Fighting Lust: A Deadly Sins Novel (23 page)

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Authors: Jennifer Miller

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Fighting Lust: A Deadly Sins Novel
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“Hurry and get dressed,” I tell Tessa as I place her clothing in her hands. While she throws them on, I pull up and zip up my jeans and grab a bath towel she has thrown over a chair and roll it up quickly. When she’s decent, I go to the bedroom door and tap the doorknob.

“What are you doing?” she asks.

“Making sure it isn’t hot.” I say as I look at her and she actually rolls her eyes at me. “What? Better safe than sorry!” It isn’t hot, which means there’s no fire on the other side. I drop the towel.

“Don’t you think we’d smell or see smoke or something?” she asks with a laugh.

“Don’t mock me, firecracker. I won’t ever take risks where your safety is concerned. And who’s the professional fireperson here, anyway?”

Yanking the door open, a horrible smell greets us immediately making us both make sounds of disgust. “What the hell is that?” Tessa asks. “It smells like burnt popcorn, but worse.”

We walk down the hall hesitantly, then stop at the entrance to the kitchen, not really comprehending what we’re seeing. Tessa and I look at each other in disbelief at the view before us.

Gina’s standing on a chair and in her hand is a large obviously burnt, smoldering pan, with thick black smoke rising from its core. More interesting, it’s being held up under the fire alarm. In her other hand, a cell phone is pressed to her ear and she’s talking loudly. My mind can barely take it in. And it’s not just what she’s doing, but what she’s dressed in while doing it. What the hell is going on?

“What the hell are you doing?” Tessa asks taking the words right from my mind.

Gina’s head swings toward us in surprise as she continues to say something into the phone. She gets off the chair and looks slightly embarrassed. “Oh, you guys are here?” she asks in wonder. I immediately go to her, take the pan from her hand, place it into the sink and run water over it. It smokes more at first, but at least it’s cooling off. It smells like shit.

Turning to face her again, I am again struck by her appearance. She’s wearing a black silk nighty thing that has laces up the front. Her breasts are so close to popping out of the damn thing they alone should be a fire hazard. She’s wearing shoes with heels that have a poof thing on the toe and she’s wearing a hell of a lot of makeup that she doesn’t need.

“I didn’t know you were here,” she repeats. “Wait a minute, were you in your bedroom? What were you two doing?” she asks in a girlish singsong manner with an excited edge. While hilarious, she’s also incredibly nosey and I don’t buy her playing dumb act. I mean, where else would we have been? She saw that we came down the hall. She’s trying to divert our attention.

“Gina!” Tessa yells in disbelief, “What are

She looks at the pan now simmering in the sink. “Oh, that.”

“Yes. That. Why are the fire alarms going off? And why were you standing on that chair?” Tessa yells over the sound. I walk over to the counter and grab a towel and start waving it just below the alarm hoping to lower the temperature and stifle the annoying sound.

“Did you-? I mean, were you-?” Tessa can’t spit it out so I help her out.

“You did this on purpose?” I ask her directly.

“Well-” she answers dragging out the sound.

“What the hell, Gina?” Tessa asks again completely confused by her friend’s actions. Now that we know the apartment isn’t actually on fire, we’re torn between disbelief and amusement. I can see Tessa trying not to laugh when Gina avoids looking at her directly.

As sirens sound outside, I turn to Gina, in surprise. “Did you call nine-one-one? For something you did on purpose?” I ask, feeling a bit of relief as the alarms finally quit blaring.

“Not exactly,” she says and races to her purse on the counter. She pulls something out and Tessa stares at her incredulously. “Are you putting on
lip gloss?”

“Well duh.”

“Oh my god,” Tessa says. “You called the fire department.”

Gina shrugs as if this makes all the sense in the world. She walks to the apartment door and throws it open as if she’s royalty about to greet her loyal subjects. “Can you blame me?” she asks. “You saw how hot they all were right?”

I shake my head and look at Tessa. It takes everything I have to not laugh. Everything. It’s the craziest thing I’ve ever seen anyone do, and the guys on their way here will talk about this shit for weeks.

Tessa just shakes her head. “You know, Gina. I thought you couldn’t do anything that would astound me anymore. I was so wrong.”

Gina turns to her and winks, “Then all of this is worth it even if I don’t get a date. Gotta keep things exciting for you, babe.”

Snorting out a semi-stifled laugh, Tessa walks over to me and puts her head on my shoulder. “I am so sorry for her. Oh, and I guess we will owe your work friends all an apology too.”

“No apologies due and I don’t think she needs your sympathy or concern. I’m pretty sure that she knows exactly what she’s doing. ” I say leaning back on the counter, wrapping my arms around Tessa, enjoying the feel of her there.

As soon as the first fireman hits the apartment door in full gear, Gina is ready for him. His eyes bulge out of his head when he gets a load of her. “You called the fire department ma’am?”

“I sure did, honey. Sorry about that. I didn’t know one was already in the house,” she says referring to me. When Dan looks over Gina’s shoulder at me, he smiles. “Ryder? What’s up, man? What the hell is going on here?”

“Don’t ask me. I’m just here for the show.”

Another fireman, Reggie comes up the stairs and he too chokes back a look of bewilderment when he sees Gina. “Well, since you all are here, can you stay? We can order a pizza or Chinese or something!”

“So, there isn’t actually a fire ma’am?” Reggie asks, eyes solely focused on Gina’s legs. He takes his job seriously that one.

