Fighting for the Edge (7 page)

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Authors: Jennifer Comeaux

BOOK: Fighting for the Edge
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“Another drink?” Nick asked.

She thought about her previous intention to stay away from alcohol forever. A couple of glasses of wine wouldn’t hurt, though, and she had more backup this time to make sure she didn’t do anything stupid.

“If you’re buying,” she said.

“Of course, my lady. You good, Chris?”

Chris gave his beer bottle a slight shake to assess the contents. “Yeah, I’m set.”

Nick shimmied through the crowd, and Chris moved closer to Aubrey. “See that table of girls over there?” He jerked his chin toward a group of three Japanese women dressed in cut-up sweatshirts and neon-colored leggings. “They’ve been checking me out since we started dancing. Should I go over and test my player skills?”

“No, no.” She stepped in front of him as a blockade. “Rule number one – no hookups in foreign countries. Trust me, it’s a bad idea. And rule number two – no hooking up with fangirls. I saw that group at the hotel getting autographs. You’ll end up being discussed on some internet message board tomorrow.”

Chris looked back and forth between her and the table of admirers. “Those are valid points. But I need to practice my game.”

“We’ll go clubbing as soon as we get settled in Boston.” The music became louder, and she raised her voice, “Why don’t you practice on me right now?”


“What? Am I not hot enough for you?”

He swept a long look over her. “No, you’re plenty hot enough.”

His smiling eyes shone at her in a way she’d never seen from him. It made her a little tingly… something she’d definitely
felt around him before.

She cleared her throat. “So, give me your best line.”

He laughed and tugged on the collar of his black crew-neck sweater. “I don’t really have any lines. I’ve never tried to pick up a random girl.”

“Then just imagine you see someone at a club – me in this case – and you’re attracted to her and want to meet her. What do you say when you walk up to her?”

“I’d probably introduce myself and ask if she’d like to dance.”

“That’s good. Keep it simple. So you get her on the dance floor.” Aubrey twirled around. “How close do you dance with her? You don’t wanna be bumping and grinding right off the bat.”

He laughed again. “I’ll keep it respectable yet irresistible.”

“Show me. Let’s see your moves.”

“You’ve seen me dance a million times, including five minutes ago.”

“I haven’t seen your I’m-dancing-with-a-girl-I-just-picked-up moves.” She wiggled as much as she could in her tight dress. “Come on, show me what ya’ got.”

He grinned and pushed up his sleeves. “Okay, Boss. You want it, you got it.”

“Bust a Move” had just begun playing, and Chris danced along to the hip-hop rhythm as he closed the space between Aubrey and himself. He set his hands lightly on her hips, and she felt the tingle again. It had been over a month since she’d gone on a date, so she was probably just excited to have the attention. Or maybe it was the wine making her giddy.

Their bodies moved together in time to the music, drifting closer and generating more heat with each beat. Aubrey wrapped her fingers around Chris’s biceps, and he tensed, his fingertips putting more pressure on her hips. She clutched him harder and fought the urge to roam her hands over all his other tight muscles.

In her stiletto heels she wasn’t much shorter than Chris, so she had a prime view of his smile, which never left his face. She couldn’t stop smiling either. She hadn’t felt this kind of energy in a long time. Or possibly ever.

Chris leaned toward her ear. “Do I pass?”

His warm breath puffed against her cheek, causing her to shiver.
Oh, yeah. With flying colors.
He pulled back to face her, and she looked up at his big grin.
Get a grip. It’s
silly, nice-guy
This is only a game.

“I give you a B-plus,” she said nonchalantly.

“Man, you are tough.”

“I don’t hand out A’s easily.”

The DJ queued up “The Right Stuff,” and Chris backed up and pointed to the air. “I’ll earn my A with this.”

He jerked his shoulders up and down and shuffled his feet, mimicking the dance style of New Kids on the Block. Aubrey burst into laughter at his perfect imitation.

“I sang this at my fifth grade talent show,” Chris said.

“Are you serious?”

“My mom has the VHS tape to prove it. Me and four of my buddies lip synched to this song and had all the girls screaming. It was the shining moment of my middle school career.”

He continued to dance and then started singing along, belting out the words as if he was on stage. Aubrey couldn’t control her laughter. Now,
was the goofy Chris she knew. She had no idea what kind of spell he’d put her under while they’d danced.

