Finding Chrissten: Legacy, Book 5 (21 page)

BOOK: Finding Chrissten: Legacy, Book 5
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She rolled onto her side and faced him. “We can…you know.” God, she sounded totally stupid. “We can have sex. If you want.” And she should shut up now.

Hank wrapped a hand around the back of her neck and dragged her close enough for a torrid kiss. His mouth claimed hers, his tongue doing all sorts of wonderful things that sent tingles shooting through her entire body.

“If you want me, take me,” he told her when he pulled away from the kiss. He reached down and took his erection in his hand and pumped up and down several times. It was fascinating and incredibly arousing to watch his large hand stroke his cock. “It won’t take long for me to come. I want to be inside you. To have the walls of your pussy close around my dick, squeezing me tight.”

Her core clenched in response. She wanted that too.

“I know that you’re mated, but I don’t care.”

Chrissten hated that fact. Wished she could go back in time and change her actions that fateful day she was kidnapped. But if she did, she would never have met Hank. “You can smell him on me, can’t you?” Brian’s scent never left her skin no matter how much she scrubbed. It was embedded in her skin, fused to her DNA.

“Yes.” Hank’s eyes were solemn, his lips pulled into a thin line. “I won’t lie to you. This situation is rare. You shouldn’t be attracted to me and I shouldn’t want you more than my next breath. But I do.” He touched her bottom lip gently, making it tingle before letting his hand fall away again. “I don’t fucking care about Brian or about what the others might think. All I care about is you.”

“Hank.” She didn’t know what to say. His words made her heart ache and her body heat.

“I want you to take me, Chrissten. You’re in charge. Go as fast or as slow as you want. Take as much or as little of me as you want.” He gave a self-deprecating grin. “Although, personally, I hope you take a lot and take it fast.”

She laughed. It shocked her. The last thing she’d expected to do in front of a naked male was laugh. But Hank was unlike any man she’d ever met. He put her needs first. Always.

“I’m here for you, Chrissten.” She sensed the double meaning in his words but chose to focus on the physical aspect of the situation. She couldn’t think about the emotional ramifications. Not now.

She pushed herself up and threw one leg over his thighs until she was straddling him. She gripped his cock in her hands, shifting position until she was right over it. She took a deep breath, fit the thick head to the opening of her channel and slowly began to sit.


Hank didn’t know how he kept from coming. Chrissten was magnificent. Naked and proud, he knew she was fighting her fears. He couldn’t imagine how much courage it took to make herself vulnerable to him, to even attempt to make love after the brutality she’d faced at the hands of another male.

He could still taste her on his lips. He was addicted to her essence. Knew he would never tire of it, of her. The long tail of her braid hung over her shoulder, brushing against the side of one of her breasts. They were firm, the tips red and puckered from his earlier attention.

She straddled him and held his dick in her hands. Watching her fit him to her opening was one hell of a turn on. Hank wanted to slam into her and feel the walls of her pussy close around him. Only fear held him still. He didn’t want to do anything that might alarm her. She was so strong, yet so emotionally fragile. It wouldn’t take much to send her skittering back into her shell.

He knew she was struggling with the fact she was mated to another wolf. It didn’t matter if the mating was forced, biology should make it impossible for her to want him, yet she did. That just reinforced what Hank had believed from the moment he’d first inhaled Chrissten’s unique scent and felt his body explode with sensation and emotion—she belonged to him.

She lowered her body and his cock forged inward. Her inner muscles quivered, stretching to accommodate his girth. Perspiration dotted his forehead and he strained to find control. The situation was ironic and if he’d been capable of laughing in that moment he would have. He was a man who prided himself on his control, thrived on being in control, but this woman made a mockery of it, stripping him naked in more ways than one.

She bit her bottom lip. He could see the intense concentration on her face as she pushed downward. Her vagina was slick and wet and stretched to accommodate him.

