Fever Pitch (18 page)

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Authors: Heidi Cullinan

Tags: #new adult;college;music;orchestra;violin;a cappella;gay romance;Minnesota

BOOK: Fever Pitch
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Aaron bled. He bled right out of the center of his heart all the way to Saint Timothy. The second they were off the bus, the
he could pull Giles away from the crush, he did, off into the shelter of evergreen bushes near the side door, out of the circle of the streetlight.

With the snow coming down around them in sheets now, he swallowed his embarrassment and his fear, stared at the center of Giles's chest and confessed, “I came here for you.”


“What?” Giles asked at last.

Aaron drew a breath. “I came here for you. To Saint Timothy. I came here because you said it was where you were going.” He couldn't quite read the expression on Giles's face, and he was starting to panic, so he kept talking as if the words would build up some kind of wall. “I couldn't find your number, and I was too scared to Facebook you in case you reacted badly. But I liked you. Couldn't stop thinking about you. Then I realized I still had to pick my college, and I remembered what you said about them all being the same. Except Saint Timothy would have you. So I picked it. So I could maybe see you. It was dumb, I know. Crazy-stalker. But I couldn't forget you, and we worked together and—”

His wall of words fell down as Giles grabbed him, pressed him to the brick and kissed him.

They had kissed three times now: at the lake, on the sky bridge, and now—and yet it was like nobody had ever kissed Aaron before in his life, because nothing in his realm of experience had ever been like this. Giles seemed to want to crush him and eat him at the same time, as if he wanted to merge their bodies through pressure even as he climbed inside Aaron's mouth.

Aaron did his best to let him have what he wanted.

A series of whoops and a huge cheer distracted him, drew him out of the moment, but Giles pulled him right back in. “Ignore them,” he whispered, still kissing him, still touching his face and pressing so close Aaron could barely breathe. “Did you really come here because of me?”

Aaron nodded, nuzzling back, trying to give Giles more room to take him. “Is…that okay?”

“Okay?” Giles laughed, but he sounded slightly strangled. “Jesus.
” This time when they kissed Aaron could taste the salt of Giles's tears. Giles drew Aaron to him in a hug that was almost sweet, like a child coming home.

Then Giles said, in a voice not at all like a little boy's, “I want you to come to my room with me. I want you to stay the whole night.”

Aaron's knees became Jell-O. “I don't—have a toothbrush. Or clothes.”

“I have a spare toothbrush, unopened.” His hand skimmed Aaron's hip. “You won't need the clothes.”

Aaron had meant for the morning, but he couldn't speak now, his brain too hyperaware he was about to get
sex, sex, sex

Sex with Giles. Tonight. Right now.


As Giles led Aaron across the parking lot, past the buses to the dorm, he never let go of Aaron's hand. The choir and orchestra started whooping and clapping again. They'd been cheering
, watching him get kissed like that. By Giles.

He tripped over his own feet.

Giles helped him up and kept him moving.

“We'll put your violin away for you, Giles,” Mina called out.

Giles didn't even glance at her as he dragged Aaron off. “See you tomorrow. Afternoon.”

They all knew Aaron had been kissed, that now he was about to get heroically laid. Aaron faltered, but Giles caught his arm and looked at him, his face full of love and surprise and tenderness and tears.

The rest of the world fell away, so far gone Aaron wasn't sure it could ever come back.

apter Seventeen

les's dorm was deserted as he led Aaron inside. The only other students still in residence were his fellow orchestra and choir members, and they were all at the buses unpacking. Giles was tempted to go at Aaron again in the foyer, but he resisted the urge and headed to the stairs leading to his floor. He was going to do this, and he was going to do it right.

I came here for you.
Giles was still ripped open inside from Aaron's confession. It was one of his craziest fantasies, someone wanting him that much. Someone who would not only want him but who would hang around when he was a complete and utter tool, hoping he came to his senses someday.

I almost missed this.
The thought made Giles drop his keys as he fumbled at his door. When he picked them up, they fell right back out of his hand.

