Olberman gave me a couple of those babies to use if I needed them. They’re so sophisticated and so new they’re practically untraceable.”

“It’s the ‘practically’ that worries me.”

“Don’t forget,” Reid spat at him, “he’s not expecting anything now that the mob and the stalker are dispensed with. He won’t think there’s any reason for someone to be tracing him. Since he and the Cahill woman appear to be stuck together like glue, this gives me a way to know where they are whenever they leave her house.”

He waited another impatient five minutes, tapping his finger on the steering wheel. Finally, here came the Hauser woman, hurrying to his parking spot.

“We should have met at the coffee shop again,” he told her when Bonner got out and opened the door for her.

He cursed his bad luck and the stupidity of this woman. Her insistence on not leaving the hospital grounds right now irritated him. Fred Bonner, who had moved to the backseat, made his displeasure known. They both knew every moment they spent in proximity to the hospital there was a chance someone would see them and remember them later. But apparently it couldn’t be helped.


“I can’t leave him alone for long,” she protested. “Now that he’s awake, he wants me there with him every minute.”

“So he’s better?” McFadden pushed.

“Oh yes.” It was the first time he’d seen her smile. “The nurses and doctors are flabbergasted. He’s actually sitting up in bed and taking some nourishment for the first time.”

“You’re sure this woman is the real deal?” He opened his laptop and powered it up as he talked. “She actually healed him? No bull?”

“Yes. She’s exactly what I was told.” Tears tracked down her cheeks again and she swiped at them with the back of her hand. “Why is that so important to you? Why did I have to record it?”

He reined in his impatience. “My benefactor wanted to make sure this woman wasn’t just someone trying to fool you. That your husband was actually going to get well. After all, we were just going on hearsay.”

“You can tell him Clark’s on his way to recovery. The nurses were astounded.”

“What did you tell them?” he demanded. “Didn’t they want an explanation of some kind?”

She shrugged. “They didn’t see Lauren Cahill or her friend come in or leave. I told them I’d just been praying real hard.”

“I need to see this for myself.” He held out his hand. “Give me the pin.”

He watched as she unfastened it from her blouse with hands that still shook and dropped it in his palm. Prying open the backing, he pulled out the miniature SIM card, slid it into a small plastic case and inserted it into the USB hub of his laptop. He made Gayle Hauser sit there while he opened the file on the card. At least the woman had managed to get a straight-on shot.

He watched carefully as the scene unfolded. It looked to him as if Lauren Cahill did nothing but sit next to the bed and move her hand over the body of Clark Hauser. The scene played interminably but then he saw Hauser move. Open his eyes. Call out for his wife.

He watched the rest of it with a feeling of satisfaction.

“That’s good stuff,” Bonner commented.

Reid nodded. Olberman would be very pleased. With a few clicks of the keys he saved the file and emailed it to his boss.

“Do I get the money now?”

Her thin voice grated on his nerves. He tried to remember this woman had been through a devastating emotional experience, but Reid had long ago lost any emotional feelings for anyone. Working for Kurt Olberman did that. She’d come through for them, and now he had to do his part. Working the keyboard himself, he transferred the agreed-upon sum from one of Olberman’s offshore accounts to one he’d set up for the Hausers.

“Done,” he told her, handing her a sheet of paper with her new account information on it. “You know how to do bank transfers?”

She nodded. “I’ve done it before.”

“Put this number someplace where no one but you will see it. If possible, memorize it.”

“I-I’ll try.” She folded the paper into a tiny square and tucked it into her bra.

Not many people will look for it there. Not with this one.

“And remember. Transfer the money in eight-thousand-dollar increments two or three days apart. Pay the hospital as you do it. Whittle down the bill.”

She looked at him with a question in her eyes. “Not all at once?”

Lord, save him from ignorant people.

“I told you. Anything ten thousand and over the bank reports to the Internal Revenue Service. Believe me, you don’t want to get caught in that squeeze box. Don’t make a mistake here, or we might have to take the money back.”

Every bit of color leeched out of her face. “What? Take it back?”

He made himself relax. “Just don’t take any chances, okay?”

“Reid, we’d better get moving,” Bonner urged. “We’ve been sitting here too long.”

McFadden all but threw Gayle Hauser out of the car, waited until Bonner had moved back to the front seat, then pulled out of the parking lot onto a busy street. With luck, they hadn’t caught anyone’s attention. All they had to do now was go back to the hotel and wait for their next instructions.


