Fighting Temptation (Bay State Series Book 1) (12 page)

BOOK: Fighting Temptation (Bay State Series Book 1)
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My mom doesn't argue. She just shakes her head, silently laughing. “You've got a good one. I look forward to watching her walk down the isle from my seat in the first pew.” She winks at us and turns to leave the room with my dad on her heels. I can't help but over hear her say to him. “She's perfect for him.”

“They're perfect for each other.” My dad really has gone soft.

Yeah, my mother's a very smart woman. There will never be anyone else for me, she's it. My forever. And I plan on showing her just how much she means to me as soon as we make it to the bedroom.

Fade to black




I stand and stare at the pictures Patty gave me with a huge smile on my face when I feel Braydon wrap his arms around my stomach, lean in and kiss my neck.

“Mmmmm,” I moan as I turn my face to his and kiss him passionately. Finally coming up for air I look into his eyes and see so much love reflected in them. “These pictures are beautiful.” If I didn't already know that he really loves me, I would by just looking at them.

“My mother definitely captured our feelings. Maybe she has a new hobby.” He slowly pulls me backwards towards the bed. His hands wander upwards, under my shirt and inside my bra, twisting and pulling on my nipples as we move.

“I want you.” I lean back, turning my head to whisper in his ear.

“God Ilyanna, you have me. I'm yours.” I love the sound of those words coming out of his mouth. And I know he means them. I have never been so sure of anything in my entire life.

The feeling is completely mutual.

“Damn straight your mine. I would have to go straight up bitch on anyone that would try to tell me otherwise.” I shrug in his arms.

“Straight up bitch, huh? Are you sure you didn't grow up in Boston?” He laughs and turns me quickly, lifting me and tossing me on the bed, making me yelp.

When I finally stop bouncing, I jump up, get on my knees and crawl to the end of the bed, looking at him as if he was my prey. This man makes me crazy. I reach him and nuzzle my face on his crotch. Opening my mouth, I gently bite the bulge in his pants. I hear him suck in a sharp breath so I do it again. Not as gentle this time, scraping my teeth along his denim.

He pulls me up and attacks my mouth, my neck and finally my ear before roughly pushing me back onto the bed. He quickly removes his jeans and boxers, grabbing his shirt, he rips it off over his head with acute urgency. I do the same, making short work of my clothes. God, I can't get naked fast enough.

“You are so beautiful.” He tells me as he lowers himself onto the bed. I spread my legs wide in invitation, running my hands from my hair, down my neck, over my breasts and finally coming to rest at my center. I circle my clit, earning a smoldering look from my man. “I love it when you touch yourself for me baby.” He tells me as he reaches one hand down and wraps it around his cock slowly stroking the entire length.

“That is so fucking hot. Mmmmm, why don't you come stroke that cock in my mouth baby while I play with my pussy.”

“Now that's fucking hot. I love your naughty mouth.”

“Your cock loves my naughty mouth, and it says hurry up and get up here. I want to taste you.”

He straddles me, moving up my body as he strokes himself and I lick my lips. I stick my tongue out as he reaches me and I lick around the tip making him groan. “I love your mouth on me, feels so fuckin' good.”

“Mmmm,” I moan around his entire length. Taking him to the back of my throat and back up again over and over.

He slides his glorious cock from my mouth, flips me over onto my stomach and I feel his hands on my ass opening me to his gaze. His mouth is on me instantly, sucking my lips and licking me from my anus to my clit, making me shudder. “Oh, soooo good baby.” I wiggle my ass on his face and he slaps it. Earning another yelp. “Oh yes....... again.”

“Yeah? You like it when I slap your ass baby?” He asks as he slaps me again, making me jerk against him. Between his mouth on me and his hand slapping my ass, I won't last much longer.

“Yes, yes, I fucking love it. You know I do. Your gonna make me cum so hard baby.”

