Final Act (22 page)

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Authors: Dianne Yetman

BOOK: Final Act
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I know who fits the description – Hazel.  Years ago her
family – husband, children, and
farm were wiped out by a tornado in Oklahoma
.  She left the town and never went back.
not delusional
, has
no mental health issues
, doesn’t drink or do drugs.  The story she told didn’t spring from her imagination.  Someone’ in trouble.”

I better pass this on to the authorities
”, Susan said

“Yes”, Hanya said.  “If the threat’s real, it’s police business.  I
’m hoping to speak to Kate later on.  I can pass it on but no doubt she’ll want to talk to you in person.”

thanked Hanya for letting them know about the veiled threats made against them,
shook hands, said their good bye’s.
When the door closed behind Hanya, Susan turned to Alexis.

“So that’s that.  W
e’ll leave method acting to the experts.  I’ll tell you one thing,
I won’t miss those damn stilettos, my calves still ache.”

Hanya hurried to the car, called Kate but no answer.  She left a message but never received a return call.

Chapter 9

Gordon and Kate
sat side by side in the waiting
room outside of Intensive Care for hours.
She had
stared at the watercolours hanging on the wall
until t
he pictures began to blur. 
Gordon and Withers sat on either side of her wearing the faces of the sleep deprived.  They had taken turns doing a coffee run, started conversations that petered out, and sunk back into their own private prayers or reveries.  Roger’s mother and his aunts emerged from the ICU during the long vigil to give them an update.  It was always the same
.  He still hadn’t regained consciousness after the surgery; the doctors weren’t optimistic about his recovery.  The surgeon tried to convince them to go home.
They stayed until Roger’s mother insisted they leave, promising to call if there was any change. 

Kate grabbed three hours of dream filled sleep then left for the hospital where she caught up Gordon and Withers at the entrance.  The stressed looking trio made their way back to the waiting room.  Gordon briefed them on the way.  A team had been assembled to investigate the attempted murder, cops who were off roster gathered at the precinct.  Everything that could be done was being done. 

Sitting in silence, side-by-side, they waited.   A nurse came out to tell them that Dr. Sara Trembler would be with them shortly.  Withers’ face
paled, Kate sat ramrod straight and Gordon’s right foot began to tap.  Sa
ra came out of the door of the unit; a blank look on her face
, her hands wrapped around her stethoscope, eyes bloodshot.

Kate’s heart went out to
Sara as she watched her approach.  H
ow painful it must be to see the man you love at death’s door. 
There was a tremor in the woman’s voice when she spoke.

come out of the coma, tried to talk, but i
too weak.”

Three smiling, hopeful faces looked up at her. 

According to his surgeon, Roger’s
not out of the woods yet. 
took a serious beating, there’s head trauma, concussion.  A blood clot behind his left eye
may require further surgery if the blood thinners don’t do the trick. 
as multiple bruises,
contusions, two broken ribs but
major organs are fine.” 

“How soon do you think we could speak to him, Sara”, Kate asked.

“It’s hard to say; he’s heavily sedated.  Why don’t you grab something to eat, come back in an hour or so, then... her voice cracked and she struggled for control.  “I’m sorry; I have to go
, I’m on early morning rounds.”

They thanked Sara and watched as she rushed towards the stairwell. Withers
stood, told them he was going back to the precinct and work on the roster. 
He asked them to call if they heard anything.

“We’ll be joining you shortly, Withers”, Gordon said.  He turned to Kate. “
We need to talk.  Let’s hit the cafeteria.”

Ten minute later,
ing on a
jelly doughnut. 
“I will never understand
why hospitals, cop shops, and cafeterias can’t make a decent cup of coffee.   It’s tar for God’s sake, black tar.  Do you see how much sugar I had to put in just to get it down?”

Kate ignored his remark
, sipped her ora
nge juice
and scanned the cafeteria waiting for Gordon to begin his talk.  He was taking his time and she was getting antsy.  L
across the table
she said his
name with such intensity he stopped chewing mid-stream.

“I want to be part of the investigation team into Roger’s beating. 
I have to be.  Understood

Oh, I understand alright but it’s not happening.
You’re in the middle of a murder investigation
, two dead bodies and no arrests. 
I can’t spare you.  Besides, you’re too emotionally involved.”

“Don’t give me this shit,

“I’m telling you like it is
, Kate, t
here’s no way you’re going to be released from the investigation.  That’s it. ” He raised his hand before she could answer.  “T
hink it through; you’ll see
I’m right. I’m
putting S
on the team
under your supervision
.  She’s good, got the right stuff.  The investigation into the assault on Roger,
I promise, I will keep you informed; don’t worry; we’ll get those punks.”

re you kidding me?  This wasn’t a swarming by hopped up juveniles looking for cash for their next fix.  It was planned
Roger was a marked man.
According to his former boss in the drug squad, someone was out to get him.  He thought it could be a drug dealer with a grudge.”

I don’t buy the revenge theory
Roger’s stint as a
n undercover cop ended long ago. 
dealers don’t wait
five years for revenge

, Gordon said.


