Find My Baby (17 page)

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Authors: Mitzi Pool Bridges

BOOK: Find My Baby
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There had to be another way to get the killer out in the open. If only he had access to the FBI’s information, and more important, the steps they were taking to catch the guy. The truth was, they probably didn’t have any more than what lay on the dining room table. If they did, they’d make an arrest and this would be over. Or would it? Would they find the baby?

There was no doubt in Luke’s mind that Kayla was in danger, possibly now more than ever. He took another deep breath, drawing the cold deep into his lungs, allowing it to burn all the way down.

“You’re going to freeze your ass off out here,” Terry said, letting the back door slam shut behind him.

“Is there another way?” Luke asked his best friend. They both knew what he was asking.

Terry stepped up beside him, put a hand on Luke’s shoulder. “If there is, I can’t think of one.”

“I can’t let her do it, Ter. I just can’t. How can I put any woman that emotionally fragile—a civilian—in that kind of danger?”

Terry gave Luke a long, hard look. “Some questions just don’t have answers, Luke.”

Luke’s gaze swept the darkness. “He could be out there right now.”

Terry took Luke’s arm and led him back to Nester’s warm kitchen. “Not likely. I doubt he knows where she is. If so, wouldn’t he have made his move already?”

“We need to keep Kayla covered 24/7,” Luke insisted when they were seated again. “I’ll take the night shift. Tomorrow we need to re-think where she’ll be safest. My place sounds better than here.”

“But I’m perfectly safe with Aunt Nester,” Kayla protested.

“She’s not leaving, Luke,” Nester argued. “I agree that she’s in danger. She has been since the day she escaped her kidnappers, but I won’t let her leave.” She gave him a steady look. “And you won’t use her to catch a killer either. You can’t…you won’t put her life in jeopardy. Even though I would take Sam in a heartbeat if anything happened to her.” She looked at her niece. “I just found you, Kayla. I won’t lose you again.”

“I understand how you feel.” Did he ever. “Kayla may be safe here today, but would she be safe tomorrow?”

“Luke, you have to admit my suggestion makes sense,” Kayla said quietly.

Luke shook his head, ready to do battle if necessary to make her understand just what was at stake with this crazy plan of hers. “Do you want to risk Nester’s life if you’re wrong? Because if we are; if he comes here, he won’t leave any potential witnesses behind.” He purposely used the plural, hoping that if nothing else she’d understand she wasn’t in this alone. “You and Nester belong in a safe house.”

The room fell silent.

“Do you get it, Kayla?” Terry asked.

Kayla nodded and wisely said nothing.

Chapter Fifteen

Jackie and Terry left within minutes of each other. Luke escorted his mother next door and made sure she was safely in the house before coming back.

Aunt Nester, worn out from all the work and worry, excused herself and went to bed.

Luke and Kayla were alone. Too wired to sleep, she turned the TV on to a music channel, flipped the lights off, and curled up in the corner of the couch.

Only muted light from the TV showed in the room.

Luke removed his jacket. Taking off his shoulder holster, he checked his gun, placed it on the table at the end of the couch.

“Tired?” he asked, sitting down beside her.

“A little.” She looked over at him, at his rock-solid strength. “It was nice this evening. I can’t remember being in one place long enough to have friends over for dinner. Surprisingly, I felt as if everyone here was my friend.”

He chuckled. “Of course they are. Good friends. And dinner was great. Nester and Mom are good cooks.”

“I agree.” She paused. “I really like your mother. She’s a sweetheart.”

“Rosie is special.”

Kayla turned to look at him. “Why do you call her Rosie?”

Luke frowned. “It just slips out. I found out when I was in high school that I was adopted. Ever since then...” he shrugged.

“Were you shocked? Or did you suspect?”

Luke’s lips compressed into a hard line. Either he didn’t want to discuss his adoption or it was painful.

He shook his head. “I hadn’t a clue. I adored my dad. The only dad I knew. He died when I was in grade school and Rosie raised me on her own. We moved here shortly after his death, so Nester was like a second mom.”

“Have you ever had the desire to find your birth parents? Lots of adoptees do, you know.”

That hard look came over him again. “I know who my birth mother is.”


