Fight 3 (13 page)

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Authors: M Dauphin

BOOK: Fight 3
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Chapter 20


“You sure you wanna do this, dude? I told you I can take care of him.” Tatum has been trying to warn me off of beating the shit out of Jase ever since he found him hiding out at a relative’s house in Houston. Unfortunately for Jase, I don’t sway that easily from things I’m passionate about.

And I’m passionate about ripping the balls off of this motherfucker.

“I’m gonna kill him, Tatum. Very fucking slowly.” I grit out as we speed walk to the warehouse that Tatum’s dad keeps for events such as these.

“No you’re not, dude. You leave the killing to the people who have done it before.” He laughs and shakes his head at me, knowing full well I’d never be able to kill someone. “You’ve only hit one other person in your entire life, Eddie. Don’t act all tough guy now.”

“Fuck that, Jase has this coming. Fuck those rules, they were just stupid. Stupid, stupid.”

“Yep, agree with ya on that one, man.”

We laugh as he puts the passcode in on the door to the warehouse. Looking around, he quickly opens it and we skid inside before anyone sees us. Tatum’s dad knows what we’re doing here, but it doesn’t mean he wants attention drawn to his place of business.

“Well, well, well, look who the fuck it is!” I roar as I see the assclown tied to a chair in the middle of the massive room.

He looks up at me with his one good eye and gives me the greasiest grin ever.

“Looks like my boys already did a number on you, pussy,” Tatum chimes in as he leans against the table to the left of Jase. He knows this one is all mine.

“Fuck off, Savage.” Jase spits blood in his direction and I see Tatum hop to the side so it doesn’t land on him.

“Bad fucking idea, idiot,” I grind out as my fist comes in contact with his ribs.

Jesus that feels good.

“That’s for putting us through a living hell,” I growl.

“How’s that whore of yours?” He coughs up more blood as he talks and my fist lands on his nose. I feel the cracking of his bones and for a minute I fear the flashbacks to my childhood are going to ruin things, but they never come. This beating is so much deserved that I don’t feel guilty at all for smashing Jase’s teeth in on my next hit.

“Jesus!” he screams when my foot comes in contact with his groin.

“That one is for fucking Gwynn over with your father’s business,” I grind out.

I hit him again in the face, this time breaking his nose in the opposite direction that I just hit it. He tries to scream, but there’s so much blood coming out of his face that it just comes out a gurgle.

“That one’s for burning down our fucking apartment,” I spit at him.

“Only thing I regret.” He spits blood out. “Is that I didn’t fuckin’ kill you when I had the chance.”

I punch him again, for good measure, then rub my fist. Damn, that one was hard.

I see Tatum walk around the desk and smile, knowing what’s coming next.

He waits a moment for Jase to regain composure, as best as he can, then walks to stand near me, right in front of Jase.

“How ya wanna do this, boss man?” I smile at him, shaking with fucking excitement for finally getting this ass crack out of my life.

“First, we break the shins.” He smiles widely, wiggling the metal bat in his hands. “Then we ship him off to Mexico. If he comes back to the US, we kill him. Simple as that.”

I smile and nod, waving my arm as an invitation for Tatum to get his revenge.

“Hey, fucker,” he growls at Jase before landing the bat right into Jase’s left shin.

He screams out in pain and I smile. Revenge never felt so good.

“That’s for messin’ with my friend here, almost ruining his fucking life.” He hits his other shin with twice the amount of power as the first hit, sending Jase into a screaming fit. Goddamn, I never want to be on the receiving end of Tatum’s fury. Jase keeps screaming from pain and I laugh to myself.

Huh, never new a guy’s voice could go so high.

“And that’s for being a total douchebag.” Tatum smiles broadly as he tosses the bat aside and leans into Jase’s face. “You show your ugly ass face in this country again and I will make sure you wish you were dead. Got it?”

