Fighting Destiny (Central Coven) (30 page)

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We all nodded yes, with the exception of Grey who stood stone still.  “We are not here to punish you,” Astrid said placing a hand on Octavian’s shoulder, as if to rein him in.   “Nevertheless, the Central Coven still needs to fix this disaster.
,” Octavian said in a severe tone. 

I had heard of, or met, most of the world’s covens, but I had never heard of the Central Coven before.  I wonder if the
was acting as a separate coven now.  Odd, since historically they had all been representatives of the world’s strongest covens.  There are seven representatives, two from Asia, and the remaining five from the five other populated continents.  While, I was pondering, and frankly unable to speak in front of my mother, Dean stepped up.  “Who is the
Central Coven

Octavian laughed once snidely as if the idea that we did not know who the Central Coven was, was in itself ridiculous.  Or was it something else?  “The five of you are the Central Coven,” my mother answered, almost sounding bored.

“Some in the
find a coven of different races of supernaturals distasteful.  Ordinarily, a coven is comprised of only witches, vampires, elves, or shifters, not one of each.  However, the five of you have a bond, and that is magically binding in a coven.  Has no one explained this to you?” Astrid asked, with compassion. 

One glance at Octavian, and I could tell whom among the
found our “coven” distasteful.  Meanwhile Grey was looking more and more like a statue the longer this conversation continued, interesting. 

“Let me see if I understand what you are saying. Since we came to school here, separated from our own kind, we gravitated to each other.  And now that we have become friends, we are magically bound to each other in a coven. Is that what you’re saying?” Finn asked. 

“Exactly. You are very insightful for someone who only recently learned about all of this.  You aren’t born into your coven, but you don’t get to choose it either.  It chooses you.  Our lives are governed by magic.  It is our only universal religion.  Many of us are Christians, Muslims, Jews, or one of the dozens of other religions.  Even so, we all recognize the thread of magic that controls our lives, and shapes our destinies,” Astrid explained.

Destiny.  It seemed like I was always running from mine, and here it is in front of me again.  Now my friends and I shared a destiny.  How much of my life is in my control?  Grey said that he might be part of my destiny right now, is this what he meant?  I stole a look at him.  His brooding gaze told me to wait until later for explanations.

“Now a word of caution.  Learn to work together.  It may be difficult to learn to harness your powers as a group since you are all different, but it is essential that you do.  It is time that you stop reacting to this necromancer’s attacks and attack her. Get it done.  There is no room for weakness in war.  We cannot risk exposure,” Marguerite explained firmly.

“Why are we the ones handling this and not the
,” Anita demanded.  God bless her gumption.  Marguerite nodded, “Most of the members of the
have disappeared.  Simone escaped the
’s prison with help.  Somehow she learned that our most unique and promising young are attending Central Washington University.  What does that tell you?” Marguerite responded.  “They have someone on the inside,” Anita responded in disgust.  “That or they have someone close to someone.  It could be a best friend, family member, who knows.  It could be anyone,” Marguerite sighed.

“Now, you see the five of you are our only option.  You are the only coven that can be trusted. Chloë, one of the
informed me about your dream.  It was sent to guide you to the solution.  Stop delaying. I have your father’s address in this envelope.  I understand that you have contacted your Uncle George.  I believe he told you your father lives near Tieton.  You will find the exact address inside. I’ll help if I can.”  

The swirling haze of magic swelled at their feet, and they faded into the mist.  In their absence the extra tension slowly fizzled out of the room. “Is she talking about that weird dream you had the other night?” Anita asked.  I started pacing. “Chloë, did you hear me?” she demanded.

I did, but my brain was busy processing what my mother said. I still hadn’t figured out the dream.  How would visiting my father teach me to fight Simone?  Was that even what my dream was telling me to do? 

“Chloë, we have to deal with this,” Finn said standing right next to me.  “He’s right.  It’s 1 A.M. right now.  We have enough time to get to Tieton.  I’m sure he’ll understand the interruption, under the circumstances,” Grey said.  I shrugged. “Alright, let’s go.  I’ll tell you about the dream on the way. Maybe one of you can make some sense out of it.”

