Fifteen Weekends (11 page)

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Authors: Christy Pastore

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Suspense, #Contemporary, #General, #New Adult

BOOK: Fifteen Weekends
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   “These are simply meant to increase sexual desire by tightening your keigel muscles making your vagina feel smaller and tighter,” Ethan said while circling Emily’s sensitive flesh with the pad of his thumb. Letting out a low gasp, every nerve ending in her body rocketed straight to her core as Ethan plunged into her with his index finger. Teasing her mercilessly, Emily’s hips bucked forward as Ethan palmed her sex, driving her wild with his slow and steady movements.

  Ethan gently eased both elegant glass balls inside giving her strict instructions not to cough or sneeze. If Emily kept the delicate balls in for the remainder of the workday, she could have her panties back. Emily quickly became aware of the sensitivity of her body. The smooth movement inside her caused her breasts to swell and her thighs to quiver.

  Shifting on her heels Emily asked softly, “Eth…Mr. Carlson, how am I supposed to get any work done the remainder of the day?” 

  Grinning wickedly at her, Ethan began to walk backwards. Puzzled as to why he kept moving farther away, Emily slowly inched closer to him. Her unsteady and wobbly motions reminded her of a newborn deer trying to walk for the first time. With each stride her body became more aroused.  Now she understood, and thank God there was only an hour of the workday left. She found herself standing directly in front of Ethan now. Drawing his arm around her to the small of her back, Emily felt her knees buckle.

  “Try, Miss Greene,” he whispered and closed his mouth over hers. Ethan began rolling his tongue with hers slowly while gently caressing her breast causing Emily to experience the most sensational orgasm. All she could do was bite her lip to keep from moaning for the entire reception area to hear. Ethan cradled her against his sturdy frame, keeping her from crumbling to the floor.

  Still clutching Ethan while leaning into his body, she panted, “

  “Miss Greene…you called me Ethan.” His tone was stern.

Emily quickly shuffled to an upright position looking Ethan directly in face and said, “Sorry, Mr. Carlson.”  How was it possible that this demanding, stern and sinfully playful side made Ethan even sexier?

  Looking at his watch Ethan smiled, “Now, Miss Greene you have exactly eight minutes to tidy yourself together before the meeting. I suggest you visit the ladies room.”

  Emily felt her skin dance with heat as the blood pooled in her stomach. Walking to the bathroom, she was a bundle of nerves certain everyone was going to sense something was off. Mustering all her strength Emily managed to control her breathing, allowing her to walk gracefully to the ladies room. She returned moments later to find Ethan sitting at the table as if nothing had happened. Giving her a warm smile he gestured to the seat across from him. She nodded and took her seat.

  Just then Clark, Susan and a few others entered the conference room. Emily shifted in her chair as Ethan just sat there smiling looking calm and collected. He was the cool guy, the guy that adapted to any situation, never letting anyone see him sweat.

  “Good afternoon everyone,” Clark began. “We have some very exciting news to share. Ethan here is very close to signing the contract with LA Business Design; he worked all day to make this deal happen. The paperwork should arrive this afternoon.”

  Without looking too obvious, Emily shot Ethan a quick smile. She then reached for her phone and sent him a text message:


Emily saw Ethan look down at his phone and smile seeing the text from her. She saw him fiddling with the phone. He must be sending a reply, she thought. Emily’s screen lit up with a message:


  Emily was having a difficult time concentrating. She was careful not to shift in her chair because every movement sent electric pulses radiating to her vagina. A few minutes into the meeting she made the mistake of crossing her legs, which had her gripping the curve of her chair tightly. Ethan caught her movements and grazed his tongue over his bottom lip. Emily had no idea what Clark was saying. The deep ache between her legs was unnerving. Ethan would have to fill her in later. Emily cursed him under her breath for putting her in this horny as hell haze. As Clark continued the speech, Emily managed to find some way to compose herself allowing the blood to drain from her ears.

  “Now, for the second part of the good news,” Clark announced. “We will be collaborating with LA Business Design on a special marketing campaign with TV, radio and print advertising. Emily you will be travelling to Los Angeles to work with them and their advertising team to come up with the right campaign that mutually benefits both of our companies.”

   Emily had a look of utter shock and amazement on her face. Ethan smirked. She caught his gaze, returning an icy, yet playful “fuck you” glare. She was the Director of Marketing, but this was huge for her career. Emily had participated in helping formulate advertising spots for radio and print for Cooper Bentley in local markets, but this was a much larger scale.

   “Emily, be ready to pack your bags. You and Ethan leave next Monday for Los Angeles,” Clark said with a smile.

  If the news of her helping to direct an international ad campaign wasn’t enough to send her into a somewhat state of shock, this bit of information would certainly be the lynch pin. She was going on a business trip alone with Ethan. Her mind raced, but she very calmly said, “Not a problem, Clark. I’ll be ready.”

