Fighting For You (22 page)

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Authors: Megan Noelle

BOOK: Fighting For You
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It wasn’t until I got home, changed and laid in bed that I checked my cell phone.  There was a text message from a blocked number and I instantly felt my insides twist. 


Did you check on your ‘family’ Corey? Did you make sure they’re safe and sound in their beds? Don’t worry! I’m not going to do anything tonight.  But
you just wait—I’ll be watching them.


I ground my teeth together and threw my phone hard against the wall.  If I would have listened to Abby or Alex when I had the chance, none of this would have happened. 

I’d undoubtedly be engaged to my girl, celebrating the upcoming birth of my child, and been deliriously happy. Instead, I was laying there, feeling like the guy that had lost everything I had because of everything I was.

Chapter Twenty

32 Weeks


Two months.  That was how long it has been since I last saw Corey.  Not only that but talking to him too.  There were no grand gestures or bouquets of roses or orchids that told me the way he saw me.  It was almost unbearable living my day to day life.  Moving back to New York had been a damn cake walk compared to the torture I felt now.  Not a single day went by when I wasn’t devastated by the reality that I was faced with each time I opened my eyes.  Starting first thing in the morning when I opened my eyes to the dead flowers in the vase.  Corey used to replace them but after we ended things, I couldn’t get myself to throw them away.  Nor did I want to continue putting fresh flowers in it.  In my mind, every time Corey chose new flowers for me it was him reaffirming that every word he said he meant.  Without him here to change them out I let them wilt away until slowly they were nothing but a fragment of the beauty they once were.

Beside the flowers, I rarely let myself dwell on Corey.  It was beyond frequent that I had him in my head, having a private conversation that was shared only by us.  No one knew this and no one else needed to the way I struggled internally by the loss I dealt with.  Things had to be different for me; this time I wasn’t running back to New York simply because things weren’t easy any longer.  That was life and
had been the life I chose to have. 

So every day I woke up, got ready for work and did my job.  I’d get off work and while most days I came home, it wasn’t so I could sulk.  My house was stocked with food for myself and slowly but surely the house began to fill up with numerous different baby supplies.  On the weekends I arranged my house in the best way for little Bean and the next day it was rearranged.  I had just about everything you could possibly need for a child and about ten times more than they would ever use.

I couldn’t help the excess purchases; Karly was always begging me to go with her.  It became increasingly worse when she found out that her and Jake were having a little girl whom they were naming, Melody Grace McKay.  Of all the equipment, toys, books, and clothes I had the one thing I didn’t have selected was a name.  There was something that just didn’t feel right about selecting a name without Corey making the decision with me. 

A few times I wanted to reach out to him and see if he wanted to join in a baby outing.  Or come over and help set something up or even just feel little Bean’s movements now.  It never happened though.  Every time I went to pick up the phone, all I could remember was the choice he made to be with whoever this woman was and the image of the two of them together.  More than once the thought of what I had and lost sent me running to the bathroom to puke up the contents of my stomach. 

I would never keep this child from their father but I kept reminding myself that the pregnancy wasn’t something we had to share.  If Corey didn’t want to be the man in my life then I needed to accept that.  What was the point of bringing him around to share the special moments of my pregnancy with, only to know he was going home to another woman?  They could have their own baby together.  My heart lurched at the thought but I made myself feel that pain and work through it.  Within the next month I would be a mother and I needed to be a strong role model for my Bean to look up to. 

The biggest surprise to me after Corey and I broke up was Alex’s reaction.  During one of the nights Sanders stopped by to watch a movie, he told me that Alex bitched Corey out for walking away.  Then proceeded to flip a few chairs upside down before quitting his job. 

“That’s absolutely insane!  Why would Alex do that?  Those two are best friends, why did he throw it all away?” I had asked Sanders.

“It wasn’t crazier than what Corey did, Dani.  Truthfully, if I could, I would have joined him in the walk out.  No matter what though, I couldn’t just leave Corey alone like that.  He has done more for me than anyone else so I owe him much more than not freaking out the way Alex did.” 

“But why did Alex freak out about all of that?”

