Finding Her Fantasy (12 page)

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Authors: Trista Ann Michaels

BOOK: Finding Her Fantasy
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Erik leaned his forearms on the table and began to fidget with the napkin. He’d seemed
pensive and distant most of the morning. Not for the first time, she wondered what
was bothering him.

“Melinda…Jon and I need to talk to you about something,” he began.

Tension stiffened her spine at the ominous tone in his voice. Had last night affected
him too and now he wanted to send her home early? Was the fact that he was friends
with her brother freaking him out?

“Okay,” she hedged.

The waitress walked over and interrupted whatever he’d been about to say. While Erik
placed their orders, she glanced over at Jon and noticed the worry lines around his
eyes had deepened. Had something happened?

Once the waitress had gone, Erik sighed and gave her an apologetic look. “I hate to
have to ask you about your former boyfriend, but…”

She raised an eyebrow. Nothing like ruining a perfectly good day. “Why on earth would
you want to ask me about Clark?”

“I know it’s a bit odd, but it’s important,” Jon said.

“Why?” she asked.

“How much did he know about your finances?” Erik asked.

Melinda frowned. “My finances?”

Erik nodded.

“If you’re talking about how much money I have, then I believe he knew about all of
it. Now that I think back, he even tried to covertly get my Swiss passwords. Why?”

“Marcus moved the Swiss accounts, correct?” Erik asked.

“Yeah, he moved them to…” She scowled, her mistrust growing all of a sudden. Her brother
had moved the accounts right after Clark dumped her, but he’d told her it was because
of the new tax laws and disclosure between Switzerland and the U.S. “Why are you asking
me about that?”

Erik let out a slow breath and studied his clasped hands. His tan skin looked even
darker against the white of the linen tablecloth.

“I know about the trust your grandfather left and how it’s set up.”

“Right,” she drawled. “That no one but me and Marcus can access it, and if I marry,
an airtight prenup kicks in and prevents my new husband from getting any of it.”

“Yes,” Erik said as he sat back allowing the waitress to set their coffees down as
well as the pastries he’d ordered.

Melinda waited until the girl left and then frowned at Erik. “What are you getting
at, Erik?”

“The money you’ve earned on your own is not as well protected and now resides in the
Caymans, correct?”

She didn’t answer, just lifted her coffee cup and took a sip of the strong South American
drink. “What’s your point?” she asked suspiciously.

“I think you’re doing a lousy job at this, Erik,” Jon said with just a hint of amusement.

Erik sighed. “Yeah, I know. Before we left, Marcus told me that Clark had been following
you. He believes since his plan to marry into your money failed, he will try to get
it another way.”

Melinda’s eyes went wide. “Marcus thinks Clark would physically hurt me?” She laughed,
surprising both men. “Oh, give me a break. Clark is harmless. He has nothing to gain
by killing me. The money would revert to Marcus, even if we’d married. My grandfather
didn’t trust anybody.”

“He could torture you for your passcodes and empty out your accounts before you could
blink an eye,” Jon offered.

Melinda stopped her cup halfway to her lips. Would Clark do that? Really?

“Why are you telling me this?” she asked.

“Because Clark has fallen off the radar. Your brother had a pretty tight lock on his
every move until the day we brought you here,” Erik said. “We haven’t been able to
find him since.”

She set her cup down and frowned. “That’s…” She wasn’t sure whether to be angry or
grateful. “That doesn’t mean anything. If he was watching me, then he saw me leave
with you. He’s just off licking his wounds somewhere, not plotting a snatch and grab.”

“We wanted you to know so you can be aware and careful. Don’t go off anywhere without
either me or Jon, both would be even better,” Erik said.

Jon set his cup down and added, “It might not be a bad idea either to have Marcus
change your passwords to something you don’t know. Just in case.”

“Then how would I access the money?” she asked drily.

“It’s just a temporary solution, Mel. Just until we find him. You still have access
to your money through debit cards; you just wouldn’t be able to access it online without
the codes.”

Melinda trusted her brother, so that wasn’t the issue. Her problem was with herself.
Was Clark really capable of something like that, and if he was, how had she missed
it? How had she been so blinded by her attraction to him that she didn’t catch the
small hints to his real character?

