Finding Eden (20 page)

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Authors: Megan Dinsdale

BOOK: Finding Eden
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I stripped down to my boxer briefs and lied down
beside her, placing my hands behind my head. I stared at the ceiling, thinking about what we had been through just to make it this far. I wouldn’t have met Elle if it hadn’t been for what her father had done and I didn’t like to think about that. It was just plain strange how things seemed to turn out sometimes, but there was no point in trying to change them or figure them out. Shit happens and sometimes a miracle is born from that. My miracle was apparently Elle and she was laying on her side staring at me.

What’s on your mind?” I asked.

I was about to ask you the same thing,” she said.

You first.” I turned on my side and rested my head in my hand.

I’ve been curious.” She rubbed her eyes for a good thirty seconds. I thought she wasn’t going to continue, until she took a deep breath and turned back to me. “Where did you get the map? Why are we here and not the rightful owners of this place?” She squinted, as if she was afraid of the answer.

It’s not some grand tale or anything.” I took my free hand and traced my fingertip along her collarbones. “After the tsunami, I had been so, so—distraught. I just wanted to get away—go anywhere. In doing so, I came upon these three bodies, and you can guess who they were. I was in need of supplies and I looked into the man’s backpack—there it was in all its glory.” I shrugged, not wanting to think about their burned and blistered bodies, especially the little boy’s.

That’s sad.” She murmured as she scooted closer to me. “Your turn.”

I was just thinking about how everything led me here, to this you.”

Are you being mushy?” She narrowed her eyes and her lips curved upwards.

No,” I laughed. “It’s just weird to think about how one thing leads to another and another until you end up somewhere you never thought you’d be in a million years with someone you could never have imagined.”

Elle smiled, gave me a quick kiss on my cheek, and rolled over.

Good night, Gabriel.” She yawned.

Sweet dreams.” I said as I curled myself around her. I didn’t quite realize how utterly alone I had been until that very moment. A person could only keep up the tough exterior for so long until they finally had the strength to be weak—a weakness that would finally let them change into the person they should have been all along.

Elle had quickly become both my strength and weakness.


[ Elle

I easily persuaded Gabriel to join me at the waterfall pool that evening for a quick dip. It was late, so there was no sun slipping through the cave ceiling, just the faded light of the moon. The trees blanketed the woods in shadows, and the birds and small critters were sleeping silently for the night, keeping to
themselves. I heard an owl hoot in the distance, alerting rodents that they would soon need to run for cover or become a predator’s midnight snack.

Our flashlights led us down the pathway until we only had to follow the noise of the water hitting the surface. We turned off the lights, and as I stood there, waiting for my eyes to adjust to the darkness, Gabriel picked me up and threw me over the edge. I emerged to
man standing over me covered in his goofy, toothy grin.

You think you’re so funny.” I stuck my tongue out.

Yes, I do.” He jumped in and grabbed me again—easy peasy. He had gorgeous muscles that could probably lift ten of me. I shamelessly ogled him as he carried me across the pool. I kicked and flailed my limbs, but I was only playing; in the end, anywhere he went, I would willingly go.

My clothes were stuck to my body; I hadn’t had time to change before the attack. Gabriel had though and it was absolutely nothing to complain about. Suddenly he was holding me
underneath the fast, falling water. I was screaming, but it was drowned out. I felt his lips against mine and we were kissing under the waterfall. It was as if I was the lead actress in some Hollywood movie and he was my love interest. He held me against his body and I wrapped my legs around his waist. He carried me towards the alcove again; it was quickly becoming our secret rendezvous point. He put me down on the edge and my legs were still tightly woven around him. Our lips hadn’t parted since they had met.

Gabriel’s hands met my naked skin as he pulled my shirt up over my head and dropped it to the side. It made a wet, slapping sound against the rock. The breeze the waterfall created made goose bumps forms across my body. I sighed as his lips fell against my neck—again and again. Then they brushed against my collarbone. His hands grazed my hips, moving until they were fingering the button on my shorts. He pulled them off, and my legs were immediately around him once more. He was driving me crazy and I didn’t know what part of him to touch next.

His fingers found my bra clasp, so mine played with the waistband of his boxers. And I suddenly was so sure that I wanted to make
leap with this man, but he stilled underneath my hands and lips. I pulled back, keeping quiet. As I was about to ask him what was wrong, he flattened his hand over my mouth. I pushed it aside and mouthed
. He put his index finger to his lips and gestured with the other. He pointed at the side of the waterfall—where the rope was.

I tried to ignore the loud roar of the water and listen past it. And that was when I heard the crumbling and crashing of something against the cliff side. Multiple grunts came next, followed by heavy breathing and quiet whispers. My eyes widened and I slapped my hands over my mouth, afraid to breath, afraid to move. I desperately wished it would have been some travelers who accidentally came upon the cavern entrance, but I knew it wasn't. It was Leonard and his horrible cohorts. It couldn’t have been anyone else.

Gabriel pulled me to him and helped slip my shirt back on. He handed me my shorts and I buttoned them around my hips. My heart was pounding in my ears; my hands were shaking. That day came back to me in full force, so did the dream I'd had afterward. I closed my eyes, but all I could see were the men holding me down and Leonard with his yellow tooth, vacant-eyes, and clawed-hands waiting to grab me. I felt myself on the verge of hyperventilating. Gabriel noticed; he kissed my temple, hoping to relax me. I did, but only slightly.