“Mmmmm.” He moans as he sucks me. “Cum for me beautiful.” As soon as the words leave his lips I come undone, bucking and shaking my pussy against his tongue that's buried as deep as it will go inside me. Before I realize his face has even left me I feel him slam into me, leaning down on me, he nibbles my shoulder before licking up my neck and whispering in my ear. “I love you.”

“I love.....” I can't get the words out. He's quickly slamming in and out of me. Making it impossible for me to do anything but moan and pant. “You.... yes...... you feel...... sooooo..... good.”

We explode at the same time and he rolls off of me, pulling my back to his front and holds me close in his arms.

“I love you beautiful.”

“I love you too.”


“Come on sleepy head wake up?”

“Hmm?" I'm still foggy. I hate waking up in the morning. I know I have to but I still hate it all the same.

“Wake up beautiful, we have to go stuff the bird.”

“I don't want to,” I complain while snuggling the blankets tighter. He rips them off of me and the cold air hits my skin, immediately giving me the goosebumps. “Hey! Give them back, it's freaking freezing.”

“No it's not, get up and move around lazy bones. And it would help to put some clothes on, although I do love you naked.” He laughs and grabs my arm, pulling me up into a sitting position.

“Your killing me....”

“No baby, hardly. Come on, we can come back to bed right after we're done.”

“I won't be able to go back to sleep once I'm up. Can't you just do it without me?”

“Nope, this our first of many holidays together. We're doing it. Besides, I never said anything about sleep.”

I do like the way he thinks. I'm suddenly wide awake in all the right places. “Lead the way hot stuff,” I say and quickly throw on some sweats. “I can't wait to come back to bed so you can pay me for my cooking expertise.”

He laughs at my sudden mood change. “I'm gonna pay you all right. For giving me such a hard time.”

“Isn't it you that's going to be giving me the hard time?” I ask as I walk past him, earning me a slap on my ass. “Ow, I wasn't expecting that. Don't make me go back to bed and let you fix the bird yourself. Come on before we wake your parents up.”


“This is delicious,” I tell Patty after taking a bite of her homemade apple pie.

“Thank you, I'll have to give you the recipe. It was my grand mother's.”

The entire dinner was delicious. I have to admit I was a little bit hesitant to try the butternut squash but once I finally gave in, oh man it was delicious. Definitely going to be eating a lot more of it, that's for sure. 

“So Braydon, what time do you have to be on the road?” His dad asks him as me and Patty are clearing the table.

“We were thinking of leaving sometime between six and seven so we can make it home before midnight. I have something special planned for my special girl.” The last part was said softly as I was leaving the room.

I'll just pretend I didn't hear it. It's his Birthday this weekend, I don't know why I get the surprise.

“Here's the recipe. I hope you put it to good use. It's Braydon's favorite.” His mother's words pull me from my curiosity.

“Thanks, I will. It was awesome, seriously the best apple pie I've ever eaten.” I can't help but thank my lucky stars that I haven't been sick again since the last time. I think this baby is finally agreeing with me.

“Thank you, Ilyanna. I don't ever remember a time Braydon was this happy.”

“Your very welcome. I can't remember a time I was this happy either.”

“Just make sure you keep him in his place. These O'Donnell men can be quite stubborn.” She snorts and breaks out into a fit of giggles.

I laugh along with her, don't I know it. “I will. But I have to admit he's been pretty easy to deal with.”

She let out a belly laugh. “Oh honey, give it some time. When it comes to big decisions don't let him steam roll you. His father's tried that with me many times. Bottom line, I always and I mean always get what I want.”

She gives me a quick wink, making me chuckle  and I follow her back into the dining room, carrying Braydon's cake where the guys are still talking. Once they notice our approach they get quite. Hmmmm? Interesting. They were most likely talking about me but whatever. I know it wasn't anything bad so I pretend I didn't notice, leaning over, I give him a quick kiss.

“Cake time!” I announce happily, acting as if I don't realize they're conspiring something.


“I had a great time with your parents.” I'm watching the ever changing scenery go by as we make our way back to Boston.

“I'm glad, they really like you.”

