FillingtheVoid (3 page)

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Authors: Zenobia Renquist

BOOK: FillingtheVoid
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“Morning, Naomie,” he called with a wave. “I didn’t get an
answer when I rang the doorbell so I thought you might be sleep already.”

She returned his wave. “I decided to go running. The fact
that it’s Tuesday totally slipped my mind. I mean I knew it was Tuesday but the
significance…” She shook her head. “Whatever. Why did you ring? I know today is
payday but did you need something else?”

He grinned as he scratched the back of his neck and dropped
his gaze. “Just curious to see what you were wearing today.”

“Or not wearing.”

“Yeah, that too.”

Jaime was a cute kid. He lived with his parents two suburbs
over while he worked all day and attended night and online classes to finish
the requirements for his bachelor’s degree. The recommendation to hire him had
come from one of the girls who liked to visit Naomie when her parents weren’t
paying attention. The girl had a crush on Jaime and had spent many hours
touting his attributes to Naomie, none of which had anything to do with his
ability to care for Naomie’s lawn.

Naomie had made an appointment with him for the following
day. That was six months ago. Dane had taken some convincing—the kind that had
lasted all night and into the morning—about hiring a gardener. The man had gone
to work tired but grinning ear-to-ear. Meanwhile Naomie had been so caught up
in the euphoric afterglow that the meeting with the new gardener had slipped
her mind as did her state of undress when she answered the door.

Nothing but a T-back thong was her normal at-home attire,
sometimes not even that much. Poor Jaime had stood on the other side of the
doorway open-mouthed and staring. As far as first meetings go, it left a
lasting impression.

Of course Naomie hadn’t been embarrassed. Her ample breasts
were worthy of attention and had gotten her plenty over the years. Jaime’s
blue-eyed gaze had been riveted to her dark nipples, which rose and fell with
her every breath. The telltale bulge in his pants had been a nice compliment.
She’d still apologized though for appearing like that.

Slipups like those weren’t common. To date, Jaime was only
the second man to witness her absentmindedness after a romp with Dane. The
first had been Sam when he’d come to greet the new additions. He’d been as
happily shocked as Jaime. She couldn’t have said the same for Cathy, who’d
tossed a few Bible verses about harlots Naomie’s way before dragging her
husband home.

Cathy hadn’t rallied the other wives to run the temptress
out of town but she had warned them to be vigilant. Thus Naomie had no friends
around her. Not that she wanted these stuck-up, repressed snobs as her friends.
They didn’t bother her and she tried her best not to bother them…as much as she
could, given the women usually got pissed off every time they saw her. But that
might be the fault of her clothing choices.

She pulled at the fabric of her yoga pants and gave Jaime a
wry smile. “Not my usual, I know. Give me a little bit to shower and change and
I’ll give you something to stare at.”

“You’re always worth staring at, Naomie, no matter what
you’re wearing.” He chuckled. “Or not wearing.”

“Aren’t you precious?” She flicked her finger under his
chin. “I’ll let you get back to work. I want to talk to you after about doing
something with this lawn besides mowing it.”

Jaime looked around. “Yeah, it could use some beautification.”
He wiggled his eyebrows. “Nude sunbathing is a good start.”

She laughed. “Yes, ’cause Lord knows I need a tan bad.”
Holding up an arm, she played as if she was considering what a tan would look
like on her. If her brown skin got any darker, Dane might lose her at night.
Then again…naked hide-and-seek had a certain appeal.

Sure Dane’s olive complexion meant he would always lose, if
bedroom games had losers. Another option for that night had presented itself.
Again, dependent on whether Dane had the energy for it.

She unlocked and opened the front door. “Ring the bell when
you finish.”

“You know I will.”

After tossing a wave over her shoulder, she closed the door
and headed to the master bathroom. She entered the bedroom and turned right
back around when she remembered the water bottles she’d wanted to give Jaime.

She went to the kitchen, grabbed four and then carried them
to the front door. Jaime paused, though he didn’t shut off the mower this time,
when she stepped out onto the front porch. She shook one bottle at him and set
the rest on the railing. Jaime gave her a thumbs-up and resumed mowing.