When Giles bent to collect them a second time, Aaron crouched down too, and he put his hand over Giles's own.

“Hey. It's okay.”

Giles cursed himself inwardly.
Be cool. Do not fuck this up.
“Sorry. I just—I wasn't going to say anything. I almost didn't tell you how I felt. I didn't want to mess anything up when our friendship was going well, but after all this time together at the concerts—” His voice broke.

Aaron touched his face. “I'm glad you said something.”

Yeah, he'd confessed that he
loved Aaron
. Way too fucking soon to say those words. Did Giles even know what love was, really?

He met Aaron's beautiful blue gaze, felt his world align and thought,
Yeah. I do.

Aaron unlocked the door, and Giles relocked it once they were inside. Originally he'd planned on pushing Aaron directly onto the futon and blowing him, but his whole key debacle had diffused his zeal. He turned on the desk lights and the one he used by his loft—the overhead lights would kill the rest of the mood completely. Hands in his pockets, he nodded uncertainly at the futon. “Do you want to sit down?”

“Sure.” Aaron sat, leaving plenty of space beside him.

Giles gestured to the fridge. “Do you want a soda? Bottle of water? I think Brian has a sample bottle of whiskey in his desk.”

“I'm good.” Aaron patted the futon. “Sit down, Giles.”

Giles did, wondering why he felt so strange. He still wanted to jump Aaron's bones like nothing else. But he felt like they should talk more or something.

Except he didn't know what to say.

Aaron bumped their knees together. He looked sort of nervous but mostly amused. “You okay?”

Giles touched Aaron's hair, smoothing it from his eyes, letting his fingers linger on Aaron's ear. “I can't quite believe this is happening.”

Shutting his eyes, Aaron turned his face into Giles's palm and pressed a soft kiss to the flesh. He kissed Giles's wrist.

He pulled Giles's hand away from his hair with a tentative touch, then placed it hesitantly on his own waist, drawing himself closer, putting his mouth in kissing range.

Closing the distance, Giles slid his palm around to cup Aaron's ass.

Giles tangled their tongues, nibbled at the sides of Aaron's mouth, diving in. The more he kissed Aaron, the more Aaron melted against him. When Giles drew Aaron onto his lap, Aaron went so obediently it made Giles's toes curl.

It wasn't just that Aaron was cute and sweet. It was that when they did this, Giles didn't have to seduce him into letting Giles drive. Aaron wanted to perch over Giles's lap, knees to the futon, and be made to take off his shirt. He wanted to tip his head back while Giles kissed the center of his chest, teased at his fur, rubbed circles against his pert nipples.

Aaron wanted to go anywhere Giles took him.

Take him Giles did. First he nudged Aaron out of the rest of his clothes and got rid of some of his own. He'd have stripped all the way down, but he could tell Aaron kind of dug being naked when Giles wasn't. He stayed in his tux pants, dick like a concrete bar as naked Aaron ground on him, cooing and gasping as Giles slicked his fingers with the lube he kept tucked under the futon mattress for masturbation-to-porn convenience. Giles wasn't masturbating now—he was sliding his middle finger into Aaron's hot, flexing ass. Aaron curled against him, begging with breathy sighs for more.

In his pants, Giles's cock said,
Yeah, we got more.

Giles laved the corded muscle at Aaron's throat. “How far do you want to go?”

Aaron trembled in his arms, pushing down on his finger. “I— Whatever you want.”

Wrong answer.
Giles changed his carnal licking to a softer kiss and made himself ask the question he'd been trying not to think about for two months. “How far did you go with Baz?”

Aaron jerked, surprised, then self-conscious. “How—?” He shrank away from Giles.

“I'm sorry. I'm jealous and that came out clumsily.” He forced himself to regroup. “You said you hadn't done much before me, but obviously some time has passed since then, and I know you were with Baz. I wanted to know what's virgin territory, so I can respect it.”