I’ve got a hunch it

s connected to the murders we’re investigating.  The killer wanted Roger dead.

“Jesus, Kate.  Now I know you’re too close to this, you’re not making the least bit of sense.  It’s too wide a leap.”

“You’ve trusted my instincts before this, Gordon?”

“Maybe so, but not this time.  You focus on the murder investigation.
  Am I making myself clear?”


That’s it,
end of
  The report’s in on Camira’s death.  It was no accident; she had been drugged with sleeping pills.  They turned up in the bottom of her tea and in her system.  Powerful enough that the killer probably had to carry her to the bed.  There’s no way she would have been able to give herself the lethal dose of morphine.  Withers has gone back to shape up the roster for two detectives we’ve seconded from the county to investigate
Camira’s death.  I don’t want you involved in that either.  Stay focused on the Stone’s murder, get us his killer.”
  He brushed the crumbs off his shirt.  “Okay, let’s get
to work.


Roger opened his eyes and looked around the
oom.  He fought to keep his eyes open
could feel himself slipping back into the darkness. 
Jumbled thoughts fought for space.
What day is it?  What year is it?  Who won the Indy 500?  Do I have a pile of disability cheques waiting at home? Where the hell is
  The thoughts scattered as he felt his body elevate. 
He opened his eyes but all he could see was whiteness.  Had he died?  Was he on his way to the next world?
The lifting sensation ceased and he looked into the face of his Aunt Eva. 

Oh my God, I’m in hell. 

His aunt
slid out
his line of vision and his mother was there.  She stepped to the side and
he looked at Randy and Sara. 
He knew he was in serious shit. 
He swallowed and tried to speak. 

”Where am I?  What’s happened”, he

“You’re in the hospital,”
his mother said
.  “A gang of thugs put a beating on you.”

“How bad did they do me?”

Sara leaned in.  “Don’t worry about that right now. Relax, try to stay calm, the doctor is on his way.  He’ll speak to you.”

, Sara, you want me to be calm.
I’m lying in a hospital bed unable to move.  I don’t know what works and what doesn’t an
d I can’t remember anything.  You’re a doctor, tell me what’s wrong?”

I can’t
I’m not your doctor.  Eric’s
coming into the room now, h
e’ll fill you in.”

, thin
man smiled
down at him, rubbed his hands together, shot a look behind him, turned back, began to speak very slowly, and told Roger about the
extent of his injuries and the prognosis. 

Roger looked confused, fearful. 

“Lucky to be here is what I hear you saying Doctor.  Now I’m grateful for all you did and everything but I’ve got a
major stumbling block. 
I can’t remember what happened and that scares the crap out of me.”

“Yes, the inability to remember can be a frightening thing but believe me what you are experiencing is only temporary.  It’s called TGA – Transient Global Amnesia.  There are many different types, yours is associated with the trauma of the assault.  In this type of memory loss, you can remember distant memories and events only weeks gone
by.  You can
retain immediate recall, as well as language recall, attention, visual-spatial and social skills
, b
ut the memory of what caused the trauma is blocked.  It will come back, no
need to

ow long will it take to come back?”

I can’t say, it varies with individual
.  But I can tell you some of what you will experience.  Yo
u will have difficulties remembering recent occurrences and you will be unable to retain any new visual or verbal information for more than a couple minutes. Now it’s obvious you remember your own identity, but you will find yourself confused by surroundings and people – continuously asking about what is happening.  For example, where you are, who is with you, what is happening?”

“Christ, how long will that last?”

“No more than one or two weeks.  I’m recommending you receive psychological counselling. Anyone who’s been through this type of trauma really needs to come to grips with the fears and anxieties surrounding the event.  This is going into the official report I will be submitting to your Police Chief.”

Roger could feel himself fading – fast.  So fast, he never heard the conversation between his mother and the doctor.  And that wasn’t
a bad thing.

Chapter 10

Kate opened the door to her office.  Shirley, sitting at Roger’s desk, smiled up at her. 
Placing a large, double-double
on her desk,
she acknowledged the smile
removed her hat, gloves, parka and took her seat. 

I hear Roger is out of the deep waters

but I don’t think we’ll see him back here for a while.  I’m glad you’re on board Shirley.

I’m willing to learn and hope to gain your
s and the team’s

“Fair enough.  Now let’s begin.
Gordon tells me you were able to tap into Roger’s notes.  What did you find?”

He made g
ood notes, clear, concise.  He believes there are a few people we can eliminate as suspects.  T
he night the poison was put in the bottle, Charlotte
, James, Philip, and the lighting crew hit the bar scene - s
willing scotch at The Five Fishermen.   June was at the hospital with her sister-in-law whose youngest was rushed in around 11:00pm and wasn’t discharged until 2:00am.  Nurse on duty confirms her presence. 
Brenda, Henry, Eleanor, an
d James all claim to have been at home
watching TV, listening to music,
raiding the fridge or
tucked up in their beds

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