He urged the mower into a turn and started pushing it toward
the street. Naomie was about to go back into the house when the swaying chain
attached to his belt loop caught her attention. The other end of the chain was
probably attached to a wallet or something. But that wasn’t what interested

Every step Jaime took made the chain slap against his ass—an
ass that was hard and round and framed nicely in his loose cargo jeans.
Naomie’s fingers twitched with the need to grab a handful and see how firm his
ass really was. She loved men with a bubble butt. It made for a great handhold
while they moved between her legs. Dane had the perfect ass against which
Naomie judged all other men. And suddenly she was in the mood to see how
Jaime’s compared.

A slow, hungry smile curved her lips as she took in the rest
of him—tall and lean with a narrow waist and tight arms. One time, a few weeks
ago, she had caught him lifting his shirt to wipe sweat off his brow and had
been treated to a view of his subtle six-pack. Not well defined but there—a
worker’s body. The sight hadn’t done much for her then but she hadn’t been
horny at the time.

Naomie retreated into the house. She strummed the fingers of
her left hand over her nipple ring through her sports bra as she tried to
figure out a way to entice Jaime into giving her what Dane hadn’t. The motion
was part stimulation and part habit. Naomie fondled her nipple ring when she
was thinking the same way some people chewed the tips of pens or tapped their
fingernails on tabletops.

Jaime had to talk to her when he finished. That would be the
perfect time to see if he was interested in doing more than talking. She also
had a white lace top that accented her dark nipples and would go nicely with
her cutoff jean booty shorts—the kind that showed the swell of her ass cheeks
and her pussy lips if she bent over. She liked to wear them with the zipper
open so it showed off her thong, which would match the white lace top. All
together the perfect recipe for temptation that would make any man hard…and

Her shower was utilitarian and short. She would be taking
another afterward anyway. By the time she dressed and returned to the living room,
Jaime had started edging. He still had the backyard to do before Naomie could
get her hands on him. She spent the time watching him, something she hadn’t
done until now and regretted.

Lawn maintenance was dirty, sweaty work. Jaime had drunk
three of the four bottles of water she’d given him. She would have to set out
more. His bandana was soaked and he had a smudge of dirt across his neck from
when he’d brushed away some grass that got stuck there.

Funny how anything could be sexy when the woman watching
wanted the man enough. And she did want him. Her juices soaking through the
crotch of her jean shorts was proof. She leaned against the kitchen island—the
house midpoint that afforded her a view of the front and back yards without
having to move except to turn around.

She reached under her top so she could play with her nipple
ring unimpeded, tugging and twisting the metal, making her nipple hard and the
desire to feel Jaime’s tongue toying with the ring more urgent. Would he take
it and her nipple into his mouth and suck the way she liked or dodge the ring
in a bid to taste her nipple only? She guessed that would depend on whether he
was scared of hurting her or not.

Some people had preferred paying attention to only her right
breast because they didn’t want to risk doing something to the ring that might
injure her. No amount of assurances had gotten her left breast the tongue
action she’d desired. She hadn’t seen those partners again. Skittish lovers
annoyed her. She craved a man who knew what he wanted and exactly how he wanted
it. The same went for women. No hesitance or uncertainty.

From her few conversations with Jaime, she pegged him as
such a man. She hoped she was right. Her pussy hungered for hard, fast and
full. There might be a little awkwardness at first. Not everyone was okay with
what they perceived to be adultery, but the neighborhood had already surmised
she was the type. It wasn’t since Dane knew, allowed it and had other sexual
partners also. They had an open marriage. Rumors from those too chicken to ask
wouldn’t paint it as such. Jaime must have heard the rumors and gossip, so
Naomie’s proposition, when she made it, shouldn’t surprise him that much.

She moved her right hand down her belly, beneath her thong
and between her lower lips so she could slip her fingers over her throbbing
clit. Soft caresses. Not enough to excite or satisfy. Just idling the engine as
Dane liked to say.

