Final Target (29 page)

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Authors: Iris Johansen

Tags: #Fiction, #Literary, #Thrillers, #Suspense, #Political, #Read

BOOK: Final Target
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Travis followed her gaze to Galen and then to the two boats anchored up the coast. "The universe. But maybe he's more tactful than you think. He wouldn't want to disturb us. He understands things."

"What things?" She glanced at him. His hair was tousled, his shirt mussed, and his expression…She looked away. She'd thought she'd had enough, but maybe…"What do you think Galen understands about us?" She smiled. "Do you believe he thinks I seduced you to get my way?"

"He's no fool." He looked straight ahead. "But would you care to confide in me why I got lucky?"

"I wanted to do it," she said simply.

"It's not that easy."

"Yes, it is. I was the one who was making it difficult, which isn't like me. Every moment of life should be lived to the max. I wanted you but I wouldn't take you. But I was scared to death last night. I thought I was going to die and then I was afraid you were. It jarred some sense back into me. I feel…something for you."


"I don't know. Sometimes I feel so close to you, and that…intimidated me."

"You could have fooled me."

"What's wrong? Are you insulted? I wanted to be honest with you."

"Oh, you were. I can understand why you fought against feeling anything for me. We're at opposite ends of the universe."

"And you don't want to make any commitment to anyone."

He was silent.

She smiled. "But you're going to have to make a commitment to me. Because I can't turn my back on the people I become close to. So like it or not, I'm in your life."

"You are?"

"Don't panic. There are all kinds of commitment. Friendship is one. You should feel safe with that."

"I believe I'm becoming a little annoyed with your analysis of my character."

"Sorry," she said wearily. "I suppose I'm just trying to work my way through this. It came as a shock to me that I'd feel this strongly about you. I don't want anything to happen to you. It would make me-"


Lord, she wished it were only sad. She was so near a great abyss that she had to move very carefully. "I suppose you could use that word." She changed the subject. "What's next? We've lost the only lead we had. Do you think Deschamps-"

He exploded. "Christ, you almost got killed last night chasing after Deschamps. Why can't you leave it alone? And dammit, don't close up." He took her shoulders and shook her. "You listen to me."

"I am listening."

"But you're not hearing. You're running away from me."

"I'm not running away." She met his gaze. "Do you want to go back to the bedroom and make love again?"

"No, I do not. Oh, shit, of course I do. But I'm not going to let you use me to-What the hell am I saying?"

"I didn't use you. I only shared joy. Didn't I?"

He stared at her and then he slowly nodded. "Jesus, what kind of woman are you, Melissa?"

A woman who might love you.

Oh, God, she wished that answer hadn't popped into her head. But there were all kinds of love just as there were all kinds of commitment. She could deal with this. She forced a smile. "You should know by now. I'm pretty transparent."

"The hell you are."

She turned to go back in the house. "Compared to you, I'm clear as glass. I'm hungry. Do you want breakfast?"

"No, I'm going for a walk. I'll see you later."

She watched him walk toward Galen. He was upset. Well, she couldn't do anything about that. She'd been as honest with him as she could. She couldn't forget about Deschamps, and she wasn't going to lie to Travis.

Galen and Travis were talking. Fast. Intensely.

About Deschamps? Probably. If they were making plans, they were leaving her out again. She couldn't allow that to happen. Dammit, Travis was even more protective than before. Last night could have been a mistake.

No, joy was never a mistake. She'd just have to work out the problems.

Galen was coming back to the cottage. He smiled as he walked up the porch steps. "Travis says you're hungry. What do you want for breakfast?"

"I can fix it."

"Nah, it's all in the package." He opened the screen door. "And I imagine you could use an easy time after last night."

She blinked.

He laughed. "Oops. No, I meant the knock on the head."

She looked at Travis, who was still on the beach. "Is he coming?"

"Not right now. He said he needed some time to himself Pancakes? Ham and eggs?"

She watched Travis start off down the beach. She could tell by the wary, contained way he was moving how tense he was. Maybe she could talk to him when he came back. Or maybe it was better to let him cool down.