Sanders had stopped focusing on our movie and leaned towards me for emphasis. “Because when you meet a good woman you don’t let them go and you sure as hell don’t treat them the way he did.  And if it wasn’t you that found the woman but your best friend, you are just invested into their relationship as the couple is.” 

I had wanted to say something as a response, instead I had done nothing but stare blankly ahead of me.

“Here’s the thing, I think Corey is being dumb as fuck but I don’t know the whole story.  Sometimes Corey treats me so much like a little brother that he keeps things that he isn’t proud of from me.  So I know his past is very dark but that is all that I know.  I still think he’s screwing up big time by letting you go but at the same time if drugs are involved with his past, maybe he’s doing these things to keep you safe.”

While Sanders had said made sense, it still didn’t completely put out the smoldering fire of rage in the pit of my stomach. 

“But there is nowhere in this world to me that is safer than being folded in his arms.”  Sanders stopped mid-sip of his beer put it down and looked to figure something out.

“Maybe the safest place is keeping you as far away from him.  Dani, if there are people searching for you that don’t know who you are, the first place they’re going to look is at Corey.  They’re going to trail him, stalk him, and observe him until they figure out who you are—if that’s what they’re after.”

It was like a light bulb had been flickering in my mind and then it had lit up so brightly that I couldn’t believe I hadn’t seen it before.  There was no proof that Sanders’ theory was at all correct but I could feel it in my bones.  Corey was hiding something about a woman but kept telling me it wasn’t what I thought.  What if it was never him in danger but….me?  The thought made me shudder from head to toe.  Was it really possible that
was the one people from his past were after?  It wasn’t even the thought of being in trouble that scared me so much.  It was knowing that the one person I would ever go to out of fear I was almost forbidden from seeing.  Plus it was that same man that I wanted to protect my little Bean—
little Bean.

After that day I felt like I always needed to be looking over my shoulder as if I was going to see someone with a thought bubble above their head so I knew to run.  Maybe a total of one day passed after Alex walked out on Corey that he showed up on my doorstep.  I was relieved to have him around and most every day if I called him he’d be there in a hurry.  Bailey and I even hired Alex on at the Inn; we didn’t have an official title for him but he did a little bit of everything.  Alex was a fantastic comic relief 95% of the time and the other 5% he perfected the ‘shoulder to cry on’ when my overactive emotions couldn’t hold in my sorrow to have Corey back.

It didn’t take long before he was filling all the roles that Corey used to have; grocery shopping with me, setting up new baby equipment and on the rare occasion I had an intense craving—he was on the case.  It was tremendous to have Alex there whenever I need it but he wasn’t Corey.  I couldn’t hold him, kiss him and share this experience the way I could when Corey was
my life.  At the same time, I didn’t want to do anything more than friendly things with Alex.  I just wanted things to go back the way the way they used to be. 

There was one thing that I would not bring Alex along for, although he offered if I needed him.  This was the stage during my pregnancy when my baby checkups were once a week as we prepared for labor and delivery.  Corey’s sisters were the ones who joined me for those.  Most of the time it was Abby since Karly wasn’t having the easiest pregnancy.  Baby Melody wanted to make her appearance into the world much earlier than was okay so it seemed every other week Karly was assigned bed rest.  

There were even a few times when Lainey came with me.  When I saw how much she really seemed to enjoy herself I made sure to extend the outing.  You could honestly never have enough baby clothes so we spent the afternoon clothes shopping and laughing.  I could see how much she really wanted a baby of her own so I insured that anytime there was anything baby related—she could be a part of it.

Everything seemed to be in order with relationships in my life (besides Corey) and two other people that I couldn’t just forget about.  As stubborn and frustrating as these women were, they were still a part of my family and I was going to do what I could to work things out.  My first stop took me somewhere I didn’t imagine myself going to again for a very




The gates slid open with a loud obnoxious beep and the guard directed me to the same table I was at last time.  On one side was a chair a counter space and a wall along the makeshift wall with a piece of Plexiglas separating the two identical seats.  On the other end of the phone was the woman who gave me life, my mother Audrey.  My mother used to be a stunningly beautiful person that people wanted to be.  She had a glow about her that made you want to be close but the people she was once drawn to, were the ones that couldn’t be more wrong for her.  After meeting my father Kole the two of them grew to love either, alcohol and drugs. 

