Final Vector (27 page)

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Authors: Allan Leverone

Tags: #Fiction, #Thrillers, #Espionage

BOOK: Final Vector
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Plus, now that he really thought about it, there was no way of knowing whether these lunatics had booby-trapped that entrance with explosives. Maybe the entryway would blow sky-high as soon as the good guys tried to storm the building. For that matter, who was to say the whole building wasn't rigged to explode at any moment? Who really knew
these guys were thinking?

So there was no benefit in crouching up here at the top of the stairs, waiting for help to arrive and for someone else to handle the situation. Nick must be completely out of his mind, but he had just talked himself into another armed confrontation, his second in a matter of minutes.

But how should he approach it? He thought about trying to pick the two men off from here, only to quickly discard that idea.

He was easily sixty feet away and would be shooting at a downward angle through thick plate glass with a handgun. Oh yeah, and he had never fired one before. The odds of hitting anything under those circumstances were infinitesimal, and that was for someone who knew what he was doing. Hell, from up here there was just as good a chance he would end up shooting Agent Cunningham as either of the two men he was aiming for.

Even if he hit one of them, the other guy would have ample time to take cover, and then they were back to the drawing board--a standoff that would likely cost the FBI agent her life.

Nick shuddered involuntarily, the sudden motion sending a wake-up call through his injured shoulder.
How appropriate
, he thought.
I get shot, and I actually get a
pain at the site of the
. He chuckled and the pain intensified. Sweat rolled down his face and he felt queasy. His vision blurred and then cleared. He got off his knees and moved carefully along the catwalk suspended high above the foyer and the Fishbowl below.

Chapter 61

Twenty long minutes had elapsed since Joe-Bob answered the call from Tony at the BCT, telling him Air Force One would be within range of Stinger fire inside of ten minutes. When the call came in, he and Dimitrios scrambled into the back of the truck parked at the edge of the Atlantic Ocean and made final preparations, ready-ing the missile to fire the shot that would make history.

Ninety seconds after that they were ready. Since then they had stood, tense and silent, in the Dakota's cargo bed, waiting to get a visual on the Boeing 747 carrying President Cartwright and his staff. The plane would lumber overhead as it approached the airport, flying low and slow in preparation for landing, making it an inviting target that was nearly impossible to miss. It would be like shooting fish in a barrel.

Joe-Bob was strapped in, harnessed to the homemade support rigging the group had fashioned out of scrap iron, steel, and nylon netting when the plane came into view. Its landing lights were shining brightly in the southeast sky as it popped suddenly out of the bases of the clouds, appearing in a completely different location than he and Dimitrios had seen the arrivals show up all night.

There was no question about it; this was the right airplane. This was Air Force One.

Joe-Bob and Dimitrios watched the plane approach with mounting excitement. It seemed to hang unmoving in the sky, a trick of perspective caused by the fact that it was flying so slowly and directly toward them.

The plan was for Joe-Bob to wait as long as possible before firing the shot that would take down the leader of the free world, ideally pulling the trigger when the jumbo jet was maybe a quarter mile away, slightly to the side and still approaching. The Stinger would then take a path straight into the belly of the behemoth, impacting the airplane before the sophisticated countermeasures built into Air Force One could do more than perhaps sound an alarm on the flight deck. The crew would know they were about to get hit but would be unable to do anything to avoid it.

The tension was palpable. Joe-Bob tried to calm his nerves and slow his breathing, glancing to the north over the Atlantic Ocean where the airplanes had been descending all night long. The sky was devoid of any landing lights. Either there was no other traffic destined for Boston this early in the morning, or the controllers had stopped all the other airplanes in anticipation of the president's arrival. Joe-Bob didn't know which it was and didn't care.

He turned his attention back toward the three bright yellow lights in the sky, expecting to see that they had grown a bit in size as the Boeing 747 approached, and gasped. The lights had disappeared. Scanning frantically from the horizon upward, Joe-Bob finally spotted a single strobe that he assumed belonged to the airplane carrying the president. He spat a curse. Air Force One was banking sharply away to the east in a steep climb, gaining speed and altitude, already in a position that made it virtually impossible to hit with the Stinger.

