Read Finding Amy Online

Authors: Carol Braswell

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Mystery; Thriller & Suspense, #Romance, #Romantic Suspense, #Crime Fiction, #Mystery & Suspense, #Suspense

Finding Amy (16 page)

BOOK: Finding Amy
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The ambulance stopped at the emergency
entrance and the medic helped Amy out of the back and wheeled Jamie inside. Three nurses and a doctor surrounded her, squeezing Amy from the room. She stepped out into the hall and waited.

“Ms. Kenner?”

A man, a head taller than Amy walked up to her. He wore a white lab coat with
Dr. Ruiz
embroidered on his pocket
He couldn’t be much older than her.

” Amy stated. “I’m Amy Summers. Jamie’s last name is Kenner.”

“I’m sorry, Ms. Summers. Your sister will be fine. The bullet passed through her shoulder. We want to keep her overnight for observation and she sho
uld be able to go home tomorrow,” Dr. Ruiz informed her.

“Thank you, doctor.” Amy stretched her right hand out.
The good news released more of her tension. Now if she could find a way to rid herself of the rest, everything could go back to normal.




A black SUV sat next to the ambulance with the motor running. Carson made sure the women were in good hands and then joined his Captain in the SUV.

“They have him surrounded in the old Albertson’s parking lot.” He shoved the gear into drive and pulled onto Loop 323, driving on the wrong side
of the road until he reached Troup highway. He weaved to the right at the light and ended up in the correct lane to turn right into the parking lot of the shopping center. Police had cordoned off the area and traffic stood-still. The flashing lights of the police cars lit up the area and surrounded the red Impala.

arson hopped out of the car before the Captain had it in park and shoved his way through the mob of uniformed officers until he came face to face with Max Guthrie. Without thinking, Carson doubled his fist and slugged the handcuffed fugitive in the face. Guthrie screamed and blood gushed from his nose, splattering Carson. An officer grabbed the outraged ranger, pulled him away and held him until he regained control.

His action would
probably lead to a temporary suspension but he didn’t care. The bastard deserved it for what he had put Trish and the sisters through. He jerked loose from the officers holding him and ripped the back door of the Impala open. Bright green eyes peeped over a blanket she had pulled up to her neck. She cowered in the corner when he reached for her.

Trish. It’s me baby, Carson. You’re safe, sweetheart.”

arson. Carson.” She threw the blanket off and rushed across the seat to him.

trembling child jumped into his arms, wrapped her legs around his waist and buried her face in his shoulder. She gripped his neck so tight, Carson coughed. He hugged the little girl to his chest and let the tear that had threatened him since she had been abducted, roll down his cheek.

Chapter 23

“Where’s Mommy? I wanna go home.” Trish breathed into his neck.

went to the hospital. That’s where we’re going. I’m sure she wants to see you as much as you want to see her.”

A red Mustang pulled up beside the SUV
and Rex yelled at Carson. “Get in and I’ll take you back to your car.”

Carson tried to put Trish in the back seat, she screamed and clung to him.

okay, baby. I’m right here. That ugly man driving is my brother.” Carson laughed.

“Hey.” Rex
scrunched his face into a silly grin and looked over the seat, producing a smile from her.

he tiny smile melted Carson’s heart when he buckled her seatbelt and then hopped into the front.

“Are you going to the hospital?” Rex asked.

“Yes. I want Trish checked by a doctor before she sees her mom.”

“I’ll follow you.”

When they reached Carson’s SUV that he left across from the post office, he took Trish out of the Mustang and settled her in his car.

At the hospital they rushed into the emergency room.

“I’m Ranger Garrett. I need the little girl examined by a doctor. Her mother, Jamie Kenner came in a little while ago with a gunshot wound.”

The receptionist smiled. “Is the child sick?”

“I don’t think so. She has just been rescued. I want to make sure she’s okay.” Carson reached in his back pocket and produced his badge.

The receptionist nodded. “I’ll get a doctor.” She pressed the buzzer to admit Carson into the examination rooms.

Rex entered the lobby and followed Carson. “Rex you go to the women with the good news and I’ll stay with Trish until the doctor checks her.” Carson eased Trish into a wheelchair and she screamed again, almost shattering his eardrum.

“I’m not going to let anything happen to you,
sweetie and if you want me to hold you, then that’s what I’ll do.”

“I don’t wan
na get down. He’ll get me.”

Carson squeezed her tiny body to his chest. “No one is going to get
you, baby. I won’t let them.”