Jase can’t talk at this point, but he’s able to bob his head enough to suffice.

“Fucking great. Get him outta my site, guys,” Tatum announces and three guys appear from the darkness to pull him away.

“Damn, it feels good to be back.” I smile. “And to finally have that fucker away from my Red.”

“You’re telling me. Come on, Romeo. You need to get cleaned up and get your ass back to the hospital.” Tatum slaps my back as we walk back out to his car. “And I got a wife waiting for me at home.”

I smile and laugh, shaking my head. We have to be the two luckiest motherfuckers out there.


Walking into the hospital, I can’t seem to get to her room fast enough. When I get there, she isn’t in bed and I almost have a panic attack until I hear her cursing from the bathroom.

“You okay in there, Red?”

“Shit, yes. Fucking great.” She grumbles as she walks out of the room. “I’m already tired of these fucking staples, though.”

She looks up at me, smiling and fixing her hair. Her hair is longer now than it was when I had the accident. She’s able to pull it up into a crazy ponytail, but it’s still just as bright red. Watching her walk slowly out of the bathroom, I smile at her tiny shorts and tank top. Even just going through what she did, she’s still fucking beautiful.

“Here, let me help you,” I say, wrapping my arm around her to help her to the bed. Instead of walking, I can’t fight the urge to hug her. Not the type of weak ass hugs she’s been getting the last few months from me, either.

My arms come around her, my hands find her ass, and my lips go for that sweet spot on her neck. Jesus, I didn’t even know how much I’ve missed this. How much I’ve missed her.

She gasps as soon as I do, but when I pull back she stops me.

“You haven’t touched me like that in months, Tex.” She smiles widely, then reaches up on her toes to kiss me.

“Good Lord, Red. I’m so fucking sorry. I’ve been such as asshole.” I whisper, resting my forehead on hers.

“I know. You weren’t yourself, Eddie. You couldn’t help it. I forgive you,” she whispers, then takes a deep breath, calming herself. “But now you have to wait six whole weeks to enjoy this awesomeness.” Her hands reach for me in ways she hasn’t done in months, and my dick immediately jumps at the attention.

She backs away slowly and lays back down in bed, grinning from ear to ear.

“What the hell was that all about?” I clear my throat, willing my dick to stand down.

“Just a little bit of torture. I said I forgive you, but I most definitely will not forget. I have to wait six weeks, which means you do too.”

“Shit, baby,” I groan and rub my hands on my face.

She laughs heartily, then quiets as soon as she remembers the baby is sleeping. Looking over at me, she scoots over as best as she can, then pats the bed next to her. I kick off my shoes and lay in bed with her. Noticing her new ink, I question my sanity.

“Women aren’t supposed to get new ink while pregnant, Red. When the hell did you get this?” I ask. Dave wouldn’t ink her if he knew she were pregnant.

“Oh. I might have omitted something from Dave. About a week after your accident.”

“Fuck, Red. You know how dangerous that is?”

“I absolutely do. It was dumb, but I thought you were going to die, Eddie. I couldn’t sanely put myself into another fight, and this is the only other thing I could think of to get me through the pain. I hope you don’t mind... I stole your tattoo.” She smiles at me as I take her arm and inspect it.

Shit. She really did. And it’s fucking prefect. The wings from my back are the same wings that wrap around her arm, giving her a permanent hug.

“I watched you flat-line, Eddie,” she whispers as a tear rolls down her face. “I didn’t think I’d ever see your beautiful eyes again. Then you woke up and you hated me.”

“God, baby, I know. I know, and I’m so fucking sorry. I’m going to spend the rest of my life making it up to you, Red.”

“I know you will, Tex. You can’t get rid of me that easily.” Smiling, I raise her hand and kiss her knuckle, right above the ruby engagement ring I gave her all those months ago.