“My dad’s cousin. When she found out she was pregnant, she couldn’t wait to get rid of me.”

Kayla leaned forward, looked him in the eye. “Most of the time there’s a good reason a mother can’t keep her baby. Have you talked to her, heard her story?”

“I’m not interested in excuses.”

“That’s not fair, Luke. Have you talked to her at all?”

His body stiffened. Clearly, he didn’t like to talk about her.

“Claudia came to see me when I was about five, again after Dad died. Rosie told me she was a friend. Later, I learned who she really was.”

“How do you feel about her?”

“I hate her.”

“Oh, Luke. You must see her and talk. Hate is an ugly word, and an even worse emotion to carry around.”

“You’re not telling me anything I haven’t heard before. Anyway, what would I say?” He saw the way Kayla looked at him. “Someday,” he conceded. “Right now, we need to talk about you.”

He was right. “I’m serious about my earlier suggestion. If we’re going to find the killer, we have to get him in the open where you can get your hands on him.”

“I like the way you phrased that.”

“You painted a pretty grim picture back there.”

“I’m sorry. There’s no point in varnishing the truth. Finding your baby won’t be easy.” He paused. “If we can find him.”

She did her best to keep a rein on her emotions. She had to.

Luke’s arm came around her. Then before she knew it, he was holding her close. She leaned into him, nestled her head on his shoulder, let out a deep sigh.

Just the feel of his hard, strong body gave her strength and lessened the tightness in her body. She needed that strength. There were times when she felt hers had disappeared, that there was nothing left but skin and bone. No muscle.

Here with Luke, in the quiet and safety of her aunt’s home, she felt a small measure of peace. This short lull in the craziness of her life was more than welcome. Once Luke figured out a way to draw the killer into the open, it would be chaos again. But it would be worth it to find Sam.

She looked into Luke’s eyes. What she saw drew her closer. His hand reached out to touch her cheek. Soft. So soft. Her eyes fluttered closed. He made her forget.

For just a minute—a few short minutes was all she wanted. She leaned closer. His arms tightened. It felt so good just to sit here with Luke’s arms around her. The peace of the moment washed over her. She drifted.

His lips found hers. When they touched, something electric shot through her—something wonderful. She’d never felt anything like it.

“You’re amazing.” His voice was gruff and low, not at all normal.

She shook her head slightly. “You are.” Luke was tender and caring; nothing like her father. Luke would never run out on anyone. Look how he’d taken up her cause. He was nothing like David either. David had been shallow, wanting nothing that didn’t benefit himself. Luke was different.

“I want to make love with you,” he said against her lips.

Her heart raced, her mind clouded. She angled closer as he took possession of her lips. Did she want to make love? It had been so long.

A long, slow pull of desire both surprised and pleased. She laid her head against his chest. His heartbeat was strong and rapid. Yes, she could make love with Luke.

He tilted her head to take her lips again. This time, fire erupted in her belly, traveled through her. She clung to him, thought back to the last time she’d felt this good. It shocked her to realize that the day she’d found out she was pregnant had been her last memory of real happiness. For a few wonderful hours she’d been in a state of euphoria.

She wanted that feeling again.

She moaned when his hands roamed over her body, stopping at her breasts to circle them softly with his big hands.

“Kayla,” he whispered against her hair, then took her mouth again.

It was amazing that in this nightmare, she’d found something she hadn’t been looking for. And for the moment it felt wonderful.

“I wish...” he started.

“Shh,” she said against his lips. “Kiss me again.”

He chuckled low. “My pleasure.”

The kiss shook her to her toes. When his tongue touched hers, sensations poured through her until all thought left.

The kiss deepened, blood heated.

There was a slight rustling sound from down the hall.

They jerked apart.

“Are you two still up?” Aunt Nester called out.

Kayla was glad for the semi-darkness as she was sure her cheeks were a bright red.

Though she wanted to hold onto him, kiss him and make love, the spell was broken. Awkwardly, she stood.

“We’ll continue this at a later date,” he whispered with a promise as she backed away from the couch.

She turned away and all but ran to her room.

When the door shut behind her, Kayla wanted to cry. For the first time since David, she wanted a man. Not just any man. She wanted Luke Garrett.

