FIGHTER: An MMA Romance Novel

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Authors: Sadie Black,BWWM United

BOOK: FIGHTER: An MMA Romance Novel
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An MMA Romance Novel
Sadie Black
Lost Coastline Media
Sadie Black

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Chapter 1

he girl
who sat across from Kade Holland had a pretty face — what a shame it was attached to her fat, pig body. As she prattled on about qualifications and relevant experience, Kade wondered if losing sixty pounds would do her any good. With the weight gone her breasts would be stellar, but he doubted anything short of plastic surgery would save her.
What a waste of a woman.

"... and so that's why I think I offer the Ultimate Fighting League the best social media expertise out of any of the candidates."

Focus returned to Kade's eyes as her rambling ended. He'd already forgotten her name.
Vanessa? Victoria?

"That’s truly fascinating," he replied. Nothing she said to him had registered. The resume she brought to him remained untouched on his desk; he didn't even bother to glance at it. "I think that's been a very thorough review of your talents. I’m sure you’re aware that there are a lot of other candidates we’re interviewing,” Kade didn’t wait for her to answer one way or the other. “But I promise you, Violet, I'll have someone call you personally to inform you of our verdict."

"It's Vanessa," the girl mumbled, eyes downcast. Kade rose from his chair, not missing a beat. Her name couldn’t possibly mean less to him.

"Of course. You have my sincere apologies — I must have gotten swept up in the blue of your eyes. The way the light hits them leaves them with this incredible violet hue. A Freudian slip. I'm sure you understand."

Flustered, Vanessa rose from her chair as Kade escorted her to the door.

"I um, well, no one's ever told me that before."

Likely because no man had ever found the strength to look away from the train wreck of a body.

Kade smiled. "I like to think that I notice beauty in the details."

Violet, Vanessa, whoever she was, went red. Kade didn’t allow the mindless chit-chat to break his pace, guiding her out of his office as fast as possible.

"Please check out with my assistant, Karen, and make sure your contact information is correct in our files."

Thunder thighs brushed against each other as she walked out into the lobby. "Thank you, Mr. Holland. I—"

"Thank you, Violet," he insisted, and then closed the door before she interrupted again. A lofty sigh parted from his lips, and he ran a hand in frustration down the side of his face. The grit of barely-there stubble caught against his palm, decorating his square chin and broad jaw with a shadow of masculinity. It was nearing the end of the day, and so far not a single candidate had been a good fit. Sure, he’d seen plenty of talent over the afternoon. But not a single woman with a body worth remembering, let alone a body worth fucking. He'd been looking to hire on a new piece of eye candy to have fun with, but at this rate he'd have to offer the position to some… guy. If there was one thing the UFL had enough of, it was testosterone.

"Excuse me, Mr. Holland," Karen's voice twittered from the intercom. "Shall I send in your next appointment?"

Probably another disappointment. Kade returned to his desk and slumped into his chair.


"Nicole Washington."

Kade pulled open the bottom drawer of his desk, withdrawing the documented filed under Nicole Washington's name. He placed it over Violet's, then closed the drawer.

"Send her in."

"Right away, sir."

Fifteen seconds passed and Karen let the next candidate into Kade's office. The second she walked in, Kade’s phony manners disappeared as his eyes slid down over her body. A tight black dress, just long enough to be professional, accentuated her hourglass waist. Her generous breasts peeped out the slightest bit from the neckline of her dress. On the lower half, the beautiful curve of her hips led into juicy thighs, and legs that went on for days. Long black hair fell over her shoulders, alive with wavy volume. Dark skin glowed with health and beauty.
And her lips—

"It's nice to meet you, Mr. Holland," Nicole said. Thank God her voice didn't ruin the package. Kade couldn't count how many girls he'd met who'd flaunted perfect bodies and spoiled it all with their helium voices and toddler vocabularies. Her voice was as nuanced and sensual as her curves. It didn't matter what her credentials were, she could be a gas station attendant for all he cared. She was the complete package; the job was hers. It was high time he indulged in some dark meat, and there was no finer cut than the one that had just walked into his office.