Chapter Ten


Lauren opened her eyes slowly, blinking them to clear the fog in her brain. She was lying in her bed, dressed in a long t-shirt and panties, covers pulled up to her chin. As her mind sharpened everything clicked back into place—the Hausers, the visit to the hospital, her successful healing session. She remembered Troy helping her out to the car and her falling asleep on the way home. He must have carried her upstairs, undressed her and tucked her into bed.

Warmth surged through her body. They had only known each other a short while, but already he had created a place in both her heart and her life. In just a few days he’d become her anchor, her stability, something very necessary to a healer. He provided a solid foundation that allowed her to sleep, to find that place in her head where she could regenerate her vitality.

Not that she couldn’t do it without him. She had for years. But her grandmother had told her repeatedly that finding a mate that was the other half of herself would make her stronger and sharpen her abilities. Who knew he’d come in such an attractive package or that the chemistry between them would be so instantaneous?

She smiled, allowing herself the luxury of lying wrapped in the covers for a while longer. She was just considering getting up when the door opened and Troy stuck his head in. Her breath caught at the sight of him, his very masculine face with its strong jaw, the dark-coffee eyes that she could drown in, the powerful body that felt so good against hers.

“Good.” His devastating smile struck right in her heart. “I wasn’t sure if I should just let you sleep or try to wake you up.”

Lauren pushed herself up in bed and patted the covers next to her. “I’m awake. Come sit by me.”

He sat next to her, wrapping one arm around her, placing soft kisses on her temple and cheek. “Do you feel okay? No aftereffects?”

She shook her head. “I rarely have any as long as I can go to sleep right away. I’m so drained that staying awake is difficult.”

“I worry that it takes so much out of you.” He stroked her hair. “Are you sure you’re okay?”

“Of course.” She turned her head and kissed his jaw. “Especially with you to take care of me.”

“I’m going to run a hot bubble bath for you.” He gave her a quick hug before swinging his legs off the bed. “Then I’m going to pamper the hell out of you.”

Lauren laughed. “I could easily get used to this.”

“Good.” He bent to brush a quick kiss over her lips. “That’s what I want.”

“Since you’re being such a great caretaker, do you think I could have a cup of tea? It always helps to center me.”

“No problem. Let me just get the bath started.”

She heard the water running in the tub and the sounds of Troy rummaging in her bathroom cabinets to find what he needed.

“Stay in bed until I’m ready for you,” he called over his shoulder as he headed out of the room and downstairs.

Lauren lay back on the pillows, eyes closed, smiling a secret smile, as she listened to the sounds of activity. Yes, she definitely wanted to get used to this.

“I’ve got your tea, sugar.” Troy’s voice broke into her reverie. She opened her eyes and saw him standing there with a mug of steaming liquid. “I think the tub is a good place to drink it.” His eyes burned with desire. “That way I can heat you inside and out. Just stay there. I’ll be right back.”

Lauren tossed back the covers and sat on the edge of the bed, waiting. The sound of running water cut off, and then Troy was back. He lifted her in his arms and carried her into the bathroom, now fragrant with steam from the tub. He set her on her feet long enough to strip away the t-shirt and panties then lifted her and placed her gently in the bubbling water. Adjusting the bath pillow at the right angle so she could sit comfortably, he handed her the mug of tea.

“Just relax.” His voice was soothing. Hypnotic. “Sip your tea and let yourself drift.”

Kneeling beside the tub, he poured strawberry-scented liquid soap into his palm and worked it into a lather. The fragrant aroma tickled her nostrils and she inhaled its familiarity. With gentle strokes, he urged her to lean forward and moved his fingers over her shoulders and massaged her neck. Lauren sipped at the tea, falling into the gentle rhythm of his hands. When one of his large hands moved over her breasts, her nerves woke up and jolted her from her lethargy.

“What are you doing?”

His laugh tickled her senses. “Making sure you relax.”

She arched into his touch. “I’m not sure this is the way to make that happen.”

“Just leave it to me. You’ll see how relaxed you are when I’m finished.” Troy’s voice was low and warm against her ear. “Your breasts are gorgeous. I love touching them, cupping them in my palms, feeling the weight of them.”

“Ohhh.” She exhaled slowly as he tweaked first one nipple then the other. When he raked his nails lightly across the pebbled tips, she felt it clear down to her pussy. She squeezed her legs together, her thighs slippery in the water.

“Feel good, sugar?” He leaned a little closer and nipped her earlobe, then traced the shell with the tip of his tongue.

“Mmm hmm.” Good didn’t begin to describe it. Her body reacted as if someone turned a furnace on deep in her belly, and the tendrils of heat were curling slowly but powerfully through her body. Her pussy throbbed in response, the muscles flexing, need pulsing through her.

BOOK: Feel the Heat
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