The realization that she’d been so stupid and so blind only left her feeling insecure
and uncertain. If she’d missed things about him, could she also be missing signs in
others as well?

“This is like one of those made for TV movies where the sister is cleverly swindled
out of every last dime, then left to rot in a ditch while her brother and his girlfriend
live high on the hog with her stolen money,” she mumbled as she stared into her coffee

Melinda tried to make the words sound lighthearted, but something in her voice must’ve
given her away.

“Are you fucking insane?” Erik snapped. “If you really think that’s what your brother
is up to, I need to take you somewhere private and beat the shit out of your ass so
hard you wouldn’t be able to sit for a month.”

Melinda stared in surprise at Erik’s angry expression. “It was a joke,” she whispered.

“The hell it was,” Erik growled. “You should know better, Mel. You’re a smart woman.
So you made a mistake. We all do. It’s part of life, but you can’t let that mistake
dictate your every move.”

“But how will I know?” she asked in exasperation. “How will I ever know what someone
really wants from me?”

Erik reached out and covered her hand with his. The comforting touch of his fingers
over hers sent tingles up her arm to settle around her heart.

“You may never know for certain. We’re not mind readers, but sometimes you just have
to take a leap and have faith that it will all work out.”

She swallowed the sudden lump in her throat that threatened to choke her. Blinking
back tears and drawing in a slightly shaky breath, she pulled her hand out from under
Erik’s and reached for her cup.

Could she do that? Just have faith? Maybe someday, but not yet.

She started to take a sip and then narrowed her eyes over the rim of the cup as she
studied Erik, then Jon. “Does all this warning stuff have something to do with the
snake that we found in my bed?”

Jon sighed. “Yes and no. It’s not unheard of for snakes to get into the house, but
it’s never happened before, so we just want to be cautious.”

She snorted. “So in your mind he’s either trying to kill me for revenge or maybe even
just for the hell of it, or he has nothing to do with the snake, but you think he
might try to grab and torture me for my codes?”

Erik snickered behind his cup. “She makes it sound preposterous, doesn’t she?”

“Preposterous or not, I would feel better if you would follow our instructions without
argument,” Jon replied.

She shrugged one shoulder and took a sip of her coffee. “Fine. I can play victim in
protective custody. Just don’t ask me to wait on you hand and foot.”

Erik and Jon shared a chuckle. “Oh, now it’s on,” Erik murmured, making the hairs
on the back of her neck stand on end.

Just what had she gotten herself into?

* * * *

Melinda didn’t have to wait long to find out just what she was in for. Why had she
made that comment about not waiting on them hand and foot?

She stared at Erik, her mouth hanging open. “You can’t be serious.”

Erik dropped into the wicker chair and frowned up at her. The warm breeze ruffled
his hair, giving him a boyish appearance that contrasted with the dangerous glint
in his blue eyes.

“I’m dead serious, Melinda,” he growled.

“I wouldn’t push him if I were you, Mel,” Jon drawled. “You basically issued a challenge
at the coffee shop earlier, and now he plans to make you do exactly what you said
you wouldn’t.”

“It’s one thing to be a Dom when it comes to sex, but I’m not your damn maid, and
I’m damn sure not going to hand-feed you. If you want a bowl of fruit, get up and
fix it yourself.”

Jon’s lips twitched, but Erik’s eyes narrowed into hard slits. “Excuse me?”

She put her hands on her hips and bent closer, so he could hear her more clearly.
“I said no.”

Erik stood up so fast the chair scooted across the terra-cotta tile that covered the
upper veranda. Melinda’s back went straight as a rod, and her chin tilted defiantly
in the air.

I have a safe word. I have a safe word. What the hell is my safe word?

“Damn that’s hot as hell,” Jon murmured off to the side, but Melinda ignored him.

Her eyes were on Erik’s intense, angry blue ones as he stared down his nose at her,
sending dark currents of need across every inch of her flesh. God, what the hell was
the matter with her?

“I was going to let the clothes slide this evening, but I believe I’ve changed my
mind. Strip, Melinda. Now.”