“And I really like them too.” I turn to him, wearing an ear to ear smile. “So what's this surprise you have for me? Huh?”

“Now if I told you, it wouldn't be a surprise now would it?” He puts his hand on my thigh and squeezes it, sending a jolt of electricity straight through me. Oh, what this man does to me with just one touch.

I continue to watch as trees fly by us and get lost in my thoughts about the baby. Will he be happy? Mad? Oh God, I hope he's not going to be mad? I don't think he will be about the baby anyway but maybe at me for keeping this from him. I decide that I'm going to tell him as soon as we get home. I don't want to keep it from him anymore.

Looking over at him to watch his face as he concentrates on driving, I notice a bright light flash in my peripheral vision, coming straight towards us and hear his "Fuck", before facing forward just in time to see headlights on us and hear a sickening crunch and everything goes black.

Joyous pain




I slowly wake up and take in my surroundings. Monitors beeping to my right. I look down and sure enough, I'm connected to those monitors by needles and tubes. Pushing the button for the nurse, I try and remember how I got here. The headlights. Oh God, Where is Ilyanna?

“Ilyanna!!!! Ilyanna!!!!” I'm screaming at the top of my lungs as the nurse comes flying into my room.

“Calm down sir, your girlfriend is just down the hall. My name is Jessica. I'm your nurse this afternoon. The doctor will be in with you shortly. In the mean time, I will let your visitors know your awake and can see you as soon as the doctor's finished.”

“How is she? How's Ilyanna?” I'm freaking out, is she okay? My chest is heaving and I feel like I'm about to have a panic attack. Where's my girl? I want answers damn it!

“I'll let the doctor fill you in sir. Please just relax.” She says as she closes the door behind her.

Is she fucking insane? I won't be able to relax until I see her.

There's a knock on the door and a middle aged man walks in. “How are feeling Braydon? I'm Dr. Carter.” He tells me as he shakes my hand.

“I'm a little sore. How is Ilyanna?”

“She's still sedated after her surgery.”

“Surgery? What's wrong with her? I want to see her. Now!”

“I wouldn't suggest it quite yet. Let me check your vitals.” I sit as patiently as humanly possible under the circumstances. I just want to see her. “You have some minor bruising and a concussion. Other than that you'll be just fine. Ilyanna suffered a couple of broken bones in her right leg from the impact. Her surgery was successful, and the baby is  fine.”

Wait? What? “Excuse me, but did you just say baby?” Is she? Are we? We're going to have a baby?

“Yes, I take it this comes as a surprise to you?”

“Yes,” I whisper, still in shock.

A baby? Why didn't she tell me? A million emotions are running through my mind, but the strongest is joy. We're having a baby, and he or she are okay. That's the most important thing right now.

“When will we be able to leave?”

“I think I would like to keep both of you until at least Tuesday for observation.”

“What day is it now Doc?” I ask, I have no idea. All I can remember is driving home Thursday night from my parents. She agreed to marry me.....

“It's Sunday December first. You've been with us for a few days now. I'm going to let your visitors know they can see you now.”

“Thank you.” 

Damn, I was unconscious for my Birthday?

We're having a baby, holy shit.....

How far along is she?

Does she know?

Oh God, please let her be okay?

“Oh my God Braydon.” Rachel rushes towards my bed, leaving John in her dust as soon as they  enter the room.

I must have passed out again. I feel like shit and sore as hell. They must be feeding something into the iv that's making me sleep. I don't want the shit. I want to see Ilyanna, and I want to see her now, dammit.

“What the fuck happened man?” John asks as they sit in the chairs next to my bed.

“I don't remember too much. We were talking and all of a sudden headlights seemed to come out of nowhere and slammed into the car on her side. I was so scared when I woke up.” I feel so confused. I hate not knowing, not being able to see her, touch her. “Have you been able to go in and see her yet? The Doctor told me she was still unconscious.” I ask hoping they've at least been able to see her. I really don't like the fact that she's all alone.