She turned back to Galen. "Pancakes. I'll set the table."

Travis glanced back at the porch and watched Melissa go inside. Christ, she was stubborn.

And strong and bold and giving. And so bright and beautiful that she made him feel…

Scared to death.

She wouldn't stop. If last night hadn't discouraged her, nothing would. It was only a matter of time until she found out that Deschamps might be in that boat in the cove. If she hadn't been so upset last night, she would have probably already figured out Deschamps would follow them. There was no doubt in his mind that Deschamps would target her again. She had interfered and she was now a witness.

It made him sick to his stomach.

He couldn't let it happen.

"Want to play poker?" Galen asked. "I'm getting tired of solitaire."

Melissa turned away from the window where she'd been watching Travis on the beach. "No, thanks."

"Your loss." He played a queen on a king. "I'm known as the worst player on the Continent. It could be a great ego boost for you."

Maybe she could use an ego boost. Travis had been avoiding her all day. Except for dinner, he'd stayed out on the beach. She supposed it was natural. Besides her refusal to back off on Deschamps, she'd been frank with him about her intention to stay in his life. Travis was probably feeling uneasy.

Well, let him get used to it. He could stay on that beach all night. She wasn't going to wait around for him. "I'm going to bed. Good night, Galen."

He didn't look up. "Good night."

Cassie was asleep and Melissa moved quietly into the bathroom to brush her teeth and wash her face. But the little girl woke when she slipped into bed next to her.


"Shh. Go back to sleep."

"Iwill. So sleepy…Why is Michael here?"

"He's not here."

"Yes, he is. I can feel it. Almost always with you now…"

She was asleep again.

Almost always with you now.

Melissa stared into the darkness. Was Cassie sensing the new bond that had formed between them? Or was Melissa just thinking more about Travis and the child had picked up on it?

But Cassie was wrong. Michael wasn't with her tonight. He was somewhere outside on that damned beach.

And she was lonely. Funny that she could be lonely after only one night with him. Was he lonely too?

She hoped to hell he was. She didn't want to be this miserable all by herself. But he was probably as happy as a clam. Men weren't as introspective as women, which was entirely unfair.

Go to sleep. Forget him.

But, Jesus, she was lonely…


Melissa woke with a start. Dammit, she had thought the nightmares were over. But there was no doubting the child's terror.

"They're coming. Why are you lying there? We have to fight them!"

"We've talked about this. You know there are no monsters in the tunnel, Cassie."

"Monsters. Guns. They want to hurt you."

Not you
?" At least that was a breakthrough. Cassie's nightmares had always concerned a threat to herself.

"Don't want to hurt me. Get up. Run away."

I won't leave you. There's nothing to worry about. The monsters are only in your imag

The bedroom door flung open.

Four men. Guns.

"No!" She flung herself on top of Cassie. "Don't hurt her."

." Cassie screamed.

Chapter Twenty-Three

"Take the handcuffs off her, Danley," Andreas said. "And I want her in the limo with me."

"I wouldn't advise you to-"

"I think I can protect myself from her." His arms tightened around Cassie. "And I doubt she's any danger to my daughter. You told me yourself that her first move was to try to save Cassie."

"That might have been a clever act on her part to-"

"Put her in the car, Danley."

"Yes, sir." He reluctantly unlocked the cuffs and opened the door.

Melissa got into the limousine.

"Your neck is scratched," Andreas told her. "It's bleeding a little. There's a tissue in the holder." He wrapped Cassie more tightly in the blanket. "Sorry, told them not to hurt you."


"It was part of the deal." He took out his phone, if you'll excuse me, I have to call my wife." He dialed the number. "Cassie's safe. Perfectly safe. Yes, I'm sure. She's not been hurt. I love you too. I'll call you later."

"What deal?" Melissa asked when he hung up.

"Michael Travis. He called and told me where you and Cassie were."

Betrayal. She shouldn't be this shocked. She should have known when she'd seen no sign of Travis or Galen while she'd been dragged from the house.