She ran a finger over her lips, could still taste him, feel him. Why couldn’t Sam be in the next room asleep so she could follow her heart?

How could she even think of making love when Sam had been stolen from her?

Her body trembling, she staggered to the bed and let the tears fall.

After getting her emotions under control, she tended to her breasts. Afterward, deliberately not looking Luke’s way, she took her milk out to the kitchen, then returned to her room and sat on the edge of the bed. “Where are you, Sam baby? Will I ever see you again?” Would Luke stick with her or would he give up if they didn’t find some answers soon?

It took a long time for sleep to come. When it did, her dreams were of her baby and of Luke.


Sleep eluded Luke. The couch was uncomfortable. And he needed a cold shower. He couldn’t believe he’d almost made love to Kayla on the couch with Nester just down the hall. But he couldn’t stop thinking of her. Kissing her was more than he’d dreamed. She moved him as no woman ever had. Once he’d had her in his arms he didn’t want to let go. Kissing her—loving her was magical. Kayla was magic.

She had to be. He never spoke of his birth mother, yet he’d told Kayla about Claudia—a mother who had given up her child for her own selfish reasons. Kayla would give anything; do anything to have her son in her arms again. Polar opposites. That was part of what he loved about Kayla. She would move heaven and earth to find the child she’d brought into this world. It didn’t matter that statistically there wasn’t a chance she would. If a strong resolve bordering on obsession counted, she’d succeed. His birth mother, on the other hand, probably wished he’d never been born.

He had to stop thinking of Claudia and concentrate on the dilemma facing them now.

With everyone else out of the picture, the man behind the kidnapping was the only person who knew where Sam was.

Whoever that was had to be wealthy. To carry out such an elaborate plan would take lots of money. If Sam’s father weren’t dead and buried, Luke would think he was behind this. Money and genetics. Did someone want Sam because he was their blood, and had the money to make it happen? It would be plausible if Sam’s father and grandparents weren’t dead.

Once more, he checked his gun. Then, stretching out on the too short couch, pushed Kayla out of his mind and tried to sleep.


Kayla peered through the darkness at the clock. Barely six. Too early to wake anyone.

Shivering as her feet touched the floor, she pulled on her sweats and sneakers and tiptoed to the bathroom. Cold this morning. And quiet. After last night and the ideas tossed back and forth between Luke and Terry, her and Jackie, Aunt Nester and Rosie, the silence was unnerving. They were all willing to help. But when everyone left, the only thing settled was that Luke would sleep on the couch in the living room.

She would never look at that couch again without thinking of him. Being in Luke’s arms, she’d felt as if she belonged there. Every touch, every kiss, brought heat to her body, warmth to her soul. She’d wanted him so badly. Thinking of him now, she realized she still did.

But where did they go from here? Not to a personal relationship. There was no time for them until Sam was safely home. But what about their professional relationship?

Everything had been discussed last night. How to find Sam. Where to look. Those were the questions that plagued Kayla. Her idea was a good one even though Luke didn’t think so. Somehow, she would convince Luke to make it happen.

Finished in the bathroom, she tiptoed into the living room, smiling at Luke’s long legs extending beyond the length of the couch. Her heart turned over at the sight. She studied him in detail. Dark hair framed a face with chiseled features; sharp cheekbones, square jaw. Dark eyebrows set above remembered sea-green eyes.

He must have been a beautiful baby. There had to be a compelling reason for his birth mother to give him up. Kayla hoped Luke talked to her and found out what it was.

What was that in his hand?

She leaned over to get a better look. When she saw it was the sketch of Sam, her hand went to her chest, her pulse jumped.

What did it mean? That he cared for Sam, too?

She hoped so.

Sam was her focus. Had to be. All her energies were needed there. Last night, she had wanted comfort, safety, and for a little while, relief from the pain. Luke had given her that. Now it was time to continue the search.

She gave Luke a last lingering look. Not wanting him to awaken to find her staring, she went quietly into the kitchen.

In the pre-dawn darkness, she put on the kettle for tea, making her movements as quiet as possible. She wouldn’t awaken Luke or Aunt Nester. They needed their sleep.

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