Carson followed a nurse to an examination room. When he tried to sit Trish on the bed, her little arms tightened around his neck, causing considerable discomfort to his windpipe. She refused to leave the security of his arms. A few minutes later a doctor who looked younger than Carson’s twenty-eight years, parted the hanging curtains and stepped
inside. The doctor’s bedside manner helped to relax the frightened child and she let him check her over.




Amy glanced up when Rex entered Jamie’s room. Her whole body trembled with anticipation. He didn’t have Trish with him. Amy gripped the bed and braced for the worst. She almost couldn’t get the words out that she had to ask. “Trish. Did you find Trish?”

He grinned. “Yep.
Carson has her downstairs. The doctors are examining her.”

Amy’s eyes widened. “Is something wrong? Did he hurt her?”

Jamie sat up, gasped and covered her mouth.

Rex stepped over to the bed and took
Jamie’s hand. “No. There’s nothing visibly wrong with her. She’s scared, but he didn’t hurt her. It’s just a precaution. Don’t worry. Carson is with her and will bring her up here as soon as she has a clean bill of health.”

Amy fell into the chair beside the bed. Her legs wouldn’t hold her any longer. Is it over? Can they rest easy now? She wanted her sanity back. To
be able to walk down the street without having to look over her shoulder. Jamie didn’t have to worry. She let Amy do all that for her. Amy didn’t resent her for it but she didn’t want to do it anymore. It’s time Jamie learned to stand on her own two feet. As soon as she gets better and out of the hospital, Amy made up her mind to tell her, too.
Who am I kidding? I’ll never tell her. I’ll continue to be her big sister and step up when she can’t or won’t

“I’m going to find a vending machine. Do either of you want something to drink?”
Amy stood. She had to get away.

After Rex and
Jamie assured her they were good, Amy wandered into the hall in search of a quiet corner. Following the long hallway lined with patient rooms, she found a waiting area with a window that overlooked the busy street in front of the hospital. The empty waiting area had a television in the corner that had been tuned to a news channel. A picture of the post office where they encountered Max Guthrie flashed on the screen and drew her attention. Amy found the volume button and increased the sound.

“Police and FBI have caught a suspected kidnapper at the Southeast Crossing Post Office this evening and
rescued a four-year-old girl. The kidnapper, Max Guthrie is in police custody. He is also wanted in Colorado for attempted murder of a State Trooper. A spokesman with the FBI told KLTV he will be extradited back to Colorado to stand trial for that shooting. The child’s mother was wounded in the encounter and taken to East Texas Medical Center where she is listed in good condition. We’ll be back after the break.”

Amy flopped down in one of the cushioned chairs and stared at the television on the wall. It sure didn’t take long to get on the news. She should have expected it but somehow it still didn’t seem real. A thing like this happens to other people.
She needed to contact their parents before they saw it on the news.

“Aunt Amy.”

Amy leaped out of the chair at the familiar voice of her niece. Before she could get up, the child wiggled out of Carson’s arms and ran to her aunt. Trish wrapped her legs around Amy’s waist and she hugged her niece. Not ever wanting to let her down. “Oh my precious, beautiful girl. I have missed you so much. Are you alright? Did that nasty, mean old man hurt you?”

had rested her head on Amy’s shoulder and shook her head. Carson walked over and put his arms around both of them. “Dr. Anderson checked her out and she is fine and can go home.”

“I wanna
go home,” Trish mumbled.

“I bet you want to see your M
ommy first. Then we’ll take you to Carson’s house and you can sleep,” Amy told her.

“I don’t want to sleep by myself. Can
Mommy sleep with me?” Trish pleaded.

“Sweetie, I think M
ommy will spend the night here but I would love to sleep with you.” Amy’s heart broke for the child. Her experience and training as a nurse told her Trish might need counseling and a lot of attention until the trauma she had been through faded.

“It’s probably past your bedtime. Why don’t we go visit your mother and then I’ll take you and Aunt Amy to my mother’s house. After we pick up your mommy tomorrow, I’ll show you around my ranch and even take you for a ride on my favorite horse. How’s that?” Carson patted Trish on the back.

“We can ride a horse?” She raised her head and her eyes lit up with the promise of a new adventure. He knew what to say to make people feel better. His genuine smile reflected in his eyes. The small dimple on his left cheek added to his charm. Her gaze followed the sturdy chin to the mouth she had tasted not more than two hours ago. Her limbs burned with the memory of the passion in one simple kiss. She didn’t know how long she had been staring at his lips when Trish placed her tiny hands on each of Amy’s cheeks and turned her head to face her. She kissed her aunt. Carson laughed. He’ll be good for Trish during the time she and Jamie were staying at the ranch. Which wouldn’t be long since they had caught Guthrie.

