Filthy Beautiful Love (13 page)

Read Filthy Beautiful Love Online

Authors: Kendall Ryan

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #IDS@DPG,

BOOK: Filthy Beautiful Love
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"It's just that you've lived in the shadow of me and my illness for so long. This is your time now and I don't want anything to get in the way of that."

"When's your next doctor's visit?" I ask, changing the topic away from my own love life.

"I go in on Monday. But I'm feeling fine." She notices my now sour mood and her smile turns into a frown. "Hey, I'm sorry to get so heavy on you. I just want to know that no matter what happens, you're going to be okay."

"Of course I am." My life is coming together and Becca is finally getting well. We all have a lot to look forward to.

I lay staring straight up at the sun. Our conversation has left me slightly on edge. Actually the entire day has. Between my parents meeting Colton for the first time, my conversation with Marta and now this strange discussion with Becca…I've lost my zen sense of calm.
. It's gone.

My gaze strays to Colton and I see that he's watching me from across the pool. He's holding his cell phone in his hand and glances at my beach tote beside my chair and then back at me again. I fish my own cell phone from the bag, wondering if that's what he's signaling me to do.

As soon as I pull my phone out, I see a text from him.

You look stressed out.

I gaze up at him, wondering how he can read me so well, how he can possibly be so tuned in to
when he's entertaining guests. I love him even more in that moment. I type out my reply.

I'm not. Not really.

You're lying.

I glance up at him and smile. I love that he knows me so well.

I'm fine. I promise. ;)

I keep my eyes on the screen, waiting for his reply to come, but when it doesn’t I look up at him again. He's standing across the pool and I'm struck by the beauty of our idyllic surrounding. There is nothing but blue sky overhead, and the brilliant sun shining down on him makes him look like a bronzed statute of a Greek god. His bare chest and mansion of a home rising up behind him, with only the expanse of sparkling blue water separating us remind me how lucky I am.

Finally he texts me back.

Well I'm not.

What's wrong?

I want to fuck you.


"I'm gonna go for a swim," Becca says.

Shit, I'm so wrapped up in my naughty text conversation with Colton that I'd forgotten she was beside me. "Okay. Have fun." I watch as she saunters away toward the pool, and see Pace looking longingly after her, but not making a move. I briefly wonder if Colton's warned him to stay away from her.

Once Becca's in the water, I glance back down at my phone.

My cock misses you. I told him we'd have you later, but he's pretty fucking adamant it needs to be now.

Now? As in NOW?

Is he insane? We can't possibly. Just as my head is spinning, my phone chimes in my hand.


I glance up at him and watch him type out another message.

Meet me in the pool house.

My nipples harden against my bikini top and my heart trips over itself in its fight to pick up speed. Without waiting for me to respond, Colton tucks his phone into the pocket of his board shorts. He says something to my father, who nods once, and then he strolls casually toward the pool house.

My own walk to the pool house is not so casual. I feel as guilty as a criminal on death row, certain that everyone is watching me and knows exactly what I'm headed off to do. My cheeks are already flaming bright red and my breathing is coming too fast. Apparently I suck at secret sex rendezvous.

When I reach the door to the pool house – that to any normal person would be a generously sized home – Colton is standing at the door waiting for me with an expectant smile.

"You came."

"Did you really think I'd turn you down?" I ask.


Taking my hand, he pulls me inside and shuts and locks the door behind us. The three bedroom – two bath home is under construction. The wallpaper has been stripped from the walls and there are tarps covering the floors. Dust and random tools are scattered about.

All the silly little things I was worried about earlier fade away as I focus entirely on my man and this beautiful moment.

Taking my wrists in his hands, he brings each to his mouth, kissing the underside of each one. His smirk tells me he can feel the way my pulse is rioting at his touch. He guides me into the kitchen and stops us beside the stone counter top.

"Hands on the counter," he whispers low near my ear, his lips tickling the sensitive skin at my neck.

I swallow and comply, turning around placing my palms flat on the counter.

