Finding Her Rhythm (Backstage Pass Series) (12 page)

BOOK: Finding Her Rhythm (Backstage Pass Series)
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Without another word he undid the cuffs around her wrists, freeing her to dig her fingers into his muscled shoulders and flexing ass. He left her legs tied, the illusion of being trapped, held down for her lover’s pleasure.
Too much.

Inch by slow inch he worked his way inside. Sometimes he’d pause, others he’d ease back and start again. She almost choked with desp
eration, but he wouldn’t be hurried.

Finally, he settled fully within her
. Holding himself still, he returned to her breasts, sucking as she ran her fingers through his short hair. Long moments lapsed as she floated into a fog of electric eroticism. Michael played her body like a master; she was more than willing to submit.

Between one moment and the next, the urgency caught up with him and he
raised up on his knees. His sure hands lifted her hips, positioning her just the way he wanted. Taylor’s pussy tightened in anticipation. A few strokes from tip to top, pushing all the way in with devastating effect. A few strokes gathering speed, searching for just the right angle. Then a divine race to the finish.

He beat her by mere seconds, the pulse of him inside her detonating the heavy tension in her core. A flash of light behind her eyes
, then every cell in her body flew apart. Her screams seemed to echo forever. Then a slow slide back to awareness. A heaving man burying his face in the crook of her neck. Gently she soothed the slight tremble from his back, whispering everything and nothing into the darkness of night.

He pulled back to brush his lips across hers, making her aware that they were still joined, that he hadn’t softened.
“Michael?” she gasped as his hips started to move again.

Once more, baby.”

As her body gathered to meet his demands, only one thought remained…
heaven help her





Chapter Eleven


“Mmmm, mmmm,” Michael murmured as he nuzzled the crook of her neck.

Taylor shivered
even though it wasn’t cold in the pool. The electricity of his touch was enough to excite her all over again, despite how many times he’d had her in the last three days.

She’d discovered he was an opportunist, taking advantage of any and every situation to make her body sing as beautifully as his guitar. The laps she’d just finished in the pool should have exhausted her—had, in fact, left her gasping for breath against the side of the poo
l. And who should sneak up but Handsy Man?

Not that she was complaining.

Mr. Handsy quickly distracted her by introducing her to the joys of underwater foreplay. Kissing, letting their bodies drift together and apart, wet skin against wet skin. Then he started peeling her swimsuit from her shoulders.

Panic roc
keted through her. Up until now they’d been in the bed. In a shadowed room. Not in broad daylight, out in the open.

No,” she squeaked, trying to pull the straps back up her arms before they could get away from her.

“No?” His eyes narrowed.
He paused—not pushing further, but also not letting her pull back. “Why?”

She shook her head, then glanced around the atrium. Her gaze landed squarely on the door into the house.
“What if someone comes in?”

Like who? Susan’s on vacation.”

One of the security guys. Or Daniel. Or—”

Then they should have enough sense to quietly walk away. Don’t worry. I won’t let anything embarrass you.”

If only she could have stopped the grimace before it appeared…

Michael wasn’t about to let that pass. “What was that?”

Even though her body hummed just with him near, she couldn’t bring herself to get naked in here. What if she didn’t appeal to him once he saw her in some real light?

“Taylor, look at me.”

She prevaricated a moment or two, watching the water lap against his muscled abs. Just like she wanted to do.
In the dark.


The dark undertone had her gaze skittering upward. His hands didn’t force her. His voice compelled her to obey. Just the simple act of looking at him when he commanded it had her body softening, her core aching with need.

Once he had her compliance, his long fingers reached out to trace her jawline. “What’s the matter? I told you, you don’t have to worry about anyone coming in. I can go lock the inner door if that would make you feel better.”

He wanted to make her comfortable. She knew that, an
d was grateful for it. But this he couldn’t fix. She held still, unsure what to do.

He studied her for long moments. Those fingers glided back and forth, applying just enough pre
ssure for her to feel him. When she thought she might melt into the pool water, he finally said, “Tell you what…let’s play a game.”