“What are you feeling?” Hank wanted to reassure himself she was truly here with him and not locked in some distant memory. He wouldn’t be cheated and wouldn’t allow her to cheat herself. “Talk to me.”

Her breathing was becoming labored. “Tight. You’re so big.”

He gripped her hips and held on. Maybe talking wasn’t such a great idea. He was so on edge the slightest thing could send him pitching over. And he wanted her to come again, wanted her to experience pleasure with him inside her. He struggled to maintain control.

Chrissten planted her hands on his chest. “You’ve got such wide shoulders and great abs.” She ran her hands over his torso, leaving molten fire in her wake. His balls were tight against his body and his dick throbbed inside her.

But she wasn’t done.

She moved her hips in a circle, pushing his cock into her slick channel. He groaned and arched his hips up, driving himself deeper. Hank pulled down on her hips, not stopping until he was all the way inside her. He could smell her arousal mixed with his own.

A low growl worked its way up his throat and out. Her gaze flew to his and he did his best to wordlessly reassure her. Speech was beyond him. His entire body was barely under his control.

They stared at one another, sharing the intimacy of the moment, the connection between them that went way beyond physical. Although, he wasn’t complaining about the physical connection between them. It was off the charts.

“Ride me,” he commanded.

Chrissten lifted her hips slightly and came down again. Such exquisite torture. Hank only hoped he could hold out against it.

His entire life he’d felt alone until he’d found Meredith and her pack. They’d accepted him, given him a real home. What he felt for them was huge and real. But it paled next to the emotions bubbling within him at this moment.


Chrissten was his.

It was an abomination that another male had claimed her.

He shook his head, feeling the cool cotton beneath him. Now was not the time to go all alpha male on her. She needed understanding, support. He’d manage to give her what she needed even if it killed him.

And it just might.

“Hank.” The uncertainty in her voice brought him back to reality like nothing else could.

“Yeah, baby.” He stroked his hands over her hips, up her supple spine and around to her breasts. He cupped the full mounds and rubbed his palms over her distended nipples.

Her breath caught in her throat and her pussy clamped down hard on his cock. He swore under his breath but she heard him and her eyes widened. Her body tensed beneath his hands.

“It’s okay. Whatever you want.” He held his breath. Waiting in anticipation. Heaven or hell was only a heartbeat away. But it was her choice. Always hers.

“You. I want you.”

Hank’s restraint snapped. He rolled, keeping his hold on her until she was flat on her back with him looming above her.

She gripped his shoulders, digging her nails into his skin. He paused and looked down at her. She wiggled and his cock slid deeper. Her breath caught in her throat.

“Okay?” He had to be sure.

Chrissten nodded and he began to move. He kept his strokes slow and even at first, but that didn’t last long. Her channel was slick and warm, welcoming him on each advance and clinging to him on each retreat.

She wrapped her legs around his flanks and held on. Accepting him. Encouraging him. He leaned down and captured her mouth, needing to taste her.

Her nails scored his shoulders, the erotic bite pushing him closer to his limits. His balls tightened. His cock flexed. Her core fluttered around him and he knew she was close.

“Come for me, Chrissten.” He pushed one hand between them, found her swollen clit and stimulated the small bud with the tip of his thumb. Her legs gripped him harder. Her breath was coming faster and faster.

This was better than anything he ever could have imagined. Life as he knew it would never be the same again. His orgasm gathered at the base of his cock and blasted upward, out through the tip.

He called her name and continued to pump his hips, his movements frantic. She had to come too. Hank caught the skin at the base of her throat between his teeth and gently nipped.

Chrissten cried out and he felt the telltale squeeze of her pussy around his cock as she came. He lost all ability to think, to reason. It was all about sensation and emotion as his orgasm ripped through him. His semen pumped into Chrissten. Luckily their species didn’t have to worry about sexually transmitted diseases. And he couldn’t get her pregnant. Only her mate could do that.