Nick returned with Aubrey’s drink and eyed Chris with amusement. “I didn’t know I was missing a show.”

“You arrived just in time.” She took the glass from him and sipped between giggles. All the laughing had brought on the need for a restroom trip, but she didn’t want to chance running into Damien on her way there. She didn’t think she could wait any longer, though.

“Can you watch my drink?” She handed Nick her wine. “I’m gonna run to the ladies’ room.”

She raced to the restroom door on the far wall, staying behind the crowd as much as she could. On her return trip, she took a cautious step back into the club and kept her head down as she walked quickly toward the dance floor. Not far past the bar, a body blocked her path, and the pungent sweet cologne made her curse inwardly.

“In a hurry?” Damien asked.

She lifted her head and crossed her arms over her chest. “Yes, my drink is getting warm.”

“I can get you a new one. How ‘bout a tequila shot?” He gave her a wicked grin.

“How about you never speak to me again?”

“Have one drink with me. I guarantee you’ll want more.”

She let out a sharp laugh. “I don’t know why you’re pushing so hard. You don’t need me or any girl. You’re so in love with yourself that you can get your thrills just looking in the mirror.”

Damien licked his lips and slid closer. “But it’s much more fun getting my thrills with you. And I remember you enjoying quite a few of them the night we were together.”

He squeezed her waist, and she slapped his hand away. “Don’t touch me.”

“Come on, I know you remember. You couldn’t get enough.” He pulled her against him and slid his hands down to her bottom.

She shoved his chest and broke free. “I said don’t touch me!”

Chris rushed up to her side and shot a death stare at Damien. “What’s your problem?”

“What are you – the white knight? Where’s your horse?” Damien snickered.

“You’re a punk.” Chris got in his face, and they stood nose to nose. “I’m not gonna let you harass my friends.”

“Oh yeah? What are you gonna do about it?”

“I’m gonna shut your mouth.”

Chris cocked his arm back, and Aubrey gasped, but Sergei burst forward and grabbed Chris before he could throw the punch. He pulled him away from Damien and pushed him toward the bar. Aubrey hurried after them, and Em joined her.

“What are you doing?” Sergei barked at Chris. “Don’t be stupid.”

“He saw me arguing with Damien,” Aubrey said.

“That jerk was asking for it,” Chris spat.

“No matter how much of a jerk he is, you’re not going to fight him,” Sergei gave Chris an intent look. “Or anyone else. That’s not the kind of headlines we need right now.”

Em turned to Aubrey. “What were you arguing about?”

“He was just…” She fumbled with her reply, knowing she couldn’t reveal the root of the confrontation. “He wanted me to have a drink with him, and he wouldn’t leave me alone.”

“Ugh. He’s such a tool,” Em said.

“Stay away from him.” Sergei poked his finger to Chris’s chest. “Understand?”

Chris stood with his hands on his hips, still fuming. After a long pause, he muttered, “Yeah.”

Sergei slowly stepped away from him and put his arm around Em. As they passed Aubrey, he said, “Keep an eye on him.”

Aubrey gave Chris a little smile, and his posture relaxed a bit. “I know you can handle yourself,” he said. “I just saw the way he grabbed you, and you looked upset.”

“I appreciate the backup. And even though it would’ve been a bad situation all around, I really wish you would’ve clocked him.”

Chris’s jaw unclenched as he laughed. “You and me both.”

He rubbed his fist, and Aubrey replayed the scene in her mind – Chris’s muscular physique wound tight, his usually warm brown eyes burning hot, the veins on his forearms popping. He wore intensity

What is going on with me tonight?
Chris wasn’t her type, and she shouldn’t be attracted to her good friend’s ex anyway. That was too weird. Plus, they would soon be roommates, and she didn’t need any unavoidable distractions. Not with nationals and the Olympics coming up.

Nick snuck up beside her and held out her abandoned drink. “Did you guys move the party over here?”

She took the glass from him. “Not quite. I’m guessing you didn’t see what happened?”

“I got corralled by some fans. What’d I miss?”

She and Chris exchanged glances, and she linked her arm through Nick’s. “I’ll tell you later. I just want to get back to dancing.”