I never knew what came of my father since he ran out on me when I was just a child but Audrey had never changed.  She had always been erratic about her concern for my well-being and that was mostly because I didn’t sell drugs so I would never have been that important to her. One day she was arrested for possession and charged to three years in prison which was almost for the best.  Before I high tailed it back to New York my Gram informed me that Audrey was up for parole. 

There was no way that was good news since people like her didn’t know the meaning of change.  Frankly, I would have been just fine pretending she was no longer a part of my life but the fact still remained—she was my mother.  Her calls became incessant and I knew that if I wanted to begin to repair the relationship I had with my Gram, I needed to put some work into this one too. 

The last time I was here Audrey’s thick and shiny golden blonde hair looked filthy and stringy.  Her once bright blues eyes looked almost dead, perfectly matching the rest of her.  Worst of all was the way she looked to have lost 20-pounds in her face and arms alone.  It was a horrifying sight and despite our differences I ached for her.  Whether or not I hated how I was treated growing up it didn’t change the simple facts that she would always be my mother.

It had been well over six months since the last time I saw her and I felt myself breathe a sigh of relief at her appearance.  The image of her last time had haunted me and I was terrified that in the time apart I would come back and see nothing but skin, bones and a blonde mop of hair.   Her face was filling out, her hair looked cleaned up with the blonde shining through and her eyes finally seemed to have their twinkle back. 

Audrey smiled at me and was pointing to my stomach before either of us had the connecting phone to our ears. 

“Baby girl!” She squealed, the way she always did before. “Please tell me you didn’t just get that fat, Danielle!”

I let out a snort and rolled my eyes. “No, I’m not just

Audrey smirked and nodded. “Well you know, the benefit of all your fat collecting on your belly is you can always tell people you’re pregnant. 
—no more worry about someone calling you fat.”  A rich laugh rolled off my tongue as I thought about all the good times we did have together. 

This was all a part of Audrey’s charm.  You could spend most of your adult life hating her but within seconds you found yourself not only having fun with her but also missing all the times you lost together. 

“Except if I’m having a drink at a bar someone might call social services on me.”

“Ooh,” she pointed at me with one time with a nod. “Good call, now, I still expect you to tell me the big news.  Just try to pretend that your grandmother hasn’t already filled me in on the juicy details.”

I smiled and placed my hand on my very prominent belly. “Hey mom, guess what!” I played along. 

The way her eyes lit up with amusement made the roleplaying games all worth it. “What, baby girl!?” She bobbed her head with excitement.

“I’m pregnant!” Her expression transformed to shock as she covered her mouth with her hand.

“Shut up!  Are you really?!”  I nodded my head with a Cheshire grin.

“Yeah, about a month or two along so it’s still really early.”  I joked and this time it was my mother who threw her head back and let the melodic sound of her laugh echo around the room.

“Goddamn baby girl, I missed you so much.”

This was where Audrey always hooked me in.  Tossing around phrases such as, ‘love you,’ and ‘miss you,’ both of which were ones I craved to hear as I grew up.  I loved my mother but I wasn’t here to just shoot the wind and not have a conversation of meaning.

“I will always miss you, Audrey, because you are my mother.  The last time I was up here though broke me, mom.  You, dad
, and Gram never once thought of what your fucked up ways were doing to me.  It screwed me up so badly that even at 25 I was too damn scared to enjoy the perfect relationship that was seriously handed to me on a silver platter.”

Her head hung down a bit as she took in the depths of my words.  “Danielle, I can’t take back the person I was but trust me when I say how incredibly sorry I am that you were always put in the middle of it.  There were times when I would be out for days on end and I had flashes of guilt at what I was doing.  I kept trying to tell myself that I needed to be your mother; I had a responsibility to you but that guilt worked in the wrong way.  I’d think about all the time I wasn’t going to get back and I kept throwing more time apart between us.”

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