Finding Home (29 page)

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Authors: Georgia Beers

Tags: #Contemporary, #bold, #Fiction, #e-books, #strokes, #Lesbian, #"You're getting rigid and predictable.", #BSB, #ebooks, #Romance

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“You like that?” Sarah asked, her breath in Natalie’s ear only ratcheting her excitement up another notch.

Natalie nodded, not trusting herself to speak.

Sarah continued to massage Natalie’s breasts through her bra, Þ rst one, then the other, Þ rst with one hand, then with both. Natalie tried to keep her squirming to a minimum, but the sensations were so strong, she was sure if she didn’t move at least a little, she might simply implode right there in Sarah’s arms. Her own hands were on Sarah’s thighs, which were stretched out on either side of her. She gripped them tightly, the heat of Sarah’s skin warming her palms. If she wasn’t certain how wet she was after making love to Sarah in the living room, she was deÞ nitely certain now. She could feel herself sliding inside her satin panties and absently wondered if she’d ever been so wet in her entire life.

She didn’t think so.

Sarah slid her right hand up Natalie’s throat, grasped her chin, and turned her head. The next thing Natalie knew, they were kissing, hard, Sarah’s tongue deep in her mouth, her left hand still in ownership of Natalie’s breasts, pushing the bra up and out of the way, focusing all its attention on her aching and now-bare nipples. Prying her Þ ngers from Sarah’s knee, Natalie brought her hand up and grasped the back of Sarah’s neck, trying to pull her impossibly deeper, wanting more of her, just…

Sarah made a sound then, a cross between a grunt and a growl, as she squeezed Natalie’s body more tightly, pulling her even closer. Then she was moving, her legs were moving, and Natalie felt Sarah’s feet, heels pushing between her shins, separating them, so that when Sarah slid her own feet along the sheet in opposite directions, she pulled Natalie’s legs apart, spreading

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them wide and pinning them that way. Natalie whimpered at the sudden feel of cool air on the most heated part of her, at the knowledge that she was helplessly exposed and open to Sarah, who had full and easy access to just about every part of her body.

The thought sent a thrill through Natalie, the idea of being at Sarah’s mercy nothing but astonishingly erotic.

Fastening her lips onto the pulse point at the side of Natalie’s neck, Sarah ran her Þ ngernails up and down the inside of Natalie’s thighs, leaving trails of red, causing the eruption of goose bumps.

Natalie was almost embarrassed by the needy cry that tore from her voice box.

“What’s the matter?” Sarah asked in her ear, the teasing lilt unmistakable. “Do you need something?” She raked her Þ ngernails up and down the opposite thigh, and when Natalie’s muscles twitched, Sarah pulled her own feet apart another inch, spreading Natalie even more.

“God, Sarah…”

“What, sweetheart?” Sarah squeezed a nipple, rolled it Þ rmly between her Þ ngers. “Is there something I can do for you?”

“Please…” Natalie was rapidly losing any coherency at all.

The only thing she could focus on was the myriad of sensations rolling through her body on a wave of liquid heat. Sarah totally owned her at that moment. And it was obvious to Natalie that Sarah totally knew it.

“Please what?”

“God, touch me. Please. Oh, Sarah. Please?”

Pressing her lips against Natalie’s ear, Sarah hummed.

“Ooh, begging. Now
what I like to hear.” The hand that had been torturing Natalie’s thighs moved higher, insistent Þ ngertips rubbed against the fabric that covered Natalie’s drenched sex.

Both women groaned at the same time and Natalie threw her head back against Sarah’s shoulder.

“Jesus Christ,” she muttered through clenched teeth, arching as much as she could in her captured state to push herself more Þ rmly against Sarah’s hand.

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Sarah squeezed around her middle tightly, pulling her closer, and Natalie gasped when she felt the wetness from Sarah’s center against the small of her back. Natalie’s orgasm was racing up on her quickly, and Sarah seemed to understand that. Shifting her position, Sarah slipped her hand down the front of Natalie’s panties and plunged her Þ ngers into the liqueÞ ed passion that evidenced her need. “My God, you’re so wet,” she murmured, sending a shiver through Natalie’s body.

“For you,” Natalie whispered, her entire system sizzling, ready to combust.

Sarah pressed her forehead to Natalie’s shoulder and picked up the pace of her hand, their bodies moving in the same rhythm.

It only took a few more seconds before Natalie convulsed and her orgasm hit her full force. Colors exploded behind her eyelids as a primal groan ripped from her throat and her body arched like a bowstring in Sarah’s arms. Her Þ ngers tightened on a Þ stful of Sarah’s hair, her other hand digging into Sarah’s thigh.

She vaguely wondered how her molars didn’t crack, so tightly clenched were her teeth.

Sarah’s hand continued to move between Natalie’s legs until Natalie grasped her wrist and whimpered breathlessly, “Okay…

stop…stop.” Sarah complied and stretched out her legs, freeing Natalie to close her own. They lay together silently, quietly panting, for long moments, the haze of their lovemaking still swirling almost visibly around the room.