Aaron was still mortified. “I haven't… Nothing more than I did with you. Except—I blew him.”

Giles shut his eyes.
You could have had that instead of him, if you hadn't been so busy judging.
Then he pushed regret away, focusing on Aaron. “I'd love to fuck you. I think you'd like it too. But I don't want you to tell me yes if you're not ready.”

Still impaled on Giles's finger, Aaron clenched. “I want to,” he whispered. “With you. Now. Though I…I've heard it hurts.”

“It does at first. Sometimes a lot. But usually you get stretched, and it's not so bad. And for some guys it's never an issue. You never know until you jump in, unfortunately.”

Aaron was hunched forward, nestled half on Giles's shoulder, face turned in to his neck. “Have you? Been…fucked?”

“Yeah.” Giles skimmed Aaron's back with his free hand. “But it wasn't great. The guys I was with were rough. It always felt too dangerous. And…honestly, I like the other end of the coin better. Not to say I wouldn't bottom again. I just haven't. Maybe with the right guy.”

I'd bottom for you, if you wanted it.
He hoped that was clear.

Aaron stroked Giles's side, still cuddled to him. “I always wanted to bottom. It made me feel ashamed because it went with everything else about not being man enough.”

“Honey, I'm here to tell you, you've got to be a hell of a man to take it up the butt. That's serious trust, letting someone at your ass. It was why I couldn't hurt the guys I fucked, even when they were jerks. How could I hurt someone who got so vulnerable for me?”

Aaron pressed a kiss to Giles's collarbone. “I want to be vulnerable for you.”

Giles's cock told him it was time to start finger-fucking Aaron again, so he did. “You're seriously hot, Aaron. You make me crazy just looking at you. When you play or sing, half the time I think I'm going to lose my mind with want.”

Aaron put his hands tight on Giles's shoulders, head tipped back while he rode Giles's fingers. “It feels so good. Like I can let go.
Giles, I want it. I really do.” His jaw fell slack, and he gasped as Giles hit his prostate. “Oh God, Giles,
. I want it tonight.”

Giles dick cheered, but he shoved it down even as he slid in a second finger beside the first. “We're going slow. And if we start and you change your mind, or it hurts too much, we're stopping. Right away.”

“I thought—
.” Aaron gritted his teeth and bore down as Giles went in all the way to his knuckles. “I thought—I thought the guy always said he couldn't hold back.”

“You're a guy too, says this gorgeous cock flapping against my chest. Also, anybody who says he can't hold back or stop if his partner is uncomfortable is an asshole.”

Aaron opened his eyes—heavy lidded, soft with trust and lust. “You're not an asshole.”

Yes, I was a huge one.
“No, but I'm going to do some seriously exciting things to yours.”

Knowing the endgame helped. Aaron wanted to get fucked, and Giles wanted him to want it more than this once, so he took his time stretching Aaron's ass. Aaron pleaded and begged, but Giles ignored him, understanding what Aaron couldn't know, that fingers and dicks were worlds apart. When he finally got to the point of slipping on a condom and heading for the main event, he considered doing him from behind, but he worried Aaron wouldn't tell him if it hurt too much. He kept Aaron in his straddle position, and after greasing himself and Aaron ten times more generously than he normally would, he guided Aaron over his cock, rubbing the glans along Aaron's taint, toward his target.

“Sit down on it.
Bear down and
go slow

He pressed his cockhead against Aaron's opening, nudged inside and waited to see what happened.

Aaron went too fast. Giles was about to tell him to stop when Aaron gasped, eyes wide, body rigid with pain. Swearing, Giles tried to pull out, but Aaron had all the control, and he'd locked himself down.

“It's okay,” Aaron bit off, voice choked with pain, when Giles told him to move. “I just—wow.”

“You went too fast. Nobody's in a rush. And
bear down

“I'm kind of at a loss as to why guys do this right now.”

“Because prostate.” He slapped Aaron's ass. “Up. Stop hurting yourself.”