   She was careful not to show emotion or even look in Ethan’s direction. Emily could feel Ethan’s gaze on her—if she met his stare in that moment she thought it might send her body into a total sexual frenzy. A text from Ethan caused a smile to cross Emily’s lips:  SO

  She happily replied,



Chapter Fifteen:



  It was a beautiful summer day in Manhattan. The warm, late afternoon sunlight was pouring through the windows of Ashleigh’s town car as it made its way down FDR heading south to 63
street. Traffic was surprisingly light, but then again, no one was headed out of town quite yet for the weekend. Ashleigh was glad she decided to come to the city on a Thursday rather than Friday. Her phone began to ring, a sly smile lite up her face as she realized it was Liam. 

  “Hello Liam.”

  “Hello my darling, Ashleigh. Where are you?”

  There it was, that gritty sexy accent she loved hearing so much. Ashleigh was looking forward to spending some much needed quality time with Liam.

  “I’m in the town car you sent for me, and we are almost to Fifth Avenue. I should arrive at the hotel shortly.”

  “Very good, I cannot wait to see you.”

  “Same here Liam.” She beamed asking, “Where are we going for dinner?”

  “I have booked us a table at Asiate for 7:30.”

  “Wonderful, I have heard many good things about the new chef, not to mention the views of the city are sensational.”

  “I have the Taipan Suite if you’d like to stay with me. There’s plenty of room.”

  “Thank you Liam, but I’ve paid for my room already. I think you’ll be tired of me after the weekend anyway.”

  “Nonsense my dear, I relish our times together.”

  “Well, I should be there very soon. We just turned onto Central Park South.”

  “See you in a bit, Ashleigh.”

  Ashleigh placed her phone back in her purse as the town car came to a complete stop. Looking out the window all she could see were stopped cars and people hurriedly crossing the street.

  “Sorry Miss Preston, looks to be some kind of traffic jam or construction. We might be delayed for a short time.”

  “Typical Manhattan traffic, I’m used to it. What can you do?” she shrugged. “And Phillip, please, you can call me Ashleigh.”

  “Yes, as you wish
,” Phillip replied smiling in the rearview mirror.

  Closing her eyes, she leaned her head back and her mind drifted to her conversation with Emily. Was she being too closed off to the idea of a relationship with Liam? He did just offer her to stay in his hotel suite. It’s almost as if they are a long-distance couple. They see each other nearly every six weeks or so.
Could this relationship work?
Suddenly her mind shifted gears. Ashleigh remembered that unusually warm mid-September day. The sky began to darken, then lightning flashed and the thunder began to rumble. The pop-up thunderstorm was beautiful with rain falling gently over Lake Erie in grey misting curtains. She heard cheers coming from the TV as the Wolverines had just scored another touchdown against the Notre Dame Fighting Irish. The University of Michigan fight song was blaring.

  Hail! To the victors valiant Hail! To the conqu’ring heroes Hail! Hail! To Michigan the leaders and best…

   Nick was elated. Jumping out of his chair and pointing at the TV shouting, “Did you see that Ash? Did you see that play?!” She was looking at his handsome face. Her sweet Nick was standing there, smiling at her, looking gorgeous wearing his University of Michigan long-sleeve tee-shirt. Then he was gone.

“Come on man. Move your truck!” Phillip was shouting at the driver in the left lane.

     “Sorry Ashleigh. This guy will not move,” he said, slightly frustrated.

      “It’s okay Phillip, I’ll text Liam and let him know we are stuck in traffic.”

     “Don’t bother, here we go…
moving.” Phillip said.

     Moments later, they arrived that the hotel. Phillip had already opened her door and unloaded her bags onto a luggage cart. She dug her phone out of her purse and checked into The Mandarin Oriental Hotel on Foursquare.

     “Thank you Phillip. It was so nice to see you again. Tell your mother I said, hello.”

      “Will do, Ashleigh. I’m sure I will see you again while you are in the city. Mr. Frost hired me for the entire week.”

     Check-in was a breeze and she headed up the elevator to her room. Upon entering her hotel room, Ashleigh noticed a large vase filled with pale pink roses on the table with a note attached


      Ashleigh’s heart swelled and sank. She swallowed hard and inhaled the sweet aroma of the gorgeous long stemmed flowers.



      The Lobby Bar was completely full, not a seat anywhere. But, on a Friday night, that was to be expected in Manhattan. Liam was upstairs on the phone and told Ashleigh to wait for him in the bar. She finally found a table near the window and ordered a scotch and soda.

     “Ashleigh? Ashleigh Preston?” a male voice inquired.

     Ashleigh looked up through her long lashes and saw Jake Heatherton standing at her table.

     “Oh my goodness, Jake! What are you doing in New York City?”  She jumped up and threw her arms around his neck. Jake worked with Nick back in Troy, where they were both Financial Analysts. Jake was handsome, but not in an obvious way. He was about ten pounds heavier, his blonde hair was ashen, but his blue eyes glimmered with youthful vitality. The lines on his face were more pronounced and his skin was pale and dry. Jake had charisma, but you could tell years of the corporate grind were beginning to take their toll. 

  “Hi. I’m still with The Newborne Group, I’m a Vice President with the company now. I live in Manhattan with my wife and our two kids.”

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