“Wow,” Natalie said simply after a while.

“I’ll say,” Sarah agreed.

“You’re…” Natalie’s voice trailed off and she shook her head. “Amazing. It’s the only word I have.”

“Besides wow.”

“Right. Wow and amazing. That’s all I’ve got.” She felt Sarah’s body shake gently as she laughed behind her.

“I’ll take those. Those are good words.”

“They are.” More silence followed as Natalie absorbed the events of the evening, the things that had been said, and where

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they would go from here. She wondered if Sarah was thinking about the same stuff. “So…what now?” she asked timidly, almost afraid to break the spell by bringing reality into the mix.

“Now?” Sarah asked. “Well, let’s see. Now, I think we stretch out under the covers…” She adjusted their positions so they were no longer a tangle of limbs. “We cuddle, and we stay warm, and we rest.” She lay on her back and lifted her arm so Natalie could curl up into her body.

“And then what?” Natalie asked, lifting her head from Sarah’s shoulder so she could look into her eyes.

“And then we do it again.”

Natalie grinned, knowing she was being teased. “And after that?”

“After that, we go forward. Together.”

Natalie held her gaze for long seconds before giving a quick nod. She leaned down and kissed Sarah softly on the mouth. “I like that.”

She lay back down and snuggled in comfortably, allowing herself to be surrounded by the warmth of Sarah’s body and the heady scent of sex still hanging in the air. Just as she began to drift off, she heard a shufß ing from under the bed. Popping her head up, she said, “Bentley?” More shufß ing and he was out, his head propped on the edge of the bed, his butt wiggling. Natalie patted the mattress. “Come on. Come on up.”

“Here we go,” Sarah groaned, rolling her eyes. “It’s starting already.”

Bentley was looking at her, obviously waiting for permission.

“Fine,” she said resignedly. “Come on up.”

He jumped onto the bed immediately and curled up in the crook of Natalie’s knees.

“Thank you,” Natalie said, kissing the tip of Sarah’s nose.

Sarah snorted. “Like you ever
get your way with me.”

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Sarah awoke in the wee hours of the early morning, her ears conditioned to hear the gentle sound of Bentley wandering the darkened house. She listened as he padded into the kitchen to get a drink of water, and slid out of the warmth of the covers to check on him, wondering if he needed to do his business. She found him at the sliding glass door and moved silently to stand beside him. The yard was dark and would be for another couple hours, the whole world asleep except for the creatures that moved under cover of the blackness. Raccoons, possums, mice. She was sure Bentley knew they were out there and even though he was a herding dog by nature and not a hunter, she wondered if he still felt the itch every now and then to give chase, if that desire was in his blood.

“Do you need to go out?” she whispered.

He looked up at her, then turned away from the door and headed into the living room. A pair of shoes lay scattered on the living room carpet and he gave them a happy sniff. They were Natalie’s, and he knew it. Sarah was sure if he could smile and tell her he told her so, he would do just that. It seemed kind of strange, but it was almost as if he was happier with two people in his house now.

He gave the shoes a nuzzle with his nose, then headed back into the bedroom, Sarah following behind. The candle was still

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ß ickering on the nightstand, sending soft and fuzzy shadows along the walls. Natalie was sleeping deeply, snuggled into the covers as if she slept there every night, as if she belonged there.

The sound of her even breathing sent such a wave of comfort and happiness over Sarah that she almost wept.

Bentley hopped up onto the bed and stood looking at Natalie for a moment. He didn’t settle down, though. Instead, he looked at Sarah as she continued to stand in the middle of the room as if to say, “Are you coming back to bed?” Sarah padded across the carpet and gently eased back under the covers. Natalie stirred, shifting her position so she was touching Sarah, tossing a warm arm across Sarah’s middle, snuggling closer but never waking.

Her knees still made a V shape and Bentley settled back down where he had been, sure the herd was safe and sound. He laid his head on Natalie’s knee and continued to watch Sarah. After a few moments, he exhaled a deep, meaningful sigh of contentment and let his eyes drift peacefully closed.

Sarah knew exactly how he felt.

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About the Author

Born and raised in upstate New York, so close to the border she’s practically Canadian, Georgia Beers has been writing since she was old enough to hold a pen. Her Þ rst romance novel,
the Page
, was published in the year 2000. Since then, she’s written Þ ve more and has no intention of stopping anytime soon. Her fourth novel,
Fresh Tracks
, was presented the Lambda Literary Award, as well as a Golden Crown Literary Society Award, for Best Lesbian Romance of 2006.

She lives in North Carolina with Bonnie, her partner of fourteen years, and their two dogs. The eldest of Þ ve daughters, she has a slew of nieces and nephews to keep her on her toes. She is currently hard at work on her seventh novel.

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