Chapter Thirty-Four


Grey’s old farmhouse had a modern three-car garage built next to it.  I suppose any man, living or undead, accumulates tools, cars, and all of the other modern trappings. Even Grey, who seemed to modernize to the smallest degree necessary possessed a garage any modern man would salivate over. 

Inside the brightly lit, meticulously organized space Grey opened a large fireproof safe. Stacked inside were guns, jewels, gold coins, and lots of cash.  “After the Great Depression, I learned to always have hard currency at home. I have never regained full confidence in the banking system,” Grey said over his shoulder.  He removed a small pile of cash and placed it in a black leather bag. 

A normal person would wonder, “
What does he need gold coins and jewels for?”
  No, not me.  I was thinking, “
Hmm, I wonder what he needs a gun for?”
  I mean he
a vampire, if something gets past him, is a gun
going to help?  Thankfully, he didn’t bring it, so I didn’t have to ask that stupid question.  There are some things I really don’t want to know the answers to. 

That meant my only question left was, “
Which car were we going to take
?” Dean’s giant truck would definitely get us noticed, probably no on that one.  Not my Z, because it only seats two comfortably.  Anita is car-less, and Finn’s car was nearly as flashy as mine.  Grey had two cars here in his garage, a sexy, black classic muscle car (I’m so not a car expert), and a mom car hiding behind it.

I had a sick feeling we weren’t taking the sexy car. Hey, just because I can’t tell one kind from another doesn’t mean I don’t know the difference between hot cars and mom cars. I hate riding in mom cars. 

Dean and Anita left shortly after our surprise meeting with the
representatives. They planned to sneak into the dorm, grab some clothes, and race back.  Grey was heading perilously close to the boring car, when Dean and Anita reappeared.

“We’re taking a station wagon?” Anita asked with a disgusted look on her face.  I couldn’t help smiling at her.  Sometimes it’s like we’re twins. “It can fit all of us comfortably, as well as all of our things.  Plus it will not stand out like Dean’s brand new, forty thousand dollar truck would,” Grey lectured.  “A Volvo wagon is going to blend in?” Anita asked in disbelief.  “A 1984, dark blue, Volvo wagon will.  These are fairly common,” Grey answered, patting the roof of the car.

Dean tossed the bags he and Anita brought back from campus in the cargo space of the wagon.  Grey threw in his own bag, a box of food, and concealed the bag of money.  I raised my eyebrow at him.  “What?” he asked.  “I was trying to ignore the guns, ‘cause I really can’t figure out what a vampire would need them for.  And, yeah, I’m really,
tired, but I can’t figure out why you have a supply of non-perishable food on hand.” 

Grey chuckled.  “Your mind is a weird and wonderful place.  I have guns, food, money, and other items because I have a few
responsibilities that have me working with non-vampires. For example, I just joined a really bizarre coven with members of every supernatural race.”  I slapped him on the shoulder. “Alright smart ass.”

  “All right chica, let’s hear that dream again, then get our asses on the road,” Anita demanded.  I nodded in agreement.  I took a deep breath and entered a trance-like state. As I spoke, my words painted the scene in hazy see-through figures.  Hopefully, they would notice anything I might have missed.

Chapter Thirty-Five


Thanks to Grey’s lead foot we made it to my father’s cabin in Tieton around 2:00 A.M.  It was hidden between rolling hills, and cast in the silvery glow of moonlight. Its glow illuminated the sparse vegetation and small clusters of pine trees.  Tieton wasn’t a lush green paradise like Western Washington, but the desert of Central Washington possessed a tranquil haunting beauty all of its own.  During the day in spring and summer, the burning orange light of the sun, purple wild flowers, and chocolate columns of basalt colored the contours of the hills. In winter, however, the predominate color here was a soft brown.

Grey pulled into the gravel drive next to a rusty 1970’s Chevy pick-up next to us.  Should we knock?  There weren’t any lights on.  How exactly does one casually drop in on a father she rarely sees, at 2:00 A.M nonetheless?  Oh, not to mention bringing an ancient vampire boyfriend along. 

