Final LockDown (27 page)

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Authors: A.T Smith

BOOK: Final LockDown
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“Baby, can you promise me something?” I ask Leighton when Marcus has left, turning in his hold so I can wrap my arms around his middle, leaning my head to his chest.

“Sure thing, Angel,” he replies, looking into my eyes. He leans down gently and kisses my forehead, sending butterflies swarming in my stomach. Will it always be this way, his every touch electrifying and beautiful?

“What you’re about to find out will be bad. It will drag bad memories up and make you livid. I need you to promise me, that you will remain yourself throughout the whole ordeal, that if you feel yourself slipping into the darkness you will grab hold of me or Marcus so you remain grounded and the Leighton I love.” Tears are already brimming in my eyes, stinging my blues.

My heart hurts, it is bleeding with the painful memories Philip and his men have caused. My beautiful baby girl, could have been lost from this world, as I. My friend and brother, Antonio, almost dead after being shot by them. This is going to hit everyone hard and I have to remain strong for my husband and guide him through the darkness ahead. I can’t face losing him in oblivion again.

“Of course, I have you and Marcus to help me. There is no way I’ll go back to the way I was. Sure I still need it, I still want to feel the adrenaline the violence gives me, but with both of you there, I don't need it quite so much.” He smiles sweetly, lacing his fingers in my hair to pull my lips to his. He devours me, lapping at my tongue with his strong one, allowing me to taste the very essence of him.

“I love you, Leighton.” It feels like the end, or at least the beginning of a very cold and dark end.

“And I you, sweetheart,” he replies, his warmth encompassing me. I feel safe, for the short time that I have him beside me again, I feel whole. “Will you tell me?” he asks me, looking with those intense green eyes, almost digging inside of my soul and dragging the horrid thoughts I have, to the surface.

“Unfortunately I cannot, Leighton. Antonio will be explaining it to you. I made a promise to our son I would not tell you and there is no way in this world I will break his trust. I told Antonio because I knew he would tell you. If Joe were to ever find out, at least he would know it wasn’t I that had told you. I cannot hurt him that way.” I look to him sadly, almost sighing in heartbreak.

“Okay, I will wait. I would never want you to hurt Joseph or be the reason for his anguish.” Leighton holds me tightly to his hard chest, but the warmth I find there soothes my soul somewhat, making me, for this moment, calm and at peace.

“Right, let’s get this show on the road,” I explain, taking his hand and walking through the kitchen to the lounge.

Seated in various places around the vast space, sit Leighton’s men and Georgia. She was instructed to not be here, but being her brother’s sister, she obviously wouldn’t listen. She smiles sadly when she sees me already deciphering what has occurred, either that or Antonio has whispered of the torture I was suffering.

The twins sit next to each other, their older brother, Nate, beside Luke. Thomas sits next to him, holding his hand reassuringly. I have never really admired Nate, but with his devilishly handsome looks, pale blond hair and sky blue eyes, he is beautiful. His muscles are extraordinarily built and formed perfectly. Thomas is still just as stunning with black hair and equally as bright blue eyes as his boyfriend. They are perfect together, so connected and settled. I can see the love they share, radiating in the room, warming the sombre mood that has already started to form around us.

I haven’t seen much of my best friend and brother in the past months. Thomas has been so busy running the restaurant for Leighton and spending time with Nate. They are in the process of trying to adopt a child and living their life together.

“Thank you all for coming tonight, Marcus it’s wonderful to meet you and I hope you will all welcome him into our family the way you did me.” I begin to talk, my pulse hammering and my nerves erupting inside of me. I can physically feel the shaking begin and the sweat forming in my hands, causing them to be clammy and sticky. I feel Leighton squeeze my hand gently to reassure me he is there and I suddenly feel grounded.

He pulls me from my standing position and sits down, planting me onto his lap. He tugs my hair gently so I rest my cheek to his chest and places a gentle kiss to the top of my head. “I love you,” he tells me, holding me tightly to him.