He moves behind me and I feel him slowly untie the string at my back. His hands move under the cups of my bikini top and he massages my breasts, plucking my hard nipples until I gasp out at the sensation.

Sweeping my ponytail out of the way, he tugs at the string behind my neck and removes my top completely, setting it onto the counter beside my outstretched hands. He kisses all along the back of my neck and my spine while his hands continuing rubbing my breasts and nipples. I push my ass back against him and am greeted by his thick erection, that I'm sure is barely contained by his board shorts. He releases a sharp grunt.

Colton's hands skim down my sides and push into the back of my bikini bottoms. He cups my ass, kneading it in his hands and then continues pushing my bottoms down until they pool around my ankles.

"Spread your legs," he breathes against my ear.

I tremble all over, but widen my stance, readying my body for him.

I hear him unlace his swim shorts, the crinkle of fabric is the most delicious sound, as he pushes them down his hips.

"I'm going to feed you my cock. One inch at a time. Stay nice and quiet, okay?"

I nod and feel him begin to rub the head of his cock against me, testing my wetness.

Colton presses forward, just the broad tip of him entering me. I whimper and turn my bottom up, needing to feel him push deeper.

He retreats back. "You have to stay quiet, sweetness. We wouldn’t want anyone to know I was fucking you in here, would we?"

I nod again. "I'll be quiet. I promise."
Just keep fucking me.

One hand remains anchored to my hip and the other comes around to my front. He reaches between my legs and uses his fingers to rub my slick clit in tiny circles.

Pleasure rocks through me as an unexpected orgasm slams into me. I pump my hips back into his, taking him deeper with each thrust.

"Colton…" I moan, unable to keep quiet.

He stuffs my bikini top into my mouth, muffling my cries of pleasure. "Shh…" he reminds me, "I want to make you come again."

I whimper softly, biting down on the fabric that smells faintly of chlorine and sweat.

Taking both of my hips into his hands, he pulls me back against him each time he thrusts forward, slamming into me, making me cry out. "You look so fucking hot, baby. I want to fuck your ass so bad."

He presses one finger inside my ass and the sensation–while completely foreign–is like nothing else. Pleasure grips me from the inside out. It's fucking hot. His finger presses deeper and he releases a strangled groan.

"So. Fucking. Sexy," he growls.

His cock swells and I know he's close.

"I'm going to come all over your ass."

He continues pumping into me while dragging his finger in and out of my backside and soon I feel my insides trembling.

My climax bursts through me and my muffled screams fill the quiet room. Colton wraps one hand around my mouth and slams into me again and again, milking every last ounce of pleasure from my body.

Then he pulls his cock free and I feel warm semen spurting onto my ass and lower back as he empties himself, marking my skin.

Holy shit that was hot.

He plants a damp kiss to the back of my neck, and then bends down and slides my bikini bottoms back up my legs. I'm all wet and messy from both of our climaxes, but the house has been cleaned out–there's no paper towels or running water even.

"Colton?" I ask, wondering how I'm going to clean myself up.

"You can use the outdoor shower." His easy smile and eyes, bright with desire, challenges me.

I don't know what game he's playing, but if I go outside like this, there's a chance people could see me. Yet there's no way I'm backing down. I'm feeling spunky and full of life after our mid-day sexual adventure.

"Not a problem, Mr. Drake." I smile sweetly and his mouth drops open.

I saunter out into the sunlight with him following closely behind me, hoping that none of our guests notice the semen marking my lower back and thighs.



Chapter Eleven




She pulls the chain above her, water cascading down from the rainfall shower head, drenching her from head to toe.

I get half-hard again watching her. Streams of water run down her body and her nipples harden from the cool water. I have to force myself to look away to try and tame my erection. I've hit it off with her parents nicely and I wouldn’t want to undo all my good first impressions by getting an awkward boner while I ogle their daughter.

Sophie trains her gaze on me and her challenging smirk tells me she knows exactly what game she's playing. Bad little girl. She'll be spanked later for trying to rile me up like this.