Her slick slit coated her fingers in liquid arousal in
seconds. Keeping her touch light turned out to be more difficult than she’d
thought it would. A little lower and she could stuff her fingers into her
channel and let her screams of pleasure call Jaime to her. There wouldn’t be
any question about the situation then. Just clothes being pulled out of the way
so he could replace her fingers with his dick.

She nibbled her bottom lip as she trailed her fingers lower,
debating. Petting her clit—long, slow, even strokes—won out. Let Jaime finish
his work first. He prided himself on a job well done so his clients would recommend
the company he worked for.

He moved to the backyard, pushing the mower along its
back-and-forth path, only stopping long enough to wipe his face or take a swig
of water. Her ran through the bottles she’d given him before he was half
through. Naomie saw that but didn’t move, didn’t stop what she was doing. She
let him come to her, let him get close to the glass back door so he could see
her fondling her body.

Jaime’s gaze bounced between her breasts and the hand
between her legs. He couldn’t see what her fingers were doing, the front of the
thong hid it, but she was sure he could imagine. The bulge tenting the front of
his pants said he imagined just fine. He tapped his empty bottle against the

Naomie released her breast first, pulling her hand free and
then holding her waist while she took her right hand out her shorts. Her
fingers were wet, obviously so. Thin lines of moisture connected her fore and
middle fingers like webbing. No denying what he saw, not that she was going to.

She pushed off the island and went to the cupboard to get
three more water bottles, making sure to grab each with her right hand. Jaime
was grinning when she opened the door to him. “More water, right?”

“Yeah. Thanks.” He flipped the bottle in his hand under his
arm so he could receive the ones she carried. Two he put in his cargo pants
pockets. The third he held tight, sliding his fingers over the wet spot Naomie
had left when she handled it. “So what are you doing exactly?”

She plucked the empty bottle from under his arm and rubbed
the cap back and forth over her right nipple. Her lace top made a rasping noise
as the ribbing on the cap brushed it. Both sensations teased her nipple into
hardness. “Waiting for you to finish.”

“So we can talk about landscaping.”

Naomie sliding her tongue over her lips caught and held
Jaime’s attention. He followed the progress of the tip of her tongue as she wet
her lips before he resumed staring at the bottle she used to tease her nipple.
“That too.”


She stepped closer to him, only the doorjamb separating
them, and moved the bottle so the top slid over the tent in his pants. His dick
twitched, jostling the bottle. “Yes, too.” She looked him in the eyes. “Unless
you don’t want. In which case, I have a toy box to find.”

? As in a box
of toys?”

She nodded with an affirmative noise that more resembled a
come-hither purr. “A big box. It has to be. I have several toys. It takes a lot
to replace all the things a good man can do.”

Jaime shifted forward, pressing the bottle into his
erection. “I’m a good man.”

“I thought you might be, which is why I’m waiting for you.”

“I can be done now if—”

She pressed her left pointer finger to his lips then smiled
when he sucked it into his mouth. The way he rippled the wet tongue along her
skin let her know she had chosen a man with skills, but then that was probably
the point of the action. She said, “I don’t like half-assed anything. Either do
it right or don’t bother starting.”

“Yes ma’am,” he said around her finger.

“Good.” She swirled her finger in his mouth, getting it good
and wet, before extracting it and sliding it beneath her thong so she could
resume caressing her clit. “And no rushing either. Men who rush always fail to
get me off.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.”

“You do that.” She stepped back and closed the door on him.

Invitation sent and accepted, she decided to get some food.
Granola and yogurt was her usual breakfast and she saw no reason to change that
part of her routine. And this morning’s meal came with a show.

Jaime glanced at the house each time he turned the mower
toward it. A few times, she waved her spoon at him and got a wave back. But the
food didn’t last and she had other things to do besides distracting Jaime.

Her email came to mind first. One last long look at Jaime
and then she headed to the bedroom-turned-office. She tapped the mouse to bring
the computer out of sleep mode while she lowered herself onto the office
chair—a deluxe, vinyl-covered, wide-seat model with padded armrests that were
far enough apart to accommodate Dane with Naomie sitting on or straddling his
lap. An activity that had them going through computer chairs almost as often as

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