"And the deal?"

"Amnesty for you. You're not to be prosecuted for kidnapping or any other crime. You're to be kept in custody for forty-eight hours and then released."

"And for Travis?"

"He's an intelligent man. He knows I'm ready to cut his throat. The deal was entirely for you. He was very persuasive, and I had little choice when he told me this Deschamps knew where you all were and could come after Cassie at any minute. He said he would phone me right before he left with the Wind Dancer and we had to charge in before Deschamps."

Who had followed her and Travis to the cottage, she realized in disgust. My God, why hadn't she put two and two together? If she'd been leading with her head instead of her emotions, she'd have figured out what had been evident to Travis. All that time he and Galen had spent on the beach…"Did you search the area?"

"Of course. I'd have been delighted to find either Travis or Deschamps."

"It's Deschamps you want. He's the one who staged the Vasaro attack."

"I want them both. But I've had a report on Deschamps since Travis called me, and that bastard may be marginally worse."

"He's a monster. Ask Cassie."

"Unfortunately, she won't answer." He looked down at his daughter." Is it true Cassie's not having the nightmares any longer?"

She nodded. "It's early days, but I think they may be gone."

"I'll pray you're right." He looked down at his daughter. "I wanted to kill your sister that day Cassie was taken."

She flinched. "Someone else did it for you."

"I know." He paused. "I sent her body back to Virginia. It was difficult for me to believe that she was an accomplice."

"She wasn't. Leaving Juniper just seemed better for Cassie at the time." Her chin lifted. "And she was right. Cassie is much better now. If she'd stayed at the house, she might have been lost forever, or one of those bouts of hysteria could have killed her."

"I'm supposed to be grateful?"

"Hell, yes."

"She put Cassie in jeopardy."

"And she gave her life for your daughter."

He was silent. "Just as you were prepared to die for her in the cottage today."

"My reaction was pure instinct. If Jessica had known she was going to die, I believe she would have gone to the museum to see the Wind Dancer anyway. She thought she had a chance of bringing Cassie back. She almost pulled it off."

"So Travis told me." He looked down again at Cassie. "How close was she?"

"Very close."

"She asked me to take Cassie back to Vasaro. I refused."

"You should have done it."

"Hindsight. But you'll be glad to know your sister is getting her way."


"That's where we're going. We'll stay for two days and you're going to be my guest."


"Didn't you just tell me that it's best for Cassie?"

She studied him. "But why now? I'd think you'd want to rush her back to the States to her mother."

"I have to stay here for another couple of days, and I don't want to let her out of my sight. I'm not about to rely on anyone else to make sure she's safe. You can understand that."

"Yes." But Andreas wasn't telling her everything. "You evidently had this arrangement in place before-"

"No statue, Mr. President." Danley had opened the door. "We tore the place apart."

"I didn't think it would be there. I just had to make sure Travis really had it with him. Tell the driver to go on."

"You were looking for the Wind Dancer/' Melissa said as the car started. "I should tell you Travis didn't want to take it from the museum. He said you'd raise all kinds of hell to get it back. I made him do it."


"Deschamps had just killed my sister and he wanted the statue. I wanted to use it as bait."

"Then Travis definitely must have come around to your way of thinking," he said grimly. "Please stop trying to defend him. Stealing the Wind Dancer is the least of his crimes."

"He didn't hurt Cassie."

"He put her in jeopardy." He added coldly, "And I intend to see him punished."

She wearily leaned back in the seat. Why was she trying to save Travis when she was so angry with him? He had tricked her and was now trying to tie her hands. "Okay, do what you like. But it's best if you don't talk about it in front of Cassie. He's still her hero."

He frowned. "Do you think she's awake now?"

"I know she is. She's listening to everything we say."

"How do you know?"

Evidently, Travis had not told Andreas of the link between Melissa and Cassie, and she wasn't about to do it. Credibility was of the essence. All she needed was for him to think she had a screw loose. " I've been with her almost constantly since we left Juniper. I can tell."

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