“Not anymore. Ryder handled it. I just accidentally burnt some popcorn and spice stuff and…the pan I threw it all in,” she says quickly, but we catch every word and Tessa shakes her head again. Dan walks into the kitchen, spots the pan in the sink and nods in understanding. “I guess high heat has its downside too, ” Gina says with an obvious pun that is likely not lost on the team now gathered in the kitchen. Dan continues to explore the stove burnt kernels of popcorn, a singed hot pad, and open containers of god knows what. He too shakes his head.

“Alright, we’re glad that everything is fine, but you should be more careful next time.”

“Don’t you worry your gorgeous head about that. I will.” Gina says with a large flirtatious smile.

“Okay then, we’ll be going now,” Reggie says.

“What? So soon?” Gina asks. “Let me at least feed you first. Or get you something to…uh drink.”

Tessa rolls her eyes and takes my hand, pulling me back into the bedroom. “Oh my god, that girl is nuts,” she says.

“Well, she’s entertaining, I’ll give her that.”

“Just when things were getting so very good too,” she says as she runs her hand up my chest.

getting good? Excuse me?”

“Yeah, you’re right. I mean, just when things were heating up even more.”

“That’s better.” And then I laugh lightly, catching her pun. Taking her hand in my own and bringing it to my lips, I kiss it softly. “It’s like our very own chastity alarm. Maybe it’s a good thing that damn alarm went off. I was about to break my promise.”

“I think I wasn’t objecting. In fact, I’m pretty sure I begged you to.”

Smiling sinfully, I cup her ass, “Yes, you did. I like the sound of you begging, firecracker. I can’t wait to hear it again some time.”

She smiles and tilts her head upward, rising to her toes. As her lips meet mine, my stomach growls loudly. Tessa smiles, “Come on, stud. Maybe we should make sure Gina’s ordering some food after all.”

“Sounds good, but I want to ask you something really quick.”

“Okay,” she looks at me and waits.

“Will you come watch me fight this weekend?”

“I didn’t know you had one again so soon.”

“I’m filling in last minute. Another fighter that was supposed to fight this guy, got injured. Jax asked me this morning if I’d want to fill in. It’s just me, none of the other guys are fighting. I’d like for you to be there, but only if you want to come.”

“Of course I want to go. I’ll be there. Just tell me when and where.”

“Good.” Leaning down I kiss her and then we walk out to find out if Gina followed through on that order.


It’s fighting day and as I warm up in the back, I wait for Tessa to show up. I asked her to come to the back. To start out the fight with me here and even walk out with my team. We have a seat saved for her in the front, but I want to see her before I fight. Gil has never liked my pre-fight entertainment, but this is my decision. I get to use whatever pre-fight warm-up routine that will work, and seeing her works for me.

Pacing back and forth, I watch as Cole sends all the women that try to come back away. They look to me in confusion and I ignore them all. Usually, I could care less if they want back here. The more the merrier. But, there’s only one girl’s attention I want now.

I don’t know why she’s not here yet. I hope she didn’t change her mind and is still coming. When I spoke to her earlier in the day she didn’t indicate that plans had changed.

“Ryder?” I whip around at the sound of her voice. She’s sliding past Cole and walking towards me. I take in the sight of her – a simple t-shirt and jeans manage to look amazing on her and I boldly walk right up and kiss her hard. I thrust my tongue into her mouth, grip her hair in my hand and yank her head back to penetrate deeper.

When I pull away, she looks dazed. “Whoa,” she says and I grin. “What was that for?”

“I’m just happy to see you. I thought you may have changed your mind and decided not to come. I’m just glad you’re here.”

“Sorry I made you worry. I was late getting out of work and I had to go home and change really fast. But, I’m here,” she smiles and drags her fingernails down my bare chest. “And you look sexy as hell,” she says with a saucy smile.

“Yeah? I think you should show me later,” I wink at her.

Before she can respond, Cole walks up behind her, “Let’s tape up your hands now.” I nod and hold them out so he can get to work. Tessa stands next to me and watches every move Cole makes.

“What do you mean I can’t come in? I always come back before the fight,” a female’s voice says very loudly and grabs all of our attention.

Looking toward the open door, which should be closed, a woman stands there and I feel dread at her appearance. Hell if I remember her name, but she’s been back here before a fight a lot and has even helped to uh… well… relax me before a fight, or after one. She’s decked out in the shortest white dress I’ve ever seen and she looks right at me and smiles.

“Ryder! Hey baby, let me in!”

Shaking my head, I look away from her and into the eyes of Tessa. I want to close mine, afraid of what I’ll see there, but she surprises me. Somehow, she always manages to do that. She looks entertained. Not a trace of anger on her face at all. “Fan of yours?” she asks crossing her arms and cocking out a hip.

Embarrassed, I shrug. Cole unhelpfully adds, “Yeah, he’s got a few of those.”

“Fuck dude. Really?” I ask angrily and he shrugs. “Just warning her. She may not be the last one Tessa encounters tonight.”

He’s right, but hell. “It’s okay,” Tessa says. “I’ve got this.”

Cole and I watch speechless as she approaches the door. “Hi, honey,” she says, and the way she says it is in that way that women hate. Mocking and with way more bitch than sass. “Ryder no longer needs your…uh…services. Right, baby?” She says as she turns and looks at me. I couldn’t look away from her even if I tried. “Right,” I confirm. Tessa turns back to the girl that looks like she wants to both cry and scream. “You can run along now. He has me.” And then she closes the fucking door in her face before she can even think about responding. My mouth hangs open in shock, Cole’s too. Then we look at each other and start laughing at how awesome that was.

Tessa smacks her hands together as if she’s wiping dirt off of them, “All taken care of.” She smiles widely and I smile back, “Well, that was certainly one way to handle it. Nicely done.” I tell her and she laughs.

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