I motioned for him to lower his head, so he did. I whispered, “What do we do?”

We were momentarily concealed by the curtain of water. After I heard his nails-on-chalkboard voice, I knew for sure it was Leonard. It was still as sickeningly sweet as before. He ordered the men to scan the area for any clues that we were there. I remembered Gabriel’s clothing and sunk into panic.

We have to take them by surprise since we’re way outnumbered,” he whispered into my ear.

Your axe?” I grabbed his hand, needing some instant comfort.

It’s back at the cabin. Your knife?” He squeezed my hand.


He ran his hands over his head—the telltale sign. I rubbed his forearm and he shot me a weak smile.

We have to distract them and try to make it back,” he said.

Gabriel’s eyes shot around and he found what he was looking for. He picked up a stone and bounced it in the palm of his hand. He edged to the opposite side of the pool, still hidden by the fall. He mouthed
get ready,
and with great force, he threw the thing as far as he could in the opposite direction of the cabin.

One of the men heard it and alerted the others. They scattered in that direction. Gabriel helped me out of the water. We waited until the men disappeared into the woods, and we ran towards the cabin, our feet padding quietly across the path like we were one with nature. My hand remained attached to Gabriel’s as he dragged me along. I tried my best to keep up and not trip over my own two feet.

We were half way there when an owl flew right in front of my face. I screamed. I didn’t mean to and I knew it was a mistake the second I did it. Both of my hands slapped over my mouth. It stung. I was terrified by my mistake and what it could cost us—what it would
cost us. I was instantly so mad at myself that I just wanted to dig a hole and hide in it in shame the rest of my life.

Shit,” Gabriel said under his breath.

The men were yelling now. They had heard me and were on their way. If they hurt Gabriel in any way, I knew I would never forgive myself. I had to make my mistake right in some way. I tried to devise a plan while Gabriel was pulling me towards the cabin.

We made it and I knew the men had probably already found the path and were on our tails. I went to lock the front door, but there was no lock. Of course there wouldn’t be. I cursed and followed Gabriel into the bedroom. He gripped his axe and I wrapped my fingers around the handle of my knife. I remembered the gun I had stolen, but it was long gone. I had probably lost it in the sandstorm.

You stay in here,” Gabriel ordered.

My laugh was blatantly sarcastic. “Not happening.”

I’m serious,” he growled as he pushed me towards the bed. “Hide underneath it.”

I gawked at him. “Why did you even teach me those techniques if you weren’t going to allow me to use them?” I kept my voice hush and jabbed him in the chest with my finger. “You
tell me what to do.” I closed my eyes and exhaled. “What’s the plan?”

As Gabriel was pulling a pair of jeans on, the front door slammed against the wall. They obviously weren’t trying the subtle approach. The thuds of boots hitting the wood floor filled the cabin like surround sound. Then there was the distinct sound of a gun cocking.

Gabriel gently pushed me up against the wall beside the door. He closed his eyes and kissed me. I returned the gesture and said, “That better not be a goodbye kiss.”

Of course not,” he whispered and his lips touched my ear, sending shivers down my body. “This is
we’re talking about.”

Good old pompous Gabriel is back
, I thought, filling me with happiness, but it was quickly replaced with dread as the footsteps grew closer. They were exploring the rooms beside us.

We’re not going to make it.

I was panicking and I was wrong. I
make it; they wouldn’t kill me. They needed me. They wouldn’t think twice about ending Gabriel though. I knew instantly what I had to do to save Gabriel. I had refused days ago to ever find myself alone again. Without Gabriel, I would just go back to being a shell of a person, a dried up husk. He promised he would never leave and I would hold him to that promise, but it didn’t mean I couldn’t help him keep it. So I had decided on my plan.

I would be bait.

I mentally prepared myself. I pulled down Gabriel’s face to mine and kissed him. My lips moved against his slowly until I wanted it fast. My tongue pressed against his lips and they willingly parted. My fingernails dug into his neck, pulling him to me, our kisses deepening, growing more heated. And then, as quickly as it started, I pulled away, leaving him momentarily stunned. Taking the opportunity I had created, I opened the door, stepped out into the living room, and closed the door quickly behind me. Gabriel didn’t have a clue until I was gone.

I was face to face with Leonard.

Chapter 21

[ Gabriel


I immediately moved towards the door and twisted the doorknob. It wouldn’t budge. Elle was holding it tightly on the other side.

What was she up to?

I gripped and re-gripped my axe. I was dying to use it. I wanted more than anything to bust through that door and decapitate the lot of them. But Elle obviously had a plan of some sort that she
confide in me and I didn’t want to risk fucking it up.

I muttered her name like it was a cuss word. It took everything I had to just stand there and wait until the opportune moment to make my move. I would have to read her mind to know when to make my entrance, and unfortunately for us both, I wasn’t gifted with ESP.

Hello there.” That voice—it was the one Elle feared most.
What was his name? Oh yeah—Leonard.
My axe became an extension of my arm.

Leonard,” Elle said. I put my ear up to the door and closed my eyes. She was only inches away from my touch. I thought I could hear her breathe, steady, sure.
Be brave, Blondie

Have you changed your mind?” He moved closer. My teeth were grinding against each other; my nails silently dug into the wooden door. “Where’s your little boyfriend?”

He’s not here,” she said a little too quickly. “The sandstorm got him.”

You’re lying,” Leonard drawled. I heard the other men—two of them—snicker. “We saw men’s clothing by the waterfall.”

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