“I want to stay here. It's already better.” He let out a breath and looked down at Giles, a good deal of the pain gone from his eyes. “You're kind of big.”

“Not really. Everything seems like an anvil when it's in your ass.”

Shutting his eyes, Aaron drew a breath, bore down and took in another half inch. This time he only hissed a little, and his cock got a bit of life back. “It's…weird. But hot. A good burn. I love this, inside me. Being filled.”

Giles reached around Aaron to feel the stretch, knowing it was his cock going inside that heat. “It feels good to be in you. Like I'm God or something, getting away with something huge. Love somebody letting me in.”

“I want you all the way in.” Aaron took in another half inch, then another, gasping. “God, it's starting to get kind of good. Really good.”

Giles pressed an openmouthed kiss over Aaron's chest. “Sit on my dick, baby. Let me pound into you. Let me fill you up.”

Aaron's fingers dug into Giles's back, drawing him closer. “I want to take the rest.”

Giles wanted him to take it too. Wanted Aaron bouncing up and down on his dick, begging for more. “Careful, hon. Careful.” He sucked on a nipple. “But yeah. I want in you, all the way. Yesterday.”

He sucked on the nipple again, teasing the other with his thumb. He groaned as he felt Aaron go down, felt it inside and outside as all that heat surrounded him, Aaron expanding and opening to accommodate him.

He felt Aaron's ass cheeks on his thighs, on his balls.

All the way in.

Giles kissed Aaron's chest, teased the meat of his pectoral with his teeth. “You okay?”

“I feel really full.” Aaron's voice sounded strained. It was wonderful. “Every nerve ending in my body is dialed up to eleven.”

Giles couldn't stop running his fingers around the ring of Aaron's ass.
I'm in there. That's me. In Aaron.
“Wait until I thrust in and out. Dragging over it. Fucking against it.”

Aaron whimpered and pushed up and down. “God,
do it

Giles did. He had Aaron rise on his knees as he adjusted the angle, and then he fucked. Not super hard, but enough to show what they could do with this game, let Aaron feel the kaleidoscope of pleasure a bundle of nerve endings could unleash on his body.

Aaron cried out, begging, swearing, speaking in tongues. Giles picked up some speed. Aaron began to fuck back, desperate for more.

Giles put him face-first against the futon seat, got behind him and went to town.

Now he fucked. Aaron had himself spread open and begging, so Giles gave him plenty. He learned what strokes sent Aaron over the edge and hammered on them, rutting until Aaron was all but drooling, so fucked out and incoherent he couldn't lift his head.

Giles switched positions—now he put Aaron on the floor, tucked his feet over Giles's shoulders and started up again. Aaron's eyes flew open, and he moaned in pleasure, and Giles gave a feral smile and drilled on.
Yeah, baby. New angle. Good one, huh?

He spoke softly to Aaron as he fucked him, sweet things, dirty things, telling him how hot he looked, how good his ass felt, how loud all that lube was as he fucked it in and out. He wasn't sure Aaron heard any of it, too lost on his high. But when Giles folded him in half, pressing Aaron's knees to his chest, trapping his cock between them and finally giving it some friction, Aaron went out of his mind.

” Tears ran out of his eyes, and he tipped his head back, sacrificing his body to Giles's pleasure. “Please,

“I won't stop.” Giles bent to steal a kiss, keeping up his deep, quick thrusts. “I won't stop until you come, baby.”

Aaron did come, shouting so vehemently anybody on their floor had to know somebody was getting fucked. When he came, he jerked, fingernails scraping down Giles's arms. Then he lay spent, limbs flopping, head lolling, chest heaving.

Giles wanted to stay inside, but in deference to his partner's oversensitive body, he pulled out and ditched the condom. In quick jerks, he sprayed his load across Aaron's chest, which was seriously fucking hot, marking him. When he was spent, he collapsed beside Aaron, kissing him on the shoulder as exhaustion crept over him. “You okay?”

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