I raise an eyebrow in question and Sophie shuts off the spray of water and wraps a towel around herself, covering up all of those beautiful assets.

A shriek pierces the otherwise peaceful setting and all eyes dart over to the patio doors. Kylie is toting a screaming baby on her hip and a beach bag overflowing with diapers and baby toys in the other arm.

I cross the stone walkway and take the bag from her shoulder – no way I'm offering to take a screaming baby. A calm one, I might attempt, but not this thing. He's taking lessons from a banshee, I'm sure of it. No other possible explanation for how he'd be able to reach those octaves, otherwise.

"Thanks. And sorry about Max," Kylie says, accepting my help.

"Not a problem. Is everything…okay?" I ask, lifting an eyebrow at the banshee, I mean baby, in question.

"He's been like this for days. Cries nonstop. He's teething," she explains.

"Then let's get you a glass of wine. Anything I can get for the little guy?" I ask.

She shakes her head. "No, hopefully he'll quiet down. I'm so sorry, I don’t want him to ruin the party."

"He's not, Kylie. Not at all. Come, please, relax." I lead her over to the bar, where Pace and Collins have been parked all afternoon.

Pace rises to his feet, assuming the role of bartender. "What can I get ya?"

"Pace, Collins, this is Kylie. She's the mastermind behind my charity organization."

Introductions are exchanged while Pace pours Kylie a white wine.

"Are you sure you don't want something stronger?" Collins asks, smiling at the still wailing baby in her arms.

"I'm pretty sure my eardrums burst two days ago." She explains, for their benefit, that the little guy is teething.

"Let me take him," Pace offers, crossing around the bar and stopping before Kylie. "Do you mind?"

Her eyebrows shoot up her forehead in surprise. I'm just as shocked. Pace is a tomcat on the prowl, but even he's not stupid enough to try and seduce another of my employees- especially not one who's a single mother.

"You can try…" No sooner than the words are out of Kylie's mouth and the baby's in Pace's arms – his crying stops entirely. The sudden silence surprises us all and we stand there, staring at Pace holding a baby.

"Hey little man," Pace says, bouncing the baby with one arm.

The baby stares blankly at my goofy brother, his giant blue eyes blinking against the sunlight as he takes it all in.

The baby grabs Pace's sunglasses, pulls them from his face and begins chewing on the end.

"I'm so sorry, he's got teething toys in here somewhere," Kylie says, rushing to dig through the giant bag at her feet.

"We're cool," Pace says, sauntering away with the little guy.

"What is he, the baby whisperer?" Collins jokes.

We all shrug and Kylie takes a giant sip of her wine, her eyes on Pace and her son.

Pace spends most of the afternoon with the baby, holding him, bouncing him on his knee, swimming with him in the pool… and Max remains quiet and content throughout the entire thing – his wide blue eyes pinned on the man holding him the entire time.

"Is he usually like this with babies?" Kylie finds me and asks.

"This is a first," I admit.

She chews on her lip and watches them splash around in the shallow end of the pool. I have no idea what she's thinking and frankly, I don’t want to know. Pace and Kylie would be a terrible idea.

Later we sit down to a perfect meal prepared by Beth, and Pace relinquishes his hold on the baby only long enough to eat, passing him over to Sophie so that Kylie can eat in peace. Pace may have been fine babysitting all afternoon, but nothing will stand in between him and the pile of ribs on his plate. It's just as well, he'd probably eat the baby's arm off by mistake.

The sight of Sophie with a baby in her arms does something strange to me. My heart flutters in my chest and I absently press my palm against it, trying to get it to beat normally once again.
What the hell?
Sophie's babbling something to him, something I can't quite make out, but her voice is whisper soft and sweet, unlike I've ever heard before. I decide that I like it. Quite a lot.

She sits down with him on her lap and feeds him little bites of crackers that she's broken into tiny pieces. I never knew this could be so captivating, but for some damn reason, they have captured my absolute attention.




When Sophie and I crawl into bed that night, we're both suntanned and lethargic from the afternoon spent entertaining.

"I'm glad our families met," she says around a yawn.

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