Together, they walked back to
Jamie’s room. The head of the bed had been raised and Rex was busy propping pillows behind her back.

” Trish yelled.

threw her arms out. “My baby. Come here. I have to hold you.”

Amy sat Trish on the bed and
Jamie snatched her into a bear hug. “I’m so happy to see you. Are you all right?” Jamie showered her with kisses which Trish promptly wiped away.

“Carson is going to let me ride a horse tomorrow and I’m going
to sleep with Aunt Amy tonight,” Trish blurted out.

looked over Trish’s shoulder at Carson who nodded. “She’ll be fine. I’ll let her ride with me.” He reassured her.

stroked her daughter’s golden hair. “We get to go back to our house in Dallas after Mommy gets out of the hospital.”

looked at Rex. Not a casual glance but one that sent a shiver up Amy’s spine. An earthquake settled in her stomach. Her instincts told her to be prepared. She squeezed Carson’s arm and braced for bad news.

You can’t go home, yet.” Carson covered her hand and glanced down at her.

“Why? Didn’t you catch the abductor?”
Jamie asked.

The brothers exchanged glances again. Rex broke the news. “Yes. Max Guthrie is in jail and wants to tell
everything he knows about his boss. We recovered the duffel bag and the journal you copied. With Guthrie’s statement and the journal, we will put your husband away for a while.”

Amy rubbed the back of her tired neck. “Then I don’t see the problem.”

Carson slipped his arm around her shoulder and pulled her close. “The problem is Martin Kenner has disappeared.”

Chapter 24

“We’re assigning a guard to Jamie until she is released. She’ll be safe at the ranch. Rex and I have a state of the art security system so I don’t think Martin can get to you there. Until he is caught and locked up, you three will have police protection,” Carson explained to the stunned sisters.

l be staying with Jamie tonight,” Rex stated.

y looked at Rex in surprise. Is it normal for an agent to guard a witness? Amy glanced at Jamie who had her head down. What is going on? She vowed to talk to her twin later.

Trish had curled up next to her mother on the bed and her eyes were beginning to droop.
Amy needed to get her a bath and in bed. She had been through a lot in the past thirty-six hours. “I think we need to get Trish back to the ranch.”

After saying their goodbyes, Amy followed Carson, who carried a tired Trish, to the car. Carson buckled the child in the back seat and Amy climbed in beside her.

Amy had a number of questions about Trish’s father she wanted to ask Carson but she didn’t want to talk about him in front of the child. What difference did it make that Martin had disappeared? Why couldn’t they go home, anyway? Did he pose a threat to them? Surely, he wouldn’t try to harm them now that they were being protected by the Texas Rangers. She had a lot occupying her mind. Trish leaned her head against Amy’s shoulder and her even breathing was the only sound in the truck on the ride to the ranch.

Carson carried
Trish into the house and yelled up the stairs, “Mom, are you awake?”

Ms. Garrett stuck her head out of her office upstairs
and gazed over the rail from the loft. “I’m up here. What have you got there?” She came down the stairs grinning and greeted them. Trish stared at her from Carson’s arms. “Well now. Aren’t you the pretty one?”

Ms. Garrett noticed the child’s need for bed
and took charge of getting the room ready. Amy gave Trish a quick bath in the bathroom next to the suite they would be occupying during their stay and tucked her into bed. Trish refused to go to sleep unless Amy read her a story. There were no books in the room to read, so Amy started telling the story of
Trish fell asleep before the princess had dressed for the ball. She tucked the covers around the child and turned on a lamp in an adjoining sitting area located next to the front window. Carson had brought their luggage upstairs while she was bathing Trish. She found the items she needed, and went back into the bathroom for a much needed bath for herself.

Did she want to soak in the tub for her achy muscles or stand under the rain shower to rinse
away the past thirty-six hours? Opting for a quick shower so she could collapse in the queen size bed with Trish, she stepped under the warm water and ended up staying in longer than she expected. Amy grabbed a fluffy turquoise towel and after drying off, she wrapped it around her clean hair. She lathered body lotion all over, combed out her long hair and stepped into leggings and a matching tee-shirt she usually slept in. Amy used a white terry cloth robe, monogrammed with a gold
which hung beside the tub, Ms. Garrett had provided for her guest. The thick, soft fabric hugged her body like a down comforter. Amy ran her hands up under the collar and groaned into the warmth when it brushed her cheeks.

