Finding Her Soldier (BBW, Military Erotic Romance)

BOOK: Finding Her Soldier (BBW, Military Erotic Romance)
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Finding Her Soldier


By Haley Nix



© 2014 By Haley Nix

Her Soldier
is a work of fiction. Names,
characters, places, incidents and events are the products of the author’s
imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales
or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

rights reserved. This book or portions thereof may not be reproduced, scanned,
or distributed in any form whatsoever without direct permission from the

book is intended
Only for Mature Audiences 18+.
It contains mature
themes, substantial sexually explicit scenes and graphic language which may be
considered offensive by some readers.


Her Soldier


Chapter One


Online dating. I’d always been reluctant to try it. Ugh,
was I really stooping this low? But my friends all told me it wasn’t so bad. A
lot of the guys they met on there were actually pretty great. That’s what they
anyways. I sipped a glass of wine as I filled out my profile. Choose a screen
name, write about my hobbies and interests, favorite movies, music, food, etc.
things I can’t live without

If I was being honest, I should put sex as one of
those six things. I hadn’t slept with anyone in a really long time. It was
me. But I didn’t want to attract the wrong kind of attention; I wasn’t just
here for a one night stand. Sure, a good fuck would be absolutely delightful,
but I didn’t want to wake up alone the morning after. Besides, if I was just in
it for casual sex I could find that at any bar late on a Saturday night.

Then I got to a tough question:
Body Type
Ugh, what were my options here? I scanned them, Athletic, Skinny, Average, etc.
Always a sore spot for me, thinking about my body type. If I was being honest
I’d have to choose Curvy. I sighed. Did that decrease my chances of meeting
someone? I hoped not, but sometimes it seemed like it did.

It’s not necessarily that guys weren’t attracted to
me physically, but sometimes my self-confidence was shockingly low. I rarely
came out of my shell for that reason, and the bubbly, sassy personality that I
had around my friends was hardly ever on display around strangers, especially
if there were hot guys.

Whatever, I’d select “Curvy” and see what happened.
There was no use lying about that, especially when it would be quite obvious
that I was a curvy girl as soon as anyone viewing my profile took a look at my
pictures. I’d just have to go with the flow and see what happened.

Before I could set my profile live, I had to answer
a bunch of questions, supposedly to help me find my match. I laughed cynically
to myself. As if some computer could help you find true love, as if it could
calculate some number that made sense of the chemistry that either
did or
exist between two people. But answering the questions was actually
pretty fun, and after a while I started getting really into it. Even if it
didn’t work perfectly, it still might be pretty interesting. No reason to take
myself too seriously here, it was freaking online dating, after all.

After I was done with the questions, I could finally
begin scoping out some of the guys on the site. But before that happened, I
started getting a barrage of messages in my inbox. Most of them rather blunt
and rude, a lot of guys wanting to know if I was “DTF” or if I “wanted to
Ugh, were there any real men left in the world, ones who knew how to
treat a woman right?
Sometimes I didn’t think so.

I got nicer messages of course, but a lot of them
were from these real nerdy sort of guys. I like a guy with some bulk, big
muscles and a great smile. I yawned, putting my hand up to my mouth. I looked
in the corner of my computer at the little clock and saw that it was past
midnight. Damn, I can’t believe I wasted two hours on this thing, I thought to

I closed my laptop and got up from the couch to get
ready for bed. The world of online dating would have to go on without me. I for
one would be heading to bed for the night. I had a long work day ahead of me
tomorrow and I couldn’t afford to stay up any later than I already had.

Chapter Two

Waking op the next morning was a drag, as usual.
Somehow the power had gone out the night before so my alarm clock didn’t work.
When I checked my phone to see what time it was, I found out that I was almost
twenty minutes behind on my normal morning schedule.

I had a quick breakfast of toast and coffee and
hopped in the shower. In the rush of it all, I made it to work only about ten
minutes late. Not bad actually, all things considered.

My boss was being a hard-ass as usual though. I came
in to find a big pile of papers on my desk. Legal documents that had to be
edited and then re-submitted to him for approval. Just what I needed first
thing in the morning.

I set to work quickly and was making pretty good
progress until about 11 AM. Then my phone started buzzing like crazy.
Apparently, I’d chosen the setting that sends messages from my online dating
profile directly to my phone.

I have to admit, it was kind of nice. Whenever my
boss was out of the room, I’d take a sneak peak and see who’d messaged me or
who had visited my profile. A couple OK guys, but no one who really blew me
away. Nonetheless, it was nice to catch a break from the tedium of the workday.

A little after 1 PM I stepped out for my lunch break
with Becky, a co-worker and one of my few friends at work. We took a short walk
to a small deli around the corner and got a few sandwiches. Fortunately, we got
long lunch breaks at my office, so it was a nice chance to unwind. When we
found an empty table, we sat down and I let her in on the recent news.

“So,” I said. “I
did it.”

?” asked Becky.

“I took your suggestion and signed up for OK Cupid,”
I said, a small smirk on my face, trying to hide my embarrassment.

“Oh, good for you! Any luck yet?”

“Well, I just signed up last night. I have a few
messages in my inbox, but nothing really special.”

“Yeah, it’s like that. But there are
a lot
guys on there. You’ll find someone.”

“I don’t know. A lot of them seem like really
awkward guys who can’t get a date. And then there are the ones on there just
looking for a one night stand.”

“Trust me. There are good guys out there. It just
takes a bit. Remember, that’s where I met Rob. But it took a few months.”

“A few MONTHS?” I said. “I don’t know if I can wait
long. It’s, you know, been awhile since I’ve…”

“Well, then why not go with a one night stand?”
asked Becky.

