Fighter (Outsider Series) (2 page)

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Authors: Micalea Smeltzer

BOOK: Fighter (Outsider Series)
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“Travis can be dealt with later.”

Bryce looked at Caeden and pointed at me. “Is she off her rocker?” he stage whispered.

Caeden shrugged.

“I’m serious guys. There’s nothing we can do right now and rushing home doesn’t change the fact that he’s alive. Besides, he’s been alive for months,” I looked pointedly at Caeden.
“And from past experiences, we know that just rushing into things doesn’t solve anything. We need a strategy.”

My pack looked back and forth between each other.

“You’re right,” Bentley said.

“Yeah, you are,” Caeden sighed. “I’m going upstairs,” he left the room without a backwards glance and ice drenched my veins. He was mad about something.

“I’ll see you guys in the morning,” I said and ran up the steps. “Caeden?” I called, pushing open the bedroom door. He was sitting on the bed with his head in his hands. “Caeden?” my voice was soft and hesitant.

He looked up at me and his blue eyes were pale, steely, and bloodshot.

“What’s wrong?” I crooked my head.

“I’m not cut out for this.”

“For what?” I was confused.

He stood so quickly that it frightened me
, and I jumped back. “To be Alpha!” he yelled. I flinched and his face softened. “I’m sorry, Soph, but it’s true.”

“No, it’s not.”

“When they kidnapped you, I should have gone after them, but instead I let them run away. At least, Travis killed Peter, but I think Travis has always been a bigger threat than Peter. He’s unstable. Volatile.” He took a deep breath and ran his fingers through his dark, wavy hair. “Then, when I get the chance to take the psycho out…” he collapsed to his knees and buried his face in his hands and sobbed. I had never seen Caeden look so fragile and broken before. “I thought he was dead! Why didn’t I stay to make sure?! How could I be so stupid?! I know better than that! You killed Robert, and Bentley killed Hannah, but I couldn’t kill Travis when I had the chance! There was so much blood I thought he had to be dead.” He crumpled completely to the floor and his fingers dug into the thick carpeting. “I don’t deserve to be Alpha and I don’t deserve you.”

I sighed and closed my eyes. A part of me was still mad at him for not telling me that Travis was alive
, but I could see how much pain he was in, and I knew that we needed each other. Fighting wouldn’t fix this.

I lowered myself to the floor and crawled to him. I picked his face up in my hands and lifted him up until we were eye level.

His blue eyes were so full of pain that my heart broke.

“You didn’t
that he was still alive when you left, Caeden. That’s not your fault.”

“Yes it is,” he shook his head. “And if I hadn’t went back to get his body
, I’d still think he was dead. You have every right to hate me.” He put his hand over my left one and fingered the ring. “I’d understand if you called off the wedding… indefinitely.”

“Caeden,” I shook my head back and forth. “You silly, silly, man. Do you really think I don’t want to marry you anymore?”

“I lied to you.”

I didn’t really need to be reminded of that.

“You did what you thought was right, even though you were completely wrong,” I smiled. “I’m your mate Caeden. You need to tell me this stuff. I’m not some precious flower that’s going to get crushed. I’m your she-wolf, remember?”

“I thought you hated that nickname.”
His lips quirked in an almost smile.

I leaned in closer to him so that my lips brushed his when I spoke, his breath hissed out. “And aren’t you the one that’s always telling me that I secretly love it?”

He grinned. “I knew it.”

He leaned in to kiss me but I pushed his shoulders back. Hurt flashed across his face
, but he quickly tried to hide it.

I smiled. “Before you kiss me senseless
, can we please get off the floor? My knees hurt,” I giggled.

“Good idea,” he grinned.

“We still have a lot to talk about,” I warned him as he helped me up.

“As long as it’s together.”

“Always,” I wrapped my arms around his neck and pressed my lips firmly against his.

This was where I had always belonged.

In Caeden’s arms.



We brushed our teeth side by side in the spacious master bathroom. We had already changed into our Jammie Jams. Just thinking about what Caeden and Bryce called pajamas brought a smile to my face.

“What are you smiling about?” Caeden asked after he spit out his toothpaste.

“Nothing,” I rinsed my mouth out with water.

“Really?” he raised a brow.


He narrowed his eyes
, and before I knew what was happening, his fingers had found my most ticklish spot. How had he even known where it was? Right, mate powers. Normally they were useful, but right about now, I hated them.

“Please stop,” I begged around a fit of giggles.

“Tell me what you were smiling about?” he tries to sound menacing.

“Never!” I cry around my giggles.

“I won’t stop tickling you until you tell me.”

I fell to the floor as his fingers continued to assault my most ticklish spot. “Fine! Fine! I’ll tell you! But you have to stop!”

His fingers eased away from my ribs.

I struggled to breathe.

“Tell me,” he said, holding out his hand in a warning that he was going to tickle me again.

“Give me a second,” I swallowed.
Once I got my composure, I spat out, “Jammie Jams.”

“Huh?” he raised a brow.

“That’s what I was smiling about. I think it’s cute that you and Bryce call pajamas, Jammie Jams.”

He grinned, his dimple flashing. “Admit it, baby, everything about me is cute.”

I blushed profusely. “Can we just go to bed? It’s been a long day and you’re still not off the hook yet, mister.”

He leaned towards me, brushing my hair away from my ear. His lips tingled the sensitive skin there, making me shiver. “Babe, any hook of yours is one I want to be on.”