“This is hard for me and will be hard for all of you. Antonio is going to explain what has come to light. Unfortunately my son was involved in this so it is my life’s mission to stop this where we stand now.” I take a deep breath and relax back into Leighton, watching as Antonio stands from beside Georgia, leaving her looking sad. She stands quickly after him, standing beside him and clutching his hand as though if she let go it would disappear.

“As all of you are aware, we all have been through some trying times this past year. All of us have faced trauma in one way or another. A few months ago, Leighton stopped the person causing these issues and we haven’t heard anything since. However, it has become known that the Blackman family have reared their noses and piped in again. My nephew and godson, Joseph was approached at Angelo’s and threatened by one of Phillip's men. He has a bruise from the incident and is frightened. I ask that you tread lightly around him and do not mention that you know.” Antonio keeps eyes with Leighton as he continues.

“Now, I know we have to end this, and for good. I don't particularly want to start a war with the British mob, but I will not allow my family to be hurt anymore by these men. I am prepared to fall for every one of you and will not hesitate to retaliate. I am not sitting back like a fucking coward and I am not allowing those animals to beat us. You are with me or you aren’t. We are fighting back and we are ending this.” Antonio’s passion is clear, I can see how much he loves his family, how much he loves me and my children. He didn’t only experience the emotional torment they presented to us but he bears the physical scars from them. The bullet hole scar still mars his perfect tanned flesh, reminding him and everyone around him, daily, that he survived, barely.

“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me, man?” Leighton chimes in and I can physically feel the rage seething from him. He stands, removing me from his lap and placing me on the sofa.

We all watch, dumbfounded, as he walks from the room, his temper spiking dangerously. I look to Antonio and then to Marcus, wondering what the hell I should do, what the fuck Leighton will do.

“I’ll go.” Marcus speaks, standing up and following in the direction Leighton has left in. I shake my head, tears welling up in my eyes. I can’t handle Leighton going back to his old ways, the ways that have directed him away from me for an entire month. I can’t survive and won’t survive without him in my life. I just hope to God that Marcus is able to salvage the rationality and humanity Leighton has left inside of him.

It is almost as though he is punishing the both of us for all of our wrong doings. God is throwing us hell for the pain we have inflicted on others in this world.

Soon, droplets are falling from my eyes, landing on my knees. Sniffles and sorrow filled cries come from me, informing the entire room of my heartbreak. “Baby girl, it’s going to be okay. You know that right? You know that we would never let anyone hurt you?” Thomas is beside me, his strong arms around me, pulling me into him. My head lands into his chest, my tears now staining his white dress-shirt. “Oh come on sweetheart, please stop. I can't bear it when you cry, it breaks my heart,” Tom begs me, wiping away my tears and kissing my forehead. He has always made me feel safe and warm, like a cocoon that will protect me from anything evil. He is always there, when he found me after my nightmares and soothed me; he accompanied me to my therapy sessions and gave me driving lessons. He found me after I was attacked by Phillip and his ruffians and guided me back to sanity after Leighton left me. I don't know where I would be without him, because I sure as hell wouldn’t be the woman or mother I am now.

“Thomas, what am I going to do? Nothing hurts me more, even those men hurting me again, than Leighton leaving my life again or turning back to the way he was when he was gone. I would rather die, be beaten and killed than to lose him or for him to lose himself. We belong as one Thomas and I cannot stand the thought of him losing even one per cent of the man he is, it would obliterate me entirely.

“He is my world, he is the reason I breathe and live now, he saved me, more than once, I cannot allow him to die inside. It murders my soul and rapes my heart to know he is hurting and I can't be the one to help him, that he now relies on Marcus to fix him. It was my job, it was always my job to heal him but I cannot help him in this circumstance. I can't be the woman he needs when this happens and I wish I could. But, I will help this cause, if it’s the last thing I do on this earth, I will stop them. I will kill every single bastard that comes near my family, I can assure you of that and I will fucking enjoy every second of it.” I exhale harshly after revealing my inner thoughts. It is disgusting that my mind is now comfortable with the fact of killing someone, but I will die and kill for my husband and children and for my extended family. There isn’t a thing I wouldn’t do to ensure their safety and wellbeing.