What the hell had happened? He had diverted his attention for only a few seconds, and in that time, the crew flying the airplane must have been alerted to the danger that awaited them below.

Air Force One was clearly climbing up and away, perhaps leaving Boston entirely but definitely climbing out of danger.

Joe-Bob cursed again and smashed his fist into the brace that had been meant to provide support for the missile shot that would make history. All their planning had gone to waste in the blink of an eye. Tony was going to be pissed. Joe-Bob watched as the strobe from the retreating Air Force One, already difficult to see, faded into the grey shroud of gradually brightening sky northeast of Boston and disappeared. His fist was throbbing, and he wondered absently how many knuckles he had just broken.

"Help me out of this fucking harness," Joe-Bob snarled to Dimitrios, who was still staring at the spot where they had last seen Air Force One like the plane was going to suddenly reappear. But they had already missed their chance, and Joe-Bob was determined to find out why.

Within seconds he disentangled himself from the support harness and yanked his cell phone out of his pocket. He punched the only number stored in the memory of the disposable phone and waited for the call to go through to Tony, the man who had come up with this "perfect plan" and who had convinced him and the rest of the group that they could change the world.

He held the phone to his ear and waited. Nothing. Tony wasn't answering, which could mean only one thing--somehow the entire plan had unraveled within the last few minutes and Tony was dead. Killing him was the only way he could have been stopped because he certainly would not have given up now, not when he was literally seconds away from achieving his goal.

Joe-Bob looked at Dimitrios, who was staring back at him with almost comically wide eyes. At that moment Dimitrios looked like a scared little kid. Joe-Bob flipped his phone shut and said, "We've got to get out of here. Right now."

"What are you talking about? What about shooting down the plane?"

"The fucking plane is gone, you moron! And if it's gone, it's not coming back. Something has gone seriously wrong. Tony's not answering his phone, and the only explanation for why he wouldn't pick up is that everything's gone to shit. If that's the case, how long do you think it will be before the cops find us and we take the fall for this whole fucking disaster?"

Dimitrios shrugged. "I don't know. Soon, I guess." He still didn't seem to grasp the significance of what had just happened. Or maybe he was even dumber than Joe-Bob had thought.

"You're damn right it will be soon, and in case you've forgotten, there's a Jeep sitting sixty feet away right now with a dead guy
helped kill inside it."

"I didn't kill anybody," Dimitrios protested.

"Bullshit," Joe-Bob replied. "You were right here, and you're just as guilty as I am. You're a fucking
accomplice to murder
. If you want to avoid spending the rest of your life behind bars or maybe even taking a lethal injection, you had better get in this goddamn truck right now, because if you don't, I'm leaving without you."

"What about Tony?"

"Fuck Tony. If he survives, which I doubt, he'll make his way back to D.C. when he can, and we'll meet up with him there. I hope he does, because I'd love to kick his sorry ass all over the East Coast about now. In the meantime, though, we've got to worry about our own sorry asses. It's going to be daylight soon, and we can't hang around this frigging mud puddle much longer."

Joe-Bob tossed the still assembled Stinger into the cargo bed of the pickup and leapt over the side, landing in the watery mud with a splash that peppered the side of the already filthy vehicle.

The two men clambered into the Dakota, and Joe-Bob fired it up, four-wheeling to the road, the slipping, sliding tires spraying dirty water and brownish vegetation in all directions.

They hit Shoreline Drive at thirty miles per hour and turned south, tires screeching, planning to head straight to Interstate 95.

Tony big plan had gone to hell with shocking swiftness, but they were still alive and still free, and Joe-Bob aimed to keep it that way.

Chapter 62

There was almost no chance of Nick being spotted by the men pacing anxiously back and forth inside the Fishbowl. For one thing, their focus was on the BCT entrance exactly opposite the second-floor catwalk. And for another, the walkway holding Nick had been constructed with four-foot-high walls of the same blond wood panels used on all the interior walls in the foyer and the office areas.