Oh dear lord, the boy was going to make me spontaneously combust.

He grinned wickedly and helped me u
p. “Bed time,” he smacked my tush and nodded towards the bed.

I collapsed onto the massive bed. It was big enough for Caeden, Archie, Murphy, and me. I scooted into the middle of the bed
, so that I had both dogs on one side and Caeden on the other.

He turned the light off and climbed under the covers. He was wearing only boxers and every naked inch of him seemed to touch me, igniting tiny little fireworks all over my body.

He threw his arm over me and pulled me against him.

Deep breaths, Sophie, deep breaths.

“Have you thought of a date yet?”

“Huh?” I aske
d, trying to turn in his arms so that I could face him, but his grip was so tight that it made it impossible.

“For the wedding.”


“You remember what I said, don’t you?”

How could I forget?

“Of course,” I whispered. “I want those things too.”

“I sure hope so,” he pulled my earlobe into his mouth and gently bit it.

Liquid heat pooled in my stomach
. How was I ever going to get to sleep now?

* *

I woke up consumed in an inferno. I tried to throw the blankets off but it was impossible with Caeden wrapped around me. The sun streamed in through the windows covering
both of is in a yellow glow. Both the dogs were still sleeping. Archie occasionally let out a mighty snore that seemed too loud for such a little dog to make. If this was what I would be waking up to every morning, then life couldn’t get any better.

It would be nice if it got cooler though.

I pushed Caeden’s tan and freckle-covered shoulder.

“Five more minutes,” he breathed against my face. His breath still smelt minty and that was completely unfair.

“Five more minutes and I’ll be cooked thoroughly. At least ditch the blankets. I’m hot,” a whining tone descended on the last word.

“Yes you are,” he opened his eyes and waggled his eyebrows. Thankfully he shoved the blankets to the end of the bed
, but his skin was still hot against me. He was like a furnace.

I pulled at the tank top I was wearing trying to
cool down my body.

“I’m going to take a shower,” I announced. It was the only thing I could think of to cool down. “And for the record, if you’re going to snuggle me like that every night, you better turn the AC up and get some fans.” I crawled o
ver his body and out of the bed.

“I’ll get that taken care of,” he rolled over and propped his head up on his hand, “because I plan to do plenty of snuggling.”

I laughed at him and grabbed a pair of shorts and a tank top for the day.

“Make it quick or I might have to join you,” he joked.

I blushed and scurried into the bathroom. The door closed just as he started to laugh.

I showered in under five minutes, afraid that Caeden would carry through with his promise.

I blow dried my hair a little bit, so that it was damp instead of soaking wet, and then pulled it back into a messy bun. I finished my morning ritual and opened the door.

Caeden was talking to the dogs. It brought a smile to my face. Was I the only person that got turned on by a guy
talking to a dog? I really hope not.

“Your turn,” I leaned against the doorframe.

“That was quick,” he flashed me a smile.

“I’m hungry,” I lied.

“I won’t take too long then. We’re all going out for breakfast. There’s this neat little diner just outside of town.”

en was this decided?” I raised my brow.

e always use to go there with my parents,” he shrugged his muscular shoulders, “it’s tradition.”

“Well, who am I to mess with tradition?”

“Exactly,” he winked and I swooned.

I’d be eighty years old and his winks would still make me swoon.

He swung his legs over the side of the bed and rubbed his eyes before yawning.

“Make sure the others are up and ready. If they’re not
, we’re leaving without them,” he disappeared into the bathroom. A moment later, I heard the shower turn on.

I shooed the dogs off the bed and dragged the covers up off the floor
. I quickly made the bed and went in search of the others.

I knew they were all downstairs
but when I turned down the hallway, where the bedrooms were located, I discovered five different doors.


I tentatively knocked and opened the first door.



Empty bedroom.


Oh God! My eyes! I backed out of the room with my hand over my eyes.

“Bryce!” I hissed loudly through the door. “Where are your clothes!?”

“I got hot,” he grumbled.

“So you just took off your clothes!?”

“Uh, yeah. Doesn’t everyone else do that? Besides, you’re the one that opened the door.”

“I didn’t think you’d be naked!” I said through the door. “
Besides, normal people turn on a fan! Oh, God! Please tell me Charlotte’s not in there with you!”

“Charlotte is a safe little virgin
across the hall in a bedroom far away from me so that I can’t ravage her.”

“Bryce, your
sense of humor is disgusting.”

, it’s charming,” I could hear the smile in his words. Shuffling sounds soon commenced and I sincerely hoped that pants would be involved. “Why are you waking me up anyway?”

“Caeden wants to go to breakfast.”

The door opened and I fell back against Bryce. He held out a hand to steady me.

“You really just want to be all over me don’t you? I might have to tell my brother.”

I blushed. “You are so annoying.”

“I hear that a lot.”

“Maybe because it’s true?”

“Or maybe that’s what you all want me to believe, huh?” he grinned and pulled a t-shirt over his head.

I shook my head. “You’re impossible.”

He laughed and rubbed his stomach. His wavy hair was sticking up wildly around his head. He looked so much older than when I first met him. He seemed more like a man, than a boy, if only he’d act like one.

“Want me to wake up the others so you don’t have any more mishaps?” he stifled a yawn.

“That would be great!” I exclaimed. I was still trying to burn the image of Bryce’s naked body from my mind. I knew the others were all okay with being around each other’s nakedness
, but I still hadn’t gotten used to it. I wasn’t sure if I ever would.

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