Chapter 21


6 months later

Standing in the back of the crowd, I look over the people sitting in their chairs and lock eyes with my soon to be husband and smile. He grins at me, like he knows the dirty thoughts running through my head, and I have to look away before my blushing gets the best of me.

Since when do I blush?

The music starts, and my girls start walking down the aisle before me. Molly and Rose. The two best bitches a girl could have. I still remember the day Rose showed up on my doorstep like it was yesterday, even though it’s already been a few months of having her around. We had only been home from the hospital for a couple of weeks when she barged into our lives.

“Babe, can you get that!?” I yell down the hall while fighting the shit explosion from hell. How does such a tiny baby have so much shit inside of them?!

The doorbell has been ringing for almost five minutes, and I’m not sure what Eddie is doing, but I can’t get it at this point in my day. I’m elbow deep in the nastiest shit I’ve ever seen.

“It’s for you, Red!” he yells from the front door.

I curse, then hear the front door close. Maybe they left. Maybe they realized this new mom doesn’t want anything of what they have to sell to me. I finish up changing her, putting her third outfit on for the day, then walk out to the living room where Eddie is engulfed in some type of video game.

“Hey, here. Take her for a minute. I feel like I’m covered in shit.” I groan as I realize I, indeed, have shit on my arm.

Such glamorous lives we moms live.

“Oh, hey,” he says, taking our daughter into his arms. “Your guest is in the kitchen.” He smiles at me curiously and I curse under my breath.

Walking into the kitchen, I stop dead in my tracks.

“Rose?” I ask, shocked.

She really did it. She really got away from him.

“Hey, your turn, doll-face.” My brother nudges me. Shit, everyone’s waiting on me!

Slowly, I start to walk down the aisle. The smile on Eddie’s face ruins it all, though. Fuck this slow shit, Eddie and I don’t do things slow. Taking off in a run down the aisle, probably the only insane bride on her wedding day, I run straight into him and jump in his arms.

“Jesus, Eddie, this is so fucking unreal!” I squeal into his chest.

I hear people clear their throats, and realize this is still a wedding, and I’m probably giving my mom a heart attack right now with how crazy I’m acting. Eddie is cracking up, and looking over at Tatum, he’s trying his hardest to stay composed.

“Way to go, Red. Another YouTube sensation waiting to happen.” Eddie laughs.

The minister starts in, but I only have eyes for Eddie.

I make it through my vows without too many tears. Though, I’m not sure there’s a dry eye in the place by the time I’m done. When it’s his turn to speak, I smile and wait for the words I’ve been waiting to hear from him for over a year now.

“Red. My Red. Where to fucking start.” I hear snickers from the crowd and smile. Leave it to Eddie to curse like a sailor in his wedding vows. “I knew I loved you the first time I stopped you from killing that chick out on the sidewalk, I just didn’t know what love felt like at the time. You taught me just how stupid I was being, at every point in my life, but I don’t regret any of it. I met you and my world as I knew it stopped. And thank Christ it did, because I found a new life that day. I found you, the only thing I wanted. I couldn’t get you out of my head when I met you, and even when I forgot you, there was a part of me that knew we were meant for each other. I’ll fight till the death for you, baby. I fucking love you, Red. Ronald McDonald hair and all.” He laughs, poking fun at himself from his asshole stage. “I’m so ready for this life of ours to begin. With Angel and hopefully an entire crew of more tinies running through the house. I’m so proud of you. You are the strongest woman I’ve ever met and I’m so much in love with you I can’t contain it at times. I’d apologize to those I’ve offended with that, but I don’t really care what they think.” I hear Tatum laugh and blush, remembering the time in their bathroom that we just couldn’t wait. “I love you, baby. I’m ready to be your husband. I’m ready to spend the rest of my life with you.”

I’m smiling so big it hurts.
My Eddie.

“I love you, baby,” I say, leaning in to kiss him.

“Oh, uh... you may kiss. I now pronounce you husband and wife.” The minister laughs as we ignore the rest of the ceremony and kiss like our lives depend on it.