Wide awake now, she decided to fix herself a cup of tea. Ms. Garrett had
familiarized her with the kitchen before showing them to their suite. Amy found her slippers and made her way downstairs to the kitchen. It didn’t take long to brew the chamomile tea and after adding a dab of local honey, Amy opened the front door and stepped out into the warm night. The porch wrapped around the house and a swing hung from the eaves to the left of the front door. There were a couple of rocking chairs on the porch and baskets of pansies in shades of purples and pinks hanging along the front of the house. Amy found the double swing to her liking. She sunk into the thick, colorful cushions, tucked one foot under her and pushed off with the other. The swing swayed back and forth with minimal prompting. Amy laid her head against the back pillow and closed her eyes. In her own thoughts, she didn’t hear the boots on the gravel and became aware of Carson’s presents when the swing hesitated and he sat next to her. His hair still damp from a shower, Amy caught a whiff that reminded her of a forest after a spring rain.

“I figured you would be asleep. You have to be exhausted. I know I am.” Carson slipped his arm around her, laying it on the back of the swing and handed her a glass of
Chardonnay. “I saw you sitting here and thought maybe you might need this about now.”

Amy set her tea cup on the table next to the swing and took the glass. She took a long sip. “I think you were right. I did need this more than the tea. Thank you for thinking of me.” She took another long sip. “Sometimes you get to the point that you are so exhausted and the mind is all jumbled up, you can’t sleep.”

“Do you want to talk about it?”

“There’s nothing to talk about. We have to stay in hiding until Martin is caught. Then we have to stay in hiding until Martin goes to court. Then we have to stay in hiding
until Martin is convicted. Then—.”

“I understand.
” Carson interrupted. “We have no idea how long it will take to catch him. We don’t know if he will stay in jail until the trial. He’ll probably bond out and be free until the trial starts which could take up to a year or longer. Then he’s still on the street until the punishment phase of his sentence. So, you and your sister and niece could be in hiding for a year or more.”

“I have a life I’m eager to get back to. I can’t wa
it that long,” Amy explained.

In a perfect world, he would confess and the DA can go straight to the punishment phase. But as we all know, this isn’t a perfect world.”

She t
ook a quick, sharp breath when she faced him and his tropical blue eyes sparkled from the lights lining the drive. Her pulse started bouncing and her heart had already run ahead without stopping to wait. Carson caressed the side of her cheek with his fingers and she laid her head into his hand. He put his other hand under her chin and gently lowered his head to caress her lips. Amy’s senses reeled as if short-circuited. Powerless to resist. She didn’t want to. She stretched out her arm to touch him. More. She wanted more. Her palm rested on his chest where the muscles rippled under his white shirt and they quickened her pulse. The steady beat of his heart kept time with the music playing in her head. Carson lowered his head and brushed a feather light kiss on her exposed neck above the fluffy robe. He moved his arm from the back of the swing and tangled his fingers into her damp hair at the back of her neck.

Amy drank in the comfort of his nearness. Her pulse quickened and her heart danced with excitement. She leaned her head over, giving him better access to her neck. With one fluid motion, Carson lifted her off the swing and into his lap. She buried her face against his neck and inhaled his delicious scent that hypnotized. Amy lifted her head and Carson claimed her lips in a kiss that sent
fiery hot shivers through her body. She wrapped her arms around his neck and gave back as much as she received. His lips parted hers with a soul-reaching massage. Amy couldn’t hold back the moan that escaped her throat as she tasted his sweetness. His gentle hand caressing her back sent currents of desire through her.

Carson leaned her back
down against the soft cushions, never releasing her lips. Amy’s breath came in short pants as he deepened the kiss. The robe she wore parted around her waist, exposing her pajamas. She raised her legs and rested them over Carson’s rock hard thighs. His hand caressed her hip and leg then moved up to her ribs and over to cover her breast. Amy gasped and raised her chest into his hand.

The swi
ng rocked like a boat riding a gentle wave. A slight breeze drifted across the porch. Amy shivered. Carson raised his head and their eyes met.

“Are you cold?”

Amy didn’t trust her voice and shook her head.

Without moving away, Carson lowered
his head and rested his forehead on hers. “Amy, I thought you were the most beautiful woman I had ever run across the first time I laid eyes on you. I don’t want you to think I’m being too bold but you have gotten into my blood and I don’t want to stop holding you, kissing you, and caressing you. I want to feel every inch of your body. I want to make love with you.”