“Eh, it might be good for me. I just don’t know how
I’d feel about it afterwards.”

“True. Trust me, just give it a little time, no need
to rush into things. When it’s right, it’s right. But it’s worth going out on
dates. You never know what someone is like just from a profile.”

“That’s a good point,” I said. “We’ll see what

“Yes. And you will of course let me in on
the details.”

I laughed.

“Yes, of course.”

We headed back to the office and back to the workday
tedium. The good thing about taking a late lunch was that the latter half of
the day was a bit shorter. And the day was less boring than usual since every
half hour or so I’d sneak a quick peak at my phone to see if there were any new

All the same, five o’clock couldn’t come fast
enough. And unfortunately my boss had asked me to stay later tonight to finish
another project. I gave him my fake smile and complied. It’s not like I wasn’t
used to this sort of thing; he had a real habit of working us hard around this
time of year.

So, I worked as fast as I could and got things tied
up nicely by 5:45 PM. I slipped out the door before he could ask me to do
anything else.

When I got home, I made myself a light dinner and
sat down in front of the TV for a few hours to unwind. Occasionally, I’d check
my phone, but decided I didn’t want it to become too much of a habit.

I went to bed a few hours later, very sleepy from
the wine I’d drank. I was happy though because I’d received a message from a
guy who was kind of cute. We’d set up a date for the coming weekend. I knew
that the hours at work were bound to drag by over the next few days. Oh well, I
thought, somehow I’ll get through it.

Chapter Three

In hindsight, I don’t know why I was so anxious for
the week to be over with. The date ended up being a
total bust
. I was
almost excited to get back to work on Monday so I’d have Becky to laugh about
it with.

We’d gone to a nice restaurant, but the guy was a
total douchebag. He actually asked me if I could pay for my half of the bill! I
guess it’s like they say, chivalry
dead. The most ridiculous part was
that afterwards he still invited me over to his place.

. Not a chance in hell was I doing
that. Aside from being totally rude and not charming whatsoever, he was incredibly
dull in general. Strike one for online dating. Becky encouraged me to keep back
at it though, so I decided to continue giving it a shot.

The next few weeks saw more of the same. I kept
going on dates, but all of them were bad in slightly different ways. I met some
nice guys who were just too boring, or we didn’t have anything in common, or
they were awkward, or too short, or whatever.

I began to think that maybe I was being too picky. I
to hold out like this. A guy was a guy, right? No, that’s
not true, I told myself. It was worth holding out for the right person; I was
just starting to lose confidence that I’d find him anytime soon.

But just when I was starting to lose faith in
everything, something new caught my eye. I was at work when a new notification
popped up on my phone:
Soldier1985 is looking at your profile
. That was
interesting. I clicked on the notification which took me to his full profile.




Currently serving as a Sgt. in the U.S. Army.

Football, college basketball, my dog (Duke), politics

Favorite Food:

Favorite Drink:
Beer or Bourbon (depending on my mood)


Those were the basics. Everything seemed in order. I
clicked on his picture which brought me to a page of photographs. There he
stood in the middle of the desert, his arms folded and a Humvee in the
background, sleeves rolled up bearing the muscles of his arms, the hot sun
glinting off his sunglasses and a huge smile plastered across his face.

Well, well, well
I thought. I certainly liked the looks of this. I scrolled to the next picture.
It was basically the same picture, except he was in front of a red Ford F-150
and wearing civilian clothes. His dog, Duke, was in the truck bed.

, I thought,
a cute dog
. I was a huge animal lover, so this was definitely a perk for
me. There’s something tender about a man who loves animals.

I looked through the remaining pictures until I came
to the last one, him and a bunch of his buddies at the beach. He was wearing a
straw cowboy hat, shirt off, with a cold Budweiser bottle in his hand.

I felt myself getting hot.
Damn, look at those
, I thought.
And those pecs, such definition
. His arms were big
and muscular, definitely something I could envision myself wrapped in on a dark
and stormy night.

Why didn’t guys like this send me messages on here?
I mulled this over as I clicked back to the first page of his profile. Then
this caught my eye:


You should message me if:

You’re a strong woman
who can handle a military man like me. My life is challenging, but challenging
is what I’m all about. I wouldn’t have it any other way. I have one of the
toughest jobs in the world, and I love it. I’m damn proud of that fact. I need
a woman who can be tough, too. I want a woman who isn’t just attractive, but
confident, smart, and kind. My job, by nature, requires me to leave for
extended time periods, so any woman I’m with has to understand that. I’m a very
loyal and faithful person. I expect the same of any woman who seeks to be my


Wow, I thought. That was actually a thoughtful
response. Most profiles I read had something along the lines of “You should
message me if you want to hang out and grab a drink sometime.” They all seemed
so childish, focused on the short-term and fleeting. But not this man, he was a
real man, after all. He seemed to really know what he wanted out of life.

But did I dare message him? I thought about it for a
bit. What harm could it do? It wasn’t like walking up to him in a bar and
getting rejected face to face. If he didn’t message me back, then no big deal.

But the more I thought about that, the more I didn’t
like the sound of it. I also didn’t want to look too forward or too eager.
Would I be coming on too strong?
Wasn’t it the guy’s job to reach out first

Truthfully, I didn’t know what the best way to
proceed was, so I just held off for the time being. Over the next few days I
came back to his profile and looked at his pictures.
Damn, he was freaking
. Honestly, the slim possibility that he could be interested might make
messaging him worth it.

I noticed, however, that he hadn’t been online for
several days, since the day he first looked at my profile, actually. Hmm, maybe
that was why he hadn’t said anything yet.

So I decided to hold off a bit longer, to wait and
see if something would happen on his end.

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