He’s finally mine and I couldn’t be happier to finally have my Eddie, all to myself.


“What are you doing, Eddie?” I ask as the blindfold threatens to slip off of my eyes. His hands are wrapped around me, and he’s walking me somewhere, but I can’t see a damn thing.

We’ve been on our honeymoon for a week now. Rose came with us to help out with Angel, and right now they have been playing out on the beach for about an hour. Giving Eddie and me some alone time.

“Just wait. You’ll see. Ish.” He nips my ear and groans when I rub my ass into his erection.

He picks me up and lays me down on the bed, then swiftly ties my hands above my head. Ah, the ropes. Just the feel of them get me wet. He bought these ropes the week I came home from the hospital, since the first set he used on me was burned in the fire.

Not waiting for me to respond, he takes the rope and circles it around both of my breasts, twisting and tying it between them. This makes them perk up and swell from the pressure. His mouth comes around my nipple and I gasp. Jesus, ever since having a baby my body responds so much stronger to his touch.

“Good God, Red, I wish you could see how hot you look right now.” I hear his pants hit the floor, then feel the bed dip.

He takes the remaining rope and crisscrosses it across my stomach, lifting me slightly to wrap it around my midsection. The ends of the rope have tassels on them and he takes an end and caresses my core with it, keeping my legs wide open with his legs.

“Ah, dammit, Eddie,” I gasp as his mouth comes around my clit.

“Mmm, Red. Jesus Christ, you keep getting fucking sexier every damn time I look at you. And you taste so fucking perfect,” he growls, then licks me gently.

I moan as his fingers slide into my sex, then slowly retreat. Whimpering from the loss of contact, I scream out when the end of the rope comes in sharp contact with the inside of my thigh. Panting, I wriggle under him to give me the attention I need at my core. He laughs deeply, then flicks the tassels right on my clit, sending waves of pleasure riding through me.

“Fuck me, Eddie,” I beg as I feel him crawl up me. He takes his time, playing with each of my breasts, licking around the ropes. The sensation between the ropes and the softness of his mouth have me on edge before he even enters me.

“Not quite yet, Red. Today, we do this my way,” he growls and flips me over.

I smile into the comforter, then turn my head and bring my ass up to meet him. I love this part of the game. Not many women will admit to it, but the best orgasms I’ve ever had happened when Eddie took my ass.

He slaps my ass hard, then enters my slick folds hard and fast, groaning as his movements become more methodical.

“Fuck my ass, Eddie,” I beg him. “Please.”

“Mmm, love it when my girl begs,” he growls pulling out of me.

Taking my juices, already soaking wet from his endless game of pleasure, he wets my ass and slowly pushes in.

“Shit. Jesus Christ, Eddie!” I scream as I push back, making him enter me all the way.

“Oh fuck, Red. FUCK!” he yells as I start moving.

“Fuck. Me. Eddie,” I grind out, needing the pressure and friction.

“Happy to oblige, babe,” he grunts as he starts a rhythm of fucking me with exactly the right amount of pressure.

He reaches around and rubs my clit with his fingers and I lose it.

“Fuck, shit.... GODDAMMIT!” I scream, starting to convulse around him. He notices the beginning of my orgasm and pulls out just in time to blow any other orgasm out of the fucking water. “AHH, SHIT!” I scream as he enters and pulls out again. My entire body shakes from the mind-blowing orgasm.

“Dammit!” he groans, slamming into me one more time before releasing his own orgasm.

Panting, he slowly pulls out and I collapse onto the bed.

“Jesus H Christ, Red. You’re gonna fucking kill me one of these days with that,” he pants, slapping my ass.

“Nah, Tex. You’ve proven to be a pretty good fighter. You’re never getting rid of me.”

“Fucking right, Red. Never.”

He kisses me and pulls me into him.

I’ll never get tired of this man.

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