Rachel nods and sniffs as she answers. “I was able to sit with her for a while before her mother got here. It was so awful Braydon. Apparently she has me as an emergency contact in her phone. So when they called me I asked them if they could fly you to Boston. Once they realized who you were they agreed. I called her mom right away and booked her a flight. She hasn't left her side since she got here first thing Saturday morning.”

“Thank you so much for that. I'm sure she'll be happy to see her when she wakes up. And for bringing us home. I'm not even sure where we were when it happened.” I tell her, trying to remember but keep drawing a blank.

“The number on my phone was from New Hampshire. Honestly I was so shaken, I can't even remember what the officer said.” She breathes a sigh of relief as John quietly listens, holding her hand and rubbing her back in a comforting gesture.

We all look up, startled by the knock on the door. As the Doctor enters the room, I'm holding my breath.

“How are you feeling Braydon? I've been informed that Ilyanna's awake and hysterically calling for you. I've ordered a wheelchair to take you to her room. It should be here shortly. Do you need anything while you wait?” He looks as relieved as I am from the news and looking at John and Rachel, it's clear that they feel the same.

“I'm feeling a lot better now thank you. I am a little thirsty and wouldn't mind something to drink. Other than water that is.” I smile weakly, not sure what I'm allowed to have and hoping he'll make an exception.

“I'll see what I can find for you. Only one visitor at a time for now. And I must say good luck prying her mother away from her.” He laughs. “That poor woman has not left her daughter's side. We had to bring in a cot for her. She insisted on sleeping with her but I had to refuse, with the healing bones and all.” He finishes shaking his head.

I hear my cell phone ringing from next to the bed. When I pick it up I see it's my mother. Answering quickly I'm greeted with heavy sobbing. “Braydon? Is this you?”

“Mom, I'm alright. Ilyanna's hurt pretty bad. She had to have surgery.”

“Oh no dear. I hope she's going to be alright. What happened?” I tell her as much as I remember as fast as I can, knowing someone will be back soon so I can go and see Ilyanna. “I'm so sorry we're not there. I just didn't think your father would be up for the trip.” She apologizes, still sniffling a bit but definitely calmed down from when I first answered the phone.

“No worries Mom, I'll call you back as soon as I see how she's doing. I love you.”

“I love you too Braydon.”

About fifteen minutes after getting off the phone the wheelchair arrives.

“Seriously! What the fuck took so long?” I look to John and Rachel, who both let out sighs of relief. I've been bitching impatiently since getting off the phone with my mom.


The sight that greets me when I enter her room makes me feel like I've been punched in the gut a hundred times. The entire right side of her face is swollen and covered in bruises. I can feel the tears start to build in my eyes as she looks at me with a trembling smile on her beautiful lips.

“Hi baby, how are you feeling?” I ask as I approach her side, her arms stretched wide.

“I'm sore, but honestly I'm so happy we're alright. I was so scared when I woke up and didn't know where you were or if you were hurt.” She has matching tears in her eyes, no doubt for the same reason as mine.

Joy, pure and simple for both of us being in one piece after the accident. I don't mention the baby, I'll leave that to her.

“Happy Birthday. I guess that's ruined huh?” So selfless, worrying about my birthday when it's the furthest thing from my mind.

“Thank you and not a chance, we can celebrate when we're both feeling better. John and Rachel want to come in and say hi. I'll just be out in hall talking with your mom.”

“I don't want you to leave. They can come in now, but your not leaving this room.” She says with a small pout on her lips.

“They won't let any more than one person in at a time. You'll be fine baby, I'll be right outside the door.” I lean over from my wheelchair and give her a soft tender kiss and her dam bursts. I pull back and stare into her eyes that are now streaming with tears that are running freely down her cheeks. “What is it?”

She grabs both sides of my face in her hands and pulls me into her for another kiss. “We're having a baby. I'm sorry I didn't tell you before. I wanted to surprise you for Christmas. I'm so, so sorry. If something would have happened to her and you didn't know, I never would have been able to forgive myself.”