The very bottom portion of the wall on either side of the catwalk consisted of a one-foot-high steel mesh screen running the length of it underneath the wood solid panels. That mesh, which allowed an astute observer to see the feet of anyone walking across the walkway even if they had ducked under the protection of the panels, constituted the only possible vulnerability. Nick decided he was willing to take that minimal risk. The terrorists were unlikely to suddenly crane their necks and peer across the lobby toward the second floor for no reason, especially while so preoccupied with other pressing issues.

At least that was Nick's sincere hope. In the end he had no other choice, really, since it was imperative that he get to the south side of the building, where the Fishbowl was. The only other way to accomplish that would be to backtrack all the way to the north side of the BCT and descend the stairs there, then cross the first-floor foyer right in front of the very men he was hoping to surprise.

Nick scuttled along the catwalk, drawing no gunfire and no apparent notice from below. The far end of the walkway was almost directly above the east wall of the Fishbowl, meaning any risk of being seen by the men downstairs vanished as he disappeared from view into the corridor leading to the administrative wing.

After passing the restrooms on the left side of the hallway, Nick opened a heavy steel door at the southeasternmost corner of the building, turning left at the point where the corridor went right, and disappearing into a stairwell identical to the one he had climbed up thirty minutes ago in his failed attempt to confuse the terrorist in the Operations Room by reconfiguring the radar scopes inside the ETG lab.

He moved quickly now, betting his life on the assumption that the men inside the Fishbowl were the only two terrorists still alive in the building. He felt increasingly woozy and faint as the pain from the gunshot wound in his shoulder came and went in sickening waves. His blood-soaked T-shirt stuck to his chest and back, and he shivered violently. If he didn't complete his task soon, he might simply pass out and collapse where he stood.

At the bottom of the stairwell, Nick paused and cracked the door a couple of inches, peering out into the first-floor nest of offices that housed the BCT big shots. None of these empty offices concerned Nick. Their doors were all closed and presumably locked. He stood in the doorway and focused on the short hallway to the right. This corridor led to the foyer and was located under the catwalk he had just crossed to reach the stairwell. The end of the fifteen-foot corridor on the left made up the east wall of the Fishbowl.

The Fishbowl was wide open on the side facing the foyer, allowing the armed men a virtually unobstructed view of the main entrance to the BCT as well as of the entire foyer.

What the Fishbowl didn't provide for the terrorists, however, was a window on any of the other three sides, including the east side, where Nick was now creeping along the hallway with his back against the wall. He paused at a gigantic support pillar just outside the conference room's east entrance. The pillar ran from the floor of the foyer to the ceiling of the BCT, towering three stories above.

Its circumference was easily three feet and provided perfect cover.

Nick leaned against it, trying to catch his breath.

He felt as though he had just run the Boston Marathon and immediately upon reaching the finish line had been advised he would have to run it again in the other direction. His breathing came in short gasps, and it was becoming increasingly difficult to focus.

A few feet away, on the other side of the pillar and through the door, were the two men Nick needed to neutralize. He squeezed the terrorist's gun in his right hand.

These men knew what time Air Force One was supposed to have arrived at Logan Airport; therefore, they would know that their missile should have knocked the Boeing 747 out of the sky by now. Nick was afraid that one or both of them would leave the conference room at any moment to check on the progress, although with their seemingly extensive knowledge of the facility, he figured there was a good chance they would just call the Ops Room extension.

He guessed they hadn't done so yet. If they had, it stood to reason that at least one of them would have sprinted upstairs immediately when the call was answered by Larry or Ron rather than by their fellow lunatic. Nick shuddered to think what would happen then. Even though Fitz was armed with the dead terrorist's backup weapon, he figured the two controllers in the Ops Room would be no match for either of these men in a shoot-out, particularly given the ordeal they had just gone through.

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