The three of them returned to the most crowded area of the club, and Aubrey stayed nearer to Nick as they all danced as a group. There would be no more touching Chris. Not until she got over this mini-crush or whatever it was. Things would go back to normal once they got home.

Chris smiled at her, and she remembered the feel of his strong hands on her hips. Those hands would feel good other places, too…

There had to be something in the air in the club. No other explanation.

Chapter Six


“Honey, I’m home!” Chris sang as he walked through the front door.

Aubrey laughed and stepped over the suitcase she’d just plunked down in the living room of their new apartment. “I was about to check out the rest of the place.”

Chris dropped his large duffel bag onto the sandy brown carpet. “The location is awesome. Close to the T, lots of places to eat–”

“And most importantly, a Starbucks on the corner,” Aubrey added.

Chris looked around the small living room, and his eyes settled on the television hanging on the painted brick wall.

“A forty-two inch plasma! Sweet.”

“Can you really tell how big it is just looking at it?”

“A man knows the size of his TV.”

She stifled a snort. “I could make a crude comment, but I’m going to be polite this time. Since we’re new roomies and all.”

“Well, that’s no fun.”

“Don’t worry. You’ll get your fill during our stay here.”

She turned and surveyed the black leather couch and glass coffee table that sat across from the TV. Above the couch hung a large print of the Boston skyline at night. It was the only decoration on any of the white walls.

“This place has a definite masculine feel.” She touched one of the red accent pillows on the sofa.

“Did you bring your smelly candles? That would make it less manly.”

She laughed. “I didn’t. I’ll have to pick some up.”

Chris spread his hands out wide. “You know what else we’re missing? A Christmas tree.”

She hadn’t put up a tree in her apartment on the Cape, so she hadn’t planned to get one in Boston, especially with the holiday just a few days away.

“I’m not a big Christmas person,” she said. “And then we’d have to get ornaments and lights…”

“We can get some cheap stuff and make it the tackiest tree ever. How can you turn down that kind of fun?”

He gave her a grin that made it impossible not to smile and agree with anything he said. There was something so infectious in the brightness on his face.

“Okay, but let’s go find our bedrooms first. Then we can have tree fun.”

She grabbed the handle of her rolling bag and heaved the big suitcase up the first step of the narrow staircase. It hit the second step with a thud.

“Whoa, let me help you.” Chris removed his jacket and tossed it onto his duffel bag. “That thing must weigh fifty pounds.”

“I got it.” She slung her purse strap around her neck and pulled hard on the bag, dragging it one more step. It felt like it weighed
one hundred

Chris picked up the bottom end of the suitcase, his muscles stretching his gray T-shirt. “It’ll be much easier this way. Just don’t let go of your end.”

Aubrey tore her gaze away from Chris’s tanned arms and resumed walking backward up the stairs. She thought she’d put that strange night at the club behind her, but now she was remembering the high she’d felt while dancing with him. Their bodies had been so in synch, as if there was a magnetic charge guiding them. She turned to look behind her to see where she was going and also to not see Chris’s face. His easy smile and those dimples weren’t helping her forget.

They reached the top of the stairs, where two open doorways faced each other across the small landing. Chris set the bag on its wheels and poked his head into the room on the right. “This one’s a loft.”

Aubrey peeked in beside him. The ceiling sloped down over the bed, which took up most of the tiny room. The wall behind the bed was only half of one as the rest of the space was an opening that overlooked the living room below.

“You’re way too tall for this room,” she said. “You can barely stand up straight in here.”

Chris went over to check out the other bedroom. “This one’s bigger, but you should take it. You probably have more stuff than I do.”

“You can’t take the loft. You’re gonna whack your head every time you get out of bed.”

“I’m not sticking you in the munchkin room. I have better manners than that.”

Those darn dimples appeared again. And she couldn’t help smiling in return once more. “If you insist. Your mama would be proud.”

She rolled her suitcase into the larger bedroom, which wasn’t exactly spacious, but at least she could stand upright. Her cell phone sang the muffled tune of “Girls Just Wanna Have Fun” inside her purse, and she wondered if Chris could hear it. He’d recognize Marley’s ringtone. She plucked the phone from between her wallet and a packet of tissues and pressed it to her ear.

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