“Shhhh, it's alright, I forgive you. A girl huh? What makes you think that? Our son will be pretty upset to learn that his mother called him a girl throughout the whole pregnancy. I'll tell him.” I say in jest, trying to cheer her up. It worked like a charm, putting a smile back onto my girl's face.

Smacking my arm she starts to giggle and it's the best damn sound I've ever heard. “I don't know just a feeling, I'll be happy either way, boy or girl. And you be nice, you have to deal with me every day now. I'm officially moving in.”

My face breaks out into a huge grin. This day just keeps getting better and better. “As soon as we're better we're going house shopping. Or we can build, it's completely up to you. I love you so much. I'm going to go now so you can see our friends for a few.”

“I love you too handsome, hurry back to me.”


“I want a room with two beds for the rest of our stay.” I demand of the doctor when he approaches me in the hallway outside of Ilyanna's room.

“I don't think that will be a problem. Let me make the arrangements. It might take a couple of hours, but I'll make it happen.” He puts his hand on my shoulder and gives me a stern look. “No funny business alright, your both still in rough shape.”

I laugh, shaking my head. “I don't think that'll be a problem doc.”

“Be back in a bit.” He turns and walks down the hall to the nurse's station, hopefully putting the wheels in motion for our move.

I've been away from her long enough, two more days is not gonna happen. Even if I have to sleep on the chair in her room.

I'm stunned when I turn around and see a slightly shorter and older version of Ilyanna heading towards her room. I meet her at the door and hold out my hand. “You must be Mary? Braydon, it's a pleasure to meet you.”

She launches herself at me holding on for dear life and starts to sob. “I'm so happy to finally get to meet you too, just wish it wasn't under such circumstances.” She releases me, wiping her face and shaking her head she apologizes. “I'm sorry, I'm such a mess.”

“No problem at all ma'am, it's understandable. You want to know a secret?” She slowly nods with a small smile on her lips. “I'm a mess too.” She lets out a small laugh and finishes wiping the tears off of her face with her sweater.

She hugs me again and gives me a kiss on the cheek. “Thank you Braydon.”


“Can I ask you a favor?” I ask Rachel. We're sitting in the cafeteria grabbing some dinner.

“Sure, whatever you need. You know that.”

“Will you pack Ilyanna a bag for about a week? We won't be going back to work for a little bit. I had planned on taking her away for awhile and I was able to just postpone it until Wednesday. The doctor said we'll be here until Tuesday. I can pack a quick bag when we get back to my place before we go.”

“No problem. We'll head home after we're finished here and come back in the morning.” She looks at John and he just nods while chewing his food.

“Where are you taking her?” He asks once he's swallowed his mouthful.

“Lee Brice is playing Friday night in New York. We were supposed to be heading there today but obviously those plans changed. She doesn't know about it so don't say anything okay. All I've heard is how much she loves his music so I know she'll have a great time.”

“I'm so jealous,” Rachel says with a scowl on her face.

John and I share a secret look. They're coming too, just not heading out till Friday. Someone has to keep an eye on B.C.O Financials while I'm away and there's no better man for the job.

“I'm gonna get back to my girl and check with the doctor about our new room. I'll see you guys in the morning. Thanks again for everything.”

“Is the wheelchair really necessary?” I ask the doctor when I get back to my room.

   He looks at me for a few seconds and sighs. “I don't see a problem with you not using it, just take it easy. You had a concussion and I don't want you over doing it.” He looks at his chart and continues. “I don't think you need the i.v anymore, honestly you could probably go home.” I open my mouth to say something, but he holds his hands up. “I know what your going to say and that's why I'm not releasing you. Let's face it, I know you won't leave Ilyanna. I would want to stay with my wife if I were in your shoes.”

Tapping his pencil on his clipboard, he takes my hand to help my out of the chair. “I don't see any reason why I can't just put her in a private room and let you stay. With a separate bed of course, you can stay admitted for a couple more days and we can keep an eye on you.”

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