Her eyes widened. She knew from the laughter invading his face that he could read her well.

“What’s the matter?” he asked. “Don’t you trust me?”

Not an inch.”

He pressed closer, rubbing the hard thrust of his cock against her stomach.
“You should.”

That just proves you’ll do anything to get what you want.”

Oh, I’ll get what I want. That defiance will not go unpunished, babe. Now, play with me.”

Who could resist those beautiful
misty blue eyes and the dark hair shining with water droplets like diamonds? “What do you want me to do?”

Not much.” To her relief, he pulled the straps of her suit back onto her shoulders. “A better question is, what am I gonna do?”

She swallowed hard a
s she watched his hands hook into the waistband of his trunks and strip them down, leaving him naked in the translucent blue water. She dimly heard the splat as his swimsuit landed in a soggy heap on the poolside concrete. Her eyes were glued to his strong legs, now planted a foot apart, and the jut of his cock only feet away from her. He
didn’t play nice.

I’m going to ask you a few questions. If you are a good girl and answer me, I’ll reward you very well.”

She certainly couldn’t look away as his hand fisted his heavy member, stroking it slow and easy in its watery habitat.

“If you refuse to answer me, it might not go so easy for you.”

His hand released, floating
, empty, up into the water. The same way she felt inside. Empty, in need of being filled. She gave a quick nod and braced herself for whatever he had in store.

Who gave you your first kiss?”

She smiled. This one was easy.
“Actually, he didn’t give it to me, I stole it. Jimmy Davies, on the playground behind the monkey bars.”

Ah, aggressive. I’m not sure how I feel about that.”

Don’t worry about it
“Well, considering he shoved me into the dirt after having his way with me, I think I learned my lesson.” Taylor was very afraid all the gumption might have been beaten out of her. Her mood dropped like a stone in the water. How could she ever live up to the expectations of a rock star? Even if that rock star was the Michael she’d come to want so much.

Pushing through the water, he reached her within a few strides and cupped her face, guiding it up as he loved to do, holding her captive for his kiss.
Ah, her reward. Slow but thorough. He seemed in no hurry to move away or continue the game. She sank into the feel of his lips against hers. Kissing Michael was like the Mexican hot chocolate she’d had once. Sweet, with a hint of dark spice.

He stepped back, once more depriving her of his touch.
“When was your first sexual experience with another person?”

She swallowed hard, almost as afraid of revealing her sexual history as she was of exposing her body. At least he hadn’t asked her about her
first experience, period. Talking about masturbation would have been even more embarrassing.

I slept with a guy I’d been dating for a while after dinner one night.” It had been as uninspired as it sounded.

That wasn’t what I asked.”

Her gaze shot up to connect with his, taking in his stern expression and imposing stance. How could simply crossing his arms over his chest be both intimidating and arousing all at once?

I don’t want to answer.

Apparently he already knew that. He approached her
once more, managing to stalk, even in waist-high water. He set his hands firmly on her shoulders. “I don’t like it when you hide things from me.” Then his hands started to pull down the straps he’d so recently replaced.

She struggled, oh, how she struggled, but in the end strength won out. When he was done, the top half of her maillot was bunched around her waist, her full breasts floating on the top of the water. Michael tweaked her nipples, pulling a moan from deep in her throat. This was supposed to be punishment, but the embarrassment mingled with a desire for him to touch her even more.

“Now,” he murmured, his gaze on his teasing fingers. “I asked
did you have that experience.”

Guess he wasn’t going to let her out of that. Fearful that his punishment would be to stop touching her, she whispered,
“I was twenty-three, my last year of college.”

No interest or lack of opportunity?”

She didn’t want to go there.
“It’s a long story.”

He didn’t even warn her this time. He simply dipped
beneath the water and pulled her legs out from under her. By the time she came up for air, he had her naked. She dived for the side, intent on reaching her towel, but he caught her halfway there. “Oh no you won’t. And if you don’t want to be on display on that rock over there, you’ll tell me the truth.”