Melinda’s mouth dropped open, and then she quickly clamped it shut. Damn bossy prick.
Fine. It wasn’t like she hadn’t been naked around here anyway. She could handle a
strip tease.

Keeping her gaze glued to his, she slowly began to unbutton her blouse. Erik’s eyes
flickered to her chest before coming back to rest on her face. The blue of his eyes
sparked with heat, making her entire body burn. Wow, she loved it when he looked at
her like that.

She lowered her blouse and let it fall to the floor. She reached behind her and unclasped
her bra, letting it join her top on the tile. Her breasts felt heavy and ached for
his touch, but he kept his hands down by his hips. She glanced down and noticed how
he balled his hands into fists as though trying not to touch her.

She brought her gaze back to his as she unzipped her shorts and removed them along
with her underwear. She now stood before him naked, heated, and so totally aroused
she could hardly stand it. What was it about his stare that could melt her like butter
on a hot day?

He tilted his head toward the large table where they usually ate their meals. “Now
go grip the edge of the table and bend over so I have a good view of that pretty ass.”

She licked her lips nervously. Was this going to be some sort of punishment for saying
no? She walked over and gripped the edge of the table. Arching her back slightly,
she bent forward. Her stare caught Jon’s and a prickle of apprehension traveled up
her spine.

“You should’ve just fed him the strawberries, love,” he murmured softly, but Melinda
didn’t miss the spark of amusement in his gaze.

She started to glance over her shoulder, but the sting that landed across the back
of her upper thigh caught her by surprise and made her gasp.

Chapter 13

Melinda looked quickly over her shoulder and was rewarded with another slap to her
ass. She squealed and glared at Jon, who stood on the other side of the table watching
with eyes that glowed with lust. The desire she saw blazing in the depths of his gaze
made her shiver.

“I like how her breasts jiggle when you slap her with the flogger,” Jon said as he
met her gaze and smiled just a bit, just enough to leave her wary.

He had a devilish glint in his eyes that made her nervous. She tried to glance behind
her again. “Where the hell did you get a flogger?”

“Face forward,” Erik commanded and punctuated his words with another slap of the flogger.

The leather straps caressed her flesh with a harsh sting that caused heat to bloom
under her skin. Melinda tightened her fingers on the edge of the table and felt the
heat of a flush move over her face. Despite the sting, despite the harsh slap of the
leather, her pussy began to throb, and her nipples tingle.

She should use her safe word. She should shout it at the top of her lungs and walk
away from this madness. She should. But she didn’t want to. She realized it the second
he slapped her ass for the fourth time and a sound similar to a moan escaped her lips.

Jon’s eyebrow shot up. “Well, well,” he drawled.

Melinda bit her lip in embarrassment. The flogger landed on the table next to her,
and she stared at it in surprise before turning to look at Erik warily.

“It does no good to punish you if you enjoy it,” he snarled.

“I didn’t,” she snarled back at him.

Erik walked up behind her and slid his hand between her legs. Melinda gasped and attempted
to jerk away, but Erik grabbed her hips and snapped, “Be still.”

Melinda froze. Shock worked its way through her system at how quickly, and without
thought, she just did what he said. His fingers slid through the damp folds of her
pussy, and she bit her tongue to keep from moaning again at his touch.

“If you didn’t enjoy it, then why are you so wet?” he purred as his fingers circled
her opening.

Even as embarrassment heated her cheeks, her hips moved in time with his touch. When
she pushed back, trying to get him to slide his fingers inside her, he pulled away.
She gasped at the loss of his warmth as he moved to pick up the flogger.

Her heart raced with anticipation. She should be ashamed of herself. She should be
shocked. She should be afraid, but instead she felt only excitement. Was it the flogger,
or was it Erik that had her so tense and needy?

“I think I know exactly how to punish you,” he murmured.

“How’s that?” Jon asked with interest.

“Flog her and not let her come.”

Melinda’s eyes went wide. “What?”

“No orgasm,” Erik said.


“Come and there’ll be hell to pay. Am I clear?”

Okay, now she was scared. Was he serious? How the hell was she supposed to keep herself
from coming?

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