"The pleasure is all mine, Ms. Washington." Kade stood and stepped around from his desk to greet her face to face. With effortless charm he extended his hand, and she shook it. Her hands were soft, her touch firm. Hands like hers would feel fantastic around his shaft, put to proper use. "Please sit down and make yourself comfortable. I'd like to get to know you a little bit one on one. I think it's so important to truly understand the employees you hire."

"Definitely." Nicole released his hand and sat in the chair pulled up to the back of his desk. "The UFL seems like a great place to work. Everyone has been so friendly, from the greeter at the door to the assistant outside your office. I'm blown away. Environment is so important in a work place, and I can feel how balanced things are here."

Her lips moved. They were red and glossed, thick enough to be tantalizing without being exaggerated. When they came to a stop, Kade knew he needed to see more.

"I pride myself on maintaining excellent relationships with my employees. You’ll be treated very well here. Why don't you tell me a little bit about what you foresee yourself bringing to the table here at UFL?”

Nicole's eyes lit up, and she smiled. Those lips, glossed to perfection, moved again. Each rounded O and narrowed parting of them produced sounds, words, meanings, Kade knew that much, but not a single one reached his ears. All of his focus was on how much sweeter those lips would look wrapped around his fat cock. He'd be more than happy to give them a different kind of glaze.

"—media production is one of the most important elements. My specialty is in producing viral videos. In college, I produced a mock commercial for a beer company that clocked in over a million views on youstream alone."

"Was it because you starred in it?" he asked, the question simple. From the lips of any other man, it might have seemed like a weak pickup line. Kade was no simple man. Nicole's mouth twisted modestly into a smile at the flattery confirmed that he had hit the line home.

"No, sir. I put it all together. Actors made it the gem that it is."

No matter how many times women called him that, he never got sick of it. Kade's eyes flicked down to the resume on his desk, but just as quickly flicked back to Nicole. He wouldn’t be checking her qualifications; he couldn't care less if she graduated from high school or Harvard. If he wanted her, and he did, then the job was hers for the taking.

"That's a shame. I think you would do well in front of a camera. You seem like a smart girl, put together. I'm sure you’d shine."

Nicole's eyes, dark jewels, caught his gaze and then dropped, shy and flustered. The way she presented her body told him that Nicole was no wallflower, but the way she dodged his gaze suggested she enjoyed the hunt as much as he did. She would be his.

"Thank you. That's a huge compliment from someone as successful as you."

"You can be this successful too," Kade said. The difference between telling a girl the truth or what she wanted to hear didn’t matter to Kade. As long as it ended with his dick inside her, he’d tell a sexy woman just about anything. Nicole would succumb to him one way or the other. "I started from humble beginnings working in promotions, and now here I am, head promoter for the UFL, worth billions of dollars. I see you following that path and finding just as much success."

Red, shimmering lips parted just slightly, and this time Nicole did not withhold the full potential of her smile. Straight white teeth appeared, the last worry Kade had put to rest. From head to toe, Nicole was perfect. Whatever small imperfections lurked beneath her clothes would be dealt with if necessary —all the big pieces were in order. It wasn't so much an issue of expense, but an issue of time. Two or three years for corrective orthodontics was too long of a wait for any woman, no matter how succulent her meat.

"I'm honored, truly," she gushed. "If I'm being honest, you were one of my inspirations in college. It's so easy to give up, to think you'll never amount to anything in an industry so saturated, but then you have people like yourself, and... Well, you know, sometimes it's easier to fantasize living the good life when you look up to people who’ve done it already.”

"And you inspire me. It's not often I see an attractive young woman such as yourself who relies on her brains instead of her beauty. If I'm not careful, you'll charm your way to the top and then I’ll fall."

The shocked look in Nicole's eyes wasn’t disgust, Kade recognized, but of pleasant surprise. Who wouldn't be flattered by Kade Holland expressing an interest in them? From his carefully cut and styled hair, to the designer suit tailored directly to his measurements by the Italian designer himself, Kade was a man of details. Women flocked to Kade like desperate seagulls, all vying for a tiny taste. The ones he bothered with were lucky to have his attention, and they knew it.