A feral growl threatened to escape him but he swallowed it back. He wouldn’t ruin this moment with Chrissten. She was here with him and she was his.

He collapsed, managing to shift most of his weight off her upper body while keeping his lower body joined with hers. Her head was resting on his pillow. Her eyes were closed but a tiny smile played around the edges of her lips. It was the expression of a well-sated woman.

His chest swelled and his dick pulsed. Instead of getting softer, his erection began to harden again. Her eyes shot open and she blinked at him in amazement. “You can’t be serious.”

He gave a short, hard thrust. “I’m very serious, but unfortunately we’ve run out of time.” As much as it pained him to do it, he pulled out of the heaven that was Chrissten’s body and sat up in bed. She sprawled next to him, a naked temptation he wasn’t certain he could resist, so he tossed the sheet over her.

Chrissten was watching him intently and he wished he could read her mind to know what she was thinking. “Thank you.” A lock of hair had escaped her braid. He pushed it off her forehead. “I wish I didn’t have to get up. I wish we could stay in bed all night long.”

Her expression lightened and a faint rosy tint covered her cheekbones. “Me too.”

Inside him, his wolf howled, echoing the pleasure washing through him. “I’ve got to get back downstairs. Kevin is watching the bar for me and I expect Quinn to be pounding on the bedroom door any minute.”

She glanced at the door and back at him. “You’re right.” She sighed and sat up, keeping the sheet over her.

He caught her chin between his thumb and forefinger. “There’ll be other times. This is only the beginning.” He wanted her to know this was serious for him. Special. This wasn’t a one-night stand. For him, this was the beginning of their life together.

She nodded but didn’t say anything. That bothered him, but he didn’t push her. He got up and grabbed his underwear and tugged them on. He was very conscious of her watching him as he dressed. He was pulling on his shirt when he heard footsteps on the stairs. “Someone is coming.”

Chrissten shot out of bed, grabbed her clothing and bolted for the bathroom. The door gave a loud thud as she slammed it. Hank stared at the door knowing she’d put more than a panel of wood between them. He could practically hear her repairing her emotional walls so she could shut him out. But it wasn’t going to happen. Not this time. He’d gotten by them once and he would again.

He quickly made the bed even though it wouldn’t really matter. There was no way to disguise the sweet, musky aroma of sex that permeated the room. He thought about opening a window, but decided against it. He wasn’t ashamed of what they’d done and an open window was a security breach.

Hank stood beside the bed, arms crossed over his chest. Water was running in the bathroom and it was all too easy to imagine Chrissten running a damp facecloth over her heated skin.

His cock flexed and stretched. Hank willed it back into submission just as a knock came on the door. He instantly relaxed. It was Bethany. Not Quinn.

He strode to the door and pulled it open. Bethany smiled at him, but it quickly faded and her eyes widened. “Chrissten is in the bathroom. She shouldn’t be long. Call me if you need me.”

There was so much more he wanted to say to Chrissten. But now wasn’t the time. He had a fight to prepare for. He was under no illusions Brian would be easy to kill. The male was a pureblooded alpha and Chrissten was his mate, but not by her choice. She’d given herself to Hank, freely and eagerly. They might not have all the details worked out yet, but he was determined to have a life with her. That would give him an edge in tonight’s fight. He was fighting for his woman, his very life.

He could feel Bethany’s eyes on him as he left the apartment. It wasn’t fair. He should be in bed with Chrissten, making love to her at least once more before passing the rest of the night simply holding her in his arms.

The short interlude they’d shared wasn’t enough. There hadn’t been time to talk about anything. There’d barely been time to make love and it had been quick. He’d had no time to savor every inch of her lovely body, no time to discover what made her sigh or laugh or groan.

He’d have that time. It was a promise to himself and to Chrissten.

His life used to be so simple and he’d liked it that way. Those days were gone and he gladly waved them goodbye. Chrissten was worth all the turmoil and upheaval.

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