Amy couldn’t speak.
She caressed his cheek. That seemed to be all the answer he needed. In one fluid motion, Carson picked her up and walked in the directions of the last house in the circle. Amy laid her head against his strong shoulder. When he reached the cabin, he opened the door , entered, pushed it shut with his boot and climbed the stairs. He shoved on the door to the master suite with his shoulder, his boots silent on the carpet as he crossed the room and eased her to the middle of the bed. Soft light came from two lamps on each side of the king size bed covered with a beige and brown down comforter. Amy reached out to him and he came to her.

her close, he showered her with kisses. First the hollow of her throat while hunting for the belt on her robe to let it fall open. His hand flattened on her belly, massaging, caressing and teasing. He pushed her pajama top up and she watched him admire her breast before taking the pink lob into his mouth and suckled. Moving over to the other one he gave it the attention it craved. Amy ripped the top over her head, giving him complete access to her body. She wanted to feel his hands all over her. She wanted to make love to him. Her body burned when his tongue touched and caressed her sensitive swollen nipples. He seared a path down her abdomen and onto her thigh. He teased her unmercifully with his light touch. Her heartbeat throbbed in her ears. Carson hooked a thumb into the waistband of her pajama bottoms and tugged. Amy helped him slide them from her body. He raised his head to examine her. The adoration reflected in his beautiful blue eyes as they roamed from her head to her toes.

Amy smiled. “I’m at a disadvantage.”

Carson grinned when she popped a snap on his white western shirt. Within seconds he had relieved himself of his clothes and stood beside the bed. Amy gazed at the magnificent male specimen before her. The muscular ripples on his chest were taunt and bulged under the tanned skin. He looked like a Greek god with his outstanding good looks and the body of a seasoned warrior. Her gaze followed a trail of dark hair on his chest down to his manhood. Amy gasped at his size. The bed sagged slightly when Carson put one knee on the edge and stretched out beside her, pulling her into his arms.

“Is that better?” His sultry voice caused a major v
olcano to erupt in her stomach.

Running her fingers through the hair at the back of his neck, she agreed. “Better.” She pulled his head down an
d kissed him with an aching need for another kiss. He quickly took control and devoured her lips, more demanding this time. Amy loved the excitement, heat and craving that flowed through her. She wanted him. All of him. But Carson had other ideas.

He kissed the hollows of her neck, playing with her earlobe for
a short time before moving to her shoulder. She had no idea that kissing and caressing could start such a fire in her. When his mouth found her right breast, his thumb and index finger massaged the nipple already standing, begging for more. Amy arched her back as he covered the lobe, suckled and teased it with his tongue. Her whole body burned for him. She yielded to the scorching fire which had been building since they met. The cool air passed over her nipple when he began a slow decent down her body. He covered her ribs with feather light kisses down to her flat stomach, not missing an inch of skin. Moving lower, Amy gasped when he reached the short red hair between her legs. His palm rubbed the opening, already wet in anticipation. Slipping a finger inside her, he made slow movements. Amy raised her bottom to match his hand. A deep groan escaped from her throat and her head rocked back and forth on the pillow.

“Carson, please.” The height of her desire
rose fast and her impatience grew to explosive proportions.

Carson understood
what she needed and repositioned on top of her. He gazed into her eyes. Amy raised her hips and pulled his head to her. When he eased into her, she moaned. Passion pounded through her like a raging river. She had never been this turned on. Carson went deeper. Amy couldn’t stand it. She wanted all of him. Her hands reached his naked butt, held it firm and raised her hips to accept him completely. This time Carson moaned. A steady rhythm brought the feelings closer to bursting inside her. Her breathing came fast and hard as she matched his strokes with her own. When she stood at the edge and almost leaped, Carson slowed her down and started the buildup again. Amy wanted to scream. When she thought she would never reach the ecstasy she craved, Carson plunged into her and Amy exploded. She flew over the edge into deep satisfaction and complete release of pent up frustration. Seconds later, Carson joined her over the same cliff.

Exhausted she relaxed into the pillows and he lowered his head to her shoul
der breathing like he had run ten miles without stopping. Amy’s heart pounded against her ribs. She had never experienced anything so beautiful in her life. But look what she had to compare it to; a live in that had been all about his own needs with no concern for hers. Not Carson. He knew how to please a woman.

BOOK: Finding Amy
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