"Fall?" Nicole asked, voice small. He'd been careful to be ambiguous. Of course her mind would stray to love; the small compliments and flirtatious twists he'd peppered into his speech would compel her to think of herself as something special.
Plant the seed early, and the crop would be that much sweeter come the harvest.

"Yes," Kade replied. "The fall from the top of the UFL."

The game kept him on his toes as it knocked her flat on her face. Nicole froze, unsure of what to say or do. Dark eyes locked on his, no longer so bashful. On her end sparks had to be firing. The look of a woman submitting to seduction could never bore him.
How special she must feel, imagining herself the object of a billionaire's affection. How frantically her mind must be going over expenses, spending his dollars on everything from debts to extravagant indulgences.
How he would rejoice in stringing that belief along, onto to crumple it like tin foil in his hands when he was finished getting what he wanted.

"I— I, thank you, I appreciate your support," she said, voice airy with disbelief. "Obviously, I have a long way to go, but I expect success right off the bat. I'm looking for experience, and I believe that working for the UFL would be a wonderful step in the right direction—"

"You have the job."

"—to reach my goals..."

What would those wide eyes look like in the bedroom?
There was a wild side to Nicole that she showed in tiny ways. Sitting with the modestly exposed curve of her breasts highlighted, her body promised him fun.

"You have the job," Kade repeated. Silence stretched between them a little longer before Nicole sat up straighter in her chair, eyes sparkling with excitement.

"I— I well, thank you, Mr. Holland. You have no idea what this means to me, and to my future. I promise I won't disappoint you."

"I don't think you could ever disappoint me, Ms. Washington."

As though to answer his previous question, Nicole's eyes lidded just a little bit. Sparks Kade did not feel sprung to life in the atmosphere between them. Just as he'd hooked into her, now she'd hooked into him.

"I'll give my two weeks’ notice at my old job imm—"

What did she think this was?
Kade set his lips and sat further back in his chair, posture immaculate. "You start tomorrow. Were it not so late in the day, I would have you start immediately. Whatever job you had before you walked through these doors is in the past now. All that matters is that you work for me; no matter where your future takes you, a recommendation from me will be all you need. There's too much to get done to let you start half a month from now."

The message was effective. From his tone, Nicole would know she shouldn't push the issue. Not all women liked men who were so forceful and upfront, but from the way her breathing quickened and her body twisted toward him, Kade knew she liked to be pushed around. Even if she didn't, with his looks, he didn’t worry about repercussions. No woman had told him no before, and Nicole wouldn’t be the first.

"Well, I mean, it's not all that ethical, but..."

"Employees come and go all the time on short notice. It's unfortunate, but no manager worth their salt will bat an eyelash. Leading others is hard work. As our new social media production manager, this is something you're going to learn firsthand. When those who work for you inevitably fail, from time to time you'll be forced to pick up the slack and make ends meet in whatever way you can. It's happened to me many times in the past. It's a part of life to be expected when you work with others."

A nod of her head saw Nicole agree with him, and some of the hesitance eased from her face. Once more she smiled. An alpha's touch was just what she needed,
the slut.
Kade smiled, and although it followed hers, it didn’t return her warmth.

"You start tomorrow," he said. "The work day begins at nine, sharp. We expect our employees to arrive fifteen minutes early so they can settle and tend to personal matters like brewing coffee or chatting with the crew. When nine o'clock hits, we hustle."

"Yes, sir," Nicole said, tone brighter than ever. "Is there someone I should report to tomorrow morning who can get me situated?"

"There is someone who can guide you to where you need to be, yes," Kade mused, "but I think I'd like to be the one to do the honor instead. As I said previously, I strive to maintain an excellent relationship with each of my employees, and I want to waste no time in seeing you settle."

He omitted the rest of the sentence —
onto my cock.
That was a part of the job Nicole would learn in the days to follow, but he already knew she'd be perfect at it.

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