I got out of the car still gathering courage to knock, when my father walked out from behind the log cabin.  I wasn’t expecting that.  “Hello father,” I greeted formally.  “Chloë,” my father said with a nod.  “Your bird told me you would be coming.  She also gave me a look at a dream you had.  I’m surprised you haven’t been here sooner,” Eli Soaring Eagle scolded.  Well at least I wouldn’t have to re-tell the dream.  “I’m glad I found you awake.  What were you doing up at this time?” I asked. “I was in my sweat lodge, praying for the strength to see you through this trial.” 

Grey looked around concerned.  “You aren’t my first vampire guest. I have accommodations for you,” Eli Soaring Eagle assured.  “Thank you,” Grey answered with relief.  “As for the rest of you… This is only a two-bedroom cabin.  The girls can have the spare room, and you two young men will have to make do with the pullout couch.  I hope that will do. But, I suppose we should get to work immediately.  That necromancer has a vampire working with her, yes?”

I nodded.  “Okay, then.  That means that she will want to attack at night.  You need to be ready for them.  We have strengths they do not have, but we have weaknesses too.  I’m sure your mother told you that this coven needs to come together,” he said, with a stern expression. I nodded again.  “Did she tell you how to do that?”  This time I shook my head no.  Why couldn’t I speak?  This was my father.  Yet with him, as with my mother, I always found myself speechless.

Eli’s face softened, and he patted my arm. “Don’t be afraid of me Chloë.  I’m here to help you.  The first thing you all must understand is that to stand strong as a group, you must first stand strong as individuals.  A couple of you are very strong and secure in who you are already. 

Grey, you have been a vampire, for centuries.  You know your abilities, and how to use them to their fullest extent.  And, you have taught Anita very well.  Yet, I sense, she is still missing something.  Am I right?”  Grey and I looked at each other.  How could he sense that?  Did he know that Anita was half-witch?

“Relax daughter.  I’m not a mind reader.  I do, however, see magic. Instead of the red aura of a vampire, or pink I imagine a half-vampire/half-human would have, Anita is sort of greenish brown. That tells me she is something different.  She will be stronger if she knows, don’t you think?”

“If I know what?” Anita asked confused.  I looked questioningly at Grey, and he bowed his head slightly in agreement.  “A while back, Grey learned who your father is, and why he left your family.  We were waiting until this crisis was over to tell you all about it,” I admitted. 

“Why would my dead-beat father have anything to do with beating Simone?” Anita asked, pissed off.  “Have you ever wondered why you are the only half-vampire you have ever heard of?” Grey interrupted.  “Well yeah, naturally.  But, I figured,
Why me,
questions were common after you get attacked and your life is changed forever,” she snapped insolently.

“Be serious Anita.  It does not take days to turn someone into a vampire, a few hours at most, but never days.  And, at the end of the process, the person is always completely a vampire.  Never half.  So why you?” Grey taunted.  “Okay, I’ll bite, why me?” she asked. 

“Simple, you were only half-human to begin with.  Your father, Carlos Sanchez, is a wizard, and a very powerful one at that.  He is a member of the
.  Anita, you are half-witch.  You were already magical.”

Anita narrowed her eyes.  “But…I can’t do magic.  So wait, you’re saying I’m not human at all?” she asked stunned.  I jumped in, before Grey could continue his emotionless explanation.  “No, I mean at least not anymore.  And as far as magic, we’ll have to wait and see when you get used to who you are.  You are only half-witch, but you may have a few tricks up your sleeves.”  Anita looked away quickly. Her eyes were filling with tears.  “So my father didn’t just leave?  There might be an explanation?” Anita asked hopeful. 

“Carlos Sanchez is Anita’s father.  Well, that certainly explains a lot.  Anita I can promise you, there definitely is an explanation.  You will get it. You just need to be patient.  I know your father, Anita, and he loves you dearly.  There is a good reason that he left you,” my father vowed.  Then he looked at me and I saw sadness in his eyes.  I felt his explanation was as much for me as it was for Anita. Maybe it was my own wishful thinking, but perhaps not.

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