Fighting Slave of Gor (58 page)

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Authors: John Norman

Tags: #Science Fiction, #Fiction, #General, #Fantasy, #Adventure, #Erotica

BOOK: Fighting Slave of Gor
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"Veminia!" said one.

"The barbarian!" said another.

"Yes," I said.

"She who came in chains from some market in Vonda?" asked another.

"That would doubtless be she," I said. "Where is she?"

"We do not know," said one.

I cried out in anger, and Tenalion lifted his whip.

"We do not know!" cried the first girl, shrinking back.

"Was she sold with you?" I asked.

"No, Master!" cried the first girl.

"Where is Oneander?" I demanded.

"We do not know!" wept the first girl. "Please do not whip us, our Masters!"

"Where do you think he is?" I asked.

"He was returning to Ar," said the first girl. "He is perhaps there."

I looked to Tenalion. "I would suppose he would be in Ar," said Tenalion, "but I would not know."

"I do not think I need to question these slaves further," I said.

Tenalion nodded, and he turned and went to the gate of the pen. When the door was opened he turned about and looked at the three girls kneeling by the palings. "You may break position," be told them.

"Thank you, Master," they said, lowering their arms, frightened.

"I must venture to Ar," I said to Tenalion, once outside the pen. "I think it likely that she whom I seek is in that city."

"Perhaps," said Tenalion.

I nodded. Miss Henderson was a slave. She could have been put on the block and sold, like any other girl, like the girls inside the pen. She might be anywhere.

"We will be returning to Ar in a month or two," said Tenalion.

"I do not understand," I said.

"Leave the slave for the time in whatever collar she wears," said Tenalion. He smiled. "She will doubtless, on one chain or another, be kept quite safe."

"I do not understand," I said.

"You are a strong fellow, Jason," said Tenalion. "I have heard of you. You once defeated the fighting slave, Krondar. I could use a man like you in my service. Remain with me in the camp. I pay well, and the use of most of these women would be yours for the asking."

"Tenalion is generous," I said. "I am truly grateful. But I wish to depart as soon as possible for the city of Ar."

"Are you truly so anxious to have this woman naked and chained at the foot of your couch?" asked Tenalion.

I smiled. It seemed to me absurd to think of Miss Henderson in such terms. Yet she was attractive. I did not think she would look bad chained at the foot of a man's couch.

"I must be on my way," I said.

"There is a tarnsman in camp, Andar," he said, "who is leaving for Ar shortly. He is a greedy fellow. Doubtless he could be convinced, for a silver tarsk, to grant you passage."

"My thanks, Tenalion," I said.

"In three days," he said, "you will be in Ar."

"I am grateful," I said.

We heard then the scream of a woman being branded.

"Is it the Lady Florence?" I asked.

"Not yet," said he. "There are several before her. Here she must wait her turn. Here she is only another girl." He looked at me. "Do you wish to wait," he asked, "to see her branded and collared?"

"No," I said, "she is only another girl."


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