There is no way Leighton is keeping me from this. He will agree to my help and will allow me to join them, regardless of any facts. I will do as my heart desires and fix this problem. I will not allow my son to forever be afraid.

Bring it on.

Chapter Thirty-One

My blood is boiling, literally. I can feel the heat emanating from within me and scorching my system. I can’t contain the anger that is manifesting or the demon inside of me begging to be released. I will have to allow him out now, let him take over as I eradicate this situation once and for all.

I will face the biggest challenge, after I have killed every last motherfucker that has hurt my family. It will take every ounce of strength I have remaining to reel it back in and lock him away in the protective cage Marcus has helped me build. “You okay, mate?” I turn from where I am stood, my face to the blackened night of my garden, the twinkling stars and glowing moon my only guidance right now.

I scoff my answer, shaking my head to try to stop myself from snapping. There is no way, in any world that I am okay. I have just found out that not only are the men that are responsible for nearly killing my wife, child and my best friend, are still alive and well, but they have threatened and hurt my son. MY FUCKING SON. That bruise, that hideous blue mark covering a large part of his back, is from their hands. They have laid their hands on my son, I can assure every bastard in this world it is the last thing they are ever going to do.

“Okay, maybe that wasn’t a sensible question; of course you’re not okay. Let’s try another one. When do we start?” He changes his question and this time it suits me fine. A smile forms on my lips, as malicious as it is, it feels natural.

“Tomorrow. Tonight I need to be with Abbi. Tomorrow, the second I wake, I will be planning the beginning of the end. There will not be a member of that group alive. Anybody involved will be killed. I will not risk them rearing their ugly heads again.” I laugh a little as I think about the past two years and how much my life has changed, how many ups and downs I have faced alone and with Abigail.

“Mate, this is gonna be hard, but I have faith you will remain strong and not indulge too much.” Marcus lectures me, tapping me on the shoulder and clasps it lightly. “I am positive you wouldn’t want to experience my handy work again, so just remember that when you’re in the battlefield. Of course I will be beside you every step of the way, but please allow Abigail to be there for you too. She needs to feel loved and needed and not that you have to seek my help at every turn. She is your wife and I want you to include her.”

“Not happening, there is no way she is coming and helping me, I will not risk her life in such a way Marcus,” I inform him, turning to face him as he stands nonchalantly in my doorway, staring into the night.

“I did not say she had to follow you, Leighton, but she needs to know you need her and rely on her. Whether she is beside you physically or emotionally, she needs to help you through this for yours and her piece of mind. You have to remember she went through hell with these men and she needs her closure, to know that she put an end to it herself. She has sacrificed so much to get away from this nightmare so she needs to know personally, that it is indeed over.” I hate the fact he is so bloody smart, it makes me resentful of him for being so knowledgeable and expressive. He is right, of course, she definitely needs to be in on this, whether it is simply planning with me or joining me hand in hand to fight. She knows how to use a gun, brilliantly, I don't doubt her on hitting her target, but I do feel she hasn’t got the strength to physically take a life, to have that blood on her hands.

Me? I can see and smell the blood already and it makes my cock hard, but my beautiful innocent wife can’t possibly handle the kind of pressure it puts on you.

“I know you will be, Marcus. I thank you for all you have done for me and for Abigail. I wouldn’t be who I am now without you,” I inform him, turning back around to glare into the night. It is peaceful, just the small sounds of crickets and the few buzzes of night flies around us.

“No, Leighton, you wouldn’t be who you are without Abigail. It was you that told me before you met her you were a lost cause, an empty shell with no reason for life. She is the one who gave you a life again, gave you love and hope. I simply reminded you of what you had. Remember her, remember everything she has done for you.”

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