Yikes! Guess her actions had given him the very ammunition he needed to get her to do what he wanted. Damn him. The l
ast thing she wanted was to be “on display”.

The rock Michael referred to was a natural slab horizontal to the pool’s shallow end. What hadn’t already been smoothed out by nature had been worn down by the continual stream of the man
-made waterfall that fed into the pool. And while making love in a waterfall sounded scrumptious, she’d have to actually be out of the water and laid out for his viewing pleasure. On her back. Near the door. Bare thighs and all.

She sa
nk back under the minimal covering of the water. So not happening.

Look. I had a very conservative upbringing, typical of many families here in the Bible Belt. Premarital sex was firmly against our religion. I very much wanted to please my parents.” Especially considering the kinky nature of her hidden desires. “Then I went to a religious college. Not as many keg parties as at a normal school.” She crossed her arms over her chest, trying to take control of the parts of her floating to the surface. “It just took awhile, that’s all.”

She sensed him move closer, even though she refused to look.

“Very good, Taylor. I think you deserve a reward, don’t you?”

His gray
eyes didn’t hold the judgment or amusement she expected from someone so much more experienced. Just heat, like her words had somehow lit a flame deep inside.

Reaching out, he firmly pulled her arms to her sides. A slight pressure indicated they should stay there. Then he made his way back across her ribs to her breasts, engulfing them in his palms.

“What’s your favorite sexual position?” He spoke so casually it almost took her breath away. “No wait let me guess. Being tied down?”

This time she met his gaze head-
on, the “yes” ready on the tip of her tongue. But she didn’t need to speak. He read the answer in her eyes and rewarded her accordingly.

Sinking neck-
deep in the water, he brought his mouth to the nipples so enticingly prepared for him. She moaned, her head falling back, her eyes drifting closed as the warmth and suction engulfed the tip.

The water flirting underneath them only heightened the sensations, making her forget how exposed she was. Physically and emotionally. He pul
led hard enough to weaken her, shooting sparks deep into her core. One side, then the other, until her nipples were cherry red and proud of it.

Maybe this game wasn’t so bad after all.

Standing, he let his chest brush against her as he rose, abrading the abused flesh with delicious sensation. This time her knees did give out, but he caught her. Her body felt like it was on stimulation overload. The roaring in her ears covered his next question. When she simply blinked at him, he asked again.

What was your best sexual experience before meeting me?”

Immediately her mi
nd filled with images of her first night in a BDSM club. The same club she’d met Bradley in. Some of the things she’d seen made her flinch, but some…some of them had her creaming where she stood. She’d been completely unprepared. Light bondage, spanking, toys…not that she wanted to be on display, but watching had hit all the good parts for her.

The stranger she’d hooked up with in the back had set off some fireworks of his own. It had been incredible…and left her feeling incredibly dirty. Her biggest step outside of her religious upbringing had resulted in some heavy guilt, but she’d known then that she needed something a little more adventurous than the normal marriage and two-point-five kids her church encouraged young people to find.

Apparently she took a little too long to answer—not that she wanted to share the mixed feelings that came with something Michael would have found infinitely tame.

Wow,” he said, “I thought this would be easy. We seem to be hitting all the sore spots today.”

She barely resisted the drag across th
e pool before he lifted her onto the rock under the waterfall. A firm hand secured her face-down, perpendicular to the falls so the water washed down against her side.

Mortification burned as she realized her ass was now bare to the air. But she didn’t have long to think about it as his palm made sharp contact with her backside.
Was he really spanking her?
Sure enough, the wet slap of water and sting of flesh meeting flesh had her body opening in invitation. She couldn’t decide whether to squirm away or raise her rump.

Her hands curled against the rock under her shoulders as if to push herself up, but in the end she simply dug in and moaned. Pathetic. But necessary. Finally the smacks slowed, transforming into rubbing strokes, hot against her throbbing skin. She took several deep breaths, struggling to orient herself.

Looking up at him over her shoulder, she returned to the question. “There was nothing really good before you,” she said, utterly exposed, utterly open.

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